Hello there,I'm Kaiko. I'm a self taught artist who loves to draw anything,and make sure to keep everyone safe and happy. This year I was depressed from last year's issues,because it always effected my mental health and I'm doing alright. But this secret…i want you to not talk Abt it as much because it may get the gr00mer to talk to half of the people I'm close with. And this is my first time with a document so if it looks weird looking or having issues,it might be updated or I'm trying to educate on how to do this right to tell people about this emergency.

TRIGGER WARNING:this explanation contains serious topics like Gr00ming,S3xual assault on a minor/harassment, alcohol abuse mentions,s3lf harm,and other things it might have. And when year dates are brought up,i don't like talking abt too much information.

If you are a victim of any of these topics,you need your story to be heard and you deserve love and treatment💖I want you to be brave and move on to who has hurted you for years. We need to stick together and we need to call these monsters out for the things they have done. Support me on my Instagram:kaikomoshi2,to share this story. And Z3ptoon I love ya!!💖(My twinsie who is my best friend!she's also on insta and she'll share this for help!)

My mom is mentioned in this,and I love her very much,she is changing now and she is a respectful woman💖and I want her to be happy everyday for me and the world💕 I love you mom🫂🩷.

If anyone wanted to ask me questions,you could dm me on my discord or Instagram. But not too much,it makes me scared to try answering all of them without sounding like I'm crying while texting (Grammer issues and rushing)💖and I wrote half of this information down and sended it to my school friends who helped me with this,so thank you to them aswell

My life:

When I was little,I was 11 years old,I had autism throughout my childhood. We lived in a ghetto neighborhood and we weren't happy alot due to my abusive fathers issues with drinking and sleeping with other women when I was 6. My siblings and I were living with my mother who was single at the time,and we were struggling a lot on money. She was giving attention and care for us and even me mostly,due to my learning issues and being bullied everyday at schools we transport to a lot. It's not fun when you have learning issues and your brain has to work hard in life about it. When me and my twin sister turned 8 while our brother turned 7,we all met a guy who married my mother and had my baby brother. But we had to move out years later due to his racism and his family drama that contained neglect and abuse. But we met a better father who is the best to us and he is a great stepdad(but also our father💖). My mother was very happy and he loved her like a queen,he was loyal and trusting(he was also struggling on some things too in life with his ex marriage,but my mom and dad now got married in March 3rd this year!!so congratulations to them!❤️‍🔥). But alot was happening in the family,which respectfully to those who are victims of family abuse,i won't talk Abt it alot because it can trigger them while reading this.

My Gr00mer,Soon and hopefully I'll be able to provide screenshots,due to my cracked phone being crushed and loosing half accounts to use evidence I had carried to explain this story:

When I was 11-almost 12,I had my first phone and I was in middle school,I had experiences with online friends a bit and I did have a passion for art. I had small followers and I was ok by it.I was on an app that lets you meet friends that also provided roleplay settings in,due to the app being shut down I wasn't able to remember or check the app again. A “16” year old,the bio reading “My name is Cooper,I'm a digital artist who loves to draw multifandom stuff!^^ and I had short info on my bio only saying “15,artist and I'm shy💖” (at that time I was very young and shy too much) and we talked a lot and he gave me his number,my mom gave me small advice about having numbers and learning how to use it properly and we chatted for a couple of months. Until it got into a subject called “sexting”. I wasn't educated on what the body parts were like and I didn't know about age lying,because again I was young and I was dumb minded after not being in school or being taught good lessons alot. I shared small pictures of myself but drawn,he loved them and he kept talking about how I was a amazing person to him,and would make jokes about kissing me,hugging me and more. I had a small feeling that I was uncomfortable,i told him about it and he said it's normal for people growing up. (Not exactly for me) We talked for more days and told me about what p0rn was and how it was good for you,I was caught one time for looking it up on my mom's laptop and she thought it was my abusive father teaching me that due to his actions and not caring for us. So after a while he texted me back in an aggressive tone. I was telling him how sorry I was and I didn't want to hurt him and he told me it was fine.

(Where I met my irl friends)When I turned 12-13:I was learning about teenhood and how I should keep responsible for myself as a lady,but again I was being picked at harshly and I felt guilty for not taking care of myself for that alot but my sister taught me some things which I understand a little. The “best friend” texted back and he was “18” at that time,and I asked him about his age and how life was going aswell and he told me he's doing great and missed me. He would send inappropriate images to me and I would compliment on them(due to my mom's explanation,it was a mistake of what I should do as a teen and if anybody likes me I had to love them back if I liked them). And he would ask to see my body and I would shyly tell him that I wasn't ready and he'll wait patiently,due to pressure and late texts I sended photos of myself. He would get aroused by them and he would record the things he'll do,he always explain how he would handle me as a girlfriend of his. But I would always tell him I'm shy and not ready for that, he would use thr3ats towards me about leaking my info onto the Internet and I would beg him not to (due to my mom and sister being online alot.) and we would continue to talk and check on eachother…but time past and he never responded. (When I turned 14,I wasn't online as much and I wouldn't talk to anyone again.)

The return of my Abuser/Gr00mer:

In 2022,I was online alot and would draw cookie run content and make new friends. I was shy but i would try fitting in with the others and have fun. I really enjoyed the company alot and I was having a great time. Recently when 2023 was going to start,on June or July,my account was hacked(my first) due to messaging a random person who needed help on a art contest(didn't know about that being a scam) and I had to make a newer one,and I was back online again. My irl friends talked to me alot and they made sure I was ok,i told them I was fine and that I had a new account and they were relieved. My (ex)Boyfriend would talk to me about my hacked account and what happened and I would explain and we went on,I didn't know much about the hacker and I realized i gave them my old phone number which I had at that year,and they would call me over and over again (luckily I had it muted on vibrate mode.) and one day I decided to play around and answer the call,and hear the voice repeating a old username I had as I kid. I hanged up the phone thinking it was a close friend pranking me but I got worried. (During this,the “proship drama” that was falsely accused against me happened a few months later).

(There was an investigation going on months past,but I don't want to talk about it because it made me uncomfortable at this moment while sharing my secret. But good news is the person who was my stalker,and the gr00mers friend,was faced in 40 years in prison.)

A year pasted,and during this time in 2024,in april to June,I was getting thr3atened and being forced to do what the unknown person wanted,because they showed me half of my close friends accounts and claimed that they hacked half of them and would go after me(I blocked half of my gr00mers accounts,but had backups) and mostly my best friend named Gamin. I was scared and he hasn't answered me for a while so I tried brushing it off while i just continued on,the gr00mer had talked to me mostly about how he needed to look for a job to sell little children and shit (grossed out and he even showed me CP…which I had to not look, basically it's not irl kids but it's anime girls because the man had a weird kink).

(To gamin,and his other moots) I deeply apologize,from bringing up a situation I had been forced to say because the gr00mer had mentioned a person no one liked after what they did to one of gamins friends. And we were on call and was forcing me to text rude things while holding my old photos and information. Half of gamins friends won't see this but I wish them the best and they deserve love and peace. The tone of how I texted sounded like I meant it,but I never meant to hurt any of you guys. No one deserves to be hurt or anything. You need love and support💖

After a few days,I was scared to see what the gr00mer would do to me next. But I saw that half of his accounts were banned(Instagram) and logged out of messenger. (A friend named Stacy texted me Abt the man's account because she saw that he was sending her CP and she blocked and reported him about it. She comforted me along with my online friends,thanks Stacy💖). And a week past and I had to get a new phone due to issues with my cracked phone that had my backup accounts and info on it(along with carried evidence and I lost half of my friends contacts).and another friend of mine named Jake,sended me screenshots about the hacker on my account sharing my old art and my account names,but was banned a few days later. and now while I made this doc,my friends were supporting me on this and they wanted justice for me💕

No one deserves to be hurt,you guys need to be cared and love and we need to stop abusers,p3dophiles,gr00mers,who search for more victims. If u want to share this document,use the hashtag #savethevictimswithkaiko !!💖🫂

I'm healing right now,I'm relieved due to letting this out,i don't want anyone to feel down or be hurt. I'm here to help you and I want to care for anybody as possible as I can. And I want to spread positive things around the Internet too,and keep drama or rumors away. Be safe and make sure to not get in drama or be in danger online💖

A message to younger me:

“Im sorry no one protected you,you were honestly scared and you didn't know what to do. Your a sweet girl who deserves to know about things that need to be answered,adults going near young kids for advantage is not ok. Abuse is not ok in this world. Your a angel and your always my best friend in the future🩷” (I wanted my past self to learn about online safety and being careful to those around me,now I'm brave and I'm a happy person in life💖)