Austin PD Case #17-8001766 - Gangstalking/Terrorism





Joseph Hernandez

APD Region 4 Detective

Wayne Samson

FBI Agent

Kerry Kip LeCrone, Jr.

(I go by Kip)






All Related Cases

Case #


Detective Name

Detective Phone



Joseph Hernandez, Region 4




Kidnapping of my dog

Filing a False Report

Robin Denton



Stolen Phone & Hacking

Alan Goodwin




Brandon Sheffy


My Allegation

For the past 4-5 years, I have been a victim of a Gangstalking/Terrorist Group.  I didn’t become aware of their involvement until September 2016, and since then, I have literally been suffering every day.   They have ruined my life.  My criminal background would not exist if it were not for this group.  

I am still being tortured and terrorized daily.  There are many other victims.

I allege that the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group has been, at a minimum,  aided by officers/staff of the Austin Police and Travis County Sheriff departments, several of whom lied in police reports and filed false charges against me, which I can prove.  In one case they even planted drugs on me.   They are going around town fucking with civilians, using devices meant for riot/crowd control & hostage/crisis response scenarios, which can cause ALL the physical sensations that I have suffered.  These devices can attack people from afar, through walls.  If you are in law enforcement, you should be fully aware of these devices.

Unfortunately, because of these unusual circumstances, and because of the criminal actions of some APD officers and civilians, my “record” was quickly made to paint me as a crazy person and/or a drug addict  I am neither, and even so, that demographic should still get a call back!

  • I have evidence that APD officers behaved badly and lied in police reports to support false charges.  There are several more APD officers that I witnessed behaving badly during other responses and arrests, and likewise, TCS officers post-arrest.  

  • Although I don’t have proof showing the suspects’ affiliation with the group, I am unable to come up with a simpler, more likely, more rational scenario in which

  • I, a person without a criminal record and that's never been in a physical fight, never paranoid, never a drug or alcohol problem, never afflicted with mental illness, a pretty smart guy, always honest, don’t steal or hurt others,

  • just happened to become a victim of a harassment, torture, terrorism, physical and sexual assault, often marked with derogatory homophobic/slavery epithets by a Gangstalking/Terrorist Group 5+ years (2+ years since they became “vocal”).
  • that I initially assumed was Schizophrenia, as it was the simplest and most rational explanation (I have never been in denial),
  • but shortly thereafter, it was proven to be real people,
  • who have been torturing and terrorizing me daily for 2+ years,
  • that I have video evidence of (YouTube channel, Google Drive)
  • with multiple victims and witnesses, some of whom provided supporting statements in writing and in person to a Sergeant with TCS.

  • And during the same period
  • a string of criminal civilians screwed me over
  • as did a string of criminal law enforcement officers
  • as well as a group officers appearing to be behaving badly

This is real.

This is slavery.  

This is false imprisonment.  

This is a hostage situation.

This is torture.  

This is terrorism.

Communication With APD

Communications Log - click here for the detailed log.

I have left/sent numerous messages via voicemail and email with Austin & Manor Police, even with both Police Chiefs and they will not return my calls.  I have also reached out to the Travis County Sheriff.  

The first suspect listed in 2017 was a guy who had an ankle monitor on, and I had evidence of him hacking my Google account and being in receipt of my stolen phone, worth over $800.  He would have been very easy to find and pressure for links to the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group.  Minimally, he should have been arrested for at least 2 charges: hacking and being in receipt of a stolen phone.  Had the investigator spent 1 hour visiting with him, my suffering would have ended in June 2017.  

I also informed APD in May 2018, and several times since, that the top two suspects confessed guilt in an incident in which I was lied to and assaulted.  In the weeks leading up to this incident, they (or an additional complicit coworker, but I think/hope it did not involve more staff, leaked my patient chart to the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group, who repeatedly taunted me with details from past doctor’s notes from many years ago.  As of May 2018, both suspects still worked there!  I even indicated that my doctor could confirm their confession!  I further stressed that I fully believed that APD was the more appropriate party to question them, and explicitly stressed that I was certain APD would align with me in the desire to avoid any sort of “self-help”.  

It has been extremely frustrating to continue to suffer this nightmare, knowing that there are several people that APD could spend less than an hour with and obtain leads to the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group, and yet, APD continues to ignore me.  This has caused me to suffer needlessly, for almost 2 years!  



Gangstalking Defined

Gangstalking, or Organized Stalking, is a modern form of Domestic Terrorism.

It is perpetrated by highly organized groups of people who anonymously carry out a campaign of suffering against a “targeted individual” (TI) over a period of days, months, even years.  The goal may ultimately be to drive the targeted victim to hurt others and/or themselves, even to the point of murder and/or suicide.

They do this for fun, for sport.  There is no financial gain; no personal vendetta.  

If you find this difficult to digest, think of online bullies/trolls: horrible people causing another person to suffer.  Same type of person, protected by complicit cops (and likely are cops themselves), who found a new “hobby”: using devices -- weapons -- meant for riot/crowd control and hostage/crisis response scenarios to go around town assaulting civilians from afar, causing them a variety of uncomfortable or painful sensations.  

They communicate with the victim anonymously, suggesting various theories to explain what/why/who, and they sometimes enlist “henchman” to do something wrong to the victim, fostering a constant state of confusion and paranoia. Follow these leads, as a) the wrong was probably a crime by itself, and b) they very likely could immediately lead to finding the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group, requiring much less time and resources needed than a covert approach from afar with drones and special cameras to catch them.

Gangstalking Victims Suffer

  • Loss of residence.  Keep the victim running.

  • Loss of job or ability to obtain a job.

  • Financial loss.  Keep the victim from being able to hire a private investigator.  Keep the victim desperate and unable to fully pursue the investigation.

  • Isolation.

  • Constant state of mental anguish.  Make them appear crazy and threatening.  This keeps the family from believing the victim and from withholding the resources to hire private investigators or to help put pressure on law enforcement to take the case seriously.

  • Constant or frequent states of discomfort and pain, caused by the physical assaults.

Always Keep in Mind

Always keep the following statements in mind, as they will certainly remain true in the future as they were in the past every time I sought help from APD or TCS, or even my own family and friends.  

  • This isn't a hard case to solve.  It's a hard case to get attention on.
  • My camera isn't suffering from paranoia or schizophrenia, as shown by the evidence.
  • Each and every time that I update this document, I will still be suffering from multiple physical or sexual  assaults, which often escalate when I call the police or family/friends, meant to make me sound nervous, or as if I am in a panic, overly paranoid, leading others to think I’m crazy or on drugs.  When I filed the police report in 2017, it took most of the day to file a simple online report because I was under constant attack.
  • When I ping the detective(s) or their superiors, I will still be suffering.
  • Any time you read this document, I will still be suffering.  
  • There are many other victims, some of whom are still suffering.

Every moment delayed in agressively investigating this case means that I and many others are still suffering, and our lives are being driven into ruin, repeatedly.   

Victims & Witnesses





Will Secjadas



Ex-Roommate who I recently spotted

and caught up with.  He has been and still is suffering from the gangstalking as well.  He hears the Voices and feels the invisible beams.  I’m not sure how severe his attacks have been.  I think he has gotten electrically shocked to some degree.

John Henry Pate


TCCC in Del Valle


Booking # 17-28372

He is being gangstalked as well, and experienced an increase in the physical assaults at the same time I did, after speaking to a sergeant the week before I left jail.  He hears the Voices as well, and described a pattern in their harassment that matched mine, such as hearing them speak using a voices of friends, family, and past colleagues, and hearing them subliminally and/or at a very low volume before they raise the volume and say the same thing again; how every day the nightmare will be over, but not until tomorrow.

Chris Hernandez


TCCC in Del Valle


Got some collateral damage from my attacks, as his bed is below at a slight diagonal.

Daniel Herrera


TCCC in Del Valle


He witnessed several weeks of my feet and legs being swung about while I was sleeping or trying to.  He also felt the beams used in the attacks multiple times, and felt them attacking another inmate.



TCCC in Del Valle



He was having his feet and legs shocked as well, and hearing the Voices.  He may already be schizophrenic.  

White Male Inmate


TCCC in Del Valle



He was having his feet and legs shocked every night.



Was in TCCC


Released to a program

He is already schizophrenic, but when he heard about my gangstalking, he said he had heard me on a soundboard, and remembered looking over upon hearing my voice, and noticed that I was not talking.  He seemed mostly amused by what he heard; and ignored the rest.

White Male Inmate


Was in 12-C1-202D when I was in 12-C1-202B until he was moved.

Seemingly quite guy who mostly read and stayed in his bed.  I even fed him a few times.  He heard my gangstalking events, and he seemed to relate to some degree.  One day when I walked into the open cell, he was sitting in his bed and said “Kip, I’ve been those fly ass comments you’ve been saying about me.  I heard you say that you didn’t want me here the first day we moved in.”  I walked away and he followed, trying to provoke a fight.  He was moved, probably to lockdown.  I think he was a victim of this Gangstalking/Terrorist Group, possibly for more than just those few days in that unit.




Was in TCCC,


He is not certain that he was a victim, but he believed he was at one time, when he was made to feel feverish and “down” for a couple of days.  Daniel Herrera and I verified by feeling over his body while he was lying in bed that he had 2-3 beams attacking him, which felt warm and heavy and like an electric field.  He indicated when I blocked the beams hitting his head that he felt an instant relief from the heat and pressure.  The following few days, the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group attacked me in a similar way in spurts, letting me know they could make someone feel sick, tired, sniffly, cough, achy, feverish, and nauseous.  I was able to block the attacks with my hand, at least partly, but I obviously couldn’t go around all day waving my hands around me.  I already was aware of most the capabilities demonstrated, but they did this as a demonstration that they could mimic illnesses in people without that person suspecting them

Hispanic Male

Nextdoor neighbor at Studio 6

Was last seen in the room next door to me at the Studio 6

I believe he was a victim of this Gangstalking/Terrorist Group.  The sketchy guys at the hotel harassed him one night, and I saw him a few days later at the mental health clinic at Rainey St. & River St. looking scared.  I had met him on a smoke break and found him to be very friendly and sociable.  The hotel manager said that he had stayed with them before and that he had come from a mental institution, when I confronted her on the nonsense that was going on at the hotel.  That same week I saw her walking around with a company that I think installs and/or maintains security camera and other security solutions.

Berny Trevino



Ex-Fiance who lived with me.  He thought I was plotting behind his back.  I am certain the gangstalking goes back to my relationship

Jorge Longoria




Pronounces it like George.  Former best friend who moved in after Berny and then began hearing me talking behind his back.

Ali Fagghi


Former ex-roommate who appeared to have an incident where he saw hallucinations and thought everyone was out to get him.  He appeared to truly be in fear for his safety when I witnessed his freak-out, not even trusting me.  I believe he is already schizophrenic, but he had medication for it and I believe he was taking it.

Kolton McGuiness


Former ex-roommate who was one of the last people in my house.  He began hearing people talk about him behind his back, but he seemed to deal with it well.

Mikey Cleary


He lived in my house, and I think he may have been a victim.  He lies a lot.  There may be other ex-roommates that were victims and may still be.  I can list other roommates if we get to that point.

Hunter Hartwig



Friend of mine who visited with me at my house a few times.  Once he heard what I went through, he stated he, too, heard voices telling him to break into people’s houses.  He is a good person and would never do that.  He moved away and the voices stopped instantly, and he hasn’t heard them since.

Tom D



Will provide on request

Friend who I had worked with for years at e-MDs..    

He may be a victim as well, as he went through a period in 2014(?) where doctors thought he had Lupus, then Fibromyalgia.  He remembers events where he wasn’t himself: aggressive or  exhausted;  He blames the Lupus medication, but I related to his experiences.

Tom witnessed me lying in bed, jerking, wincing, grunting in reaction to the electrical shock attacks.

Erica @ Extended Stay


Last was working at Extended Stay America


6300 East Hwy 290

Austin, TX 78723

Young Hispanic Woman whose paycheck stub was left in the floorboard of my car after my car window was broken out, after my arrest.  Maybe it was a hint that she knows something.  

Dr. J. Eric Lambeth


Witness to 2 suspects confessing

Might be a victim

Red River Family Practice.


900 E 30th

Suite # 300

Austin, TX 78705

Can confirm that the two suspects from his practice confessed guilt, corroborating my statements.

I believe he may have been a victim for a short period of time, as he was not behaving normally for a period (at least 2 visits), and his mind was in a fog.  These crowd/riot control devices are able to do this, if aimed at the head at a certain setting.


Possible witness

Red River Family Practice

See above info.

Medical Assistant to Dr. Lambeth. I think it is worth talking with him after questioning the other 2 suspects.  He may be able to provide additional details on the 2 suspects from the practice..








Clinical Staff

Hispanic female

~25-35 years old



Red River Family Practice or the lab next door.


900 E 30th

Suite # 300

Austin, TX 78705

See Case #18-8002270.

Clinical staff (nurse or phlebotomist).

Took my blood on a Saturday (June?) 2017, but said she didn’t get any, but I saw that she had pulled some already.  She got another woman to come in and stab me with an inappropriately size/type needle that was not used to draw any blood and was immediately dispensed with.

Clinical Staff

White female

~50 years old



Red River Family Practice or the lab next door.


900 E 30th

Suite # 300

Austin, TX 78705

See Case #18-8002270.

Clinical staff (nurse or phlebotomist).

On a Saturday (June?) 2017, she was retrieved by the woman who said she didn’t get any blood, although she did.  She stabbed me with an inappropriately size/type needle that was not used to draw any blood and was immediately dispensed with.

Jason Barrientes



See Case #18-8002268.

Was in 301 at Studio 6 during my stay there.  His email address was put in as my recover email address on one of my Google accounts when my phone was stolen, and the device location tool put my phone in a radius that was in his room or right outside it.  He had an ankle monitor on that he said was to measure the alcohol in his sweat.  He said he was going to return to Odessa after his year of probation was up.  He should minimally be charged with Hacking and for his involvement with my stolen phone.

I am certain he is a part of or was utilized by the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group.

Former APD Officer

Marc McLeod

Badge #7091

Tactical Team

 SWAT: Special Weapons & Tactical Team


512-666-0273 cell

512-974-4218 work

He, or someone pretending to be him, had left a message on my mobile phone voicemail around September 2014, during the time I was dealing with my ex-fiance (and suspected additional victim of Gangstalking Berny Trevino), who had repeatedly broken a protective order. I called him back and he acted strange, not remembering why he called me and saying he didn't need to talk to me anymore.  I called 311 and have his info to the operator and they said they had no APD officer with that name.  I called McLeod back and he gave me his badge number 7091.  He said he was in the APD system right at that moment.  He was polite, but I am unsure why he would have ever contacted me to begin with, and with the alleged APD involvement with this group, I would recommend checking him out.  What reason did he have to ever contact me?  Also, his email is one I have never seen before.  I got his information by calling 311 in Nov 2018, as the Gangstalkers have occasionally referenced him as an open question to taunt me with, claiming they added him to the directory when I called back.  His cell number had previously been listed on phone number lookup sites and was listed as potentially a scammer and untrustworthy.

During my communications Dec 2018 - Jan 2019, where I copied him in the emails, he was let go or he quit.  He did not respond to SMS texts and I find it very suspect.  His cell phone number is listed on several web sites as DO NOT TRUST since 2017.

See texts from him from 2015 to the left, where he says “I am not a cop.”  He identified himself as one in 2014, giving his badge #7091.  I had been told he was not a cop, but that could be due to them looking up his name as “McCloud” instead of “McLeod”.  He works in tactical, known for special weapons.  There was no reason for a Tactical Officer to contact me.


Apartment Manager at The Grove


The Grove Apartments


(they have a local number to the office that I am unable to find right now)

3707 Manchaca Rd.

Austin, TX 78704

See Case #17-8002267.

He lied on a police report stating that I stole my own pickaxe from the maintenance garage.  He actually stole the pickaxe from my patio, after breaking some pottery with it.  

This was during an incident in which my dog was kidnapped briefly.  My dog was returned to my apartment in the time it took me to circle the building.  The apartment manager came up to me and inappropriately yelled, “Kip, what are you doing?!” as if I was swinging the pickaxe around.  I was not, and was simply holding it with one hand.  I was not being belligerent.  I flung some of the remains of the Diet Dr. Pepper from the can I was holding, as I was frustrated with the gangstalking and pranks that had been going on, of which I already suspected his and both maintenance men’s involvement based on previous conversations and incidents.

After I returned inside to my apartment, I looked out the window of my bedroom, which looks out on the side around the corner, and Gavin was seen immediately laughing and high fiving with the white male maintenance guy.  I read it as them celebrating a successful prank.

He also led the cops to my apartment when I was pushed outside naked, and did so in an amount of time that would be impossible to call 911 and get police response.

I believe someone put him and the two maintenance staff up to screw with me.  All three of them behaved sketchy, and at least two of them broke the law.

Maintenance Guy 1

at the Grove

White Male

~35-45 years old


The Grove Apartments


(they have a local number to the office that I am unable to find right now)

3707 Manchaca Rd.

Austin, TX 78704

See Case #17-8002267.

He was digging something, I think for the sprinklers, on the opposite end of my building when my dog went missing.  He was seen laughing and high fiving with Gavin just outside my bedroom window after I went back inside my apartment and found my dog was returned.

Maintenance Guy 2

at the Grove

Hispanic Male

~25-35 years old.


The Grove Apartments


(they have a local number to the office that I am unable to find right now)

3707 Manchaca Rd.

Austin, TX 78704

He was fixing something in the ceiling of my bathroom and was spotted feeling around in the cabinet underneath my sink, which was unaffected by the issue.  He also turned up when The Voices used that Voice to Skull (V2K) or similar method of communication to play an extremely phrantic background noise that practically drove me insane one day, as it immediately made it impossible to focus on anything and was torture.  He showed up at my patio and told me to go back inside, looking nervous.  

“Mulatto Boy”


Young Black male that hung around the Studio 6 Oct-Nov 2016,  Once made a subtle reference to an event that had happened at Austin Suites & Hotel.  Also popped up near my friend Isaac’s house months later in Feb 2017.  I do not remember his name but he and Jason were friends.

I am certain he is a part of or was utilized by the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group.Gangstalking/Terrorist Group.

He is a friend of Jason Barrientes.

“Fast Mike”


I left my phone in his vehicle and he didn’t get it back for 4 days, at which time it appeared to be a different phone.  When I turned my phone in on the Note 7 recall, I still saw my original Note 7 floating around the hotel on Android Device Manager.  I will try to get a phone number for him.

I am certain he is a part of or was utilized by the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group.  He is a friend of Jason Barrientes.

Hispanic APD Officer

~35-45 years old




Responded to my apartment at the Grove, I believe he was one of the last officers to respond; maybe there were one or two responses to my apartment after him.   He showed me a picture of his dog that looked just like my dog.  

I listed him as highly suspect because It’s important to verify who he is and if he has a dog that looks exactly like my dog.  If not, then he is involved.  If so, and it appears he always had the dog, and it truly does look exactly like my dog, then he’s probably not involved.

The white male officer that responded with him appeared to not remember him or of that visit just a few days later, and was acting a little strange both times.  I’m not sure if they are partners or not.  

Black Female TCS Officer

~50 years old


Travis County Jail Downtown

Was acting overly facetious with me after my Nov 2016 arrest.  Placed a spit guard on me for 1-2 minutes, after I had already cooperated with her questions.  Wrote one phone number down wrong as NNN-NN_-NNNN blatantly missing one of the digits.  

White Male TCS Officer

~30-40 years old


Travis County Jail Downtown

Manhandled me a little, which was totally unnecessary.  He seemed very angry with me, as if I had wronged him or someone he knew personally.  He squeezed my arm extremely hard while I was sitting in a cell in cuffs and he had no reason to touch me, which was followed by a searing pain felt in the same spot he squeezed.  I am certain his squeeze did not cause that pain.  He was there when the Black female officer put the spit guard on me.  He was acting coy as well.

White Male TCS Officer

~30-40 years old


Travis County Jail Downtown

Slightly stocky White male with a beard.  On the arrest from the Extended Stay he and another officer slammed me into a padded table.  I had been yelling about what TCS and APD had done (or not done) for me, but cooperating with instructions.  I was given no warning to lower my voice before they did that.  He was also there after my November 2016 arrest, and I believe he is the one that terminated my call to my father, and acted as if I hadn’t followed the prompts correctly, which I did after I pressed the wrong button just once, and quickly followed the prompts and entered the number to my father correctly.  I was waiting for my father to answer and accept the collect call when he informed me my call was terminated.

White Male APD Officer

~25-35 years old



The third officer with psych training that responded to the Candlewood on Thanksgiving night 2016.  I believe he is part of or fully aware of the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group.

Other APD & TCS Officers


I think some of the officers that responded to The Grove, and perhaps to the hotels I was staying at, were aware I was being messed with to some degree.  I am not suggesting every officer was complicit in a conspiracy against me.  But the guy who asked “You talk to your refrigerator” and a few others behaved badly, or did not do enough.  I was not always appearing as a crazy psycho.  Most people are agitated when someone harasses them.  I do not believe I was behaving in most cases any differently than a victim of harassment or assault.  The 911 calls will likely show me in a more excited state, even panicked, as I was calling them during an attack, which often subsided by the time the officers arrived.  I made an effort to be as calm with the officers as much as possible, especially since I was worried about a forced psych hold.  I was never a threat to myself or others, nor could anyone have thought that.  Even though I strongly suspect certain individuals, with certainty beyond and reasonable doubt, I have not engaged in “self-help” as a response, not just because I don’t want to go to jail, but because I am in such an extraordinary situation with gangstalkers that can and do make others look guilty.  

unknown internet troll(s)



This number was a contact I had made in the past couple of years on one of the hook-up sites for gay men.  The person claimed to be a guy in Vegas who was into kink/fetish and his pictures showed a guy with a tattoo on his shoulder/upper arm that had a skull in it, with a “RENATUS” banner below (meaning born again).  Oddly, soon after chatting online and by text with him, the Heroes series returned, branded “Heroes: Reborn”, and the show contained a fictional company called Renatus.  

The Gangstalking/Terrorist Group is very good at looking at one’s social & news feeds, and upcoming episodes of  TV shows the victim likes, planting buzzwords ahead of time, knowing that the victim is likely to read or watch the same material in the near future.  This makes one easily made paranoid or suspicious and provides a surreal feeling.

I thought he was just a troll and ran into another profile that was similar, and noticed the city of Tulsa, OK was listed as the address.  I saw some of the same pictures.  

Additionally, on 3/16/2018, the Voices were harassing me, and they mentioned “meat” and “slavemeat” and then I received a text from this guy saying “so meat?”.  

The texts never reveal much information beyond his email.  He didn’t answer phone calls and didn’t let me know about the Vegas/Tulsa move, or lack thereof.  He said he was building a website, but never gave me a link to it.

Richard Bradley Shaw


San Antonio, TX

When I was in court in March or April, the ffirst time after my February 2017 release, while I was waiting in the benches, I heard, very loudly, and along with other names called out for those who had not signed in yet, “Richard Shaw?”, and I had talked with with a “Brad Shaw” recently before that, whose full name is Richard Bradley Shaw.  No one responded to the name.  I think he was a troll as well.  His job is stated as working for the “government”.  

I noticed that he and another guy that may be an internet troll are linked to an acquaintance on my friend’s list.

Equipment & Methods Used by Perpetrators

  • Audio to Victim: VoiceToSkull or Long Range Acoustic Devices
  • 🗣️🔊 😢 VoiceToSkull (V2K): takes advantage of the Microwave Auditory Effect which magicians & mentalists use when they ask a participant to think of numbers to use in a trick.  In fact they send the numbers subliminally to the person. The volume does not have to be subliminal. 50+ year old tech.  It can be used to influence people’s decisions and the choice of words or topics of conversation.  I suspect this was put on these devices to help “talk down” a shooter/terrorist, perhaps?
  • LRADs: I have not done enough research on LRAD to know how audio is transmitted.  I suspect it is not as precise or covert as VoiceToSkull.
  • Audio From Victim
  • Video of victim: Government, military, & local law enforcement have had the capability to look through buildings for years
  • Telephone: IMSI Catcher: a fake mobile tower, often used by police, to intercept mobile phone traffic.  Some can downgrade 3G/4G/LTE services to 2G to make the connection less secure, and on many Android phones this will cause the carrier connection icon (often labeled  “4G” or “LTE”) to change.  This happened several times on my phone while at Studio 6, October - November 2016, and it led me to suspect that the police were involved in my Gangstalking and that my phone's connection had been compromised.  

Directed Energy Weapon

The drones or handheld devices used by the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group to attack a victim can do many incredible things, through walls and ceilings, whether metal, masonry, wood, or drywall.  Tissue seems to absorb it (maybe it’s the water we are mostly made up of).  I have seemed to have blocked a beam by a filled water bottle and by my hand.  Again, I have listed other witnesses and victims of such beams.  Directed energy weapons are capable of inflicting ALL of my physical symptoms, and many major city police and sheriff departments have them.  

These weapons have the capability of to electrocute a victim.  This can be done in small individual shocks or as a cluster.  The shock can be mild or severe.   On Thanksgiving 2016, I felt a  ~15 minute electrocution so severe that may knees pulled up to my chest.  Every day from Nov 2017 - Feb 2018 in jail my feet were shocked, among many other simultaneous attacks that were even more irritating and more painful sensations elsewhere on my body.  Other people can verify this and we're suffering as well.  Multiple sergeants were notified but did nothing to investigate our claims.

During that time, there was one week that I could barely walk and you can actually pull footage from the day it happened (check journal entries for specific date), as I was in the day room area walking laps casually out of boredom, and you will see me react to painful jolts hitting my right buttocks and/or lower back, which were both perfectly fine, and you will see me begin to limp as my muscles form a knot and lock up.  I would work the muscle out somewhat and I continued to get zapped in both locations, on the right side.  Sometimes a single target area was hit for a day or night or for several days, over and over.  Aggravating doesn't even come close to describing the experience.

My cellmate can attest to the fact that he felt these when he hovered his hand over my feet as they were being shocked.  Other people can verify this as well that we're suffering.  Why counselors were thrown at me when I described this instead of a physician, perhaps to check me out for a more logical condition like neuropathy or fibromyalgia, baffles me.

This can also simply feel like a mild or severe vibrational pattern.

Often I would feel a hard knocking on the bottom of my feet.  This was often coupled with the feet shocks. These weren't painful but made it very difficult to sleep.  They usually would start up whenever I lied down but eventually would be felt when I was in the day room.

The beams can also cause a crushing sensation, sometimes as a thumb jab, usually used on the neck, the back, or the sides.  I reported this in jail, and for the week I provided journal entries, I demonstrated for the camera footage that when I was being “jabbed” in the left side of the neck, I could turn 180 degrees and feel it on the right, and provided visual indicators of this hoping the footage would be pulled for review.  I could block the jabbing pain in my neck or targeted area by my hand, which would feel the pain instead.  THIS POINTS TO AN EXTERNAL FORCE, NOT A MENTAL OR PHYSICAL AILMENT.  While at the Grove, and since, I sometimes feel the tops of my shoes being pushed down, as if someone is stepping on my feet.  The beams can affect a larger area, and cause a person to feel like they have lead boots on, or that they are being pushed down over their entire body while lying down.  I often am getting my pants or shorts pushed down an inch or two requiring repeated attention, often done outside and with the  group saying “your asscrack is showing!”  I am often pushed, not hard, but enough to either make me sway.  I have to make a conscious effort to stop it and hold a still stance, and when doing so, I always feel a force pushing against me on both side, alternating.   When walking on a sidewalk, I have often been pushed to the side towards passing traffic as threats were made.  I have been “sped up” when walking, as if a person was pushing from behind, not just on my back but on my feet, to cause a longer stride and faster pace.  It has also been used to slow me down on walks.  A mental illness cannot cause one to be pushed, or other objects to be pushed.  I'm not talking being out of balance.

The “crush ray” or “force beam” just described has been used more recently on me in a way that felt like someone was squeezing a smooth rounded pipe between my back or side and the bed mattress I was lying on.  I felt a bunch of small jolts of electricity hit my muscles in that area and often had a sore back for hours afterward.  Other times my crotch is targeted and my penis is stimulated or my testicles are crushed.  Sometimes the beams were so strong that my prostate was jolted.  I can usually feel around for the beam and can block it with my hand. If I push down on the mattress in a beam’s path, or squeeze my thighs around my hand in a beam’s path (usually aimed at my crotch),  it feels like something is trying to squeeze through.  I have been hit with multiple beams.  It can leave a numbing sensation, and I can see that setting easily transitioning to the frostbite attack.  I have witnessed my dog lying in bed with me suffer from the attacks with me.  

While in jail, I believe Chris Sanchez was collateral damage a few nights, as he was a floor below me and he felt these beams shock his feet, leading him to sleep in the opposite direction the following night, during which his neck, shoulder, and upper arm got shocked and felt numb.  Other people are experiencing these “heavy” electromagnetic beams.

The beams can feel like a heat lamp, mild or causing almost instant sweating.  They can cause various sensations: severe burn, be it an acid burn, sunburn, or even frostbite.  I felt this at the Grove apartment on several occasions when a foot suddenly felt like it had a hot laser slice sideways through it, burning for a minute or two on the top of my foot.  In jail, January 2018 I think (check journal entries), my penis was hit when I was in the a shower and for several minutes it felt raw and burned on the skin’s surface over the full length.  There was absolutely no reason for this.  On couple of other occasions in jail, my face and other body parts were targets of this type of attack.  My throat has been burnt too, but that one is felt internally.  My cellmate can verify he felt the warmth that these beams can carry.

The weapon(s) can cause rapid vibrations that can be quite annoying, and is often used to quickly sweep the body in passing looping motions.  It or a similar attack has focused on my throat, leaving it hot.  Often a noise is heard with this attack that has a rapid but smooth oscillating chirping, for lack of a better term.  Recently I have been hit with a short, quick swipe of this, instantly getting dryness between my upper lip and gums, and was left with a residue on my lips that felt like a semi-hardened gelatin, like that of a gummy bear consistency.  This last attack was always outside.  They often claim they are using a device capable of beaming microwaves, and I do recall many years ago a concept of a crowd control gun for the police force that used microwaves.  

The electrical beams can be used with fine precision to hit the body and skull in certain places to make the victim feel various sensations: migraine, nausea, fever, fatigue, vertigo, sadness triggering crying, not happiness but a better sensation than the person was feeling before, aggression, hunger.

It can be used to sexually stimulate a victim.  I was almost led to orgasm during some of the countless sexual assaults, and that is not a thing I ever experience.  As I am updating this document on 6/3/2018, I can attest to the fact that every time I lie in bed facing down, for the past few months, the perpetrators aim one or more of those beams so that it hits my penis and more, on a setting that causes a vibration and tingling that, leading me to change positions or cup my crotch, which only helps temporarily, as they adjust the vibrations and angle to eventually cause my private parts to feel the stimulation.

Projections / Shapes

Examples of projections are included in this document further down.

Projections and/or holograms are used around the victim, inside and outside.  They can be very faint or lit up to look like a neon sign.  They can be transparent, translucent, or completely opaque.  They can cover every surface in a room, noticed frequently on the walls and ceiling.  They don’t have to be projected onto a wall, they can appear in the middle of a room or outside hovering in thin air off the ground.

Projections Act As Camouflage: serving to protect any evidence of the victims or their devices used.  When using a flash, it bounces off the wiggling waves and/or projections coming from the drone above, making it impossible to see anything in the night sky, even just a few inches above the roof.

Projected Content: Sometimes it just seems like dancing colors and shapes, but there have been several times that I am able to make out various animations, and a few times they appeared to be perverse.  The “characters” involved sometimes include whole bodies, or may just faces, of fictional creatures.  These overlap repeatedly, where the right eye of one face might match up to the left eye of the next face.  Also, when focusing on the eyes of one face, if you shift your eyes to focus on the mouth directly, it will likely turn out to be another pair of eyes.  This creates an overall lattice-like structure.

They appear to be “video-mosaics”, meaning that when viewing further away, the smaller animations make up larger imagery.  Here’s an example of a photomosaic.  When looked up close, such as in the first two images, you can make out imagery of flowers, but when viewed from far away, , you can see an image of a cat’s face.

Evidence of face detection and projection mapping can be seen further down.  These technologies are cheap and have been around for several years at the consumer level, and are more commonly built in to the camera software.  I have witnessed many instances where this seemed further evident.  On several occasions, I have looked at myself in the mirror and saw my reflected face appear to morph, and sometimes my eyes would appear to turn entirely black or to glow red.  Any quick movement would show a pair of projected eyes floating where my eyes had been reflected previously.  

I have observed that the projections appear quite crisp on glass.  In my last apartment, I had a glass headboard, and there were a few times where I saw, in its reflection, a person coming into my bedroom, only to turn around and see that no one was there.  Other times, I watched videos literally play out on my headboard, full of bizarre content with accompanying sound effects.

Challenges to Capturing Video Evidence:

Because the projections or holograms are hard to capture, the victim is often presumed to be suffering a mental illness, perhaps psychosis from drug use.  In early 2017, while at the Grove Apartments, due to projections covering the surface of the phone screen, too, I was misled to believe I had captured great evidence that was not truly captured in the image/video.  Often I would try to show such pictures or videos to a friend, relative, or officer, only to see it was more normal looking than before.  This led me to create “videos of videos”, where I would literally record the video again as it played on my TV, laptop, or phone.  Hence, you will see some videos labeled as “🎥 of 🎥 on 🖥️” (“video of video on TV”).

Another common problem I encountered during video recording was that the footage would suddenly go dark and lose focus.  I would have to aim away for the light and focus to return to normal.  This problem triggered when aiming at a vortex, where there was a lot of distortion, present in a lot of the evidence as a swirling or spinning.  They appear very flat in the footage, but to my eyes they were very much 3-dimensional, appearing to come out from the wall or down from the ceiling.

In some cases, the camera presented a problem that I also experienced with my own eyes, where imagery would have a smearing, tracer-like effect, or where I would see “after images” when looking away quickly from something.  Most of us have experienced “after images”  when turning off a lamp beside the bed at night, causing a “film-negative” effect to be seen.  However, I would experience this sometimes in the middle of the day, without flipping a light off.  I experienced this a little bit at The Grove in 2017; but the majority of the instances happened in jail, one day every week or two.  If I noticed it happen, I would think, “Oh, today is going to be one of those days,” where I would see people’s faces echoed briefly after looking away from them.  The Gangstalking/Terrorist Group would eventually start taunting me after triggering the effect a few times: “Did you notice you could still see the guy’s face when you looked away?”  “Are you seeing…?”  “Did you see it?”

Reviewing Photos & Videos

Photos and videos are usually best viewed in a dark setting with the screen brightness turned up.  Try watching the video at the slowest speed available.  

Keep in mind that I recorded most of the time with a Samsung Galaxy Note 7, S7, or Note 8 camera, which are some of the best cameras on smartphones.  They should not contain that much garbled, wiggling, poor quality imagery.  IT IS NOT CAMERA NOISE.  Keep in mind that I first saw the distortions with my eyes, unaided, and then started recording with the camera.  Having said that, I am sure there have been numerous times that I must have captured a “false-positive” sighting, as it is impossible not to.  I have never in my life scrutinized such utter nonsense, so I am sure in my footage I am looking at nothing but the ordinary world.

May 2019: Woodspring Pharr

1207 West Expressway 83,

Pharr, TX 78577


May 2019: Isaac Gaytan's Apartment

5005 Manor Rd., #215

Austin, TX 78723


20190502_143014 - 0 (original) 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Isaac's - drones projecting images in the sky & trees.jpg

20190501_073839 - 0 (original) 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Isaac's - drones projecting images in the sky & trees.jpg

20190501_073653 - 0 (original) 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Isaac's - drones projecting images in the sky & trees.jpg

20190501_073940 - 0 (original) 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Isaac's - drones projecting images in the sky & trees.jpg

20190502_152512 - 0.1 (original) 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Isaac's - drones projecting images in the sky & trees

February - April 2019: WoodSpring Suites

11105 N IH-35 #430

Manor, TX 78753

In the bathroom, I saw the shown colors/shapes moving all over me, as well as the frequently seen transparent “wiggling” waves all over the room.  This is not camera noise, as my unaided eyes saw the effect live.  These pictures capture both the projections on me and on the mirror.   I am not using any “sketch” or artistic or animated filter/effect.  I am not a supernatural demon!

▶️ 20190208_055836 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Woodspring - reflection in mirror morphs via projections

 - 0 (original)

📀 Drive - highest quality

📼 YouTube

 - 1 (enhanced)

📀 Drive - highest quality

📼 YouTube

 - 2 (enhanced)

📀 Drive - highest quality

📼 YouTube

August 2018 - January 2019: renting room in Manor, TX

19212 Revolutionary Trail,

Manor, TX 78653

I shouldn't have these colors dancing all over the walls.  I saw these distortions on the walls with my eyes, unaided.  

It doesn’t matter if I or you can make out any content in the projections -- there may be none, but sometimes it appears as animations, particularly if I greatly slow the video footage down.

20181210_083136 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Manor House - projections in bedroom & over Tim.jpg

20180729_073502 - 00 - 01 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Manor House - projections in bedroom.gif

At night, I would often see projections of colors and shapes dance all over the short neighborhood street that I was on.  This night was one of the “visually busy” ones, and To the unaided eye, it would not be easily noticed by the casual walkerby, but I was accustomed to seeing this nonsense, and I was often the only person out front, sometimes with my roommate Tim.  To me it looked like rapidly changing frames in a video, and so I often have to slow it down.

Stop Sign

Looks like a face!  You can’t even see “STOP”

Background House

It is plainly colored and does not have these colors or shapes on it.


Stop Sign

You can not make out “STOP”

Background House

It is plainly colored and does not have these colors or shapes on it.

20180815_224427 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Manor House - projections outside

▶️ - 0 (original)

📀 Drive - highest quality

📼 YouTube

▶️ - 1 (enhanced)

📀 Drive - highest quality

📼 YouTube

▶️ - 2 (📽️ of 📽️1 on 🖥️)

📀 Drive - highest quality

📼 YouTube

▶️ - 3 (📽️ of 📽️1 on 🖥️)

📀 Drive - highest quality

Again, this shouldn't be on the plain walls or the plain curtains

20180914_161547 - 1, 20180914_161543 - 1, 20180914_161641 - 1  🌟🌟 Manor House - projections on curtains and walls.jpg

Both these images were taken in similar lighting conditions and during the daytime, and it is near the front door, which has a large part of glass in it, and a window to the side of it.  There should be absolutely no camera noise.  Notice how there are more than one pair of eyes over the original print, on the glass.  My unaided eyes saw this directly!

▶️ 20180922_153433 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Manor House - Projections on hallway wall & art print

- 0 (original)

📼 YouTube 

📀 Drive - best quality

- 1 (enhanced)

📼 YouTube

- 2 (enhanced)

📼 YouTube

- 3 (enhanced)

📼 YouTube

- 4 (📽️ of 📽️ on 💻)

📼 YouTube 

📀 Drive - best quality

My eyes (unaided) saw the projections on the art print glass that you see below.  Remember that this was taken in good lighting and it was daylight.  This is not camera noise.  What you see is what I see practically every day around me, particularly at night.

In the left image below, the eyes appear to glow red.  On the right the face is completely obscured.


When I try to look above the roof at night for a drone (you can get a handful of drones for less than an Xbox), the camera flash bounces off all this...nonsense.  This is evidence of camouflage, as it is literally impossible to see anything much higher than the roof.  It is like putting on your car’s high-beams in a thick fog.  This is not normal camera noise.  My eyes, unaided, can make out some of the projected content in the sky.  They are 3-Dimensional and often form a round spider web lattice, perhaps dome shaped, but it is difficult to tell from my point of view.

20180918_011031 - 0 🌟 Manor House - projected noise above roof.jpg

20180918_011031 - 1🌟 Manor House - projected noise above roof.jpg

20180918_011100 - 0 🌟 Manor House - projected noise above roof.jpg

20180918_011100 - 1 🌟 Manor House - projected noise above roof.jpg

Look at the garage door! Look at the surface of the vehicles!  My eyes saw this!

This is not typical camera noise!





.🖼️of🖼️ / 📷of📱





Lighten and crop

This has a face projection.

20181204_020841 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Manor House - night - projections in trees


🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Manor House - night - projections in neighborhood

20181204_035357 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Manor House - night - projections out back.jpg

March-April 2018: Motel 6 on IH-35 near 51st Street

The first three pictures are of a tan blanket on the bed.  You can see obvious projections that shouldn’t be there.  The fourth picture is of the wall around a light switch.

Either these lights and projections were on the mirror or on my face.  You can see that a mask or another pair of eyes, even a whole face is projected below and above my eyes, to the point that it almost completely hides my entire head.  

20180313_001918 - 1.0 (YouTube thumbnail) 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Motel 6 - projections on my reflection & walls.jpg

20180313_001918 - 1.1 (enhanced) 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Motel 6 - projections on my reflection & walls.jpg

20180313_001918  🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Motel 6 - projections on my reflection & walls.mp4

▶️ 0.0 (original)

📀 Drive - highest quality

📼 YouTube

▶️ 1.0 (enhanced)

📼 Drive - YouTube copy

📼 YouTube

These images show video stills from different time points.  In the videos, they show crude animations, in motion, and at extremely high frame rates.

This was on the wall above the drapes.  

These two pictures show the same projections on a wall.  The left is more closely as it appears to the human eye, where the right shows it enhanced to show how it breaks down into smaller images.  Make sure your brightness is all the way up on your viewing monitor.

These images were taken outside the hotel.  Notice how there are projections around me outside, everywhere.  They simply go unnoticed by most people as it’s difficult to see them unless you have seen them before.  The brightness and contrast have been adjusted to show more detail.

In the pic below, you will notice what appear to be eyes.  You can make out more than one pair, one on top of the other.  When I viewed this live, the eyes move and blinked  It is not a natural feature of the tree, as you can see differences between just the two stills.

Note: I saw this same face (the left one) projected in a tree just before the incident with Travis County Sheriff department 10/14/2018.

Lots of fun in this picture.

More images from inside the room.

Animated GIFs.  The original videos are much higher resolution.

More images from inside the room.  

This was in the vanity area, and these appeared 3D in person.  The second image is about what it looked like to the human eye, until it adjusted to the light, and then more of the color came through, like the one on the left.  You can see more on the walls above entrance on the right.

February 2018: Isaac Gaytan’s Apartment

I was lying down on my friend’s couch, and when he left, a dark red light coated the room, and I watched as a distortion occurred over the art print in front of me, rapidly morphing the face of the green devil.  Other parts changed too, as I saw a high heel added to the shoes at times.

This shows evidence of projection mapping, which has been around for years. It means that a camera can track a surface or elements on a surface, and then use that to ensure it’s projection keeps those boundaries in mind.  In this case,  It also took into account the curve of the tail and used characters to project to the right of and below the tail that matched the curve, as somewhat evident in the 3rd image, where it appears that a head is drawn to the right of the tail, near the end.  



20180221_013901 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Isaac's - Maurin Quina - projections & maybe mapping

▶️ 0.0 Original

📀 Drive - highest quality

📼 YouTube

▶️ 1.0 (slowed)

📀 Drive - highest quality

📼 YouTube

▶️2.0 (enhanced):

📀 Drive highest quality

📼 YouTube

20180221_013901 - 0.0.n (original) 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Isaac's -

Maurin Quina - projections & maybe mapping.gif

20180221_013901 - 0.0.1

Here you will see that distortions appear over the air print.   I saw this with my eyes UNAIDED.

20180221_013901 - 0.0.2

 It appeared as if the face was morphing in front of me.  At times the shoes had a high heel drawn over it.  This is evidence of projection mapping.  I saw this with my eyes UNAIDED.

20180221_013901 - 0.0.5

Here you will see the room was flooded with a red light.  I saw this with my eyes UNAIDED.

20180221_013901 - 0.0.4

20180221_013901 - 0.0.5

20180221_013901 - 0.0.3

My unaided eyes saw these projections.  This is not (only or at all) camera noise.

These are animated gif images.

This was on a towel (and other towels showed similar scenes.

Outside the apartment

October 2016: Austin Suites & Hotel, IH-35 between Rundberg and Braker

Outside on the building, during a time I was being assaulted, shocked through the walls.

On the left, outside parking lot I think; it is pretty much unrecognizable.  The right is a palm tree, showing faces within a bigger face.  You may also see more interpretations as you look at it.  While I was looking at it, the mouths on one of the faces moved, which should be impossible except on an animated GIF file, which this is not.  This is a JPG, unable to support animations.


November 2016: Candlewood, IH-35 & TX-71

This image shows the backrest of a chair.  The wall on the left has a sad looking face, and the chair has multiple characters.  This image changes, fading in new characters.  That may be due to the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group changing the color tone or brightness perceived by my eyes, or the image itself could be changing on the computer.  You may wish to adjust the brightness of your screen and see if your eyes pick up different parts of the image that are there all along.

February 2017: Friend’s Apartment Manor Road & 51st Street

The images below are not very clear, but the link to the video will show an obvious abnormality that fits the description.  I observed what appeared to be drones hovering outside, and then suddenly beams of red light hit the sliding glass door.  Note that I am not sure there are drones involved, as it could just be projections to make the victim think there are drones.  But one can pick up several drones at Best Buy for less than an Xbox.

▶️Video 20170224_044353 - 0.0.1 (YouTube thumbnail) 🌟 Isaac's - projections on back glass door

February - July 2017 at the Grove Apartments off Manchaca

While walking in the neighborhood, I saw projections dancing all over a house and the surrounding trees.  I snapped a still image that shows various colors and shapes being projected on top of the area.  In the second image, a projection was put on the glass or directly on me.  The second image is a reflective black glass top table, inside the house, but the reflection shows part of the outside, as it backs up against a sliding glass door to the patio.  What’s interesting is that you can somewhat make out the shapes present, and some of them appear phallic and sexual in nature.  This is not just me, or you; this is intentionally done in much of the projected images and videos.   I have seen much more overt imagery projected in the foliage outside the apartment, but I was too stunned and distracted to grab the camera that time.  


August 2017: Springwood Suites, IH-35 near Braker

Many nights this light would come in the room and it made it look like the art print was changing.  It wasn’t this red to the naked eye, but once the eyes adjusted to the dark, it did have a red hue to it.  I’ve lightened it to make it easier to see.  Otherwise the photos are not modified beyond cropping.  Remember this is a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge camera, one of the best cameras on cell phones at the time, set to the highest resolution possible.

The first pic is looking outside a third floor window. I thought I saw a drone.  The images always come back with more noise than I would get normally.    The second image is a framed print on the wall with projections on it.  It’s just a river with some trees on the land.

Outside the hotel

This shows projections in a van windshield.  I often see this in the parking lots where I stay:

November 2016: Austin Suites & Hotel

▶️ Video    20161113_050627 - 0.1 (YouTube thumbnail) 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Austin Suites & Hotel - projections on curtains, glass, and maybe outside

The following are animated.

I saw what appeared to be colorful projections on the glass of the hotel room window and on the car window.

October - November 2016: Studio 6

This is the hotel room wall, which was a solid color

20161103_115253 - 0.1 (YouTube Thumbnail) 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Studio 6 - Projections in Room


September - October 2016: Extended Stay

▶️Video.   20160922_171329 - 1.1 (YouTube thumbnail) 🌟🌟🌟 Extended Stay - projections on walls behind Max.jpg

High Frequency Noises

Before I first noticed the Voices, I heard high frequency tones, and as I am typing this, I am hearing one now on 3/18/2018 that has been one of many heard off and on (mostly on) throughout the past few days.  Right now it is more than just a solid tone, it has a ticking/chirping quality, almost like an insect; but it is NOT a natural occuring sound, and it is often used to toy with me, almost in a gloating sense, with the modulation changed on the fly, and the pitch or frequency sounding as if someone is turning a knob back and forth.

These noises sometimes happen right before a physical attack.   When appearing for a Public Intoxication misdemeanor, which I received on a day when I was not intoxicated, being led around by the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group looking like I was talking to myself, I was sitting outside the courtroom, and I heard a high pitch tone fade in for a few seconds, then quickly sensed a sudden crushing sensation on my shoulder, neck, and shoulder blade area, so intense I had to immediately get up and move.  This attack repeated numerous times both inside and outside the courtroom many times.  It sometimes attacked the left side and sometimes attacked the right, sometimes more on the back and other times closer to the side of my neck.

I do not believe the noises are ever a true corresponding output of any of the attacks.  I think they are meant to seem like that at times, as I have felt the attacks without any noise, or at least a more subtle and different noise.

Warbling / “Twackiness” Added to Existing Audio (Speakers / Traffic)

I noticed in 2015 or earlier that the sound out of the TV speaker became more warbly, more “twacky”.  Eventually, the warbling and “twackiness” was applied more frequently.  This was not as a result of drug use, as I was and am sober.  I lived in a neighborhood near HWY-183 on 51st, and around the same time, I noticed a louder and enhanced traffic drone occur, seemingly to match up with the traffic at that intersection heading to MLK.  The warbling / twacky sound has been heard applied to TV speakers, bluetooth speakers, mobile phone speakers, etc.  One can feel for a “beam” that is crossing paths with the affected speaker.  I walked around a person once and noticed that the sound was normal from one angle and warbly from another.

This sound can be bounced off of traffic.  I heard it off of traffic around August 2017 at Springwood Suites and most recently as April 2018 at Motel 6 on North IH-35, near 51st.  Music can be played instead, and if so usually has enhancements done to make it sound like the song is travelling down the freeway, bouncing from car to car, or some other imaginative set of effects.

VoiceToSkull (V2K) / Microwave Audio Effect

The Gangstalking/Terrorist group has claimed to be using VoiceToSkull technology, which most people have never heard of and dates back to 1961.  V2K implements directional transmission of microwaves into a person’s head, which are then perceived as audio, which cannot be recorded by traditional microphones.

Wired reported in 2008 that the Army had removed a webpage on VoiceToSkull technology that had described it as “Nonlethal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of person or animals. NOTE: The sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. One application of V2K is use as an electronic scarecrow to frighten birds in the vicinity of airports.”

The Voices

The voices began as ones that I did not recognize, one woman’s voice, and then a man’s voice.  It was not until Studio 6 in October 2016 that I started hearing voices from the Soundboard.  

Many times they tell these fictional narrative stories that can easily steal one’s attention.  The tell them as if they are happening in real life, sometimes with me playing an active part in it, usually to get me busy doing nothing.  At times the narratives have been funny and entertaining.  At other times they are sexually charged.  Sometimes they have included death threats or plots of murder involving me and/or my father, a few times including my sister.  The stories can last hours and can repeat on themselves.  

I first thought I was suffering from Schizophrenia.  As I was contemplating this and the Voices were pretending as if I was being pranked by law enforcement that was staying at the same hotel, I was loading clothes into a washing machine, and the Voices suddenly sounded more tinny and with a slight echo.  I don’t think my brain would have thought to do that if I was suffering from Schizophrenia.  I also think it’s likely that They changed the sound themselves, as they seem to enjoy establishing a false assumption and running with it.

Not Schizophrenia

Several times the Voices have predicted events that would happen in the next few seconds or minutes.  They told me at The Grove once that they were going to hack my Google and Facebook accounts, and within a minute or two I could not login to them, as my passwords had been changed, and I had to go through a cycle of recovering my accounts and resetting the passwords.  

In jail they said I would cross paths with my friend Micah Swindell, who I wasn’t aware was in TCCC, and within a week I was moved to his unit, 12-F1.  Once or twice they predicted his arrival at The Grove.  They told me I was about to get a new cell mate and was urged to look out the cell window, and I did, seeing a new inmate was carrying his mattress up the stairs.  

Countless times they have warned of imminent attacks.  At the Grove, they often would tell me, “Lift your feet of the floor!” and soon after, my feet would get a very painful shock, either at each step, or sporadically if I was standing still.  They have warned me recently of a few intense and long attacks that they subsequently carried out.

When combined with the projections that are picked up by my camera (although most times not very well), and the various attacks by the electrical/pressure beam that I can block with my hand and then feel in my hand, and that various attacks that other witnesses and victims have felt, it is ludicrous to consider mental illness.  

If you believe I am schizophrenic, then you would have to believe that I can also predict the future, and you would have to discount the odd projections that I have evidence of, and you would also have to discount the multiple witnesses and victims that can attest to the physical assaults and the various sensations experienced.

The Soundboard

The sound board has included many people from my personal and professional life, going back over 10 years to people I worked with at Capitol Credit Union.

It has also included clips from movies, TV shows, stand up acts, video games (both background music and sound effects), and music.

This is not that important for the initial investigation, but during many updates, I still chose to build this list up.  Another sign of me not imagining these voices is that they have changed from one voice to another, as if they were recorded reading from the same script.  This demonstration has been done many times, to showcase similarity in certain Voices perhaps, and to showcase the actual or pretend ability for the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group to be able to simulate a person’s voice and make the voice say anything, not just doing a cut-and-paste job with pre-recorded sound bits.  My brain could not have imagined up such demonstrations.

People from my life that have appeared on the soundboard:

  • My father, Kerry LeCrone
  • My sister, Robin Scott
  • My former lawyer, Bruce Fox

  • Capitol Credit Union staff/friends: They referenced a few members of the credit union as well.  Rebecca Davenport was a member they referenced over and over.  They referenced information and events that would not be general knowledge and were things I had not discussed, at least not in the past several years.  Even if they did not get the voice right, they would use a voice that could be considered one that the person’s voice was somewhat like, certainly after several people were referenced, it was more right than wrong, and more than anyone could do blindly.
  • Christine Pavelka: used her heavily Mar - Jun 2017.
  • Terry McCoy: they used him quite a bit around Mar - May 2017, and picked him back up Jan 2019.
  • Clay Deal
  • Melissa ______: they use a laugh similar to hers.  They reference “bounce” with her as in the dryer sheet brand.  They claim she is married to Victor at Red River Family Practice, but I don't think so.  I asked Victor one time what shoes he was wearing, and it sounded like he said “Bounce”, but it could have been “Balance”.  I mention that just because the top 2 suspects lied to & assaulted me and I believe released my Private Health Information to the Gangstalking/Terrorist group, and it may be something to look into.  I don't think there is any connection to Melissa, but it's interesting that they kept the reference to their supposed marriage in numerous stories or daily conversations since meeting him.
  • Rudy Collazo
  • Brian Duciaume: they use his distinct laughter clip
  • Cynde Eck: although they never really used her voice, they know her speech patterns and mannerisms.  They used her as a character quite a bit, often as the one who enjoys spinning the narrated stories.  Used heavily in first part of 2017, sporadically in 2018, then heavily again 12/2018 - 1/2019.
  • Jennifer Moore - They don’t use her that much, but once in November 2016 they actually had a person in a car stop and state “Kip, it’s Jen!”. Used more heavily in 1/2019 with a more realistic sounding voice and more dialogue.
  • Casey Bacon
  • Lisa Malesky: used quite frequently 1/15/2019 - 1/17/2019
  • Lisa Sauceda: they jokingly kept saying she wanted to be an extra on Brooklyn 99.  
  • Anna Torres Blandino used in 2017 and picked back up around 1/2019
  • Barbara: jokingly her voice would exclaim, “kill/eat your babies!” in 2017 and picked back up a little in 1/2019.
  • Matt Bennison: jokingly referred to as Pat Benatar sometimes.  They have his mannerisms down.  Used in 2017 and picked back up in 1/2019.
  • Crystal Williams: they referenced her in the 3rd person quite a bit since the Candlewood, around November 2016, speaking only as her just a few times in 2018, and when doing so, the voice never sounds like her, and doesn’t usually finish a sentence.  They picked her voice back up, and it seemed more realistic in 1/2019
  • Wayne Watters

  • e-MDs
  • Aaron Hilton
  • Gustavo Reyes:
  • Johnny Serrano: his voice sounded a lot like Ryan, the fellow inmate.
  • Chris Sweet
  • David Respass
  • Jason Gray
  • Anne Roberts
  • Janet Roberts: her voice sounded more like a young boy, but they got one of her affectations correct in the sound bit that they used over and over.
  • Mark Delp
  • David Winn, the owner of e-MDs, who has since sold the company.

  • eScan / TransUnion
  • Mike Considine
  • Ben
  • Dave

  • Friends/Acquaintances
  • Alex Negron: ex boyfriend from Madison, WI.  They got his voice down very well.
  • Jorge Longoria: former best friend and roommate who I believe was a victim of this Gangstalking/Terrorist Group when he lived at my house for a few months (October 2015 - February 2016?).
  • Frank Lara: they used a sound bit of some character on TV laughing, and it’s pretty close to Frank’s laugh.  They don’t speak as him.  He is Jorge’s boyfriend and lived with me as well.
  • Micah Swindell: I believe he may have been an unaware victim of the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group. He hears voices, but only when he lived with his girlfriend in 2017, and only when he was in TCCC, which he may still be incarcerated at.  The Voices stated he was working for them, but I asked Micah several times, the last time when we were in TCCC together.
  • Gabe : They used his voice on the ride to Houston after I had just spent the night at his place shortly before the trip.
  • Clyde Boyd: he passed away in January 2018, and they still reference him a lot.  They rarely use his voice.
  • Ryan Adams
  • Melinda Lee: old high school friend that I had 4 years of Latin with.
  • Su Abbot: highschool friend
  • Rob Abbot
  • Tim Cunningham: my current roommate

  • Other Inmates: They would occasionally put inmates on the soundboard, and aside from Ryan, they did not do this until my September 2017 - February 2018 incarceration.
  • Ryan, redhead that was in F1 and F3 during the latter half of my November 2016 - February 2017 incarceration.
  • Mike from 12-F1-107?
  • Brett Albrecht

  • Movies & Television: the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group has used actual sound clips from these movies, tv shows, etc., or quoted dialogue from them.
  • Legend: Probably the most frequently used with the most numerous sound clips played from it
  • Mean Girls
  • Babylon 5
  • Star Trek: clips have been used, but they make countless references to various episodes across most of the series, relating episodes of the show to various aspects of this experience.  For example, the referenced the Voyager episode where 7 of 9 imports/downloads too much information and creates conspiracy theories to make sense of all the information, relating that to the odd events and behavior of people in my life, and how there were so many possibilities, since I would not ever be 100% sure if a person was acting sketchy on their own, sketchy because the gangstalkers put them up to it.

  • Actors & Public Figures
  • Kathy Griffin: They have used countless sound clips from her various stand up acts.
  • Janeane Garofalo: A few clips from her stand up acts, but they used her in narratives Because she makes jewelry in her personal life, and my mother made jewelry, and I had intended to approach her in person after one of her stand up acts and see if she would be interested in the beads and other materials that my mother had used, as she left behind a ton of items that could make hundreds of more pieces.
  • Margaret Cho: Clips from her stand up acts.
  • Jerry Springer: Went through a period where he was doing a segway to something like a final thought, giving a general overview of the situation, often spun in a way to embarass me.
  • Ryan Reynolds: They made constant references to him coming to save me from this nightmare, along with numerous sexually suggestive comments.
  • Chris Hardwick: Went through a short period of hearing his voice in some of the scenarios, blocking all suggestions/requests on my part, or by one of their own, with “Sadly, ….”, “sadly, I cannot”, or “Sadly, Chris Hardwick can’t help”.  Narratives involved him offering $1 million to me or to someone else to do a porn shoot.  Both the “sadly…” and $1 million reference are used occasionally to this day.
  • Chris Fuller: ex-boyfriend, who has a few catch phrases and characteristics used by t
  • Buddy Allen: friend who I spoke to by phone and video chat a few times while at the Grove.  He is often referenced, but rarely voiced, and when he appears in the narrative stories, he is often portrayed as sound clips of Big Gay Al from Southpark.

  • Video Game Background Music and Sound Effects: The Grove they would often play background music to and sometimes sound effects from video games.
  • PacMan
  • Legend of Zelda
  • Super Mario Brothers
  • Centipede
  • Galaga

Canned Responses

The conversations are often made up of canned responses, and it seems like the responses are automatically triggered.  For instance, if I say “that hurts” they say “it’s supposed to hurt”, or if I ask “why are you doing this still?” or state “there’s no reason to keep doing this.”; they will respond “it’s fun”.

Their Canned Dialogue

Triggered By Me Saying

It’s supposed to hurt.

That hurts.

Deserve has nothing to do with it.

I/Nobody deserves this. 

Note that their response was inspired by Dr. Brinson’s favorite quote from a Clint Eastwood movie.

I know, it’s neat, cuz….

Almost any observation I make on a negative outcome that results from them, such as

You’re ruining my life.

I’m not not a bot.

It’s not not __________.

You’re not a bot.

It’s not __________.

Manufactured Coincidences

There are some pieces of data that suggest that some coincidences had planned meaning.


When I lived south at The Grove on Manchaca, I noticed a person with the same name as my friend Jorge Longoria listed on NextDoor at an apartment complex off of Victory Drive, a few blocks down the road towards TX-71.  I also met a new medical assistant at my doctor’s office named Victor.  Then, when I lost the apartment, my father got me a hotel room at Woodspring on North IH-35, and across the street was a street named Victor.  I believe the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group added “Jorge Longoria” as a named resident to the apartment near me after I moved into The Grove Apartments, which anyone can do on NextDoor (they don’t do address verification anymore), and then when my father got the hotel room, I believe they subliminally suggested a location that was across from the Victor street up north.  Around those same times, respectively, I had met Victor (Medical Assistant at Red River Family Practice), and Victor (friend of a friend).  I then took a trip to Houston and was at one point holding the hand of a guy in a church van as he prayed for a “victory” for me.  And in 2018, I wound up on Revolutionary Trail in Manor, TX.

🖼️20170718_170650 - NextDoor - Jorge Longoria - 4105 Victory Drive, Apt A102

Snowflake ❄️

Additionally, other odd coincidences happened and continue to happen.  For instance, the first time I went to court in March 2017, I was on facebook and the Gangstalking/Terrorist group pointed out a friend’s pic with a big snowflake in it.  Within a few days, in my apartment, I found a baseball cap with a snowflake symbol on the front of it.  I can assure you I did not buy one or ever witness a friend wearing it.  I rarely had guests over anyway, maybe two, three at the most.

Dill 🥒

The Gangstalking/Terrorist Group made “dill pickles” a buzz word/name.  Most of my grievances in TCCC were responded to by a “Dill”.  Is there really a Sergeant Dill working in Travis County Sheriff department?

484424 #️⃣ 4️⃣8️⃣4️⃣4️⃣2️⃣4️⃣

While playing the game Township, I kept getting reminders from the Gangstalking / Terrorist Group about numbers that they make "special", when in fact they are not.

69, 269, 6969 #️⃣ 6️⃣9️⃣, 2️⃣6️⃣9️⃣, 6️⃣9️⃣6️⃣9️⃣

8/27/2019 Austin PD Intimidation

Cop car had plate 1123269, labeled patrol car 1811, and the Motel 6 site is labeled 1118 in the transaction history in PayPal.  269 had been an old hotel room number (Extended Stay America?) that the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group had said they got the hotel clerk to assign me that room number since my old work phone extension at e-MDs was x269, and then x6969.  I looked at both plates and became visibly irritated, then the cop car inched forward as I walked away, and then it went down the other way towards the front of the hotel.  This is highly improbable that this was just a coincidence.

227 #️⃣ 2️⃣2️⃣7️⃣

The room number I was in during the incident above was 227.  A few days prior to checking in, I watched the TV show The Goldberg's and it was an episode that referenced the 80's sitcom 227.  When checking in, I was told by the group that they subliminally or openly manipulated the room assignment.  They do things like this very frequently.

Recent History

Travis County Jail Downtown ▶️

Downtown Austin, TX

9/19/2017 - 9/20/2017

After I was put in a padded cell, I was taunted from outside the cell.  The voices kept making it seem like this was all a joke gone too far, and that it was finally over and going to be revealed.  I was not high; I was not sleep deprived; I was not crazy.

At a certain point I felt something oscillate vertically through my body upwards.  It felt like an intrusive vibration that grabbed a hold of my muscles.  When it got to my throat, it literally felt as if I was being choked, and I often refer to Homer Simpson choking Bart as a reference to how severe the choking felt.  

It would eventually pass, and I almost felt like a tube of toothpaste being squeezed, and then I felt a release.  I began to run around the cell like a crazy person trying to avoid whatever it was that I felt, but I was unsuccessful, and kept getting choked repeatedly.  I heard a voice outside the cell say “only 15 more minutes, Kip, and then you can get your settlement check”.  It eventually passed and I fell asleep on the floor.

I was abruptly awakened to 3-4 officers/staff rushing in with riot guard shields, yelling at me to not resist, and essentially not freak out while they were freaking me out.  Teachable moment: even if I was a crazy person, it is not wise to rush into a cell awakening a crazy person after they have calmed down on their own, handcuffing their hands behind their back and putting them in The Chair and covering their nose and mouth with a plastic mask (if you are worried about me spitting on you, and you are going to inject me from behind, what risk is there of leaving my nose and mouth mask free?) and forcibly giving them medication.  This was about as traumatizing as the choking.  

To a lesser extent I experienced vibrations and pokes/nudges on my crotch, similar to sensations felt when I was in a padded cell after my November 2016 arrest.  

It’s hard to tell the difference between a person who knows what’s going on but pretends not to and a person who doesn’t know what’s going and who thinks you are crazy.  I say that because people did come to my door during the attack and said, “I don’t see anyone else in there with you.”  Afterwards I was given Gatorade, which seemed odd to me, as if someone knew I had just experienced an attack that not only choked me, but also dehydrated me at the same time.

I was transported the next day I believe to TCCC in Del Valle.

Travis County Correctional Complex ▶️

Del Valle, TX

9/20/2017 - 2/16/2018

I have a journal logging what was an everyday suffering with TCCC.  

Detailed Journal of My Incarceration

I was first placed in HSD and quickly moved to HSB the first day or two.  Once in HSB, I filed a PREA outcry grievance on paper and within the next couple of days I spoke to a very nice male sergeant.  I explained what happened in the padded cell and insisted that he pull the footage and review with me.  He said he would look into it.

When I was in HSB, the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group made frequent comments of despair, making me further fear what my future was going to be like after the arrest.  They also indicated that my friend Micah Swindell was in jail too and that we would cross paths.  Weeks later, I was moved to 12-F1-206B, and as promised, Micah was in the same unit. 

One time they also said “your new cellmate is here” and moments later the cell door was unlocked and I was meeting my new cell mate.  I did not hear a mattress dragging on the floor or hear the post officer speaking.  I do not have the ability to fortell the future.  The Voices are from real people, having fun ruining people’s lives.  They have done this countless times.

Note: I have mentioned pulling the footage a number of times.  It would be very easy to do so, and even if I was a crazy person imagining what I alleged, it seems it would be much easier and faster to resolve the situation if someone would have just pulled the footage and reviewed it with me.  This sergeant never got back with me.  It wasn’t until about 4 months later that I was presented with an “unfounded” response to my PREA outcry, which was only responded to after filing multiple grievances.  The resolution/outcome document was an insult.  All it stated was “unfounded”.  It did not detail any information as to what steps were taken to investigate the situation.  It did not even include any details of my outcry.  It did not indicate if footage was pulled and reviewed.  The person delivering the document and who witnessed my signature indicated that the person who resolved it as such relied on Sgt. Sloan/Slone’s similar resolution to my PREA outcry the prior year. 


I filed an electronic grievance as a complaint and all that was indicated was on 11/16/2017 the grievance was “Forwarded”.  No Resolution.

11/28/2017 - 12/12/2017

All inmates in F1 were moved to C1.  I was moved to 12-C1-202B.

While doing the logs, I would often stand up at the entrance to my cell and make visual cues for the camera footage so that it could be reviewed later after I typed up and sent in my grievances, which I planned to do for a week.  The footage will often show me indicating where I am experiencing the physical sensations (electrical shocks/jolts, vibrations, crushing jabs, knocking, etc.), and it will show me blocking it with my hand holding the wiring pad, and it will also show me turning and indicating that the sensation “moves” as if it is being caused by an external directional beam/wave, which it obviously is.

By this point the physical sensations included stabbing/jabbing pains in my shoulder blade, in my neck/traps, crushing sensations in my testicles, nudging/poking of my penis, a constant hum in my feet, a knocking in my feet, electrical jolts in every area of my body, etc.  I could almost always block the more severe jolting sensations with my hand, immediately causing it and my forearm go numb, feeling jolts going through my arm, sometimes to the shoulder.  If I were to block a minor vibration, I would simply feel the same vibration or shock in my hand.  

One of the many times that I felt my testicles being crushed, I looked down and saw a red dot, similar to one caused by a laser pointer, for a half second.  I then covered my crotch with my hand and felt a similar pain in my hand, no longer felt in my crotch.  This is not a sign of mental illness.  This is a sign of ongoing physical and sexual assault by dishonorable people that abuse their power and anonymity.  My penis and testicles were nudged and shocked and burned and crushed countless times during my incarceration, and by this point it became an everyday occurrence, multiple times each day, and almost every single time it was followed by a Voice: “is that a sexual touch?”.

Earlier in December I believe, other inmates were experiencing electrical shocks in their legs, creating almost a restless leg syndrome effect.  One was Joel from 12-C1-206B, and the other was a guy in 12-C1-108B I believe.  I will check my notes to see if I can find their names.  I believe I put that in one of my grievances.  

After filing a several days of grievances, I was thrown two counselors.  The first one said that I was on the right path in requesting a sergeant and the second counselor was dismissed by me as I was sleeping and had just spoken with the other counselor a day or two prior.  Without speaking further to me she had me moved to HSF-42.  

12/12/2017 - 12/15/2017: “You shouldn’t have told on us”

After moving to HSF-42, I was told by a passing officer as I was making my bed on move-in “you shouldn’t have told us”.  I was told the same thing the next day as I was put on lockdown for demanding to speak to a counselor to be moved back.  My grievances list two officers that shouldn’t be working there, and I wonder based on some of their comments if they were helping the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group.  It definitely felt like I was being punished.  My feet continued to feel the constant hum, shocks, and knocking sensations.  I could move them quickly, and feel instant relief, but they would return within a second or two.  I could also block some of the sensations with my hand or the writing pad if I could find the beam by feeling around in the air with my hands.

A nice guard whose name I forget, but he’s a bearded guy that worked the morning of the day I got transferred, heard my plea for a counselor, and left a message around 6 or 7am on their voicemail and I was seen by one and approved for transfer back to 12-C1 by 9am.

12/16/2017 - 2/16/2018

I was moved to 12-C1-204B.

The attacks escalated to include more frequent and stronger electrical jolts, crushing jabs, and the occasional acid burn or sunburn sensation. The crushing/pressure sensation was the most surprising of them all, as it would be used either on a small part of me, like my neck, feeling like I was being jabbed hard with some person’s thumb, and at other times, it could blanket most of my body and feel like I was lying down with a 200 pound person on top of me.  A few times it was used on me as I went up the stairs in the 12-C1 unit, and it would feel like I was wearing lead boots.  

Other people in the unit felt these sensations, some as victims and some as witnesses.  My cellmate Daniel Herrera, 12-C1-204A, eventually did hover his hands over my feet and over another cellmate who was experiencing some of these sensations (Mike in 12-C1-204C) and felt the directed energy beams, describing them as feeling like a warm, heavy electromagnetic field of some sort.  He filled a grievance in writing and gave the same supporting statements in person with a Sergeant a few days before I left.

Chris Sanchez, 12-C1-103D, during my last week there, got some collateral damage from my attacks for a few nights, as he was on a slight diagonal vector below me and felt his feet get shocked one night.  When he flipped sleeping directions the next night, he felt his shoulder and arm get crushed and go numb.  He filed a grievance in writing and promised to give the same supporting statements in person with a Sergeant the day before I left.  I do not know if he was actually questioned in person.

John Henry Pate, Booking #17-28372 from 12-C1-10?B was having very similar experiences to my own.  He had filed a grievance in writing and gave the same supporting statements in person with a Sergeant a few days before I left.  He and I both experienced a dramatic escalation in the attacks for the ~24 hours following us speaking to the Sergeant

I felt desperate to get out of jail so I did a plea deal for the DUI, a POCS <0.5g, and a reduced Attempted Evading; the other two charges were dropped.  I cannot tell you how it feels to have these convictions on my record when I am the victim, and when no one would even pull footage from past events to support my claims.  Who knows what footage is remaining.

After Jail Release

2/16/2018 - 3/7/2018

I stayed with a friend for a few days then drove to Bedford, TX to get my dog Max back from my sister.  The entire ride to her house, I felt continuous, painful shocks to my head.  It got so painful that I had to put my hand above my head, which partially blocked the attack.  I slept over at my sister's that night, experiencing the crushing jolts, aimed between me and the bed, which caused me to immediately feel back pain.  

[2/28/2018] As I type this, the attacks are escalating and I am being shocked in my shoulders and head and back and thighs and feet, so almost the entire body.  While I was walking my dog today, I was being hit in my belly; and earlier when shopping at Walgreens at 51st I was getting hit on my buttocks with the sharper painful shocks.

[4/17/2019] As I proofread and edit this document, I am still being tortured and terrorized.  My belly feels like its suffering a chemical burn or sunburn.  My feet are buzzing and being shocked, and as I typed that phrase, the attack just increased. Since waking up, there has been an increase in pressure down on my torso.  I partially blocked the attack several times by putting my arms in front of and/or above my chest or belly, causing my forearms to immediately feel a shocking and buzzing sensation.  There were many other types of attacks done that would be too much to document here.

Motel 6

5330 North IH-35, Austin, TX 78751 512-467-9111


I had updated this journal a few days ago, and a little bit today.  I have tried, yet again, to convince the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group to consider win/win strategy benefits, some of which they had inserted into their own “conversations”, or “narratives”, like improvements to be made within APD and TCS.  Today, the Voices went into Slave/Owner mode, with a few male voices representing many characters that were enjoying torturing me with audio that I am unable turn off, going so far as to make repeated threats to make my future even more painful and horrible, and making me aware how more torturous they could make the audio feed(s), adding in many background noises, sound effects, music, and multiple voices all overlapping and perpetual.  They kept making horrible statements like “no one will EVER find out”, which often seemed to be auto-responses, or a person hitting a button to play a canned-response / sound clip that they have played over the past 1.5 years, some of which are done in the voices of people in my past, or caricatures of them.  Often they are followed by catchphrase(s) of that person, and/or an identification of that person.  

For example:  [statement made in Jorge Longoria’s voice] + “Rrrrrrrreally.” (catch phrase of Jorge) + “Jorge” (done in his voice sometimes, sometimes not).  They have done this over the past 1.5 years in many different audio scenarios, trying to (and succeeding in the past) wasting my time, confused, in fear, in pain.  It is unbelievable that someone would spend the time and effort to not only collect audio samples of people in my life, using LinkedIn, Facebook, and other networking sites to build a list of people I know, and for some have spent more time observing them for character traits they could use in the audio clips.

The Gangstalking/Terrorist Group repeatedly dangled a hypothetical scenario “in front of me”: a news investigator, specifically from Vice News, could be contacted by one or a few of the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group to secretly record me being terrorized and tortured, and that they could provide media showing my past experiences (and of other victims), along with footage of the group, so that APD, TCS, and whatever appropriate authorities could watch and witness with them to help trigger and solve the investigation. This went on for days and would become a running bit/gag that they would torment me with for the remainder of the whole experience.  It quickly switched from a hypothetical taunt to a false statement of fact: “the reporter is here…” “...and in 2 days they'll come speak with you” “... They're running over to you right now.”.  “She wants to talk with you.”  “We didn't tell her what room number you were in.”. “Oh, well before we were lying, but the reporter is actually here now, so in 2 days…”. “Vice News has arrived.”, “The reporter is in one of the rooms at the hotel” “The reporter wants to come over, but she needs to know what room number you’re in, and we aren’t telling her.”, “Kip, I am the Vice News reporter; I need you to tell me what room number you are in.” “Kip, the reporter is here, and your father and sister and best friends are here and we are trying to figure out how to end this in a big way” “Kip, the acting Police Chief of Austin is here, and the Travis County Sheriff is here, and they can’t believe you have had to go through this for even an hour.”  They also had voices of my best friends, my father, my sister, speaking as if they were just contacted by phone, or that they just arrived in town, and that it was finally over.

I walked the dog in the daytime and noticed the projections seemed to be in greater number, and many looked to contain letters that could be interpreted as saying “VICE”, and each time I noticed one, the Voices said “VICE”.  A few days earlier, they had them appear as “FAG”, again with the accompanying Voice saying “FAG” after noticing each one.  The words never really spell anything, but the Voices usually make a suggestion that make the visual interpretation possible.  If observed longer, it becomes apparent that the letters don’t really spell anything, and could be interpreted as different characters.  They often change while trying to read them, and sometimes the Voices make other suggestions, or they say “It doesn’t say anything.”

By nighttime the projections were seen in much greater numbers, seen pretty much all around me in all directions in the distance, across the highway in Capital Plaza, in the windows and trees of the houses behind the motel, and in many instances they contained the fake-words that could be interpreted and were suggested as “KIP”.  I kept making the statement that at any moment, this nonsense could be over, perhaps in the scenario they proposed with the news reporter filming them, with the APD & TCS heads present, and at that moment, they will no longer have any more opportunities to do the right thing.

Later in the night I was in my motel room, and The Voices basically informed me that I was going to be electrocuted, and that it was going to hurt.  It was said to basically be a demo to show how evil they were, and how they were never going to tell the truth or stop terrorizing me.  I felt a current run through my body, a vibration, and a freezing sensation in certain areas, like my feet.  The sensation became more intense and painful.  I think it lasted an hour or two.  The Voices became an unknown male voice that had been frequently used, and he said that if I didn’t finish this write up, then I would feel further torture.  Then he said if I tried to continue the write up, I would also receive torture to prevent me from finishing the write up, or at least delay it until I ran out of money.  I was told I would live through the torture but that I would not have any feeling on the right side of my body.  During the torture, my walk was a shaky, as was all my coordination and my voice.  When I lied down a little bit later, the high frequency noise increased in volume, and I felt the pressure beams all over, squeezing under my body, hitting me all over.


The Gangstalking/Terrorist Group put on another all-day demonstration of their capabilities that had already been done before.  As I am writing this update 12:31am the following day, it has been hours of torture, with the high frequency noises heard very loud, and the assault has included primarily an electrical buzz that is an intense sonic toothbrush sensation, but so intense that the body part it hits feels numb or intense pain.  They have constantly attacked my crotch, and my testicles are in constant pain.  My feet are throbbing and feel numb.  My whole face is vibrating and I constantly have to rub my eyes to only get a 1 second relief from the foggy eyesight and the unpleasant feeling that something fuzzy is pressed against them.  My left chest area was hit for lengthy periods of time as they would mention the intention of giving me a heart attack, or just damaging my heart enough to cause me issues in the future.

The Voices made numerous threats countless times throughout the day.  They said that they would leave my dog Max alone if I gave him back to my sister so I could be tortured alone until I killed myself or until they murdered me under a bridge.  When I lied down with my dog, they said that when I woke up Max would be dead.  When I went to Walgreens, they said if I left Max at the motel, that when I returned he would be dead.  As I typed this write up, they constantly said they had killed Max and that he was lying dead behind me.  Also countless times, they said they wanted to see me lose it, that they were going to have me arrested again, and that they were going to have me committed.  They said they had put R-rated videos of me, that they took while I was in my motel room, on facebook, youtube, and other internet sites including my mugshots.  They said they were going to cut my dick off, they said they were going to make me cut my own balls off, they said that they had already established a guy, perhaps one of them that they kept secret, or a stranger, that would one day hook up with me sexually and cut my dick off and make me a slave and eventually kill me.  As I type this, a male voice is saying “I will eventually kill you.  I am that man.”  It feels like someone is jabbing me in the armpits and sides, alternating, and my belly feels sore and that there is some sort of churning going on underneath the skin.  It also feels like a burn.  My feet feel numb and in a great deal of pain, vibrating and throbbing intensely.  If I suddenly move them, the sensations instance cease, but return within a second.  I am occasionally getting getting sharp painful shocks as well.  My neck feels like an invisible vibrating fuzzy collar is around it, with slight pressure that tightens to almost feel like I’m being choked, and my throat below my adam’s apple occasionally gets a poking sensation.

I can reach down below the desk and feel the sensation that my feet are feeling on my hands, and it blocks some of the attack from hitting my feet. I can do the same with my neck and other affected areas of my body.  When I go step out for a cigarette break, my feet still get attacked, and my crotch is still attacked.  I can block the crotch attack by putting my hand in front of my crotch, and I can feel an invisible beam of pressure, sometimes with an occasional burst of a static shocks.


While on a smoke break at the Motel 6 at 5330 North IH-35, I saw an old roommate, Will Secjadas, and we caught up.  He has been gangstalked as well.  Although he is in an earlier stage of it, where he is hearing voices that are making him feel paranoid and that other people in his life are participating in something that he is unaware of.  I told him that was one of their ways of isolating their victim and setting up the eventual ruining of their life.  He is also experiencing the attacks of the invisible beams.  He can feel pressure from them with his hands as they attack him.  I am not sure to what degree he is suffering attacks, but he sent me a video that had glitchy images that looked familiar to the video that I took.  He said that the Voices had increased in frequency and volume since running into me.  He can be reached at 512-808-3808.

3/11/2018 - 4/3/2018

I continue to suffer every day an almost constant 24/7 assault and harassment by this Gangstalking/Terrorist Group.  Every day they repeat ad nauseum a cycle of torture where they literally shock me in various ways.  

Right now, as I am typing this, at 1:40am on 3/30/2018, I feel buzzing or vibration throughout my whole body, focused on my neck/upper back, my feet.  My penis and prostate are receiving electrical jolts repeatedly, even more so when I say “don’t do that!”, almost as if children are controlling the devices and enjoy watching me get agitated and irate.  In fact, they also switch into characters/voices of children, and when asked “why are you doing this?”, they will almost always respond in the same way, usually delayed by several seconds, further aggravating me with the anticipation of it: “it’s fun”.  

It is now 2:52 am, so for over an hour I was essentially only able to write a few more sentences.  I have literally been sexually and physically assaulted for hours; and they were doing it hours before I fell asleep prior to that.  It is beyond aggravating; it is not acceptable; and yet I have to accept it.  I have to sit here, after leaving numerous messages for Detective Hernandez and Sergeant Mike Cowden, after making numerous grievances, along with other victims and witnesses, and speaking with multiple sergeants in jail, which I would not have ever experienced were it not for this Gangstalking/Terrorist Group’s actions, and the actions taken by APD and TCS officers/staff that suggest the their involvement with their group.

Tom's House

2401 Mockingbird Dr, Round Rock, TX 78681

4/25/2018 - 7/9/2018

4/25/2018 - 5/19/2018

I moved from my friend Isaac's Gaytan’s couch to a bed at my friend Tom Denton’s house.  The bullshit continued, with some days being better than others.  Sometimes when I go outside to smoke, the Voices get louder and sounds like they are coming from a block over.  The electrical jolts and crushing pressure jabs often target my head but my back is a common target.  As always, if I feel around with my hands or cover the targeted spot up, the pain subsides and an electrical and often painful sensation is immediately felt in my hand, sometimes forearms.  I left numerous messages for the Detective, his Sergeant, his Lieutenant, and her Commander.

I stayed with my friend Tom and his wife for this period, whenever they didn’t have their kids over (they shared custody with their former respective spouses).  When they did have custody, they would get me a hotel, which ended up being mostly at the Woodspring in Round Rock.  I was still getting tortured and terrorized, no matter the location I was at.

5/20/2018 - 5/24/2018: Dr. Lambeth tells me that the 2 female staff members confessed.

Dr. Lambeth told me that the two women from Red River Family Practice (see suspect list) admitted wrongdoing, corroborating my recollection.  I was socked to find out that they don't worked there.

I immediately texted my Dad.  To this day he still has not responded to it, except one he texted me that things did not happen necessarily the way I said they happened, still not believing me.

I immediately left messages for Detective Joseph Hernandez, Sergeant Mike Cowden, Lieutenant Christine Chomout, and Commander Art Fortube.  I stressed how important it was to find the motive out, as that would certainly lead us to the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group, and I was careful to explicitly mention that I trusted that APD was the more appropriate choice, since they would be more likely to successfully obtain that information, and at the same time would avoid an escalation that a self-help approach may lead to, as the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group repeatedly tried to push me to do, one that would have ended very badly.  

It's important to note that the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group  had also suggested back in 2017 at The Grove Apartments that I bomb Downtown Central Booking, and specifically called out APD & TCS officers and civilians that I should seek revenge upon, although they did not just limit the targets to complicit or seemingly complicit officers.  They have done so countless times since then.  

I cannot describe how extremely frustrating it is that I am under constant physical assault and frequent sexual assault while being tormented by one or more simultaneous Schizophrenic-like audio feeds and while being taunted by the bizarre projections; and yet the local law enforcement agencies won’t even call me back when their lives and reputation are at stake.


The Voices continue, and at times they warn of impending events, usually an attack, but on 5/20/2018, when staying at a hotel one night, they read off I a license plate that I hadn't even looked at, and after a few minutes of them repeating it, I walked to the back of the car, and the license plate was correct as They read it off.  They do this to gloat; to let me know they are real.  Unless you think I have some sort of supernatural power, this is further proof, which I have already provided plenty of, that this is not Schizophrenia.  This is a group of evil cowards that the APD and TCS is protecting.


These past few days have been really bad.  I am sitting at the DMV right now to renew my license, and They have been pounding my back with jolts that are killing my back.  They have been doing this for a few hours, even while I was waiting for the bus.  They also have been hitting my sides and stomach, making my abs burn.

My feet are also vibrating, which is something that started up again a couple of days ago.  They are also jolting my sides and chest.  As I write this, they are hitting my throat.

My head has been the primary target for most of the past week.  Anytime I cover the affected area, I can tell an electric buzzing in my hands.  This is not a mental is physical illness.  Nothing would behave that way.  

My penis and asshole have been shocked more frequently: still every day but much more these past few days.  They often say, “We’re trying to make you shit your pants.”  Or they’ll say, “You probably need to pee right now.” As the shocks sometimes trigger that feel feeling.


APD won't return my calls; yet I am assaulted and tortured daily.  


Woodspring Suites

1950 N, I-35, Round Rock, TX 78681

5/30/2018 - 6/16/2018

Due to not getting any headway with Detective Hernandez or his superiors, I filed separate police reports for the Stolen Phone / Hacking and the Assault at Red River Family Practice, hoping that the assigned detective would at least give me a call back.  I also  filed a police report for the Gangstalking/Terrorism with the Round Rock Police Department; I spoke with a female officer and emailed her a link to this document, but I never heard back.  She seemed unable to think of a way to help me; I suggested drone surveillance with special camera equipment.  

Dell Seton Medical Center @ UT

1500 Red River St, Austin, TX 78701

6/22/2018 - 7/6/2019

I checked into the ER and was admitted for 2 weeks IV penicillin treatment, something the Gangstalkers had been reading me about since 2018 or before.  They didn't do much of the painful attacks, but be they did bother me every day.

Manor House (owned by Alan Stewart)

19212 Revolutionary Trail

Manor, TX 78653

7/9/2018 - 1/24/2019

My friend Tim Cunningham let me know of a room for rent in his house; I had visited with him before and knew the owner, Alan Stewart, who happens to be a Travis County Constable.  I moved in, with the same nonsense following me.  The Gangstalking/Terrorist Group would frequently keep me up all night torturing me, sometimes causing me to miss my appointments.

During this period, I created a separate YouTube channel to publicly showcase the projections that I was experiencing.  

10/14/2018 - Tortured with Travis County Sheriff Officers ▶️

I had one incident in which I was getting shocked and dehydrated at an accelerated pace.  Soon a few vehicles from Travis County Sheriff department (and perhaps Manor Police Department, but I don’t recall).  I was being jolted with electricity by the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group as they approached me, and I told them I would comply with any of their instructions, but that my dog and I needed water, and that he was my Emotional Support Animal, registered.  For some reason, they decided to cuff me, even though I was no danger to them or myself.  They separated me from my dog. They gave me a few sips of water and I was shocked further to the point I fell to my knees.  They did not give me any more water and put me in the back of the cop car.  I thought they were going to drive me and my dog home. I told them what street I lived on, and the name of the owner.  I don’t understand why so many officers responded to the call, and I don’t understand why they would ask me seemingly asinine questions like “What’s Alan’s middle name?”  What the fuck does it matter?  I knew where to be dropped off, and instead they drove my dog home and arrested my roommate, Tim Cunningham, on an old warrant that got dismissed.  Typically an officer would not run the name of a roommate who was not involved with an incident that really was already resolved.  The Gangstalking/Terrorist Group had warned me in the prior few days that they were going to fuck over Tim.  I was driven to another neighborhood nearby, and the remaining officers stood around for a while until an ambulance showed up.  I was put on the stretcher and rolled into the back of the ambulance, and one officer tied my left hand down extremely tight, to the point I yelled in pain.  I think he was smiling at me.  Whether I am sane or not, sober or not (I was sober and sane), these officers behaved badly.  I kept asking the EMT for some water, and he would answer that he had hooked up an IV.  I looked up and saw that the bag was empty and told him so.  I’m not sure why I still couldn’t get any water.  I was taken to St. David’s off of 30th.  I was released that evening, with no shoes, and literally walked from Austin to Manor in hospital socks.  I was picked up by Travis County Sheriff officers (I think, Manor PD may have also responded), and was driven home.  Again, I think too many officers responded (there was no incident, I had stopped to figure out if I had gone too far or not down the highway from my expected turn.

1/24/2019 - Illegally POED’d by Manor Police Department ▶️

My landlord Alan Stewart went crazy, although there was nothing I had done, nor anything my other roommate, Tim Cunningham, could have done, to trigger such an episode.  I know that he had been diagnosed with PTSD in the past, but I have never seen him have an episode and wasn't even sure he still struggled with it.  The house is pretty quiet and peaceful, and in the past, I've heard both Alan's and Tim's TV much louder than any volume I was speaking at that morning.

Anyway, I got quiet to appease Alan.  I thought that was the end of it.

However, it wasn’t, and after I was completely quiet in my room, doing nothing wrong, for some unbeknownst, bizarre, illogical, nonsensical, unnecessary reason, Alan called 911, and Manor Police Department responded.  I told the first responding male officer out on the porch, as I was putting out a cigarette, that I did not wish to be bothered, and I went into my bedroom.  A female cop knocked on my bedroom door and I told her I did not wish to speak to them, and they respectfully left me alone and took no further action, as was appropriate.  They should not have been called to begin with.  It is unbelievably irrational and outrageous that Alan took such action.

Alan wasn’t happy about that, and even though I was in my bed with my dog, completely quiet, nothing playing on the TV, dead silence, he placed a bluetooth speaker on the floor outside my door and blasted it with loud music.  I didn’t know he had done this; I thought it was my other roommate Tim for some reason, and so I went out in the hallway and turned the bluetooth speaker off, moving it closer to Tim’s door (his door is just a few feet from mine), and returned to my room.  Alan came running over from the other side of the house, where his bedroom was, yelling, “Give me back my bluetooth speaker!”  I opened my door again, and Alan was facing me.  I pointed behind him and said, “Alan, it’s right there.  I thought Tim did that and thought it would bother you.”  It had been playing extremely loud, and was obviously meant to irritate me.  Had I known Alan had done that, I would have left it playing, as it wasn’t bothering me.  

I walked back into my room and closed the door, locking it out of habit (Tim has a habit of bursting in my room without knocking).  I heard Alan say, “Tim, I’m getting the hammer.”  I was stunned.  A few seconds later, Alan was taking a hammer to the bedroom door, punching a hole through it.  My dog ran under the bed, frightened.  Alan reached in and unlocked the door, and then asked Tim to take the door handle off.  Instantly, Tim was complying with the request, and said “Kip, you brought this upon yourself.”  I was completely floored again.  I was doing nothing wrong.  I was in my room in utter silence.  Alan had blasted a speaker extremely loud, and then he commits an act of domestic violence by breaking into my room and having the door handle removed?  I had no idea what was going on.  

Manor Police responded to another call Alan made within minutes, and there were soon 5 officers lining my bed, which was pushed into the corner.  I was huddled in the corner.  As they had walked in, at least 2 of them had seen the two holes in my door.  I repeatedly told them that I was not thinking of hurting myself or anyone else and also pointed to the damage that Alan had done to the door, telling them, “He took a hammer to my door, and he had my roommate take the door handle off.” to which one officer responded (after a couple of them glanced over and saw the damage), “Your roommate…?” and I deflected that question because I did not want my roommate to get in trouble, as he may have had meth on him.  He and the landlord did meth, which I don’t have a problem with, but I didn’t want my friend to get into trouble, despite him taking the door handle off and not standing up to domestic violence.

The officer second from the left, caucasian, blonde I believe, pointed a taser at me.  He was within 3 feet of me, and I was doing nothing wrong. I said something like, “Really?  We’re doing this?”  He holstered it, and within seconds I was being grabbed and turned over.  The very interesting thing is that the officer cuffing me placed excessive force on my left wrist, causing me to cry out in pain.  This was similar to what a Travis County Sheriff officer had done a couple of months prior, while I was in an ambulance, smiling creepily as he did it.  I do not think this is a mere coincidence.

I was put in the back of the police car.  There was absolutely no interview done with me to support a POED, yet that’s what they were doing.  I told the officer that I needed my dog, as he was my registered emotional support animal.  He said once that he would check on it.  He had also promised to get my shoes. He did neither.  I was taken to Dell Seton for 72 hours.

In Dell Seton, I was forcibly sedated for no reason.  I was irritated, as I wanted to go back home so I could begin looking for another place, and in the room I was in, I was being annoying.  However, I was not being aggressive, and I was acting in a defensive way, perfectly normal for anyone in the same circumstance.  They made me give a urine sample, and for the next 3 days, I stayed in a patient room doing nothing but eating and watching TV.  I must have spoken to at least 20 healthcare provider, and repeatedly stated, “I’m not thinking of hurting myself or anyone else.  I am the victim.  My landlord took a hammer and punched a hole in the door, and removed the door handle.  I did nothing wrong.”  They kept bouncing between “Well, Psych needs to talk to you.” “Well, Medical needs to talk to you.”  One of the last doctors I spoke to was an extremely bitchy caucasian women who, when I said I was leaving after the 72 hours said “No you aren’t.  I’ll get a court order to keep you longer.” or something to that effect.  I was stunned.

I can’t remember if I went to Shoal Creek mental health facility first or the judge, but I when I was taken before the judge, I was barely spoken to.  It was a rubber stamp meeting.  There was no interview conducted.  The judge had absolutely no business being in that position.  It was a joke of a hearing.  So I was forcibly kept for 7-10 days at Shoal Creek, and each day, I said the same thing: “I’m not thinking of hurting myself or anyone else.  I am the victim.  My landlord took a hammer and punched a hole in the door, and removed the door handle.  I did nothing wrong.”  They also kept bouncing between “Well, Psych needs to talk to you.” “Well, Medical needs to talk to you.”  They kept me there as long as they could.  

When I went back home, my stuff was packed up and I stayed the night, but Alan was determined to get me out, so he drove me to a hotel where one of Tim’s friends was staying the night, and left me there to fend for myself.

Motel 6

5330 North IH-35, Austin, TX 78751 512-467-9111

8/27/2019 - Austin PD Intimidation

A cop car (I didn't technically verify that it was Austin PD, but it had the same look) had plate 1123269 and further identified by patrol car #1811 on it.  He was parked by the dumpster, facing away from it.  I did not get a good look at the officer in the driver seat, but I believe it was a single man.  I threw the ball for Max to fetch down towards the same area, and I looked at the front plate, then walked to verify the back plate in a way that was not discreet, but not aggressively obvious. He started to idle forward as I walked away, after throwing the ball aggressively in the opposite direction, visible irritated.  He then stopped, and may have backed up, and then drove to his left towards the front of the hotel.  

One of my hotel room numbers was 269 in the past (and the Motel 6 is #1118 in PayPal transaction log vs. 1811 on the cop car), and the Gangstalkers/Terrorists had made a mention that it matched one of my former phone extensions (x269, then x6969).  

So, technically, this cop could have been assigned this area to patrol or something to look into, unrelated to me, but it seems highly improbable that this was done in any way without someone in the police department knowing they were doing something to intimidate me, and the Group even gloated that it was another example of RICO, Racketeering & Intimidation Crime Organization, which I had called out years ago, I believe in one or more communications with APD, and certainly in a grievance & PREA outcry during my incarceration with Travis County Sheriff department at TCCC, which was verbally responded to by a large heavy-set officer who I perceived to be a sarcastic jackass as he confirmed that I did still want to meet with the sergeant, stating "...about an Officer Rico?". I don't know if he saw the grievance, but RICO was in all caps, and I'm pretty sure most officers would know what that meant, and minimally they would never mistake my words as talking about an Officer Rico.  But with this Gangstalking, one's perceptions can be manipulated, as can other people's, and their words and behavior.

More History From the Beginning

My House @ Tower Trail in Senate Hills ▶️

5300 Tower Trail, Austin, TX 78723

9/?/2007? - 9/?/2016

On the NextDoor app, there was a sighting once (in 2014?) of guys in a company marked van flying drones in the daytime.  They were asked by a couple of people what they were doing and the neighbor had reported that they said they were getting arial snapshots for the HOA.  The HOA responded on the thread on NextDoor stating that that was not true.  Another person said in the thread that they were filming shots for a show on Showtime.

I noticed several times throughout the last year that I lived at the house that some of the star-like lights in the sky, upon reviewing with binoculars, appeared to be made of metal or shiny plastic, and so I assumed they were likely drones.  I would notice projections on the fence or on my neighbors roof.  At one point in time, a drone (or a projection of one) appeared to fly up right to the back bedroom window and then fly away.  Someone was with me at the time, and they saw it too.  

Near the last few weeks at my house, I thought I saw projections in the sky against the clouds, and I thought of it as innocuous and that it was probably a drone doing so and was probably the next phase of skywriting for ads, or something similar.  

A week after I moved out of the house, another neighbor had reported that a drone was hovering outside her bedroom window, appearing to be spying into her house.

I believe that the gangstalking went back 4-5 years, when i was still employed at eScan/TransUnion and they are responsible for making my ex-fiance Berny Trevino for going crazy and thinking I was against him all the time.  My best friend Jorge Longoria and his boyfriend Frank Lara moved in right after Berny left and Jorge started thinking I was talking behind his back, first sad about it and crying, claiming he and Frank would do whatever it was to stay in the house.  Then it turned into anger, with him saying things like, “I heard what you said!”.  They have Jorge on a soundboard now, along with many other people from my past.  I think they had my voice on a soundboard with Jorge, and made him hear my voice talk about him negatively.  Then I had a series of bad roommates, some who saw things and heard people talking about them when they weren’t.  The Gangstalking/Terrorist Group has even made references to events that happened while I was still working and living with Berny Trevino.  I believe they have been in my life for about 4 years.

Extended Stay America ▶️

6300 E Hwy 290, Austin, TX 78723

(512) 452-0880

9/3/2016 - 10/16/2016

After my house sold, and I moved out I moved into Extended Stay America with my dog and cat.  For a few weeks, I felt like my head was in a fog.  I was sleeping quite a bit, had very little energy, and I took about a month to take the moving truck back.

I noticed that I thought I saw very subtly the word “FAG” around the room, almost as if it was lightly projected in the most subtle of ways.  I didn’t think anything of it, and curiously thought that my mind was making distinctions in a pattern in the wall or bedspread or ceiling texture where there was likely none, and perhaps in some cases it was the same pattern over and over and nothing that spelled anything at all.  I only thought to include this later once I experienced subtle to fantastic projections and “faggot” epithets.

I then began to hear voices.  One of the earliest was when I was lying naked in the bed, with the window curtains shut with no visible gap and I heard a female-sounding voice say, as if to someone else, “Oh my god, he is completely naked!  What does he do all day, he goes to the store, maybe the gym; what else does he do?”

One day I received a call from a Travis County Detective who was following up on a police report I had filed on stolen electronics and an engagement ring.  He said that the Xbox One was recovered, and to come in person to retrieve it and to hand write and affidavit of the stolen property already electronically filed.  I had missed a court date for a DWI charge, but was in the process of looking for an attorney, and I didn’t want to be arrested on the chance he ran my name in person; so I was honest and told him about it and he told me to take care of my warrant before coming in.  I said I would.

From that point forward, the Voices became more frequent and the high frequency tones began to become more aggressive.    I thought I heard the word “faggot” behind my back or thrown onto the TV, or coming through the AC vent that was under the window, particularly if running.   I also became curious about a cigarette that was left out in my room, unlit, with what looked like lipstick on the end of it.  I had not had any guests recently, and none of my guests would have been wearing lipstick.  Another odd moment that stands out is that there was a State Patrol officer there for a few days, an Asian man; and one night when I was smoking with my dog just past the parking lot, he appeared to look uncomfortable and began to approach me, in uniform, but then returned to the hotel.  Perhaps he was going to ask for a cigarette and decided otherwise.  

The last two days at Extended Stay, I saw red dots, as if from a laser pointer, occasionally shine in the room.  I also saw pale, almost pink beams that were barely perceivable, about 2 inches wide in diameter slowly move around.  I initially thought that it was just some kids having fun at my expense.  I talked to the front office staff about it a few times.  What I found odd is that one of them, ~30 Black Male, was so indifferent towards me when I mentioned most of these issues (minus the “fag” epithets); however, in the first few days that i was there, I had jokingly asked if there was a sumo wrestler in the room above me, not truly bothered by it, but just curious as to if there was a large person in the room above me, which would explain the loud thumps I would sometimes hear above me, to which he responded by offering to speak to them and that upon me declining, he assured me that it would not be disclosed that I was the complainant.  I assured him I was just kidding and within the next few days I discovered that the second level was just a loud unavoidable noisy floor, not the type you would normally find in commercial buildings.

The other clerk, Candy, a female Black clerk, stated she would look around the property, and upon follow-up (~1 hour?), she stated that she hadn’t found anyone.  I felt that Candy was aware of what was going on, as I had left the front desk to return to my room, but then returned a few seconds later, and Candy was turned around talking into her phone, and she immediately looked guilty as if I truly had busted her, perhaps participating as one of The Voices.  It could be nothing, but otherwise I can’t think of a reason for the immediate change in her face and demeanor.  I had considered that I was going schizophrenic, and this made me angry that a group of people would find it entertaining to screw with someone’s mental health.  I decided to get away and do laundry at laundromat, during which the Voices acted as if there was a police officer involved, and that he and some people had played a joke on me.  While I was putting laundry in a washing machine, the Voices suddenly sounded “tinny” as if the sound was affected by bouncing around the metal tub.  They acted as if they were trying to find me, and told me they needed the microphone and speaker back, or else the officer was going to get into trouble.  They kept this up for about an hour and continued back with the “faggot” epithets, and it sounded like it was coming from a passing vehicle in the parking lot of the laundromat.  

When I returned to the hotel, the Voices reminded me that I couldn’t call the cops because I had a warrant out for my arrest.  I heard a the same sound bit of a police siren at times as well.  

I freaked out and began packing when the Voices and other harassment escalated.  I called the police once and the responding officer didn’t run my name and suggested I return to my room, as there was no evidence to support what I was claiming.  The second time I called 911 a few times, as I kept getting disconnected.  By then the beams had increased, and when one hit my skin, it felt immediately warmer.  When it hit my head, I felt a swirling sensation and my vision became twisted to match the sensation.  It was very unpleasant.  At one point a figure appeared at my window, that I could only make out the shape of, as the curtains were pulled.  The person held something against the window and said “it’s a gun”, and I went off on a monologue about how dangerous that was, as just weeks prior, a kid had been shot dead by an officer because he had a pellet gun with a laser on it.  This didn’t change anything and the attack continued while I was speaking to 911.  The beams appeared to also cause issues with my phone, both in causing false touches and in preventing my touches from being registered.  The responding officers didn’t ask me any questions, except to confirm my name, before they arrested me.  I asked them if they would please take my report and investigate what happened and I would be fine going downtown.  They did not investigate anything.  

I was in jail for a few days and released, retrieving my pets from the pound and staying at a Super 8 for a day before I moved into Studio 6.  My car was broken into sometime in the next week while it was still parked at Extended Stay, and a paycheck stub for an employee Erica was left in the floorboard of my car.  She was a young Hispanic woman who was very nice and always in a good mood, so I wonder if that was a hint to contact her because she knew something about the situation.  I never took the opportunity to try contacting her, as I was always kept distracted.  

Studio 6


6603 N IH-35, Austin, TX 78752

10/22/2016 - 11/20/2016

.Phone Stolen - Accounts Hacked ▶️

My phone was stolen, I believe by guy called “Fast Mike”, who I thought I left my phone in his vehicle, a moving truck at the time.  Technically it could have been a guy I dubbed Mulatto Boy, who was in my room hanging out the next day, and at one point I believe was going through my bathroom looking for things to steal.  

Fast Mike returned a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 to me, but I believe it was a different phone.  It looked like I could make out “For Store Use Only” or part of that phrase, on the side of the phone.  In any event, AT&T took it back during the massive recall.

Voices Proven to be Real

Before getting a replacement phone, the Voices proved to me that they were real.  They told me essentially “the guy in 301 has your phone and hacked your account.”. I didn't know the guy, and had met him in passing on the stairs.  Mulatto Boy hung out with him sometimes.  The Video also did a ”Simon Says” demonstration where I looked out onto the parking lot as it appeared the same guy followed simple instructions of the Voices, but I can't say for sure that he heard them, but it seemed convincing.

When I got my replacement phone, and recovered my Google accounts, I used Android Device Manager to see that my stolen Note 7 was actually at the motel within a radius that was in 301 (or the room above) or the immediate area outside 301.


I then discovered that an email,, was put as a recovery address on one of my Google accounts. This email address linked directly to two Facebook accounts and one Google+ profile, all for Jason Barrientes, “Gizmo”, who appears to be the guy from 301

He had an ankle monitor on at the time, for alcohol detection according to him.  He was from Odessa and may have returned, as he said he would after finishing a year of probation I believe.  The Voices often use him in their harassment, both praising him and suggesting I seek revenge against him for his involvement.  Good thing I'm a rational person,though, isn't it?  Too bad that no one listened to me when I reported him to APD several months later, as I got arrested in false charges and had to get an apartment, but he would have been an easy suspect to find and lean on for information.  In all likelihood, he knows someone from this group, or his friend Mulatto Boy certainly does.


Voices Overheard by Friend

One time I had a guest over, a guy I knew as Paisan, and he heard the “faggot” epithets and thought it was funny.  The Voices proceeded to give a pretend play-by-play of us having sex later, as if another person or more was there and couldn't see and needed the details

Voices Threaten Extortion

At one point, I had a receipt left out showing I had roughly $75,000 in my bank account, that I was providing to an apartment complex as proof I could pay rent, and about that time I would often hear, usually loud and as if from a passing car, “We want your money or we want you dead!”  This would repeat sporadically throughout each day.  This made me think all this harassment was about getting the money I had received from the equity in my house, after the foreclosure.

New Neighbor & Crisis Team Response

One day I met my new neighbor a very friendly and sociable Hispanic man, who stayed for 3-4 days.  We would run into each other on smoke breaks.  I noticed that the Mulatto Boy and friends had gotten him to buy him some cigarettes, and later that night they kept returning to his door and banging on it very hard.  He later told me that he was in his bed, scared to answer the door.  

A few days later, I decided to talk to a detective that had helped me with my ex-fiance breaking the protective order, a British Black male; and was unable to produce a good piece of video, and felt like I sounded more nervous than I actually was, I believe due to the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group still using their devices on me.  He called a crisis team guy, an older Asian male, in a cowboy hat, who asked if he could take me somewhere to talk to someone -- in a mental health way.  I agreed to do so if he would take my case seriously.  He drove me to a mental health clinic near Rainey Street downtown and on the drive there, I kept hearing the “We want your money…” sound byte repeatedly.  I kept observing the officer to see if he heard it, and I couldn’t tell if he had.  I was too worried about asking him if he did, as that would make me appear more crazy.  Upon arrival to the clinic, I noticed it was packed and would likely be a very long wait.  Among those in the waiting room was the friendly next door neighbor from the Studio 6, who I believe had already checked out.  I asked him, “Are they fucking with you too?” and he would not talk to me, looking very afraid and disturbed.  I reported this to the officer who was still there and he said he would update the report.  After he left, I left as well, as I knew  was not suffering a mental illness.  However, that did not keep me from re-questioning everything over and over every single day.

Physical Assaults Escalate & Sexual Assaults Begin

I began to feel new sensations as the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group changed their attacks.  One made me feel warm, and they said they had an actual microwave with the door off, as if that would work.   They also did something that felt like it was coming from the room below, and it felt like my rectum and my insides were being churned.  It was very unpleasant and very violating.  One day I decided to play a Youtube video that was meant to sound very annoying, and left it running in my room as I went out for a smoke break.  Somewhere from a room below, possibly Jason’s, but it sounded like it was more directly below me, a door opened, and I heard the audio from the video I had played blasting out at a very high volume, and then the door shut and I didn’t hear it anymore.  

I called 911 a couple times there, and one time near the end of my stay, I was on the phone with 911 and suddenly felt a surge of electricity run through me, making me panic.  Two officers arrived and called me a cab.

Austin Suites & Hotel


The cab driver suggested several hotels but every hotel that we tried was booked up.  I felt the “buzzing” start when we were at the Days Inn next to Starseeds, while still in the cab.  It stayed with me all the way up IH-35 until we turned around for the Austin Suites & Hotel.  I stayed here for a couple of nights, during which I was still still under assault, even calling the cops there who walked away from my door, not believing me.

11/13/2016 - Ex-boyfriend David Duarte Sighting

The next day in the afternoon I believe I saw one of my ex-boyfriends from a few years back, David Joseph Duarte, ~35-40 years old, with a Hispanic Male around the same age group.  He was in the parking lot below my hotel room, and he appeared to be helping in the unloading of groceries and household items from the car to a hotel room on the 3rd floor (I was on the 2nd), directly across from me (maybe one more room to the right, if facing it).   I also saw what appeared to be his sister and his nephew. I would also see him the next day.

11/13/2016 - 11/14/2017 - Quarter & Another David Duarte Sighting

At one point the Voices asked me to give them my wallet, a show to end the harassment.  I went to the dumpster and placed my emptied worn wallet on the edge of it.  When I returned stressed that repeatedly.  When I had returned to the Studio 6, the “Mulatto Boy” had stopped by my room as I was entering it and asked if I had any money so he could get some pot.  I said no, and he said “you sure you don’t have anything, not even a quarter?” stressing quarter and sounding sarcastic  I shut the door on him and am fairly certain this was a reference to the quarter reference to Austin Suites.  The same guy would pop up several months later near a friend’s apartment.  

After my pretrial appointment, I was waiting for my taxi, fiddling with my phone, and heard,  very audibly, as if it was coming from a nearby parking garage or around the block, “Swipe Left” , “Swipe Right”

Also saw a guy who appeared to be my ex David Duarte, riding in a vehicle.

Tom’s House

Round Rock, TX

November 2016

I heard the “we want your money…” sound byte at Tom’s, usually when in the backyard, as there is a road that runs behind his fence, and it was always very loud, sounding like it was coming from a passing car.  I also got the electrical surges and vibrations, so bad that I freaked out one day when they told me I had to touch metal to discharge the voltage they were pumping into me, and when I touched door handles, they appeared to become hot.  It made me feel more foolish, but what they hurt and scared me.  

I believe they may have been screwing with Tom, as he thought he had Lupus, and then Fibromyalgia, which I am certain this group could mimic the symptoms of.  He said he went through a few months were he had outbursts and odd behavior, even throwing his phone in the pool in a fit of anger.  He has blamed the medication he was taking for the Lupus diagnosis, but I believe it was this group messing with him while I was still in my house.  

Candlewood South

IH-35 & HWY-71

11/20/2016 - 11/29/2016

On the first night, I started hearing the “faggot” harassment start up again.  At one point, I was having a conversation with someone who sounded like he may have been on the other side of the wall.  I had seen two men and a woman enter the first or second room of the hallway, and he had said he was the larger of the two men.  He claimed to be a former co-worker at eScan/TransUnion, the one in IT that helped me set up my login for doing my weekly timesheet.  He said that he had been in the room next to me at Studio 6, and had been fooling around spying on people and that coincidence brought us together.  He said they used Infrared Radiation light to see through the walls, and explicitly mentioned IR vs. IF.  He offered to come clean about everything.  He sounded sincere, and I asked him to meet outside for a cigarette while I walked Max.  He agreed.  As I was leaving the room, he made a joke that immediately left me with a “punked” feeling, and he never approached me in person, and the Voices continued to ridicule me.

The next day the “faggot” epithets and similar harassing comments continued, and there was a lot of foot traffic in the hallway, which the Voices seemed to blend in with, making me felt judged by the families staying in the rooms nearby.  It wore me down to the point I called the front desk and said “if you guys don’t want me here, I’m fine leaving, just call me a cab.”  The female clerk said “We do not want you to leave” and said she was working on getting me into another room, which took quite a bit of time, during which the vocal harassment got louder.  However, she helped move me into a room on the third floor, away from the families with kids.  

When walking outside, it sounded like The Voices were on on an amplified speaker, one that sounded as if it could be heard across the whole parking lot.  I have never heard the Voices as loud as I had during the 1-2 days that followed.  At one point the next day, one of the Voices identified himself as Mike Considine, my ex-boss from eScan/TransUnion, and it seemed a close enough fit.  He indicated he was at the dealership next door and had brought a few ex-coworkers to come laugh at me.  This left me feeling very embarrassed and paranoid, regardless of who he was.  The thought that it might be my ex-boss and ex-coworkers made it worse.  I had a very bad experience at my 1.5 years with that company, and of all people in my recent past, my ex-boss has the personality to do something like that.

The paranoia drove me to notice some of the cars, rightfully or wrongfully.  One evening I noticed a man pulling out several cases of equipment, perhaps IT or audio/video.  There had also been an RV parked outside my entire stay there, and it was parked right beside my first room’s window, an obvious suspect when the Voices had escalated.

11/23/2016 - Suspect Citing: “Jen”

The night before Thanksgiving, I took Max for a walk, and the Jumbotron Amped Voices bothered me enough for me to decide to take Max on a walk off the hotel grounds.  I crossed the southbound side, and upon waiting for the Walk sign to signal for the northbound side, a car with it’s window down stopped at the intersection and a person stuck their head out and went “Kip?!  It’s Jen!”  And it somewhat appeared to be someone with similar hair as I remembered Jennifer Moore’s, from Capitol Credit Union.  It looked like their face was strangely lit, or like they had a projection on their face.  This person was referencing a sound byte that had been playing frequently for the prior week.  When I first heard the sound byte at the Studio 6, it could have been “Hey, Kip?  It’s Jim”, unlikely to be “It’s Jes” or “It’s Michelle’.  Jen or Jim would be more likely, and I considered the voice female and they seemed to run with it.  It did not sound like Jennifer Moore’s voice, but they had done another sound clip in a voice similar to hers before.

The car drove on, and as I walked Max down the next few blocks, I felt as if the Sketchy Caravan of Doom was following me around again.  However, I would come to find out much later that the feeling can be a manipulation by the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group, and I’ll explain more on that later on during the day of my next arrest.

As I approached a gas station, I felt the sensation that my cell phone was being pulled within my pocket.  I had taken countless hours of video and audio that never produced anything that damning, but in which there were definitely evidence of some odd imagery at various locations I stayed at.  I put my hand in the pocket and grabbed onto my phone tightly, still feeling a strong pulling sensation.  I then went into the gas station and asked if I could use the phone to call the police.  The two clerks offered to call, but I hesitated and went outside with my dog to think on it, and I started logging license plate numbers of most cars that pulled into the parking lot.  

While doing this, I noticed a guy get out of a car that could have been Devin, a former roommate.  I am not sure if he recognized me or cared if he had.  I didn’t approach him as my mind was on the situation at hand.  I kept feeling an odd electrical field sensation, and I spotted one of those almost-invisible beams coming from across the street, over a backyard fence, but it was too dark to notice where it was coming from beyond that.  I decided not to call the cops, as the attack was really about raising my level of paranoia, which worked.  Walking back to the hotel, I noticed a black SUV that was either APD or TCS; it was marked, but in that very subtle way.  There was nothing suspicious about the vehicle, but it stands out in my memory.

When I got back to my room, I looked out the window, and noticed projections of several still-image hand-drawn army soldiers, scattered in the trees.  Also there was a projection of an aircraft, or a paper plane,that appeared to be embedded in the leaves, where you could make out the outline but not much further detail.  I had already been accustomed to strange projections at the last two hotels, and it had become the new normal.  I linked the projections to the same group gangstalking me.  They were always odd, and could capture my attention for a while.  They aren’t very easy to clearly pick up with a camera, and I have spent way too many hours trying to capture them.  While looking at the distant scenery, the Voices began again, making comments that could be taken as threatening towards me and my cat.

I left to get another hotel room in Round Rock, TX, but had left my debit card back at the Candlewood..  Before returning, I noticed a pale beam of light coming from something, perhaps a drone, behind some low clouds, and it stayed on one piece of luggage, tracking it.

11/24/2016 - Thanksgiving: Major Event

The next day, I finished getting situated in the new room.  Thanksgiving proceeded to play out with my head feeling like it was in a pressure cooker, and it became literally unbearable to be in my room, although my dog Max appeared to be unaffected.  I would step into the hallway and feel instant relief.  When I went back i the room the first time, I could see a few pale beams, barely perceivable, and in retrospect, I don’t think they were related to the painful sensations.  I think they were meant for show, to raise my level of paranoia, which worked.   With the pain, my agitation rose, and I kept returning to the hallway for relief.  I knocked on a few nearby rooms, even checking out a couple of rooms below, as I was not sure where the source of the attack was coming from.  I asked those that answered the door if they had anyone with them that was messing around pulling pranks, which no one did.  One of those was the man across the hall, and when returning to my room, The Voices told me that he was an undercover cop or agent, and not to blow his cover.  Later they told me that hotel was the base of operations for some sort of law enforcement operation, something relating to vice squad perhaps.  I had been hearing outside the hotel a far distant man’s voice shout something that sounded like “put the meth pipe down!”  I was not high or drunk or sleep deprived, but they kept on playing the sound bit.

I eventually lied down to sleep.  I drifted off for just a moment but began to feel one or both big toes get zapped, repeatedly, as if a laser was hitting it.  I tried to ignore it, but it became so aggravating I got out of bed and called down to the clerk once, and then a while later.  I did not directly accuse the clerk directly, but I think I suggested that someone on the staff had to know what was going on.  At my previous two stays, I was sure that some staff were involved. However, the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group is very good at manipulating a person by making someone else’s comments or actions have a certain significance, and they will outright implicate that a person is associated with them.  By the second call, I was very angry and asked them to call the police.  The clerk said they had been called already.

When the first officers arrived, I tried to avoid the crazy-sounding topics that always got raised eyebrows and follow-up psych questions.  So without using terms like microwaves and infrared, I mentioned the high frequency noises and limited it to some unknown nearby guest intentionally annoying me for fun.  I should mention at the time that a few days earlier, I had finally applied a topical treatment to kill scabies that my doctor had prescribed to me while I was still at the Extended Stay.  My doctor did not think I had them, and had a skin scraping done to confirm that, but I told him I would appreciate applying it nonetheless.  I chose to do so a few days prior, and when it came time for me to be able to shower, the thought of possibly having dead mites and letting them fall off naturally with my dead skin was enough motivation for me to overdo it, and I stupidly used a pumice stone, meant for the feet, all over my body, including my face.  This led me to have thin, patchy eyebrows that I felt very self-aware of; and to which the Voices had fun in taking advantage of in their sound bits that referenced meth. I mention that because I told both officers about the over-exfoliation and offered to show them the medicine if they needed to see.  They seemed okay with my explanation.

Soon after I began talking with the two cops, I spotted a third officer, the psych-specialized one, arrive from down the hallway.   He seemed to rush to get to us, unnecessarily so, and he took over the conversation as soon as he reached us.  I didn’t think much of it at the time, but it did stand out, especially in retrospect.  That third officer definitely seemed in a hurry to get to us and to immediately take over from there.  I have reason to believe he was following instructions from the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group, fully aware of their abilities.

When I was asked for my ID, I told the officer it was in my room and offered to go get it.  He instructed to stay in the hallway with them and that he would run my name and info that I verbally gave to them.  I re-explained the eyebrow situation, and expressed that I had no history of mental illness and had no recent drug/alcohol use.  I said I was not thinking of hurting myself or others.  I believe that while slightly unnerved, I was not presenting as a threat.  However, the officer quickly put me in cuffs and took me to his car.  His car seemed to be parked in an odd distance from the hotel.  It was not considerably far, but just far enough to make me wonder why he didn’t park a little closer.  He put me in the back of the car, on the right side, which was closer to the hotel.  I sat in the cop car for what seemed an awfully long time, my rough guess 15 or  minutes, while the officer was outside the vehicle.  The officer brought the desk clerk to my window, and he had the clerk verbally tell me that I was not allowed back on premises, and that included the parking lot.  The clerk went back inside and the officer at some point came back to stand on the driver side.  

Soon thereafter, the Voices started up again, and the windows on the bottom floor started to show projections in several of them.  All the projections were animated illustrations, done in an outline, monochrome.  I primarily focused on two windows, one that had a woman’s head filling it up, and another that had a man, who oddly resembled the desk clerk, who had given me the Stink-Eye-of-Doom when I looked back after the cop walked me out in cuffs.  The Voices were still very loud, so loud that I kept looking back at the cop standing on the driver’s side and wondering how it was possible for him to not hear anything and to not notice the animations filling up the windows nearby.  There was a woman’s voice talking during some of the presentation, which I think was intended to match to the female character in the first window.  The reason is that the voice stated something to the effect of “...we want your MONEY”.  This repeated once or twice, and at least two of those times I was watching the window with the woman’s face, and as she said “MONEY!”, her eyes opened up big and wide, to reflect green glowing dots.  I believe these green lights may have been reflecting a set of traffic lights from the nearby intersection.  I say that because that may have been why the cop car was positioned where it was.  It may have been just to see the projections more clearly.  

I cannot recall exactly what else was said in the “presentation”, but it was conveying first a general money exploitation, which I had already been hearing in drive-by sound bits “We want your money or we want you dead!”, heard frequently at both Studio 6 and more recently at my friend Tom’s house, all the way in Round Rock.  The second half of the message seemed to convey a vague “Scared-Straight” intent.  This went on for the duration that the cop was outside the cop car.  When it stopped, he finally got in the car.  He adjusted the rear-view mirror and/or the car’s computer terminal a few times.  I was thinking “he had to have heard and/or seen that, right?”  I don’t think he would have stayed there that long had it not been for that presentation.  While I was wondering this, I noticed that his rear view mirror was filled with a projection itself.  It was not his face I was seeing, but a face of a guy that appeared to be Devin, my ex-roommate that I may have spotted the night before.  I leaned forward a couple of times to see if maybe a different cop had gotten in the vehicle, but it was the same officer who cuffed me.  This was really my first moment of “OMG, the cops are in on this!”   I had never before been a person who thought poorly of cops in general.  I had been disappointed in most interactions with both the Austin Police and Travis County Sheriff departments in the recent two years, but that disappointment did not come from a sense of corruption in any way.  As we left the hotel, I immediately looked at the officer and said something to the effect of “Sir, you can do the right thing or do the wrong thing.  Please take me back to the hotel.  If you continue down this road, you are making the wrong choice.  You can choose to do the right thing.”  repeatedly.  He didn’t ask me any questions, nor did he seem puzzled.  I wasn’t yelling; I spoke firm, but slowly and with respect.  I would have expected anyone to say “What do you mean?  Why does driving you to the psych ER make me a bad person?”  He had a serious face that seemed slightly unnerved, and his driving speed seemed rushed.  I felt he and I both knew that something wrong was happening to me, and that we both understood he was choosing to do something bad.  He did not say one word of response, even after I was done repeating myself and asking him to make a better choice.  He was silent the entire ride.

At the psych ER, I was left in cuffs, sitting on a bench, at the intake room.  There were two, maybe three, clinical staff and two other law enforcement officers (I am guessing TCS, but I am not certain), plus the officer who brought me in.  One of the clinical staff did a quick questionnaire; we revisited the eyebrow situation, and she seemed satisfied.  

While waiting for the doctor, I noticed that my wrists, still cuffed behind me, were shocked mildly and briefly.  I looked up and forward and my attention immediately landed on the hands of the officer who brought me in.  He was playing with a ring on his finger, turning it back and forth, and at each turn one way, my wrists were simultaneously shocked until he turned his ring back.  Sometimes he did a quick back and forth and sometimes he didn’t turn the ring back for several seconds, and every time the electrical shocks ended immediately when he did.  I need to be clear on this: I do not believe the ring or handcuffs were in anyway electronically linked.  I do not believe the ring was anything more than an ordinary ring.  I do not believe the handcuffs were anything other than ordinary handcuffs.  I have learned in my time with the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group that they are very skilled in syncing a simple action with a swift matching event, often using sound effects, usually making the observer surprised and impressed at how that was accomplished.  This was one of my first recollections of them doing this.  It is possible the officer was unaware of them shocking me.  However, I think it is extremely important to assume the likelihood that he is involved.  I do not think he made the right choices that evening, and what he chose to do next further makes me think he was involved in some bizarre sketchy bullshit that I have a hard time understanding what was gained from it.

At some point the shocks stopped, and at some point I looked down and noticed that a projection or hologram of a round smooth object, about the size of a testicle, fall out of the crotch of the gym shorts I was wearing, and vanished at some point downward.  For a moment, I was surprised, but I quickly slid over on the bench and looked over at the others and said something to the effect of “I got your number, motherfuckers.  I have some money, and my father has MONEY, and we’re going to blow the lid on this operation.”  I did not shout this, but I said it very firmly, while looking into each of their eyes.  I did not get any confused looks; all looked very serious.  The two additional officers seemed to look nervous.  

The doctor eventually came in and asked me some questions and seemed to be satisfied with my responses.  I thought I had heard the officer speaking to him about “the cancer routine” but that could have been the Voices tricking me.  In any case, they spoke briefly and the doctor seemed to indicate there didn’t seem to be a problem, and the officer seemed to not like that answer.  He led me out and to the police vehicle.  I asked if we were going back to the hotel and the officer said “No, we’re going somewhere else.”  I became instantly frightened, and I asked an older officer standing beside the car if the vehicle cam was running.  He pointed out a light on the inside that I did not really notice and said “that means it’s on.”  I got in the back of the car again and instantly the shocking started up again, increasing to an intensity that I have not felt since.  

The officer drove me to St. David’s South, and for the entire ride there, I was being electrocuted, so much so that my knees pulled up to my chest and my voice was heard in spurts as I felt spasms in my neck.  I was yelling outside the open window “My name is Kerry Kip LeCrone, Jr., son of Kerry Kip LeCrone Sr.  Please record this!  Put this on Facebook live or Youtube live!”  I also yelled out my sister’s name and one of my nieces.  I also yelled “stop this car!”  

During my outcries, the officer appeared to be pushing a button, and I think it was done to make me think he was blocking my shouts from being heard out the window.  The Voices alluded to there being something in the door that upon being triggered, would release a burst of air or sonic wave that would block anyone from hearing me, even with the window open.  I mention this because I think it was meant as another attempt to make me sound more crazy upon reporting this.  I also believe it shows that the officer was knowingly involved, as he repeatedly over-exaggerated a motion with his hand that seemed to push down on something and it was synced to my outcries.

I quickly felt like I was under a heat lamp and headbutted my head against the shield that blocks access to the front of the car, and I did so in the direction that I felt the heat was coming from, demanding that the officer stop it.  He seemed to be of the same demeanor as he was in the last car ride.  He never spoke one word to me.  When we got to St. David’s South, I felt sweat on the top of my head, and both the electrocution and heat lamp attacks stopped.  Another officer opened the door and asked if I would step out, and I did.  

I was taken to an exam room that only had a small counter and an exam table/bed that had straps for legs and arms.  There were several officers waiting in the room with me.  A nurse with heavily tattooed arms put an IV in my left hand, which was never used, at least not while I was conscious.  A doctor came in eventually.  Since exiting the police vehicle, I had behaved in a calm manner, and I had not behaved in anyway as manic or excited, despite what just happened to me.  Also the sweat had evaporated.  I say this because the doctor basically said something like “how’s it going in here?” in general to everyone, and I mentioned that his badge picture hanging from his neck didn’t look like him.  He did not ask me if I was allergic to anything, nor did he ask me any questions at all, nor did he discuss anything with the officers in the room.  He quickly left and I was then forcibly given a shot in my right arm, despite me stating that I did not give permission to administer any drugs to me.  However, they held me still while they gave me a shot of something, and they strapped my arms down.  I instantly felt drugged, and soon they let me out of the arm straps warning me they would put them back on if I left the room.  My nose quickly stopped up, and I walked around the small room a little bit.  During that time, I noticed 2-3 pennies being slid under the door, one at a time.  I simply picked them up and placed them on the counter.  A few minutes later, the next penny would slide under the door.  

11/25/2016 - Day After Thanksgiving

When I woke up, I was given my cell phone but it was dead and the charger they gave me to try did not charge it.  I had about $40 in cash, no debit card, and surprisingly I had my ID.  The important thing to note is that I did not have my ID on me when I was taken away from the hotel.  My ID and debit card were together my hotel room.  That debit card was never seen again, even when my sister went to my room to get my things a couple days later.  That means someone went in my room, got my ID, and tossed the debit card.  Because it was the day after Thanksgiving, I was unable to go to my credit union and access the money in my account, which was about $75,000 at the time.  I walked back to the hotel, but when I got a block away, I became worried that I would be arrested, due to the warning given by the cop and the desk clerk the night before.  I turned back and walked back to HWY-71 from a side street, and immediately I noticed a pickup truck about to pass me, heading towards the hotel, and it was a man driving, no passenger.  He gave me the middle finger and passed me by.  It happened right after I changed directions.

The entire day was spent walking for many miles, trying to find somewhere I could charge my phone and feel safe with a friend.  I was continuously attacked with an invisible beam that felt heavy and like some sort of electromagnetic field.  Sometimes when attacked with it, it felt very warm, usually when the beam was aimed at my ass whenever I sat down on a bench.  The Voices would always taunt me as these attacks happened and acted like they made me shit my pants.

I eventually made my way on foot to my old neighbor’s house, near HWY-183 and 51st Street, and I charged my phone a little, and then called my credit union about the possible attempt to get my money by the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group.  There were no branches open that day, or at least not that I could visit before closing.  I then updated my Facebook with a bunch of paranoid-sounding posts about what happened.  My neighbor had to go at some point, and I asked her to take me to my old neighborhood, where I visited a couple of guys that were my neighbors when I lived there.  They let me in to charge my phone while I told them a little about what happened.  I called my sister but her voice seemed to be choppy and altered, as if she was an imposter or just a bunch of sound clips.  I hung up on her, and as I thought about who else to call, there were suddenly cops inside the house, and one of the guys said, “Kip, we just need you to leave.”  I was shocked that they had called for the police, as I had only been there for about half an hour, and I was simply sitting there charging my phone.  There were 3-4 officers that came to the table I was at, and one started playing with a ring on his hand, which made me very nervous.

The police left me alone after I left the house, but the Voices continued terrorizing me, along with the frequent attacks by that sometimes-warm/sometimes-not invisible beam.  They often would hit my phone, which I could feel with my hand holding the phone, and the Voices claimed they could rapidly drain my battery with it.  I walked to HWY-183 and IH-35 nearby, calling my father.  His voice sounded similarly choppy and modified at times.  I asked him to give me details that only he and I would know, which he gave several, but he was unable to answer a specific question that I asked him.  At one point he recalled going to the Hampton Inn when he visited me roughly 10 years prior, and at that moment I was looking at the Hampton Inn sign to that very same hotel, just a short walk from that intersection.  I felt the odds of that coincidence was too high and hung up on my father.  I walked several more miles, not sure where I was going to go or how I was going to get out of this dilemma.  The Voices taunted and threatened me all day and into the night.  I had accidentally taken a charger from my old neighbors, and I was able to charge my phone again, as it died pretty quickly.  I did so in the parking lot of a closed gas station, and I kept feeling that beam hit me and usually it was aimed at my phone, which was probably just to make me paranoid, and again it worked.  I finally remembered that my best friend’s address was in the ridesharing app Lyft, and was able to get to his house to safety.  That night as I tried to sleep, I was hit with those beams, which felt like they were shaking my insides or caused me to feel jolts of electricity.  My best friend recalled the next day that he had come into my room and had a conversation with me that I don’t recall.  He said he observed me literally reacting as if I was being shocked.  He said that I expressed the desperate need to get these gangstalking terrorists out of my life.

Bedford, TX

11/26/2016 - 11/28/2016

My sister came down the next day with her husband to get some of my things from the Candlewood while I waited nearby.  While waiting I saw my dog’s name “MAX” clearly “impressed” into the leaves of the trees across the highway.  I believe I saw it more than once.  Max was to be picked up by a friend, and when my sister and her husband returned with some of my things, my sister said she did not find my debit card, and they drove me directly to their house in Bedford, TX.  

I heard the Voices along the way, not as talkative, and sounding much more distant than they had in the past, sometimes singing a song.  When we got to Bedford, I did not notice any Voices at all.  

The next day I got a hotel room at the nearby Candlewood, and for the single night that I stayed there, I was attacked in the hotel room by an intense feeling of electricity and pressure, not too different from the last night in the Austin Candlewood, but this attack did not include the intense pressure and pain against my head, but I was often hit with an electrical jolt, and the room felt intensely “charged”, as if a lightning storm could start at any moment in it.  I often left my key in the room, and at one point had to get help from the clerk with opening the door, which he was able to do, but only after trying my card about 10 times.  I called one of my nieces, whose husband was a cop, and I told him about the attack and he said that he was not aware of anything like that, and I simply tried to deal with it myself.  

I spent most of the night in the hotel lobby, and walking around the hotel.  Every time I went into my room, the attacks increased to an intensity that caused me to leave the room soon after.  I was still attacked outside the room, but it felt more one at a time.  When I walked out for a smoke break at one point, a guy walking up to the hotel quickly made a quick comment and I think he pretended to shoot at me with a finger, perhaps going “pew pew”.  

It happened very fast, and I was surprised that one or more people actually followed me out of town, especially after the prior day was so peaceful.  I took a Greyhound bus back to Austin the next day, and the entire ride I heard the Voices, and I felt my head continuously get hit with a small shock that by the end of the ride left me with a pain in my head.  It did not throb like a headache, but just felt generally sore.  I would not feel something like this again until February 2018.

11/29/2016 Arrest - POCS & Resisting

Events Leading to Arrest

I had hung out with a friend the night before my November 2016 arrest at the Doubletree Hotel at 15th Street and IH-35.  I had left with a small amount of methamphetamine, for later or whenever I decided to use it.  I was not high at the time, else I would have remained at the hotel.  I left early that morning with plans of being productive.  I stopped at the Denny’s, but I decided quickly after sitting down to go to a gas station and get some cigarettes.  Immediately after leaving I saw what looked like a visible spark travel across the parking lot, and in retrospect I think it was just a projection.  The Voices had been there the whole night, and when I began walking down MLK, and as cars would pass by, I would feel electric shocks hit me.  This led me to believe the Sketchy Caravan of Doom was following me again, but later I would discover how well the Gangstalking/Terrorist group can sync events, in order to fool one’s perceptions.  

The Voices kept threatening to arrest me, and  I got some cigarettes, and continued walking; and then I broke out into shouting about the Sketchy group.  I continued to walk, but I was going off on a diatribe.  I started seeing those pale beams, and I thought I recognized several license plates of the cars I thought were following me, and the shocks continued.  

I had cooled down and stopped my rant, and as I walked through what appeared to be a parking lot that I thought cut through to Airport or Springdale, I reached a dead end, and by then I had noticed a cop car nearby.  If I was a criminal, and if I was doing something illegal, I would have hopped the short fence into a backyard and then hopped another short fence and been away very quickly.  However, I am not a criminal, and I was not doing anything wrong, so I walked back up to the road to go around the block on the sidewalk.  A cop was there and shouted “show me your hands!”, as my lawyer told me later; I don’t remember exactly.  I spun around, thinking I walked into something that had nothing to do with me and saw four cops bumrush me.  I felt panic and grabbed a hold of a nearby post and within seconds they were all upon me.  Within a few seconds of them putting their hands on me, I was tazed and instantly brought to the ground.  

Later I would read an excerpt from the police report in which the officer lied and painted a picture of an incredible hulk on a meth rage that four officers were unsuccessful in detaining, and so that he had to resort to tazing me.  Quite the opposite, I was casually walking to the road, there was no probably cause, and had he asked me some basic questions, I would have shown him that my bank account balance was around $75,000, and he would have found I had no criminal background, save for a false DWI arrest that was pending.  The bag I was carrying was not the type of bag a car thief would have with them, as it was a small, roll-up toiletry bag, and I don’t steal anyway.  I got bum-rushed without any questions being asked, and was tazed within seconds.  

I was charged with Possession of Controlled Substance and Resisting Arrest.  I believe one or more of those officers were involved somehow with the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group, along with Travis County Sheriff that I would soon interact with.

I told the EMS woman that was leaving after I declined medical attention that if she left, I would soon be shocked.  And on the ride to downtown booking, I was shocked in the back of the police vehicle, although it was not anywhere near the intensity of the electrocution I felt on Thanksgiving night.  

Travis County Jail - Downtown Booking

When I was pulled out of the car, the white male officer literally pulled me so quickly into the building I almost fell over.  He gripped me very strongly, and I found it very out of place.  I was cooperating, yet he was behaving bizarrely aggressive.  I don’t know if he was involved with the arrest.  He was not the officer that drove me there.  I was placed in a private cell by myself, still cuffed.  I was spoken to by an older black lady that I did not recognize from prior bookings and was hopeful that meant she was not “in the group” that I had interacted with before and who had behaved or acted in a way that I found sketchy, but I found the same questionable behavior in her and the younger white male officer, who led me into the building.

Now, my experience with TCS, maybe APD, and other sketchy civilians during the past 3 years is that whenever I notice behavior that I label “sketchy”, it is usually something definitely wrong/illogical but seemingly small, something that may seem insignificant to others when retelling or reporting an incident, or that may dissuade one from reporting the incident to begin with.  However, they were actions that I found to be clear signs that they were, minimally, behaving badly, and possibly acting on the request of the Gangstalking/Terrorist group.

The black female officer asked me some questions as I sat in the cell, still cuffed, and the white male officer at one point grabbed and squeezed my right arm near my shoulder, extremely hard.  It was the same spot where I had been forcibly injected a sedative at St. David’s South.  Although it had been a few days, it still had the original bandage on that I hadn’t bothered to remove.   It was not sore or tender.  He had no reason to touch me, and gave no reason for his actions.  I immediately felt a searing pain as if a red hot spear had been shoved through that spot.  Certainly the squeezing did not do that, as the Gangstalking/Terrorist group is extremely good at syncing events up, so well that they can cause the victim to believe that the person they are interacting with is complicit with them.  For some of the suspects provided, I felt certain or very strongly of their guilt, but upon later reflection, I had to consider that my perceptions may have been manipulated.

After a few minutes of questions,in which I was cooperative, the black female officer slowly lowered a mesh spit guard over my head.  I didn’t know what it was at the time, and I said “I don’t need that.”  She replied in an overtly sarcastic voice, “Yeah you do.”  I have never spit on anyone in my entire life, and I was not behaving in any way that would lead anyone to think I needed that.  They left the spit guard on me for a minute I think, then took it off.  I had even answered a question or two while it was on me.  

My cuffs were eventually removed -- I’m not sure if that was before or after the spit guard was placed on me -- and when I put my hands in front of me, my right hand suddenly felt a hot piercing pain, perhaps because it was in the path of the beam that was still piercing and hurting my right arm.  I had complained about the pain and asked if I could be moved to the blue chairs where everybody else was, again.  I didn’t understand why I was isolated.  

I think at some point a counselor spoke to me, and if so I answered calmly and indicated I had no desire to hurt myself or anyone else.  The black female officer gave me my phone to look up three phone numbers.  One of the numbers she wrote as NNN-NN_-NNNN, missing the 6th digit; no one, not even a 5 year old, writes the number of numbers in a phone number wrong.  I tried the first number, which was to my friend Tom, and I believe the number was wrong, but in either case, no one answered.  I had been hearing the officers make comments, and when I glanced back at them, it seemed like they were making “quick draw” moves that seemed to be coupled with sound effect, perhaps over the VoiceToSkull “Schizophrenic radio station”, similar to the ones I heard a couple days before on the Greyhound, bus just before my head was shocked, and so I kept nervously looking back at them.  I tried the first number without an answer; then I dialed my father, making a mistake on the prompts just once, redialing without issue, and while I was waiting for my father to pick up, a white male officer, bearded and stocky, who I had seen before, told me that my call had already been hung up.  My father never had a chance to accept the call, and I would not have a chance to make a phone call again for days.

Travis County Jail

Downtown Austin

11/29/2016 - 11/30/2016 (2 or 3 days)

I was eventually moved to a cell, and upon entering it, the officers forcibly stripped me naked out of my stripes.  I was handed a blanket, and I quickly asked, “Um, why am I naked?” and one of the officers replied, “full suicide watch”.  They quickly left, and I went to the window beside the door and kept saying, “excuse me, I believe there has been a mistake or clerical error.”, being facetious at times saying, “I’m sure this was an innocent mistake, and not anything done on purpose.”  I repeated myself for a while, and after maybe half an hour, I was moved to a padded cell.

I am not sure how long I was in the padded cell.  It felt like a couple of days, and during that time, the Voices started up again.  At one point, when I was trying to assemble a bologna sandwich, each component was knocked out of my hand and onto the floor.  This was done I believe by the pressure beam that I had experienced already at that point but mostly as mild pushes when walking or standing.  First a slice of cheese was pushed out of my hand.  I immediately suspected it was not an accident, but didn’t say anything and opened the other slice of cheese.  It too was pushed out of my hand and onto the floor.  Then one or more bologna slices were on the floor, and I threw the whole bag and the contents against the wall in frustration.  

The Voices persisted, trying to get me to say enough words to be able to build full sentences out of the sound clips, but I am sure that was all just part of them playing with paranoia.  At one point, for several minutes, my voice was altered when speaking out loud to the Gangstalking/Terrorist group.  This surprised me, but I found they can do this with the VoiceToSkull technology, as they have done impressions with me.  If you are skeptical, I understand, but when a person speaks via VoiceToSkull devices, the speaker can cause those same words to come out of the victim’s mouth.  The only time they have done something like this with me, and it was over quickly.  They used the pressure/crushing beam on me a few times at a very low setting and poked my penis and testicles a few times.  I had done a PREA outcry and spoke to sergeant Slone/Sloan, but all I got was an “unfounded” response, a long time after I spoke with her.  With there being no heather add etss I

Travis County Correctional Complex

Del Valle, TX

11/30/2016 - 2/18/2017

Eventually I was transported to Del Valley and placed in a padded cell there.  There was a a cell I could see across and to the left that had a small informational board that none of the other cells had.  I believe the inmate name was Santos Clausitos or something similar.  I remember it reminding me of Santa Clause.  I only mention it on how odd it seemed, and at one point several officers entered the cell and were in there for a few minutes.  I couldn’t imagine why so many officers would be needed ever in a single cell.  I did not hear the Voices, but whenever  I would get frustrated and yell “this is BULLSHIT!”, I would hear “BULLSHIT” or something mocked back at me, often with radio static sound effect.  I did not feel any odd sensations or pain.  I think I was there for 1 or 2 days.  I was then moved to F1-207A, and weeks later to F3-207A.  

For my time in F1, I would occasionally hear the Voices, often saying things like “No one is coming for you” when I was hoping my sister was going to come to bail me out.  For the most part the Voices were quiet.  However, I heard numerous tones and sound bits, seemingly coming from the fan that always ran behind the back wall of the cell.  It sounded like the tone of the Emergency Broadcast System, often combined with a much higher frequency tone, and often joined by video game background music, like Pac Man or Centipede.  Two or more of my cell mates could hear the EBS sounding tone, and sometimes could hear the other tone.  I was occasionally attacked by the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group, usually with the burning sensation in my throat or ears.  

When F1 was moved into F3, I found my new cell to be much more peaceful, and I don’t recall having any further issues from then on.  One of my cell mates in F1 had said once that soon after I told him about the gangstalking, he had a moment where his vision for a few seconds seemed to see a hologram or projection that made him feel like he was looking into a monitor, but he could not describe in more detail what else he saw that made it seem that way.

Isaac’s Apartment

51st Street & Manor Road

2/18/2017 - 2/24/2017

I stayed with a friend for a few weeks at 51st Street and Manor Rd.  Within the first week of staying there, I ran into a guy that had been hanging around Studio 6, sometimes hanging out in the room of Jason Barrientes, the guy who was somehow involved with my stolen phone and subsequent hacked Google account.  I was walking up to the apartment building of my friend, and was asked for a cigarette by a passing young black man.  He looked so young I asked to see his ID, walking towards him, and I then recognized him for who he was as he said, in a sarcastic tone, “oh, it's you…”  I quickly returned to my friend’s apartment and went out for a smoke on the balcony, which faces the short road that leads to a culdesac, where he was walking back and forth from.  At one point, he asked if I knew anyone that would be interested in buying a Samsung Note phone, an earlier model than the one stolen from me.  That seemed like a jab at me, and he then explicitly stated he had nothing to do with my stolen phone or the events that happened at that hotel.  He said he didn’t hang out there for that very reason.  I never saw him again after that day.  I believe he knew I was staying there and was instructed to cross paths with me.  

Also, the projections started up again, within days of my release, always at night and always when my friend was gone.  Often I would see the room take on a slight red tint to it, when the lighting was mostly off.  

The Grove  Apartments 

3707 Manchaca Road, Austin, TX 78704

2/24/2017 - 7/23/2017

I had numerous events that happened at the Grove during the months I lived there off Manchaca Rd.  

Not Schizophrenia

Very soon after my move-in, the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group spoke to me in the voice of Christine Pavelka, a woman I worked with at Capitol Credit Union, and last saw in 2004.  This is certainly just a soundboard voice, and when I use “her”/”she”, I am referring to the person pretending to be her.  I am in no way implicating that she is involved with this group. In her voice, acting as Christine, “she” claimed to be part of the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group and that she was in a relationship with or was friends with a cop that would come to arrest me.  I made a written memo of the threat on my phone so that there was a timestamp associated with it so that I could have that just in case.

Then I went outside to walk my dog, and “she” continued to threaten me, and at one point said that they were going to drop a meth pipe in the bushes outside my apartment so that they could call the cops, and then get them to search my apartment to find meth that they had planted.  Just as this was said, I came around the corner of the building and witnessed two girls walking by my apartment.  One of them dipped down and reached to the ground by the bushes.  They continued on, and I inspected the area she had dropped down by, finding nothing of concern.  However, it was yet another moment -- among countless ones -- that helped me know that the Voices weren’t Schizophrenia, as I had constantly kept reconsidering.  

The soundboard developed quickly from that point and would continue to be used for the next 2+ years, with new voices added from time to time.  Voices would go in and out of rotation, and often this related to the narratives the group would spin.

Voices Describe People Before I See Them

One time, while on a walking adventure led around by the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group, I was walking by a house and I heard “That looks like Mom!”, and I turned to the right, walked up the driveway a little, and saw a woman that looked like she had my mother’s face.  I think she was unloaded groceries or something in her garage.  When I got a little closer, I also heard, “No, she looks like Helen.”  Helen was a project manager that I worked with at e-MDs, probably last seen 5 years earlier.  Helen somewhat has a facial resemblance to my mother.  I kept walking and told the woman, who had turned around, “Sorry, you looked like someone I knew.”  This was another example that the voices were not Schizophrenia.  The Voices would continue through present day stating that various people I passed by looked like a person from my past, often before I even had a chance to even see them.  This combined with the soundboard shows an unbelievable amount of research and effort that was done using my Facebook, LinkedIn, and additional cross referencing to capture voices & images.  I think much of the Voices were captured by calling people’s work numbers to get the voicemail greeting that would often have the former colleague stating their name, if not a more customized greeting with additional speech.  Other times they captured the voice by my direct interaction with the person while they were surveilling me.

Major Incident - Holograms & Forced Down to the Floor

The next event involved me being forced to the floor by some invisible force after which I was essentially drug around the two bedrooms, at times being maneuvered into certain positions.  It felt like my muscles were made to constrict or stretch in order to accomplish this.  The Voices joked later how they Swiffered the apartment with me.  At one point I looked up from the floor and noticed projections or holograms of 3 or 4 entities pointing and waving wands at me.  They appeared to be covered in a cloud of smoke or fog.  It was daytime, but I had my window covered in a blanket so it was pretty dim in there.  I am not suggesting I witnessed anything other than projections, which I have seen countless times.  They do not photograph very well.

I found I was able to break free from the puppeteering easily, but that the TODO: look up all incidents listed and do an address search for reported incidents, not just for my apartment.

TODO: mention Gavin giving a hint by holding his nose and pulling on his ear lobe, possibly an inside joke later referenced as the Carol Burnet, with the links to John Carrol, David Carrol, and Carol who allegedly answered from the mental health outreach team, that I was unaware of.

5/22/2017 - Pushed Out of My Apartment Naked

That event started with another narrative, and at one point during it, I was naked in my apartment, walking around playing an active part in the story, with a script being spoken that I never could have authored or ad-libbed.  I suddenly found myself guided and pushed out of the apartment, in the daytime, still caught up in the narrative in my head, and quickly saw a women gasp at the site of me as I turned the corner of the building.  This quickly broke the delusion that I was in, and I returned to my apartment.  As I walked in the front door, I saw Gavin leading a few APD officers past the patio.  I have worked out the timing on this on numerous repeated retrospectives, and that response time is not possible unless they were waiting for this, or unless a call was made before I left the apartment.  

I was outside of my apartment for about a minute, no more than two.  In the most optimal scenario, allotting for the time it would have taken me to get into the sight of the office, and assuming they were already looking out the window and immediately dialed 911, and that 911 didn’t divert them to 311 for non-emergencies, then they would have had at most 30 seconds to report the event and to get a response from police to the office, which included 3-4 officers.  That is not possible.  I believe they were waiting for me, or that someone called them in advance.  I will stress this again: it is impossible for anyone to have dialed 911 and gotten the police responding to my apartment in the time that I was outside.  

When they followed me inside, I felt like someone else was speaking out of my mouth, saying “we played a joke on Kip; we played a joke on Kip.” and stating other things.  I was surprised to find out how dehydrated I was and wanted a drink.  An officer had a Sprite can and I clapped my hands as it felt someone spoke through me, “It needs the Sprite! It needs the Sprite!” and the officers told me to get dressed first.  It felt like a second guy was yelling out of my mouth “Give him the goddamn Sprite!” to which I responded to by speaking out loud to the person(s) that had just spoken through me, saying “Wait, I can do this”, trying  to calm them down, and I put on a pair of shorts.  I then found myself suddenly leaping up and over the patio fencing, onto the air condenser, then onto the grass, which I was tackled by the police soon after.  I did not feel the need to run; it just happened.  It was not my choice to do so.  I was not high.  I was not crazy.  The Voices had been teasing me about getting naked outside for weeks.  They acted like it was a milestone or checklist item that they finally achieved.


In the evening the trickle/pressure/headache-inducer/throat-scratcher onslaught began well into the next morning.  I noticed at least 3 drones outside, one very bright, one pale, and one dark.  No matter where I walked, the top of my head ached and kept getting hit.  

Voices: Gustavo Reyes, Christine Pavelka, Ryan from jail, and to a lesser degree Brian, Cynthia Eck, Rudy Collanzo, and a few others.Voices made it very easy to not consider trying to do so by talking in these fictional narratives that they spun as actually happening, playing out in realtime.  It became almost hypnotic, as it stole my attention, and kept me from doing anything else.  They continued spinning a story that led me thinking two or more acquaintances had visited my apartment, but in reality they were never there.  It was always as if they were just outside, or in the other room, or that they were at the door, and I kept going back and forth in the apartment, and going outside looking for them, while this story was being told, that I was playing a part in.  They led me to think that one of the guys, Micah Swindell, had killed my father, and his ex-girlfriend’s parents, in order to set everyone up with an inheritance, but confused the story further by saying an ex-roommate Mikey Cleary had been the one to kill my father, and that he had been killed by Micah for doing so, but hinted that was a story to prevent Micah from being caught.  They also told me that the murder happened in the distant past, making it further confusing and less real.  They repeated this narrative over and over, which I felt eventually like they were trying to get me to understand a plan that would eventually play out in reality.  More of the story focused sexually charged scenes, which never panned out but were constant teases and led to frustration.  I was told my ex-fiance was taking my dog Max and that I would be going on a road trip of adventures with Micah, but then the story turned into him being part of a group that I could join if I killed one of them, suggesting someone specifically.  I ended up walking for miles that night, and I felt the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group use one of the mystery devices on me that caused a pushing/pulling sensation, indicating which street to turn onto, or indicating a house they were at, or where their friends were at, which I always refused going up to.

I was told by the Voices that the group had wrecked my apartment, and left drugs all over the place, and that I was going to be arrested.  I eventually made it back to my apartment.  I went to sleep and woke up feeling confused, scared, and I had no idea what to do about what happened, or how to find my dog.  A police officer came to my door, stating that the apartment office had not heard from me in a while and that my dog was found.  He asked if everything was okay but I felt unable to ask for help even if I could get past my distrust of APD and TCS.  I said I was fine and recovered my dog from another person in the complex, who had found my dog in the apartment’s dog park.  

Kept Awake by Vibrations & High Pitched

The next event happened when I was kept awake for a few days suffering from high frequency noises, and when I tried to lie down, I felt vibrations that further kept me from being able to fall asleep.  I reported the issue to The Grove staff Dori, and said that some guys with drones were flying around harassing people, and probably seemed like a crazy person.  I took my dog to my friend Isaac’s apartment, where I was still kept from sleeping by the Voices, waiting until I was so exhausted and finally falling asleep to spin another narrative, this time acting as if Mikey was driving to Atlanta to kill my father, and that others involved were going to kill my sister, all happening within the next 24 hours.  I felt I could not ignore this again, and that I had to warn my family, and for some reason my lawyer.  I was barely able to stay awake and wrote my lawyer a crazed email; and I left similarly paranoid voice messages for both my sister and father, asking them to stay at a hotel for a few days.  I fell asleep as soon as I finished the last message.  The next day I felt very foolish, knowing I had been manipulated intentionally so that I would seem crazy.  By this time another voice that was revealed to me was that of a guy named Ryan, a young redhead guy that was in F1 and F3 with me, who played Uno with me and others the last few weeks of my recent incarceration.  The Gangstalking/Terrorist Group revealed him by mentioning a couple of clues that would only be known to someone watching us closely in the jail.  It disturbed me that they could have him on the “sound board” along with Christine.

Things Get Stolen & Returned

At one point, The Voices were on full assault and kept saying my father was dead or had had a stroke, and I decided I would go visit Chicago, after reading on Facebook that a highschool friend was there, who had been used in recent Narratives; I also know several people there.  When I went to my bedroom to pack, I found that my ID was missing, when it had just been there earlier with my debit card by my bedside nightstand.  It returned magically within the following week.  

Another time my keys went missing and Gavin returned them to me.  I hadn’t done laundry since missing the keys, and could not think of how they ended up lost.  I believe someone went into my apartment and took them.

Sketchy Maintenance Man #2

When the air blower above the shower in the middle bathroom was leaking once, the large hispanic maintenance man came to fix it, and I caught him looking under the sink, feeling around.  There was no reason for him to be under the sink.  I was going to complain about him to the apartment office, but then I was completely embarrassed by the next event that occurred a couple days later, when I was pushed out of my apartment naked.


Ireland Reference

My Dad told me over the phone that he was going to Ireland in a few days for 4-5 days with his girlfriend, Megan Greenway.  Neat coincidence: her last name is the same as the EHR software maker's name that is used at doctor's office.  The Gangstalking/Terrorist group constantly make that connection; I'm not paranoid, just pointing that out.  Anyway, the free days before that, their were numerous references to “Ireland”, and it was the first time I had heard a code that very crudely sounded like Melinda Lee's voice.  She took 4 years of Latin with me in high school, and our Latin teacher's name was Theresa Ireland.  I am certain this is not a coincidence.  My father had never mentioned this trip to me, so that strongly suggest that my sister and/or father were being spied on by another team of the Gangstalking/Terrorist group, which I am certain was the case with my father when I called him the day after Thanksgiving 2017.

Physical Assaults

The months continued to play out at The Grove with me being physically assaulted in various ways, at first through my hearing, and then through shocking my body, usually my feet.  The Voices would often say, “Lift your feet off the floor!”, which I rarely complied with, and within the next minute my feet would receive painful shocks, sometimes synced to my steps, or done at random if I stood still.  This warning was another sign that I was not schizophrenic, that the Voices were a person or group of people.  Another attack involved the sensation that someone was stepping on my toes, crushing them.  Other times it felt like a laser had just cut through the middle of one foot, and an extremely painful burning sensation was felt afterwards.  I would put up with this for several days, and then eventually end up shouting out loud on the patio.  Sometimes the cops were called by others, and sometimes I called them before causing a scene.  

Sexual Assaults

The assaults were not just physical assaults; at times they were sexual assaults as well, at times “enhancing” the experience while masturbating.  This usually involved jolting my penis near and during orgasm.  It was pleasurable, but later on they would shock, poke/nudge, and crush my penis and/or testicles.  This didn’t become a common occurrence until after my arrest in November 2017, and by February 2018, it was an every day, multiple times a day, occurrence.  This actually went back to the Studio 6 when they would “churn” my insides, usually around my intestines, or directly hitting my asshole.  Sometimes they would have my attention stuck in a fictional narrative, and they would use the pressure and/or electrical beam, perhaps the same one, to get a humping motion going.  I would be jolted with electricity that would cause my body to thrust into the mattress.  

One time they played out a narrative where I was castrated, and somehow had my ball cap underneath my crotch, which I wonder if someone came into my apartment to stage at the right spot, and the bill of the hat, combined possibly with one of the other beams, caused a sensation that something was firmly gripping my testicles.  Later on in the scenario, they said Jason Barrientes, one of the suspects listed from Studio 6, was going to come in and fuck me.  Soon after they told me this, I felt a sensation of something filling me up on the inside, almost like pockets of air were filling me up inside at or near where a penis would typically find itself in such a situation.  It was very subtle, but it was a surprise and impressive that they had the skills and technology to come close to mimicking such a situation.  Then they said Jason and Micah Swindell, who was also a named a character in the acted-out narrative, were going to kill me, and I felt a non-painful sensation like something was penetrating my stomach or belly area.  It was actually not frightening, as the scene was sexually charged.  It was odd though.  That was the end of that narrative.  

To this day, my penis, testicles, prostate, and asshole are often jolted.  It is now 4/4/2018 as I am reading and updating this document.  Over the past week the sexual assaults have increased dramatically.  A few days ago my penis was stimulated all day long, as was my prostate, and as I type this some of the sensations are coming back, and it’s not a mental health issue.

Police Responses

I believe some of the cops that responded may have known I was being messed with.  In one instance, I was at the door speaking with the cop responding to a 311 call made in which I reported high frequency noises heard and vibrations felt.  I had not mentioned hearing voices, afraid that would be something to be Schizophrenia.  I calmly told the officer  that I had been in the apartment for 3 months and that I had settled into knowing how the outdoor air condenser, the refrigerator, and the inside air blower all sounded like and felt like, and that the sounds and vibrations I was experiencing were something else, caused by a group of people having fun at my expense.  He chuckled as he responded, “Let me get this straight; you talk to the refrigerator?”  There is absolutely no way that he truly thought I said anything of the sort.  Now was he involved or was he put up to say that, not realizing how serious the situation was?  

Sometimes the officer would talk to me for a while on my patio, and other times there was a quick look around.  I would repeatedly tell them that by the time of their arrival, the group bothering me had probably left; and that what I needed was for them to come back at a random time to check for people, perhaps with drones, hanging out nearby, and not talk to me for 20-30 minutes which did nothing to help find the people.  Mental health checkups were often suggested.  One time I was forcibly taken in cuffs to the Psych ER while my dog was put in the pound.  I knew I would be returning within a few hours at the most and asked them to leave my dog, yet they still had him put in the pound, and I was returned to my apartment in a couple of hours and had to wait several more hours to retrieve my dog.  I was not acting in anyway as a threat to myself or others, and I stressed repeatedly that I did not feel comfortable or safe going with them anywhere.  They did not search nearby or make any efforts to look for the people bothering me.

Sketchy Neighbors, Odd Event

Another time two female neighbors past by while I was out on the patio.  I said “nice boobs” to one of the girls, thinking she knew I was gay by now, and I believe one of them had been with the girl that had dipped down and pretended to drop something in my bushes months earlier, and she acted offended.  Later, when passing by the other way, I asked her what the problem was, and she said, “You accosted me!”  at that same time there was a mass exodus of people on that side of the apartment building.  I had never seen that many people leave at the same time.  It could have been coincidence, but at that same time there was a woman passing by accompanied by a guy with a very large camera, like one you might see with a news journalist, but with no logo.  I asked what was going on, and both looked back, but they continued on to meet with one of the neighbors a few doors down that was leaving.  Not one person said one word to me.  Later on, the apartment manager came later to talk to me about my outburst on the patio earlier, which I didn’t recall getting out of control that day.  He grabbed his nose during the conversation, and also tugged on his ear, which I took as a possible hint to pop and clear my ears to help with the assault by the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group, which for that week primarily was one that made my head suffer from an increasing pressure.  I found that doing so did help, but within seconds I would have to repeat.  I told Gavin about the woman and man with the camera and he said he didn’t believe that had happened.  

6/10/2017: My Dog Goes Missing, Apartment Staff Involved

Case #


Detective Name

Detective Phone



Kidnapping of my dog

Filing a False Report

Robin Denton


Click the case link or here for the details.

The apartment manager Gavin and the White/Caucasian maintenance man (#1 as listed in the suspects) kidnapped my dog from my apartment at The Grove while I was in the bathroom or bedroom as part of a prank gone too far.  My dog was returned within a few minutes, after which Gavin stole my own pickaxe and angrily broke some pottery on my patio.   Within seconds, I witnessed both men right outside my bedroom window, laughing and seeming to be celebrating a successful stunt.  They filed a false police report stating that I stole the pickaxe from the maintenance garage.  They lied to cover up their crime.

APD Officer With Dog Just Like Mine

One time, a Hispanic officer talked with me for half an hour at my patio while another Caucasian officer walked around the complex.  At one point, the Hispanic officer said, “I have a dog that looks just like yours.”  He pulled up and showed me a picture of a dog on his phone.  It looked EXACTLY like my dog, and he's pretty unique looking: a pug + Boston terrier with a brindle coat.  I wonder if he simply showed me a picture of my dog Max while I was separated from him.  Even searching the internet, I have not seen a dog that looks remotely close to my dog.


The next week, I saw his partner, a white male, show up with another officer, a white older male, at an odd time that there was no outburst, but for some reason they were called.  I was already outside walking my dog, and said there hadn’t been any incident, and I asked the younger officer if he knew about the dog of the officer that had responded with him on the last call.  He acted as if I was mistaken, as if he had not been here before.  I found it odd, and he seemed uncomfortable, not talking further.  

Outstanding questions:

  • Does that Hispanic officer have a dog that looks EXACTLY like my dog.  Very easy to find out and if he doesn't, WTF?
  • Why was there a call made to the police the week later?  There was absolutely no reason to.

Doctor’s Office Visits During the Time @ The Grove

5/9/2017 - Buzz Word Dropping

When I visited my doctor’s office once, the whole prior week the Voices had been going “This is a sting.”  “Buzz,’s a sting’s the Vice’re going to get stung!” and they would show projections of bees in the trees even (at larger scale), which some of my videos show.  

I told my doctor about some of the things I was experiencing; I had been going to him for 17 years.  When he left and returned to the exam room, he saw me looking over my videos, and saw how odd one of them looked and asked if there was an overlay (a filter) on my camera.  “Overlay” was a buzz word at that time.  He also mentioned the words "bees" and "infrared", both being buzzwords as well.  This was at a time when there were very few buzz words.  These are not normal words that come up in a conversation with one's doctor.  

VoiceToSkull (V2K) devices can be used to manipulate and control some of the speech coming out of a person's mouth.  It has been around for 50+ years.  Magicians & mentalists use these devices when having a participant think of numbers to use in a trick.  The participant is unaware that they didn't think of those numbers; they were broadcast subliminally to their ears, indistinguishable from thought.  The volume can, of course, be turned up and be very audible, as I experience daily.

The Gangstalking/Terrorist Group makes this a technique to make the victim paranoid and suspicious that those around them who drop buzz words, are “in on it”, when in fact those dropping the buzz words are totally unaware that they are even doing so.

When I returned home, there was a dead bee on the bathmat in the middle bathroom.  

6/30/2017 - Assaulted by Clinical Staff & HIPAA Violation

Case #


Detective Name

Detective Phone



Brandon Sheffy


There were several times prior to this incident that the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group mentioned details from past visits to Red River Family Practice, some that were many years ago.  They were taunting me with the information, adding “How would we know that information?  You must be Schizophrenic.”  I was extremely confused and concerned over how this group of people knew such details, but when the incident on 6/30/2017 happened, it was clear that at least 2 of the staff were put up to releasing the information.  This is a HIPAA violation, a federal offense.  

On 6/30/2017, a Saturday, I visited Red River Family Practice.  I was seeing Dr. Lambeth to go over the lab results that had been drawn at an outside lab.  They had not run two tests that I had asked for, and he suggested that I get my blood taken there by the in-house lab next door.  I agreed, and soon after, a hispanic woman was drawing blood from my right arm.  It is very easy to draw blood from me, and she didn’t have any problems.  But then she stopped, and told me that she didn’t get a draw.  She got up and left the room to get someone to help her.  I looked down and noticed that she had, in fact, drawn blood.  I didn’t think much of it, thinking that maybe she lost the vein and might have said that she didn’t get enough.

She returned with a white woman who took a needle that was a ridiculously large size and that wouldn’t ever be used for a simple routine blood draw.  She quickly stabbed me in my left arm with it, and without drawing any blood she immediately threw it in the needle dispensary and smiled at me in a way I found to be blatantly spiteful.  I was in shock, and both of them proceeded to wrap both arms sloppily and excessively, smiling and looking at each other in a creepy way.  I left the office feeling confused, as if everyone hated me, and became frustrated that I hadn’t confronted them on the spot.  I did not need anything more than a single bandaid, if that, and I left with excessive, sloppy bandages on both arms.  Immediately it was clear how my patient chart information had been leaked.

The suspects since have confessed guilt, corroborating my recollection of the events.  Surprisingly they are still working there (as of May 2018).  I want them arrested for assault.  Additionally, releasing personal health information is a HIPAA Violation, carrying both civil and criminal penalties.

7/23/2017 - 8/23/2017 - Woodspring Suites


11105 North IH-35, Austin, TX 78753

Room 409        

I stayed at Woodspring near Braker Lane and IH-35 for about a month.  Every day I was harassed and assaulted.  They kept leading me to think that the gangstalking was over, and I had an outburst in the room in which I thought one or two friends had arrived to pick me up.  I didn’t have any more outbursts after that until a few weeks later, when I spent an hour in my room rubbing something like bubble wrap back and forth so I couldn’t hear the Voices.  I desk clerk came up to investigate.  I wouldn’t talk to her, and she called the police to make me leave.

While staying at this hotel, I felt a new kind of attack that is hard to explain, but it feels electrical and it feels like a constant flow of energy is flowing through the area that the beam is focused on, and the vibrations felt match that type of sensation.  They used it on me several times, one time while walking my dog, and another time when I was walking by myself, and they used it to provide a sexual arousal and a sensation similar to a drug rush.  Both times I dropped to my knees, and my breathing changed.  When I was in my room, they would use this along with other attacks to yield odd, unpleasant, and painful sensations.  

~8/6/2017: Maintenance Man rushed to room below me

Felt a vibration as if someone below in 309 had turned something on and bumped it on the ceiling.  It kept vibrating so I went downstairs to speak to the tenant/guest, and observed the jaintor/maintenance guy who stays in room ____ by the elevator with his wife/girlfriend was walking to room 309 at the same time and opening it.   I went by and it appeared to be empty, but I didn’t get a complete look at the room, but it appeared to be clean and unoccupied.  He closed the door behind him.  I ran into him in the elevator a little bit later the same day and asked him if he knew if anything was perhaps left on that could have caused a vibration in the floor and he said no, but he seemed nervous at the mention of the room.

TODO: Mention the outburst from the constant day-to-day onslaught and mention Carie, from the desk who had also come up to my room and could not hear the high pitch wine that was seemed well within audible range of most hearing-abled people to me.

One time in my room I also felt and heard something bump the floor, as if from underneath.  It reminded me of the times in Studio 6 that I was led to believe that a mystery device was being held up against the ceiling of the room below me, followed by the sensation that my insides were being churned.  I went downstairs, intending to knock on the room below me, 309 (I was in 409).  Just as I was arriving to the room, the maintenance man, who lived in a room by the elevators with a woman on the 4th floor, walked from the other direction and went inside the room.  It appeared vacant at a glance.  I didn’t notice anything odd in there.  I think he had a cart with him.  He closed the door behind him, and I went back to my room.  

I saw him again in the elevator soon afterward, maybe the next day, and I asked him if anything was going on in that room, as I was hearing and feeling something through the floor.  He said no, but seemed uncomfortable and nervous, and I think he was lying.  There was probably nothing going on in that room, but someone instructed him to go to that room at that very moment.  Of course, he could have been sent there  on normal business, and the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group sent me down there, but in such a scenario, I would think the timing would be much more difficult to accomplish.  It is worth looking into.  

8/?/2017 -

The situation turned sexual as I was masturbating and the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group decided to aid my pleasure instead of fight it, resulting in an intense orgasm.   I believe the same day later in the morning I was half asleep and in the “narrative” there was mention of Buddy Allen and Jonatan Lopez, and I believed they had arrived and did about a 10 minute very loud soapbox about the APD and TC and the situation at hand.  I became aware that it was a rouse and quieted down, and a few minutes later the night shift clerk came to my room to see if I was okay and to mention the noise complaint(s).  

TODO: Mention the “poppers” / orgasmic rush sensation brought on by the walk.  Mention the constant narratives, the radio van, Gavan #2, and the promise to end this win-win.  Mention the Capitol Credit Union knowledge of Tim Trickey, Joe Pavelka and how they tried to make it seem Christine and I had any bad blood over it, Rebecca Davenport (member?) and her alleged son, the guy who sued me and his aleged son.

8/24/2017 - 8/25/2017 - Motel 6


5330 North IH-35, Austin, TX 78751

After getting evicted from the Springwood, I put some things in storage, basically everything, and I debated about what to do for the night.  I had my dog Max with me.  It became dark and I took Max to the building at Techni Ridge & HWY-183, where some Travis County Investigators work, and I literally lied down on the grass outside the north entrance.  The Gangstalking/Terrorist Group was there, and I cried, hoping someone would end the whole thing and let me move on with my life.  I got up and walked around, eventually hanging out in a gas station parking lot, and when the storage unit opened, I got a cab and some things and got a room at Motel 6 for a few days.  Then I decided to drive out of town.

8/25/2017  - 9/5/2017 :: Road Trips

I drove all the way to Oklahoma City, and stayed at a Motel 6 there for a few days.  The voices were there, but not as much.  I don’t recall feeling much, if any, of the physical sensations while staying there.  I was thinking about meeting my cousin Josh, but as always the thought of being social dwindles as I don’t want to be complaining about my misfortune, or sound like a crazy person.  I decided to go to Chicago, and drove several hours, but turned around at some point.  

I am providing the places I traveled out of town, in case it helps to be cross referenced to help find the group following me or to help prove their guilt.  I was followed to Oklahoma City, and possibly beyond, and the gangstalking was mild.  When I went to Houston the Voices were very aggressive and spun many narratives and played a multitude of characters.



Austin, TX

8/25/2017 5:10 pm

Fort Worth, TX

8/25/2017 around 8pm

Walters, OK - hung out at a EZ Go Store 44 for a few hours.  Tried to get some sleep.  Car battery died.

8/26/2017 2:37 am -

8/26/2018 6:09 am

Oklahoma City - stayed here a few days.

I did hear the Voices here.

8/26/2017 10:23 am -

8/29/2017 8:34 am

Stroud, OK

8/29/2017 10:13 am

Joplin, MO

8/29/2017 12:59 pm

Rolla, MO - where I turned around

8/29/2017 4:13 pm

Mount Vernon, MO -

stayed here overnight

8/29/2017 6:18 pm

8/30/2017 7:52 am

Joplin, MO

8/30/2017 8:35 am

McAlester OK

8/30/2017 11:39 am

Atoka, OK

8/30/2017 12:39 am

McKinney, TX

8/30/2017 2:15 pm

Dallas, TX

8/30/2017 3:17 pm

Austin, TX - Stayed at the Motel 6.  The projections and voices were constantly present.  I had come back to make my court date, but was caught in an argument with the Voices to finally end the gangstalking, and did not show up for court.  

8/30/2017 6:01 pm -

9/5/2017 1:18 pm

Del Valle, TX

9/5/2017 2:01 pm

La Grange, TX - stayed at River Valley Motor Inn for the night.  The Voices and projections continued, both inside and outside.

9/5/2017 3:23 pm -

9/6/2017 12:48 pm

Ellinger, TX

9/6/2017 1:38pm

Houston, TX - the Voices were present the entire ride and were heavily spinning narrative stories.  I did not notice projections or remember much if any physical assaults.

9/6/2017 3:19 pm -

9/8/2017 11:46 am

Columbus, TX

9/8/2017 1:49 am

Austin, TX

9/8/2017 3:40 pm

9/19/2018 - Slow Speed Car Chase / Drugs Planted

I stayed at a friend's for a few days prior, then on 9/19/2018, I went to stay at the Wyndham, near TX-71 & IH-35.  I was looking forward to speaking my dog into the pool at night, as he had never been swimming yet, but the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group kept harassing me.  I got into bed and just wanted to cry and be alone with my dog, but they kept on, whole the be Bill Maher show was on, saying “Bill Maher wants to interview you.” And on and on.  I started to yell, “Shut up!” “Shut the fuck up!”  and soon their were police adding me to leave the hotel.  I was telling at the Gangstalking/Terrorist Group up IH-35 and kept braking and revving the gas.  I was playing “chicken” with them, thinking that at some point, a decent person would shut the whole thing down.  I got off the freeway and slammed on my brakes on the access road.  My dog Max slid from the passenger seat to the floor.  I got or of the car and ran to the other side, picking him up, crying.  A police car pulled up, and I fled.  I was tired of being fucked with police.  This ended in a slow speed car chase.  I found out later that a cop had planted drugs on me, “in a red bag”.  The car was packed with suitcases, bins, and bags, and the first and only bag he checked just happened to have drugs on me, and those charges just happened to be dropped.  I had no drugs on me; I am sure of that.  If I had, I would have reluctantly done then and not gone into a fit of rage.  I also never saw the that red bag again.  It had sex toys in it -- not that I was ever able to enjoy them -- and the bag was never found at the evidence locker facility.  So the cops stole my sex toys from me, yet again (there had been two prior instances of that).  I was taken downtown.

I did not suddenly develop Schizophrenia & Psychosis & Multiple Personality Disorder at 41 with no prior mental health history + 20+ other neurological and physical diseases + suddenly develop supernatural powers + still experience other unexplained phenomena like poltergeist. You would have to believe that + ignore the mountain of evidence in Google Drive & YouTube + ignore multiple witnesses & victims, some of whom already provided supporting statements in writing and in person to a Sergeant with Travis County Sheriff department + ignore that 2 suspects already confessed, corroborating my statements.