We, members of The Australian Greens Victoria gathered in Docklands on 23 July 2023, declare as follows—
Since its formation, our Party has been committed to doing politics in new ways, and to embodying the changes we want to see. Achieving this requires acknowledging our shared humanity and engaging in debate respectfully, including with our political opponents and with those who we have not yet convinced. At all times, we want to distinguish ourselves, in our public statements and actions, and in our internal party behaviour, from other political actors. Abuse, manipulation and half-truths are not the way we win support or deal with each other.
At their best, Greens in public office have demonstrated how even the most profound differences can be robustly yet respectfully communicated. The approach of party elders such as Bob Brown and Christine Milne inspires many Australians, not just Greens. Their work expanded what was considered possible in Australian politics, establishing our Party’s reputation as champion of the right of those with minority views to be heard.
The Party must practise privately what it preaches publicly. There will always be, and there should always be, disagreement within the Party. Differences of opinion regarding policy, strategy and tactics must be aired openly, with no issue declared off-limits and all members entitled to exercise their own judgement. Only with a contest of political ideas, and an informed, deliberative and respectful resolution of that contest by our diverse membership, can our Party hope to convince the broader electorate of the merits of our policies.
We make this declaration because our Party’s success relies on its membership being able to practise politics democratically, without being dictated to by the loudest voices or by members who hold public office. We make this declaration because we want our Party to succeed.
We pledge steadfastly to uphold these principles and to be vigilant in their defence.
We call on all members – particularly State Councillors, members who hold public office, and candidates for these positions – to join with us in making this pledge.
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Marcus Adams
Sophie Aitken
Dr Michael Alexander
Keith Altmann
Jill Anderson
Warwick Armstrong
Matt Armstrong
Richard Aspland
Don Astbury
Brewis Atkinson
Michael Awad
Jenny Backholer
Philippa Bailey
Robert Bakker
Judith Baldacchino
Cr Dr Olivia Ball
Susannah Ball
Greig Bannister
April Baragwanath
Marcus Barber
Dr John Bardsley
Doxia Baris
Alan Barlee
Judy Barlee
Richard Barnes
John Barnes
Gillian Barnett
Robyn Barrand
Jenny Barrett
Dr Margie Beavis OAM
Tim Bedford
Rowena Beecham
Christina Bell
Anne Beuchat
Michel Beuchat
Dr Emmaline Bexley
Lara Bickford
Ann Birrell
Viv Blanksby
Dr Michael Block
Andy Blunden
Julia Blunden
Carol Boglis
John Bowman
Lindy Boyd
Andy Breaden
Bridget Brennan
Jennie Brennan
Ron Breth
John Brownstein
Susan Buckley
Lee Burton
Daniel Caffrey
Paul Caine
Judy Cameron
Robert Cameron
Jenny Campbell
John Campbell
David Capon
John Carpenter
Penny Carruthers
Cr Peter Castaldo
Liz Chase
Qiqi Chen
Jean Christie
Ian Christoe
Sally Clarke
Alison Clarke OAM
Mandy Coats
Chris Cogger
Robert Colman
Valerie Conboy
Andrew Conley
Grant Conn
Jo Connellan
Jeff Cooke
Emily Corcoran
Ray Cowling
Dr John Cox
Diana Crombie
John Curtis
Robert Dart
James Davidson
Cyndi Dawes
Rose De la cruz
Ingrid de Neve
Cr Dr Anjalee de Silva
Ron Dean
Sarah Dekiere
Mary Dracup
Patricia Dressel
Cheryl Duffin
Emma Einsiedel
Joe Erftemeyer
Sally Everitt
Geoff Fagan
David Feith
Lindy Fergeus
Cr Dr Josh Fergeus
Kelly Fergeus
Dr Peter Ferguson
Clare Ferguson
Dr Stephen Fisher
Philip Flanagan
Bill Ford
Peter Forell
Duncan Forster
Helen Fox
John Fraser
Patricia Fraser
Gabriel Fuller
Salvatore Furfaro
Linda Gale
Alana Galli-McRostie
Cr Gavin Gamble
Gisela Gardener
Robin Gardner
Cr Wes Gault
Sam Gaylard
Prof Peter Gell
Phillip Geschke
Paul Gleeson
Matt Goodman
Rob Gordon
Jocelyn Gray
Pete Greenland
Barbara Griffiths
Ian Grundy
Seona Gunn
Dr Reynie Hafner
Bob Hale
Dr Bill Hampel
Cr Tom Hannan
Margaret Hansford
Hilary Harland
Helen Harris OAM
Cr Stephen Hart
Julie Hart
Colleen Hartland
Michael Hassett
Belinda Haydon
Freya Headlam
Barney Hearnden
Kim Henderson
Jenny Henty
Karl Hessian
Dr Holly High
Deborah Hiller
Steven Hirth
Trevor Hoare
Alf Hooley
Chris Hooper
Mark Hooy
Priscilla Hough-Davies
Dr Victoria Howlett
Meg Humphrey
Robert Humphreys
Bruce Hurley
Christine Ireland
Eric Ireland
Dr John Iser
Cecilia Jagan
Angele James
Earl James
Trish Jardine
Meredith Jelbart
Steve Johns
Ann Johnson
Aaron Johnstone
Dan Jordan
Astrid Judge
Petra Kahle
Mark Kasprzyk
Chris Kearney
Inge Kearney
Daydd Kelly
Lionel Kemp
Paul Kennedy
Edmond Kennedy
Michelle Kennedy
Prof Sandra Kentish
Meredith Kidby
Sheena Knowles
Stephen Koci
Robert Kozlovski
Paul Lamb
Michael Lambkin
Helen Lamont
Mark Landmann
Richard Lane
Dr Penelope Lane
Dave Lane
Susan Langridge
John Larin
Rosemary Laurens
John Learmonth
Jane Leitinger
Paul Leitinger
Cr Rohan Leppert
Dr Andrea Lindsay
Jeremy Lines
Dr Colin Long
Sam Long
Hilary Lovibond
Carole Lubbock
Dr Alexander Lugg
Mara Luglio
Mon Lukas
Cheryl Lundin
Kathy MacKendrick
Pat Mackle
Dr Cam MacRae
Eric Mainard
Kathleen Maltzahn
Jeannie Marsh
Denise Martell
Janet Massey
Stephen Matich
Helen Matich
John Mawson
Fiona McAlpine
Ken McAlpine
Patrick McConville
Sue McCulloch
Dr Malcolm McKelvie
Cr Alida McKern
Hugh McKinnon
Bruce McPhate
Michael Meaney
John Merory
Peter Mewett
Shalra Mewett
Susan Meyer
Elizabeth Mitchell
Cr Anab Mohamud
Paul Morland
Sally Moseby
Greg Mountjouris
Annie Mullarvey
Bob Muntz
Dr Kevin Murray
Dr Janet Murray
Dr Dave Nadel
Kate Neely
Rex Niven
Bill O’Loughlin
Stephen Oakes
Ian Onley
Nancy Otis
Anna Parker
Trevor Parker
Justin Parker
Prof Alison Parkes
Glenys Parslow
Graham Parton
Jamie Paterson
Graham Patterson
Dr Phillip Payne
Annie Pearce
Dr Yuchen Pei
Stephen Pepper
Helen Pereira
Susan Perron
Dr Sharron Pfueller
Jenny Pitts
Dr Rodney Polkinghorne
Dr Gideon Polya
Diane Poolton
John Poppins
Dr Helen Poppins
Les Pradd
Jeremy Press
Tom Price
Annie Price
Rhonda Pryor
Teresa Puszka
Therese Quinlan
Wendy Radford
Rose Read
Jill Redwood
Thess Reeders
Alysia Regan
Gareth Rego
Dr Bob Rich
Jolanda Rich
Dr James Ricketts
Bruce Rivendell
Simon Roberts
Diane Robertson
Dan Robinson
Helen Robinson
Clare Roczniok
Meredith Rogers
Dr David Rose
Stuart Rosson
Martin Rush
Michael Ruyg
Geraldine Ryan
Chris Ryan
Guenter Sahr
Peter Sanders
Dr Jill Sanguinetti
Laurence Savage
Gurm Sekhon
Peter Selby-Smith
Dennis Severin
Michael Shaw
John Shortridge
Prof Amanda Sinclair
Anthony Smark
Ros Smith
Heather Smith
Jacinta Smith
Luke Smith
Libby Smith
Colin Smith OAM
Jenny Smithers
Richard Snow
Adam Southon
Dr Clem Stanyon
Rupert Steiner
Dr Larry Stillman
Don Stokes
Robert Stringer
Mary Stringer
Mary Sweeney
Damian Sweeney
Tom Tabart
Jos Tait
Howard Tankey
Dr Catherine Tate
Igor Tesic
Ralf Thesing
Dr Ian Thomas
Coralyn Thompson
Jenny Tilleard
Dr Deborah Trengove
Robyn Tumelty
Steven Turland
Ken Turner
Sylvia van der Peet
Eva van der Vlies
Anselm van Rood
Ashley Voigt
Margaret Waddington
Lynne Waddington
Susan Walker
Colin Walker
David Wall
Peter Walsh
Brian Walters AM SC
Philip Warner
BR Wasterval
Eve Wasterval
Dr Ray Watson
Noel Wauchope
Graeme Webb
Barbara Weimar
Dick Wellard
Alison Wellard
Glen White
Karl Williams
Derek Wilson
Melanie Wiltshire
Anne Wood
Dr Julie Woods
Jan Workman
Joseph Zammit
Leon Zembekis
Dr Linda Zibell
Jenny Zimmerman
Helen Zournazis
Cr Dr David Zyngier