My Experience with RoaSato



What you can expect from this document is an organized timeline of events as they happened with dates and screenshots to back the claims I bring up here. I initially made this document back in June 18, 2024 and June 21, 2024 with the intent to compile this evidence for the purpose of informing those who needed to know in order to protect my friends and the communities that I was a part of. This would have been a private matter had I not learned new information. I return to this document as of October 22, 2024 because I realize that those efforts aren’t enough. I feel that it’s my responsibility to protect a wider group of people now that I know Kaienpeppers’s own experience, because I know now that if given the chance, Roa will take advantage of others’ ignorance of these situations. That’s not fair. My intent with sharing this document is to ensure the broader public is aware of what I, and others, have gone through because of Roa Sato. Some screenshots may be harder to read than others– please view them at 200% on Docs if you experience issues. If you’re on Mobile, please refer to the screenshots in this link alongside this document for better legibility:

I saw Roa as a friend, once. A year later, I have come to know him in a way that has made me not want to interact with him or have him around my friends anymore. I’m grateful for his aid in helping me start streaming by being my mod and being someone who vouched for me as a mod in Stinky Hollow, especially as these were all acts he voluntarily chose to do. However, it’s hard to truly feel good about any of those instances anymore when I no longer see him the way I had at the start. I no longer see him as a friend. While things might not have happened, I have experiences with him that a real friend would never do. I’ve had my boundaries be crossed, I’ve felt helpless over stuff he’s made me feel, and he’s made the spaces my friends and I inhabit uncomfortable the second he gets involved. I tried giving him a chance to be better around me, to be better to my friends, and he has only made things worse. I will not be giving him anymore chances, and these are the reasons why.

First Conversation 10/5/23

I first learned about Roa through Boo’s birthday stream during the special video that Basil worked really hard to make for that day. I initially checked him out because at the time I still felt new to the community and I wanted to make more friends, and when I saw that he was also Filipino and had interesting sounding lore I reached out through DM’s. There’s nothing wrong in these conversations and this is just to show our first conversation as well as to show the chat history since there wasn’t much on this site.

RoaSato Twitter DM's.mp4


From there, I would try to hop onto Roa’s streams when I could to show support and we became friends on Discord. We had been talking for a couple days and it was nice during this time. However, from 10/12/2023 things started to take a turn as Roa’s language towards me started to feel more romantic. I tried to keep it friendly, but you can see him trying to take things in a certain direction. I wasn’t hiding the fact that I have been hurt in the past and had come to Stinky Hollow to try to make friends and heal from that, and I brought it up again with him here. This gets continued onto 10/13/23 where I initially thought we had resolved this.


Continuation of 10/12/2023’s last topic. It seemed like this was resolved at this point and I went back into trying to be friends with him even if texts still felt twinged with something, but I tried to keep it nice so things didn’t get awkward.


This is to show the timeline and confirm that these were happening in October since there’s a wip of the Deboo art I was working on. Roa puts focus on meeting me while i tried to talk about being grateful for the whole community after that. I continue to try to validate Roa in as friendly a way I can while maintaining a distance and including more and more of the general scope of Stinky Hollow as I go on.


Roa calls me “beautiful” which continues this theme of saying and acting in ways that make me doubt his intentions. Later on in the day he brings the conversation back to romance and it feels like he’s trying to get me to reconsider my earlier decision two nights ago. I turn him down again.


Roa’s fixation on me continues, and I lived in discomfort wondering if any post or comment was going to be focused on by him. This continued into my streams to the point where I just had to ignore it, but this is one of the earlier instances of him being a certain way with me. In this instance I just went quiet when it started to get weird for me, and then he switched conversation after that. Also notice that he calls me “beautiful” again and then his emote choice. You’ll also see that I offered Good Omens– this was one of my last attempts to try to make a friendship work and delude myself into thinking this is fine and he’s just socially awkward around me.


Roa was venting to me about family problems which I don’t want to divulge here, but here’s the relevant parts of the conversation. He once again brings up romance and in this context I believe it was meant to guilt trip me into something because his family is pressuring him and he thought we had something special(I was trying to make friends and I try to be nice to everyone). I even bring up feeling guilty and then he tries to convince me again. Reminder, I had rejected him on 10/13/2023 and again on 10/15/2023. After this conversation he stops pursuing that for a while, and while I don’t have the screenshot for this I’m sure you guys might have seen his status go back to having “still looking for love/that special person”.


This is an instance of me talking about my ex and being fucked up over him still. This is to show that I was open with him about my mental state and continued to be. This is a personal opinion, but even when I would talk about this kind of stuff it felt like when he opened up too or tried to reassure me that he couldn’t help having that twinge of romantic intent with him. It sometimes sounded less like he was trying to be my friend and more like he was comparing himself to my ex as if he’d be a better option.

1/30/24 - 1/31/24

Me and Roa initially had a Pokemon Nuzlocke collab planned as well as a Good Omens night but as the days went by and we were getting closer to that date I realized I was freaking out. I talked with some close friends to help me process my feelings and came to the conclusion that I wasn’t actually okay being around Roa and I never was but that I ignored it. I ignored it because I felt responsible for reaching out in the first place, as well as feeling powerless because of his mod status in both Stinky Hollow and Eden’s Halls.

5/10/24 - 5/13/24

5/10/2024 was the day I graduated. I was able to make it to Basil’s stream that day for a little bit when I went to the bathroom but I had been on before the ceremony when I was having a crisis. TLDR; security wouldn’t allow me to bring my purse into the arena and I had to stuff my shorts with my wallet and phone and throw my Coach purse(a gift my mom had gotten for me a year ago) on the ground away from people. Security had told me they wouldn’t be responsible if something gets lost so I was waiting for my grandpa to come down so I can give him the purse, so I was stressed around the time that Roa asked about Good Omens.

As brought up earlier, anything involving being alone with him stresses me out so I didn’t reply. After graduation I was celebrating with family, relaxing with friends before I had to get ready and then leave for my flight. On the way to Manila, some close friends who were aware of my problems with Roa let me know about a vague tweet he made that I unfortunately did not screenshot before he deleted it. I was in San Francisco’s airport starving and stressed from carrying most of the bags me and my mom brought with us and that was the last straw for the day. I admit that I should not have jumped to assumptions, but the timing and his past behavior with me had me reach a boiling point on 5/13/2024.

5/14/24 - 5/16/24 (Roa’s revised response after I called him out on 5/13/24)

I don’t remember the date that Roa made his first post but keep in mind how he revised it the morning after I called him out for it.

6/16/24 - 6/17/24 (Roa’s vent tweet talking about feeling under-appreciated by stream friends + reposting it)

I don’t know if Roa would have reposted and quote retweeted his last vent post if it had stayed up as it was, but what I do know is that I have not responded or reacted to this recent vent post in any way. He has reposted this consistently, and I feel like a part of it has to do with maybe hoping I’ll react in some way.

6/20/24 (Roa continues to contact me)

After blocking him and banning him from my server and my social medias he found another way to try to contact me instead of leaving me alone. I only looked so I can provide screenshots for this document. First an email from Roa at 4:11 PM. And then Coffin pulled me into a call to share this screenshot of a post he sent to her at 4:35 PM. Even as I’m updating this he sends me another email at 4:47 PM. I just want to be left alone, and he can’t even respect me enough to let old dogs lie.

10/21/24 - Roa Vague Tweets (Again)

        I have Roa blocked on Bluesky as well as every other social media that I’m aware he’s on. I received this screenshot from Kaienpeppers who learned that he was vague tweeting about “friends” from one of Kaien’s  own friends after they shared their story privately.  

        I haven’t mentioned him, talked about him, or looked at anything he has been up to during this time. After I made this document I made a point to move on and heal from this whole experience. Just like how I didn’t make this document until he started drama by vague posting before, I haven’t done anything else until he decided to vague post recently. I don’t know who he’s referring to in this instance, but ultimately it’s another lesson he has failed to learn from this whole issue by instigating.


6/18/24 - ChaoticChimera’s screenshots

While I am not her, I feel like this account will help cement the idea that RoaSato has problematic patterns and is irresponsible with his power over people starting up. She has given me permission to share these screenshots. ChaoticChimera, or Mera, was previously known as Moistweasel_, and she had started streaming at the time of this conversation. Mera helped me with writing this section of the document, and I have her permission to share this. For the sake of continuity with the timeline, I will be referring to Mera as “Moist”. While she did not initially plan for Roa to be one of her mods, he offered his services when she was talking about streaming when he was around in vc and gave him mod status to be friendly.

6/17/2024-6/18/2024 Moist had an Overwatch 2 stream where me, her, and another friend BlitztheTyrant played games and Roa joined twitch chat halfway through. Moist doesn’t have VODS saved on Twitch at the moment so I can only write the exchanges on there here.

Moist: Hey Roa, how are you doing?

Roa: I don’t wanna trauma dump

Moist, thinking he’s joking: Why, Roa? What’s wrong? What’s wrong, babe?*

*”What’s wrong, babe?” is one of our many inside jokes and the humor comes from how the phrase is delivered

        Roa continues to post on the chat every now and then short posts like:


        Roa: …



Moist is black and had been making jokes in VC earlier that Juneteenth was coming up so people better be nice to her. I made a callback to this near the end of stream and she hinted at it jokingly, which Roa was confused about. He then DM’s her to ask about it. This is the first DM conversation the two of them have had, any past interaction had been in servers and VCs.        

        This happened while we were all in a group VC chilling after her stream and I was one of a group of friends who saw in real time Moist begin to panic over Roa’s mental state. She became so overwhelmed that she cried, getting nervous that he was going to do something to himself if she didn’t say things the right way or if she didn’t respond. This was due to his twitter posts saying he was on a borderline with his stress and hasn’t been getting support from his “friends”. We say “friends” because he assumes since we’re friendly or cordial that we’re good friends and gets too comfortable too quickly, especially if not only, with the women or female presenting individuals in our group. We had to talk her down and help her at least mute his DM’s to try and divert some of the stress. In the end, he never replied and the next time she saw him was in Basil’s chat where he was acting off, as you’ll see in the following section (6/19/2024).

6/19/24 - Roa’s behavior in streams

This day was the breaking point for me when I initially wrote this document. After seeing him act the same way he had on Moist’s stream two nights before in Basil’s chat, I realized he wasn’t really going to act properly or listen to people, and I am too tired and honestly stressed out by the idea of talking to him again. I know he’ll never truly listen to what I’m saying anyway, and as you saw on 5/13/2024 I had told him my boundaries and that he could stop if he wanted. Despite his complaints, he continued to stay on as a mod for so many streamers even after being advised to take a break. For example, back when he was still a mod for Stinky Hollow he had expressed a couple times in the mod chat that he was tired and exhausted and felt under-valued but ignored the times multiple people told him he should take a break. He still showed up in Basil’s chat this day only to act like this and post the sulk emote every now and then.

10/22/24 - Anonymous Stories

Anonymous on Roa’s VC Behavior

While I have been compiling and updating this document I reached out to friends who have had interactions with Roa in case he might have acted out with them as well. This is someone who wants to remain private, so for their sake I have blotted out their name and profile, but this tells the account of a time where Roa lied about our relationship.

        There are similar accounts from others of this particular instance. Because these accounts were shared in VC I can’t share them here.

This is a conversation between a few people that Roa made uncomfortable during some VCs, but I edited the screenshot to make it flow easier as well as obscure the identities of the people involved.

Anonymous on Roa as a “partner”

        This is a person who was previously in a relationship with Roa, but doesn't want to be tied to this and is trying to move on with her life.  I will be referring to them as Z and respecting her wishes. For her comfort, I will be rephrasing what she shared with me to better obscure her identity but provide the gist of her experience instead of sending screenshots. Z was younger than Roa, with an age gap that was over 8 years difference at a minimum, with Roa lying about his actual age to her.  It was a one-sided relationship put upon Z by Roa that caused her a lot of mental and emotional pain which she learned to cope with after he was gone. Such examples of his abusive behavior was that he would be overbearing to her, manipulate her, and blame her for similar "problems" that he continued to do to me and Kaien. All of these are patterns he has perpetuated to other people like myself, Kaien, and who knows who else. Again, she will not be involved in this document any further than this passage, and I ask that you don't try looking for her. She is currently doing her own thing and is happier. I understand if you can't trust this completely, but Z's story is one that exemplifies many of Roa's issues and how long he's had to improve on them. I wish Z nothing but the best going forward, and I hope that she's able to find peace away from this.

10/22/24 - Basil’s Intervention (screenshots from 6/23/24 - 6/24/24)

        I reached out to Basil with the document regarding my experience with Roa, and because Roa was part of Stinky Hollow during its early stages this information was understandably devastating to both him and Boo. With this in mind, as soon as he knew about my experience, he was supportive of me and made efforts to remove Roa from Stinky Hollow. When I learned more about Kaien’s experience with Roa, as well as Roa’s recent vague tweeting, I reached out to Basil again to get his permission to share these next few screenshots.

For context: as I was preparing for my upcoming college graduation, I decided to throw a two-day Donathon so that I could celebrate my achievement with my community. Along with graduating I was preparing for a trip to the Philippines to pay my respects to my grandfather who passed away last year(I wasn’t able to make it to his funeral due to me needing to finish my education) so any donations went into that trip and future stream rewards.

This is the one point I admit I didn’t handle the best. Initially, I did intend to fulfill his rewards for his support during my Donathon, but his actions in May and June made me realize I no longer wanted him in my life (refer to segments 5/10-24 to 6/17/24) and I was preparing to remove him. I should have refunded him sooner but I was busy compiling my screenshots and writing up this document while recovering from being sick so that it did not cross my mind. I will say, however, considering how openly I talked about my reasons for doing a Donathon, it is incredibly disappointing that for all his talk about supporting me and not expecting anything that he even considered refunding through Paypal for even a moment.

I also want to note that in this conversation, Basil is in an uncomfortable position: two of his moderators are at odds with each other, and it is his responsibility to not only keep the community safe but hear both sides of the conflict. He was professional during this conversation and vouched for my character as well as telling Roa to give me space. He was open with me about what they were talking about during this time, and I shared these examples of him updating me later on in this section.

I want this to be clear. While Roa Sato was a moderator for Basil and Boo channels and Stinky Hollow Discord Server, they had NO idea what he was doing. I firmly believe that if they had known this sooner they would have removed him from the community sooner. To prove this point, I am also sharing snippets from the conversation Basil and I had during his talk with Roa:

        Compare the timestamps with these messages to the previous batch and you’ll see that Basil was actively updating me and checking in with me on how he could support me while trying to maintain a civil conversation. Not once in this conversation did I feel like Basil was trying to protect Roa or silence me, and I’m extremely grateful for his support and active coordination with me during this stressful time.

UPDATE 10/26/24 - CandiedCalico’s Screenshots

        It has come to my attention that Roa’s previous claims he made to Basil where he said that he was no longer interested in me were false. You can read more about it in CandiedCalico’s response but I have her consent to share some key screenshots from her story here to better corroborate my concerns about his intentions with me, as well as showcase how often he lies to people to get what he wants.

In these screenshots, you can see that he also obscured the truth from Candied as much as he tried to hide details from Basil. That paired with his tendency to act impulsively and disregard other people’s comfort makes his desire to seek me out despite already blocking and cutting him out of my life more concerning. I did not end up seeing him at Twitchcon, but I don’t believe it’s because he respected my boundaries. If Candied were to have encouraged him to seek me out I have no doubts he would have. I want nothing to do with him, and I’ve made that clear.

10/22/24 - Grebles22

        Grebles is one of my earliest friends and one of my first mods for Eden’s Hall. Out of the men’s accounts I believe Grebles has the most interactions and feelings about Roa, and he was gracious enough to share his account here.

“My experience with Roa was one of general frustration. At their most charitable, he was a grumpy old man who generally hated others but was dedicated to his position as moderator. Upon reflection, this is false. It is my opinion that man is a creep and can get royally fucked.

First impressions began when Othermornings asked me to moderate while in a call with friends, Roa included. I asked Roa if he would teach me how to mod and got a very firm “No.” Honestly, I thought it was a joke and laughed it off. As days turned to weeks and a couple repeat requests, turns out it was in fact completely serious. I had to ask a mod for a completely different streamer who immediately jumped at the opportunity to help. It was only later, when I was giving him shit about it as a bit in another group call, one where Mornie was involved and she laughed at the joke, that he said he would teach me.

At this point it had been months since someone else taught me.

I tried really hard to have a friendship with Roa, I really did. He would sit in VC in Eden’s Hall by himself for hours on end each day and occasionally I would join and try to have a conversation. I got, at best, “Wah?” and then received little more than a series of grunts at my questions or statements, and at times was met with silence. Something I wish I would have noticed significantly earlier is that he would immediately perk up when anyone fem sounding would join call, in which case he was all to happy to chat with them and would do his best to dominate the conversation away from any other masc people.

Barring lack of much interaction with him, I have little else to report on his behavior. However, watching my friend group react to him firmly ruined his reputation in my eyes. Group chats and discord servers were made specifically to get away from Roa, because he made fem (or rather, people Roa interpreted as fem) people uncomfortable and they needed to get away from him. I would not be surprised if members of communities Roa is a part of left because of interactions with him.

One last thing of note is that I, personally, haven’t sought communication with Roa since being brushed off entirely when he was still active in spaces I am in. I don’t have a Twitter, I don’t watch his streams, I have him blocked on Discord. Roa went out of his way to not have a relationship with me. This is the second time I have been asked to share my experiences with this man, as it seems his actions continue to harm my friends.

If asked to describe Roa now I would call him a threat. He obsesses over anyone AFAB around him, becomes angry when called on it, and will hold a grudge about it too. I anticipate his reaction to this being something along the lines of “They are out to get me” but I assure you, I want nothing to do with him. Beware the incel.”


10/22/24 - BlitztheTyrant

To preface this section, I’m going to say this flat out: Blitz is my boyfriend. We were not dating when this instance happened, nor were we talking in any capacity beyond him occasionally watching my streams. He is speaking of his account from when he was just a member of Eden’s Hall and Stinky Hollow. He is one of a few men who have had experiences with Roa in this document and his account is to better represent a pattern of behavior he had around masculine-presenting people and those he deemed as feminine.

“I’ve only spent two instances with Roa so I never had a problem with him at the beginning, but after I heard how he’s acted with others, I started to put the pieces together as to his actions.

In my first meeting and call with him, I played about 3 hours of Helldivers 2 with him. Now had it been almost any other game I wouldn’t bring up the game title, but in Helldivers 2 extreme amounts of cooperation is required when you get higher in difficulty.

Being that we were two people without matchmaking, we required even more cooperation. Be that as it may, he didn’t speak to me outside of the intermittent gamer rage throughout the 3 hours.

In a vacuum this incident simply seems a problem of incompatible personalities. But when you look at the other stories told in this document, it starts to create a through line of him being a silent corpse when interacting with guys but turning into a chatter box only when a woman is introduced to the situation. Such a quality is a simple problem on its own but when taken to such a stage it becomes almost predatory.”



        I don’t know if there is a better way of finishing this document. All the words I can say have been said earlier, and at this point I’m exhausted from needing to clear the air up because of Roa again. It’s inexcusable how many people he has made uncomfortable and hurt, and the fact that he is willing to repeat the same mistakes such as vague posting while twisting the truth proves to me that he will never learn and he will continue to hurt others for his own selfish reasons. Learn from these experiences. Don’t make the same mistakes. Stay away from Roa Sato.