Statement of Christian Support for Student Ceasefire and Divestment Campaigns-
An Open Letter to College Administrations, Boards of Education and Legislators
September 30, 2024
To Whom it May Concern:
As Christians we have a deep appreciation and affection for Judaism. The Christian embodiment of compassion and justice is rooted in Jewish teachings. The books of the Jewish prophets are essential to our understanding of peacemaking, nonviolence, and liberation. The words of Isaiah that call us to free the oppressed, feed the hungry, provide shelter for the afflicted (Isa. 58:6-7 NABRE) are echoed in the gospels in the words and deeds of our savior Jesus.
Jesus was a Palestinian Jewish person and his followers, mostly Jewish themselves, became the Palestinian Christians, over 200,000 of whom still live in the Holy Land. We can and we do hold both our Jewish siblings and our Palestinian siblings close to our hearts.
We are also acutely and painfully aware of the role that mainly European Christians played
throughout the centuries in promoting and harboring antisemitism. We are also acutely and painfully aware of the past and ongoing role of Christians in the mass murder, displacement, and erasure of indigenous people across the globe. However, we reject the idea that creating a nation state that disadvantages, discriminates against and displaces, indigenous people draws us any closer to reconciliation with our Jewish siblings who are not, and have never been, of one mind about the state of Israel. Further, the repentance and the penance for the sins of European and American Christians who either participated or looked away during the Holocaust cannot be paid for with the freedom, safety and the lives of Palestinians who are the indigenous people.
Zionism is a political ideology which betrays the foundations of our faith. At its core is the belief that a single group of people enjoy God’s favor more than the rest of the world. We reject this because we know that God loves us all equally. Sinners and saints, Jews and Gentiles, believers and non-believers- all enjoy the boundless, unconditional, inexhaustible love of our creator. The love God calls us to “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” (1 Cor. 13:7 NABRE)
We admire the sacrifice of the students at Columbia, Fordham, Rutgers, Notre Dame, Princeton, UCLA, University of Pittsburgh and over 100 other colleges across the country whose peaceful resistance to the military industrial complex, imperialism and the slaughter of innocents is being met with all forms of retaliation, violence and brutal repression. The students, who are disproportionately Jewish themselves, are pointing directly to our complicity in the bombing and the siege of Gaza and the maintenance of what is an apartheid state. It is weapons manufactured by American companies, paid for with American tax dollars and in many cases developed with the assistance of the same universities these students are attending that have killed thousands of children, and permanently disfigured or made orphans of many more. These weapons and the siege and occupation that they maintain are killing Palestinian civilians and Israeli hostages alike. If there are lessons to be learned from October 7th among them must be that weapons are not making Jewish people anywhere more safe.
We weep for all those who have lost their homes, their limbs, their beloved ones and their own lives. We declare that our hearts are big enough to feel sorrow and have empathy for Palestinians and Israelis alike. We also know that more violence will not solve anything. The students are asking our government to stop the killing and to feed the hungry. This is exactly what our scriptures say.
We urge you to listen to the students. Theirs is a just and moral cause.
Organizations (United States)
Friends of Sabeel North America
The Daniel Berrigan Collective
Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace (PCAP)
Pax Christi Young Adult Caucus
All Saints Middle East Ministry, Pasadena, CA
Americans Committed to Justice and Truth
AUSCP (Association of US Catholic Priests)
Baltimore Nonviolence Center
Bathurst Street United Church
Center and Library for the Bible and Social Justice
Chicago Faith Coalition on Middle East Policy (CFCMEP)
Church Women United of Lane County (OR)
Christian-Jewish Allies for a Just Peace for Israel/Palestine
Deal for Peace
The Elizabeth NJ Catholic Worker
The Emergent Grace Movement
Episcopal Peace Fellowship
Episcopal Peace Fellowship Palestine Israel Network
Faith Strategies, LLC
First Congregational Church of Oakland (CA)
First Reformed Church South River (NJ)
Florida Peace Action Network
Franciscan Justice Circle/Mid-Hudson, NY
Friends Meeting for Worship in Indiana PA
Friends of Sabeel North America - Los Angeles/Orange County
Friends of Sabeel North America- New Jersey Chapter
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (Weehawken, NJ)
Honoring Youth
Indiana Center for Middle East Peace
Intelligent Future
Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Jemez Peacemakers
Justice Ministries Committee, Presbytery of NYC (PCUSA)
Justice Team of Downtown United Presbyterian Church (Rochester, NY)
Kairos USA
Kirkridge Retreat & Study Center
La Fuente Ministries
Lauren Faith Smith Ministry for Nonviolence
Loretto Link
Middle East Task Force of Chicago Presbytery
Middle East Task Force — DC, Maryland and Virginia
Mount Diablo Peace & Justice Center
Network of Evangelicals for the Middle East
Palestinian Anglicans and Clergy Allies
Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace (PCAP)
Palestinian Community Center of Arizona
Pax Christi Florida
Pax Christi/ Hudson Valley, NY
Pax Christi MA
Pax Christi Maine
Pax Christi Michigan
Pax Christi Little Rock
Pax Christi New Jersey
Pax Christi New York State
Pax Christi Northern CA
Pax Christi Phoenix
Pax Christi Rhode Island
Peacebuilders Academy
The Place to Connect with God
Pray with our Feet
Reformed Church of Highland Park
The Riverside Church in the City of New York
Rochester Witness for Palestine
St. Columba (Oakland, CA)
St. Paul & St. Andrew United Methodist Church, NYC
Social Justice Coalition (Portland, OR)
Teachers For Palestine
Tent of Nations Delegation-New York City
Tree House Healing Ministry
Westminster Hill Fellowship
Organizations (outside the US)
Christians for Peace Newcastle (Australia)
Deal for Peace (Kent, UK)
Palestinian Christians in Australia
Pax Christi Canada
Teachers for Palestine (Canada)
Clergy (in their individual capacity)
Rev. Fahed AbuAkel | Atlanta, Georgia | Presbyterian |
Eric C. Anspaugh | Rocky Mount, VA | Central Church of the Brethren |
Rev. Dr. W. D. Avram | Tempe, AZ |
David Speare Benedict | Middlebury, VT |
Rev. Ashley Birt | New York, NY |
Reverend Debbie Blane | Issaquah, WA | Presbyterian Church (USA) |
Rev. Karen G. Bockelman | Duluth, MN | Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Duluth,MM |
Rev. Dr. Joseph W. Brownrigg | Santa Fe, NM |
Pastor Amanda Calderon | South River, NJ |
Rev. Amos Caley | Highland Park, NJ |
The Rev Christine Caton | East Lyme, CT |
Rev. Chad Collins | Pittsburgh, PA | Valley View PCUSA |
Reverend Margaret Cornish | Vancouver, BC |
Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Courter | Queens, NY |
Reverend Katherine Cunningham | Asbury Park, NJ |
Kevin R DeCantillon | Decatur, GA |
Reverend Elizabeth Morris Downie | Winnetka, IL |
Rev. Judith Elia | Palm Bay, FL | Retired Unity Minister |
Rev. Robert Foltz-Morrison | Bronx, NY |
Rev. Danny Fong | San Francisco, CA |
Francis Gargani CSsR | Washington D.C. | Roman Catholic |
Noel Gordon | Newcastle, Ontario |
Rev. Graylan Scott Hagler | Washington, DC | Plymouth Congregational UCC |
Pastor Rupert Hall | Trenton, NJ |
Revd Ian P. Hamilton | Stockport, Greater Manchester | Dialstone Lane Methodist Church |
Rev. Drew Henderson | Overland Park, KS |
Pastora Karen Hernandez-Granzen | Trenton, NJ | Westminster Presbyterian Church |
Rev. Lana Hurst | New York, NY |
Rev. Dr. Nathan Jérémie-Brink | New Brunswick, NJ |
Rev. Sandra John | Chico, CA | Soul Awakening |
Rev. Dr. Elisabeth Johnson | Saint Paul, MN |
Rev. Clifford Johnston | Hawk Run, PA | Chapel of the Good Shepherd, Episcopal, Hawk Run, PA |
Janette Jorgensen | Richford, VT |
Rev. Seth Kaper-Dale | Highland Park, NJ | Reformed Church Highland Park |
Rev. Dr. K Karpen | New York, NY | St. Paul and St. Andrew UMC |
Rev. Dexter Kearny | Longview, WA |
Rev. Ronald Kernaghan | La Habra, CA |
The Rev. Canon Leyla King | Austin, TX |
Deborah Kirkpatrick | Edmonton, Alberta | Mennonite |
Rev. Dr. Lizabeth H. Klein | Berkeley, CA | First Congregational Church of Oakland |
Rev. Kathleen W. Kurtz | Harrisonburg, VA | Community Mennonite Church |
Youngseok Kwon | Riverside California |
Bishop Edward L. Lee, Jr. | Haverford, PA |
Rev. Rebecca Littlejohn | Spring Valley, CA |
Rev. John R. Long | Buffalo, New York | Rev John R Long |
Elizabeth Matous | Indiana, PA | St Bernard Catholic Church |
The Reverend Elizabeth G. Maxwell | New York, NY | Church of the Ascension |
Marita Mayer | San Anselmo, CA | First Presbyterian Church, San Anselmo |
Revd. Dr. Jenny McKay | Manchester, UK |
Rev. Kirk Moore | Justice, IL |
Peter Murray, SJ | Syracuse, NY |
Rev. Janet D Niemeyer | Arlington Heights, IL |
Rev. Gloria Olivier | Fitchburg, MA |
Rev. Robert Olivier | Fitchburg, MA |
Rev. Lilian Patey | Windsor, Ontario. | Clergy in the United Church of Canada |
Rev. Dr. Joyce Penfield | Akron, OH | Episcopal Peace Fellowship |
Rev. Sara Webb Phillips | Atlanta , GA |
Rev. Dr. Joyce Antila Phipps | Plainfield, NJ | Old First Church, Middletown, NJ |
Rev. Megan M. Ramer | Seattle, WA | Seattle Mennonite Church |
Rev. Dr. Lynn Rhodes | Claremont, CA | United Methodist |
Rev. John Rogers | Montclair, NJ |
D. Scott Russell | New Brunswick, NJ |
Rev. Kelly Sasser | Durham, NC | Watts Street Baptist Church |
Rev. Dr. Gabriele Schroeder | Citrus Heights, CA | Advent Lutheran Church |
Rev. Brooke Scott | Newark, DE |
Rev. Paul Shoaf Kozak | Trenton, NJ | Christ Episcopal Church/Cristo Rey |
Pastor Joy Smith | Orland Park, IL | Presbyerian Church in Orland Park |
Rev. Dr. Shannon Smythe | Morrisville, PA | Westminster Presbyterian Church of Trenton |
Deacon Gloria Strickert | Charlotte, NC | Advent Lutheran Church |
Fr. Timothy Taugher | Binghamton, NY |
The Reverend Adriene Thorne | New York, NY |
Rev. Allen Wakabayashi, Chaplain at the Episcopal Church at Princeton | Princeton, NJ | Episcopal Church at Princeton |
The Rev. Dr. Mary E. Westfall | Trenton, NJ |
Rev. Thomas M. Wilhelm | Stamford, CT |
Rev. Glenn Thamert, D.Min | Jemez Springs, NM | |
Women Religious
Barbara Battista, SP | Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, IN | Sisters of Providence |
Jo'Ann De Quattro, SNJM | Campbell, CA | Sister of the Holy Names |
Sister Jacquelyn Doepker | Tiffin, OH |
Lenore N. Dowling, IHM | Los Angeles, CA | Immaculate Heart Community |
Sister Julie Grote | Tiffin,OH |
Sister Elaine Kelley | St. Helens, OR | Sisters for Christian Community (SFCC) |
Martha Larsen | San Francisco, CA | Sisters of Mercy |
Sr. Jean Leahy | Toronto, Ontario |
Cecelia Loomer | St. Louis, MO | Sts. Clare & Francis Ecumenical Catholic |
Sister Mary George O'Toole | Portland, ME | Sisters of Mercy |
Elizabeth Scanlan, RSM | Whitestone, NY |
Sr. Linda Scheckelhoff, OSF | Tiffin, OH |
Dawn M. Albanese | Elk Grove Village, IL | |
Paul Alexander | Petaluma, CA. |
Jeanne Allen | Easthampton, MA | Our Lady of the Valley |
Karen Allen | Bellingham, WA | St. Paul's Episcopal Church |
Mary Allen | Haverford, PA | St Asaph's Epioscopal Church |
Jan-Paul Alon | Cherry Hill, NJ |
Lupe Alvarado | Fresno, CA | Catholic |
Judy Amarah | Danbury, CT |
Erin Anderson-White Face | Milwaukee, WI |
Steven Andrychowski | New Britain, CT |
JL Angell | Rescue, CA |
Matthew Anticoli | Abington, PA | Call to Action; St Luke’s Episcopalian |
Maher | Phoenix, AZ |
Carolyn Atkins | San Antonio, TX |
Siham Atshan | FL |
Margli Auclair | Walnut Creek, CA |
James Bachman | Batavia, IL |
Carol Baier | Kirksville, MO |
Palmeta Baier | Kirksville, MO |
J.B. | Portland, OR |
anonymous | Portland, OR |
Dr. Paul Barghoithi | San Diego, CA |
Sonja Lee Baris | Clinton, MA |
Symphony Barnes | Chino Hills, CA |
Maria Baroody | Joppa, MD |
Molly Batchelder | Crockett, CA |
Chris Bekemeier | Portland, OR | Central Lutheran Church |
Phyllis Bekemeyer | Portland, OR | Central Lutheran Church |
Dr. Mihiret Belihu | St. Louis. MO |
David Benedict | Middlebury, VT |
Bruce Alan Bennett | Ashfield, MA |
Faye Bennett | Portland. OR |
Karen B. | South Berwick, ME |
Marianne Bernard | Clarkston MI | Pax Christi Michigan |
Litsa Binder | Sparta, NJ |
Derrick Biney-Amissah | New York, NY | The Riverside Church in the City of New York |
Charles Birbara | Worcester, MA | |
Anne Bjornson | Bayside, NY |
Lincoln Blake | Richmond, IN | Quaker |
Kathryn Blanco | Washington, D.C. | St. Mark’s Episcopal Church |
Dana Bleckinger | Yachats, OR |
Nancy T. Block, M.D. | Berkeley Heights, NJ |
Ms. Aston Bloom | Tucson, AZ | Rincon Congregational United Church of Christ |
Brian Bogart | WA | Intelligent Future |
Matthew Boguske | Lowville, NY |
Bob Bolland | St. Louis, MO |
Brittany Boone | Irmo, SC |
Bill Both | Leesburg, FL |
Kateri Boucher | Detroit, MI | St. Peter's Episcopal Church |
Victoria Boucher | Hyattsville MD | Roman Catholic |
Lynn Bozich Shetzer | North Canton, OH | 1st United Presbyterian Church, Alliance |
Linda Breaux-Smith | Oakland, CA |
Yolanda Broad | Indiana, PA | Friends Meeting for Worship in Indiana PA |
Joan Gunn Broadfield | Chester, PA | Chester Friends Meeting |
Beth | Durham, NC | First Presbyterian Church |
Linda D. Bronstein | West Hartford, CT |
D L Brooks | Arlington, TX | Episcopal |
Ronald Brown | Longmont, CO |
Rhonda S Brubacher | Lincoln, NE | First Mennonite |
Kris Brunelli | New York NY |
Babette L Bruton | Gulfport, FL | Unitarian |
Andrew Jarvis Buck | Conshohocken, PA | Daylesford Abbey |
Dennise Burgess | Castro Valley, CA | Our Lady of Grace Church |
Elliott J. Bush | Columbus, OH | St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church |
Mike Butkiewicz | Sterling Heights, MI | St. Lawrence Catholic Church, Utica |
Ruth Buxman | Dinuba, CA | First Mennonite Church of Reedley |
Grace Byrne | Lakewood, NJ |
Daniel Callaghan | Seven Springs, FL |
Karen Camp | Springfield, VA |
Stacey Cannon | Salisbury, NC |
Pietro Carini | New York, NY |
Sarah Carolus | Portland, OR | Central Lutheran Church |
Ms. Valerie Carrick | Ontario, CA |
Sheila Carson | Newman Lake, WA | Presbyterian |
Alexis Carter | Coconut Creek, FL |
Celeste M Castorena | Phoenix, AZ |
Aurora L. Celestin | New York, NY | The Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew United Methodist |
Aaron Chan | Lafayette, CA |
Andrea Chan | CA |
Wilene Chang | CA |
Beth Chao | Lawrence, KS |
Sandra K Chapman, EdD | New York, NY | The Riverside Church |
Jason Chen | Pasadena, CA |
Chen Yung-Chi | New York, NY |
Jane Chischilly | Texarkana, TX |
AJ Cho | San Leandro, CA |
R. Leslie Choi | Glendale, CA |
Laylin Chong | Watertown, MA |
David Christman | Athens, GA |
Mary Ciuffitelli | Weehawken, NJ | Good Shepherd Lutheran Church |
Louise Claassen | Goshen, IN | Hively Avenue Mennonite Church |
Claiborne Clark | Durham, NC | |
Craig Clark | Cliffside Park, NJ | The Church of the Good Shepherd |
Jenna Cobb | Pasadena, CA | Evergreen Baptist Church of LA |
Minta Colburn | Eureka, IL |
Julian C Cole | Concord, MA |
Ora Coleman | Brooklyn, NY |
Dr. Karen E Collins | New York, NY | St. Paul and St. Andrew, United Methodist Church, New York City, NY |
Rosemary Colson | Tallahassee, FL | First Presbyterian Church, Tallahassee |
Frances Connell | New York, NY | The Riverside Church |
John Conway | OH |
Nancy Coonridge | Pie Town, NM |
Tom Cordaro | Aurora, IL |
Jan Corderman | Pleasant Hill, IA |
Eva Cordero | Bronx, NY |
Kay Coughlin | Galena, OH |
Sarah Coury | Chicago IL |
Penny Cragun | Duluth, MN | Peace UCC |
Lenae Crandall | Springville, UT |
Amanda Craver | Bloomingdale, NY |
Judith Creamer | Atlanta, GA | Presbyterian |
Ruby A. Cribbin | Totowa, NJ |
Ed Crouch | Seattle, WA | University Congregational UCC |
Eric Crouch | Ames, IA | Des Moines Mennonite Church |
Areta Crowell | Pasadena CA | Pasadena Presbyterian Church |
Janet Crowley | Weehawken NJ | Good Shepherd |
David Crump | Kalispell, MT |
Linda Curtin | Cedaredge, CO |
Douglas Daetz | Sunnyvale, CA | Immanuel Lutheran Church |
Amy Dalton | Stony Point, NY |
Fadia Damon | Vallejo, CA |
Linda C Daniel | Charlottesville, VA |
Susan Davenport | Houston, TX |
Sherry Davidson | Beaverton, OR | Spirit of Grace |
Sha Davies | Redding, CA |
Nancy Davis | Swans Island, ME | Abundant Life Christian Church, Los Angeles, CA |
John Day, MD | Austin, TX | Dharmata Sangha of Austin |
Christine Denning | Wilton, CT |
Cathleen Deppe | Los Angeles, CA | Holy Faith Episcopal Church of Inglewood, CA |
John Dervin | Apopka, FL |
Christi DeSena | Palm Coast, FL |
Sarah Deumling | Rickreall, OR | Salem Mennonite Church |
V. Sumati Devadutt | New York, NY | The Riverside Church in New York City |
Carol Devoss | St. Charles, IL | CUCC |
Ruth DeYoe | Falcon Heights, MN | New Life Presbyterian Church, PCUSA |
José E. Díaz | Lancaster PA |
Patricia Dion | Strongsville, OH | |
Lissa Dodington | New York, NY | The Riverside Church in the City of New York |
Gene & Mary Doyle | Howard Beach, NY |
Heather-Heth Drees | Grand Forks, ND |
Linda Drescher | Golden, GP |
Dr. Kait Dugan | Philadelphia, PA |
Bethany Dusenberry | Hendersonvlle, NC |
Jennifer Duskey | Lansdale, PA | Mennonite |
Steven Dusterwald | Las Vegas, NV |
Anita Dutt | New York, NY | Church of the Heavenly Rest |
Susan J. Elias | Spring Green WI | Christ Lutheran |
Miriam Welly Elliott | Gainesville, FL | Emmanuel Mennonite Church |
Cheryl Ellis | Portland, OR |
Angie Erickson | Northfield, MN |
Lisa Espinoza | Oxnard, CA |
Cesar Estrada, Jr. | Phoenix, AZ | Conventual Church of Our Lady of the Angels |
Darryl Etter | Denver, CO |
Rebecca Fadil | Washington DC | Grace Church Red Hill |
Aimy Farag | Ventura, CA |
Sheila Farmer | Mount Joy, PA |
Pat Ferrone | Needham, MA | St. Susanna Church & Pax Christi |
Sera Fiasco | Buffalo, NY |
Emily F | Spokane, WA |
Emily Fletcher | Spokane, WA |
Cornelia Butler Flora | Ames, IA | United Church of Christ |
Charlene Floyd | New York, NY | Church of St Paul and St Andrew |
Lora Jo Foo | Claremont, CA |
Nicole Fountain | Lincoln, CA |
Kenneth Frank | Claremont, CA |
Jill Frasier | Brooklyn, NY | The Church of St. Francis Xavier |
Hildegarde Frazee | Mesa, AZ |
Robin | S Abington Twp., PA |
Brian Fry | Grass Valley, CA | Nevada City United Methodist Church |
Sherrill Futrell | Davis, CA | Davis United Methodist church |
C. G. | San Diego, CA |
Dr.Laurie Gagne | University Park, MD | Roman Catholic St Mark’s of Hyattsville |
Cormac Gannon | Fairfax, CA | St. Rita |
Michael Garitty | Nevada City, CA |
Guy Garofano | Lincoln Park, NJ |
Dr. Megan Gately | MA |
Barbara G. | Arlington, VA | |
Sylvia George | Silver Spring, MD |
Jennifer Gerlach | Portland, OR | Central Lutheran Church |
Julia Gies | Portland, OR |
Laurent F. Gilbert, Sr. | ME | Roman Catholic |
Kathryn Gilje | Oakland, CA | First Congregational Church of Oakland |
Amanda M. Gilmore | Philadelphia, PA |
Stephanie Glatt | Buellton, CA | Post institutional Catholic |
Sue Rutt Glick | Akron, PA | Pilgrims Mennonite Church |
Lascinda Goetschius | Fair Lawn, NJ |
Warren M. Gold | CA |
Janice Goldman | Malvern, PA | Magnet Cove United Methodist Church |
Gabriel Gomes | Fishkill, NY |
Susana Gomez | San Diego, CA |
Raymond Gordon | Venice, FL | St. Margaret Catholic Church |
Janet Gould | Woodland Park, CO |
Aaron Goyzueta | New York, NY |
Amy Grace | Stillwater, MN |
Peter Gradoni | Alfred, NY |
Jack Gregersen | Cedar Falls, IA | Bethlehem ELCA |
Mark Hayduke | Phoenix, AZ |
Rebecca Groff | VA |
Elwood Groves II | Maxwelton, WV |
Ambar Grullón | West New York, NJ |
Grace A Gyori | Plainfield, IN | Central Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, Indianapolis |
Karen P. Haggett | Novato, CA |
Marilyn Hale | Vancouver, WA |
Sam Haleem | Oak Forest, IL | Islamic Center of Bridgeview |
Nick | Pittsboro, NC |
Linda Hanna | Piscataway, NJ |
Carrie Hansen | Aberdeen, SD |
Jane Harada | Berkeley, CA |
Laura Harbert | Boise, ID | All Saints Episcopal Church |
Jovita Harrah | Fresno, CA | St. Paul's Catholic Church Newman Center |
Joanne Harrington | Bloomville, NY |
Carolyn Harris | Pasadena, CA |
Rodney Harris | Laredo, TX |
Ruth Hart | Denver, CO | Montview Blvd Presbyterian |
Patricia Hartnett | Santa Rosa, CA | St Rose of Lima Catholic Church |
Todd Harvey | Berkeley , CA |
Diana Hasna | Canton, OH |
Molly Hauck | Kensington, MD | Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Environmental Justice Ministry |
Sam Hay | Stuart, FL |
Deborah Hays | Evanston, IL |
Dr. Mario Hazboun | Los Angeles, CA |
Joan Hazbun | Media, PA |
Jyme Hazza | Portland, OR |
Barry Heath | Hoschton, GA |
Ross S. Heckmann | Arcadia, CA | St. Anne Orthodox Church, Pomona, CA |
Carole Helmkamp | Whitehouse, OH |
Jane Henderson | Concord, VA |
Lorna H. Henkel | Secaucus, NJ |
E. Thomas Henkel | Chapel Hill, NC | The Chapel of the Cross |
Kathleen Herron, Juris Doctorate | Portland, OR |
Bill Hessell | Oak View, CA |
Donna J. Hicks | Durham, NC |
Neil Himber | Youngsville, PA |
Bruce Hlodnicki | Indianapolis, IN |
Susanne Hoder | Punta Gorda, FL | United Methodist |
Helene Hoedl | New York, NY |
Sy Hoekstra | New York, NY |
Julie Holguin | Los Angeles, CA |
Mary Ann C. Holtz | St Petersburg, FL |
Gail Homesack | Fords, NJ |
Kathryn Hopps | Silver Spring, MD |
Valerie Howell | Miami, FL |
Joan Huenemann Michie | Rochester, NY | Third Presbyterian |
Benneth Husted | Hillsboro, OR | Spirit of Grace, Beaverton, Oregon |
Marcus Hyde | New York, NY | Our Lady of Lourdes Roman Catholic Church |
Hewet Iskandar | Saint Louis, MO |
Jon Jackson | Berkeley, CA | First Congregational Church of Oakland |
Lucy Janjigian | Los Altos, CA |
Barbara Janssen | Maple Grove, MN |
Jacob Janzen | Arlington, VA |
George Jivelekas | Billings, MT | |
Chris Azim Johnson | Lafayette, CA | Lafayette Orinda Presbyterian Church |
Elaine R Johnson | Pittsford, NY |
Mary Johnson | Mount Kisco, NY |
Pam Johnson | IA |
Craig B. Jones | San Diego, CA |
David Jones | Raleigh, NC | Hayes Barton United Methodist Church |
Rae Jones | Fordville, ND |
Mikkel Jordahl | Sedona, AZ |
Susan Jordan | Minneapolis, MN |
Alena Jorgensen | Temple City, CA |
Tonie Joy | Severna Park. MD |
Rosie Kaileh | Fresno, CA | St. George Greek Orthodox Church |
KK | Los Angeles, CA | |
Pat Kalinowski | Haddon Heights, NJ | St. Mary’s Episcopal Church |
Julie Kanoff | Sacramento, CA |
Maria Karsou | Mamaroneck, NY |
Linda Kateeb | Orland Hills, IL |
Mohamed Kayali | Raleigh, NC |
Sandra Kece | Wilmington, DE | Episcopalian |
Mary Kelley | Parkland, FL |
Michele Kelly-Robinson | Portsmouth, RI | Holy Ghost |
Ervin Kelman | Greensboro, NC |
Eileen Kennedy | La Crosse, WI |
Emily Kennedy | Shoreline, WA | North Seattle Church |
Gary & Linda Kerr | Fort Wayne, IN | Plymouth Congregational UCC |
Mousa Khouri | Hercules, CA |
David King | Bronx, NY | The Riverside Church NYC |
Brien Kinkel | Silver Spring, MD | St. Patrick’s Church. Rockville, MD |
Paul Kirsch | Stevens Point, WI |
Miriam Kishi | Sunnyvale, CA |
Brandon Kozak | Saint Cloud, FL |
Madeline Labriola | RI | |
Edward Lama | NY |
Joan Lama | Pensacola, FL |
Maurice Lama | Pensacola, FL |
Carol Landry | Mt Shasta, CA |
Paul Lapidus | Aromas, CA |
Nancy Lapp | Pittsburgh, PA | Episcopalian |
Vivienne Laura | California |
Allister Layne | Conyers, GA |
Mina Leazer | New York, NY | St. Peter's Chelsea |
Alex Padilla | Sanbernadino, CA | |
Michelle Lemons | Rome, GA |
Kristi Lentz | Bemidji, MN |
Sue Leonetti | Veneta, OR |
Mark Lesko | Highland Park, NJ | Reformed Church of Highland Park |
Delaney Wilder | Charleston, SC |
Karen Lew Biney-Amissah | New York, NY | The Riverside Church in the City of New York |
Larry Lewis | FL | Unity of Central Florida |
Mary L. Liepold | Washington, DC |
Ellen Birkett Lindeen | Barrington, IL | St. Michael's Episcopal Church, Barrington, IL |
Virginia Linzee | Stony Brook, NY | St. James Episcopal Church, St. James, New York |
Heather Lipinski | Chalfont, PA |
Louise M. Lisi | Philadelphia, PA |
Emily Little | Charlottesville, VA | Grace Church Red Hill |
A. Loikow | Washington, D.C. |
Carol J. Loomis | Portland, OR |
Jennifer Louie | Pasadena, CA |
Terence Lover | Woodstock, NY |
Prof. David J. Lull | Claremont, CA |
Karen Lull | Claremont, CA |
Eileen Lundy | Austin, Texas | Roman Catholic |
Martina Macias | Skokie, IL |
Kate MacNeil | Houston, TX | St Ignatius Catholic Community |
Robert Maki | L'Anse, MI |
Wanda Malave | New York, NY |
Daniel Malzhan | Wilmington, DE | Westminster Presbyterian Church |
Z M | San Jose, CA |
Myrna Marcarian | Jeffersonville, NY |
Richard Marcley | Albany, NY |
Denise Marlowe | Inver Grove Heights, MN | St Anne's Episcopal church |
Eric Martin | Los Angeles |
Joy Martin | St Louis, MO |
Nancy Martin | Santa Barbara, CA |
Roy Martin | Bellingham, WA |
Thomas C. Martin | Portland, OR | Central Lutheran Church |
Claudia Mason | New York, NY |
George Mason | Los Angeles, CA |
Jay Massey | Philadelphia, PA |
Barbara Mastorgi | New York, NY |
Virgil Mathiowetz | St Paul, MN | Spirit of St Stephen's Catholic Community |
Dicksie Mathison | Montebello, CA | Whittier Area Community Church |
Elizabeth Matous | Indiana, PA | St. Bernard Catholic Church |
Claire Matthews | Essex, CT | First Church of Christ, Old Lyme, CT |
Milo Matthews | San Francisco, CA |
CaSandra May | Baraboo, WI | First Congregational UCC |
Maureen McCarthy | Marblehead, MA |
Cynde McCloskey | Buffalo, NY |
Ralph McCoy | Durham, NC | Watts Street Baptist Church |
Kathy McCullagh | Brooklyn, NY | Park Slope United Methodist Church |
John McDevitt | Paoli, PA | St. Peter's Church in the Great Valley |
Joanne McGarry | Arcata, CA |
Kathryn McGowan Michaels | Richmond, VA | Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church |
Dr. Elsie McKee | Cherry Hill, NJ | Witherspoon St. Presbyterian Church |
Mary McKenna | Philadelphia, PA |
John M. McKenzie | St. Paul, MN |
Sandra McKenzie | Weehawken, NJ |
M. McKinley | Graham, NC |
John McSwigan | Portland, OR |
Virginia Meagher | Jackson, KY |
Karen Melander Magoon | San Francisco, CA | Church for the Fellowship of all Peoples |
Michelle Membrez | Denton, TX |
Humanitarian | Tucson, AZ |
Cama Merritt | Winston-Salem, NC | St. Anne's Episcopal Church |
Carl J Meyer | Simsbury, CT |
Kenneth Michael | Greenacres, FL. |
Veronica Michael | Fairfield, CA |
Lee Mickey | North Liberty, IA | St Thomas More, Coralville, Iowa |
Marjorie Mikels | Oakland, CA |
John Miksad | CT |
Jo Millay | Surry, ME | Christian |
Jason L. Miller | Washington, DC | St. Martin's Catholic Church DC |
Andrew Mills | Lower Gwynedd, PA | Religious Society of Friends in Trenton NJ |
Sam Mirza | Chicago, IL |
Elisabeth Mitchell | Cambridge, MA |
Jonathan D. Mitchell, author | Madison, AL |
Paul Mokhiber | Niagara Falls, NY |
Peter Monie | San Antonio, TX |
Laura Monin | Moraga, CA | Saint Perpetua Catholic Church |
Aida Montero | Brooklyn, NY | The Riverside Church |
Helga Moor | Clifton, NJ |
Beryl Moore | Claremont, CA | Upland First United Methodist Church |
Keith Moore | Seattle, WA |
Mary Sharon Moore | Springfield, OR |
Stanley Moore | Claremont, CA | United Methodist Church |
Martin Morell | New York, NY |
Maureen Morello | Philadelphia, PA |
Lourdes Moreno | Chula Vista, CA |
Heather Morris | Fort Wayne, IN |
William Moulder | Libertyville, IL |
Robert D Moyer | Pipersville, PA |
Liz Mulford | Cupertino, CA |
Kathleen Myers | Mt. Vernon, KY | Our Lady of Mt. Vernon |
Patty Navarette | Taos, NM |
Judy Neunuebel | Santa Barbara, CA | All Saints by the Sea Episcopal |
Edith Newman | Brooklyn, NY |
Joel P. Nichols, Esq. | Lynnwood, WA | St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Seattle |
Joan Nicholson | Kennett Square, PA | Religious Society of Friends |
Kristin Norderval | New York, NY |
Paul Noursi | Vienna, VA | Saints Peter and Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church, Potomac, MD |
GK Noyer | Leroy, MI |
Jennifer Noyon | Bethesda, MD | River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation |
Sarah Ochs | Richmond, VA |
John Oda | San Francisco |
Henry Ode | Newport Beach, CA |
Michael O'Hare | Wethersfield, CT | Church of the Incarnation |
Kathy O’Leary | Millington, NJ | Pax Christi New Jersey |
Greg Olszta | San Tan Valley, AZ |
Joseph Omran | San Francisco, CA |
Rosemarie Pace | Middle Village, NY | Catholic |
Sara Pahl-Ramirez | Omaha, NE | St Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church |
Patricia Panitz | Howell, NJ | Catholic |
Deborah Park | San Diego, CA | St. David's Episcopal Church |
Rashid Patch | Oakland, CA |
Les Pauls | Wheeling, IL |
Leslie Pauls | Wheeling, IL |
Sara Paulson | Lynchburg VA | Holy Trinity Lutheran Church |
El Pe | CA |
John Pearson | Orland Park, IL |
J. Pekrul | San Francisco, CA | Unitarian Universalists of San Francisco |
Amanda Hallak Pena | Palmdale, CA |
Mary Anne Perrone | Ann Arbor, MI |
Ann Perry | Plymouth, MA |
Lorin Peters | San Leandro, CA | St Leander's Catholic Parish |
Meredith Phelan | Emmitsburg, MD | Catholic |
Jacob Picheny | Berkeley, CA |
Shannon Pickard | Kenmore, WA |
Enid Pickett | Windsor, CA | New Vintage Church, Santa Rosa |
Marjorie H Pollock | Philadelphia, PA |
Ramona Ponessa | Bandon, OR |
Cindy Lou Poquette | Topinabee, MI |
Mary Pouliot | Bloomington, MN |
RJ Powell | Knoxville, TN | Tyson House Episcopal-Lutheran Campus Ministry at UTK |
Tom Powers | Waynesville, NC |
Carol Primozic | Wheaton, IL | Wheaton Franciscans |
Dianne P | La Puente, CA |
June Quarfordt | Worcester, Mass |
Mary Quigley | Fort Wayne, IN |
Mary Ellen Quinn | Winterport, ME |
Rima Rafidi-Kern | Canton, OH |
Manal Ramadan | Charlotte, NC |
Rosa C. Ramirez | Pasadena, CA | La Fuente Ministries |
Carolyn Ratcliffe | New York, NY |
Priscilla Read | Chicago, IL |
Kimberly Redigan | Dearborn Heights, MI |
Sarah Reeves | Lopez Island, WA |
China Reichert | New York, NY |
Matt Renaud | Washington, DC | St Mark's Episcopal Church |
Tina Reynolds | Dacula, GA | Christian and Missionary Alliance |
Louis Ricou | Bar Harbor, ME |
Esther Riley | Ithaca, NY |
Eliseo Rivera | Brooklyn, NY | Forefront Church |
Merilie Robertson | Pasadena, CA |
Lynn Robinson | Catonsville, MD | United Methodist |
Carol Robison | Oakland, CA | FCCO UCC |
J. Paula Roderick | Chicago, IL | Broadway United Methodist |
Michael Rosa | Hartford, CT |
Rains Rouner | Chelsea, MA |
Taran Rowles | State College, PA |
Kari R. | Minneapolis, MN |
George Ruiz | San Carlos |
Phil Runkel | Waukesha, WI |
Louise Runyon | Webster, NC |
Mary Ryan-Hotchkiss | Portland, OR |
Maria Saavedra | Santa Rosa, CA | United Methodist |
Shakil Saghir | Hilliard, OH |
Molly Sanchez | Vacaville, CA | First Baptist Church of Vacaville |
Lisa Sanetra | Ridgewood, NY |
George Sawaya | Brooklyn, NY |
Corey Schade | Loch Arbour, NJ |
Mouna Schaheen | AZ |
Wayne Schenet | Buena Park, CA |
Dolores S. | Queens, NY |
Ed Schott | Rockford, IL | |
Sarah Schulz | Norman, OK |
Veronica Schweyen | Croton on Hudson, NY | Maryknoll |
Mark Scibilia-Carver | Trumansburg, NY | Mary Mother of Mercy Parish |
David Scrimenti | Ansonia, CT |
Kathryn M. Scruggs | Arlington, VA |
Charlie Sears | MI | Gesu Catholic Church |
Lauren Seikaly | New York, NY |
Elizabeth Seltzer | PA | |
Ted Settle | Bridgewater, NJ | Presbyterian Church Bound Brook |
Donna L. Sharer | Philadelphia, PA | West Phila. Mennonite Fellowship |
Patricia Sheely | Gallup, NM |
Phil Shephard | Bertram. TX |
Annette Shine | Shrewsbury, MA | Saint Mary Parish |
Bill Shine, MD | Shrewsbury, MA |
Lynn Shoemaker | Whitewater, WI |
Sharon Shohfi | Durham, CA | United Church Chapel Hill |
Kathy Shores | Tempe, AZ | |
Mike Shores | Tempe, AZ |
Marc Shulman | Berkeley, CA |
Jacob Sierra | Brooklyn, NY | St. Mark's Church-in-the-Bowery |
Peter Sigmann | Port Orange, FL | Grace Episcopal Church |
Genie Silver | Wynnewood, PA |
Katina Simmons | Dallas, TX | St. James Episcopal Church |
Jane Simpson | Chevy Chase, MD |
Susan Carpenter Sims | Taos, NM |
Julie Skelton | Belleville, MI | United Methodist Church |
Gary Smith | VT |
Joy Smith | Tinley Park, IL | Presbyterian Church in Orland Park |
Linda B. Smith | Oakland, CA |
Mark Smith | Oconto Falls, WI |
Mary Lou Leiser Smith | Chapel Hill, NC | Binkley Baptist Church |
Newland Smith | Evanston, IL | St. Luke's Episcopal Church |
Robert Smith | Claremont, CA |
Susan R. Smith | Oakland, CA |
Julia Smucker | Biddeford, ME | Good Shepherd Parish |
Patrick Smyth | Phoenix, MD |
Diana Snyder | Fairfax, VA |
Douglas Spaeth | Austin, TX | Austin Friends Meeting, Quaker |
Richard Sroczynski | Piscataway, NJ |
Jonathan Stegall | Minneapolis, MN |
Cletus Stein | Amarillo, TX |
Alison Stendahl | Claremont, CA | Claremont UCC |
Edward Stepanian | Signal Hill, CA |
S. Stevens | San Clemente, CA |
Mary Stewart | Los Angeles, CA |
Amy Stoll | Brooktondale, NY | First Congregational Church of Ithaca, NY |
Lucy Strausbaugh | Baltimore, MD | |
Kris Strate | Fairview, UT |
Anne Stribling | New York, NY | Saint Michael's Episcopal Church |
Kevin T Subers, LCSW | Morrisville, PA |
Jessica Sun | Centreville, VA | Roman Catholic |
Roberta Swanson | Hamilton, MI |
Robin Rae Swanson | Honolulu, HI |
Geoffrey Symcox | Pasadena, CA |
Nancy Taiani | Glen Ridge, NJ |
Anna Tangi | Philadelphia, PA |
Karimah Tarazi | Hudson, FL |
Sandy Templin | CA |
Pam Thomas-Hill | San Bernardino, CA |
Andrew Thompson | Dearborn Heights, MI |
Keith Thompson | MN |
S. Thornagle | Dallas, OR |
Marge Thornton | Tempe, AZ |
Paul W. Tiippery | Decatur, NE |
Raymond Todd | Astoria, NY | Catholic Worker |
Michael Tomczyszyn | San Francisco, CA |
Laurie Toner | Brighton, MA |
Nichola Torbett | Bangor, PA |
Christopher Traft | Albuquerque, NM |
Stephanie Trasoff | Ferndale, WA |
Ruth Tsu | Hood River, OR | St. Mark the Evangelist |
Julia Tullloch | New York, NY | St. Paul and St. Andrew, UMC |
Patricia Tweedy | Floral Park, NY | St. Gregory the Great, Bellerose, NY |
Karin Urso, RN, MSN, PHN | Bakersfield, CA | Emmanuel Lutheran Church |
Beth Uy | Bakersfield, CA | St. Paul’s Episcopal Church |
Kassandra Quick Vana | La Verne, CA |
Tori VanTimmeren | Nunica, MI | Mars Hill Bible Church |
Bill Vogel | Ames, IA |
Jo Ann Wacker Farrand | Denver,CO | Augustana Lutheran Church |
Virginia Wadsley | Des Moines, IA |
Herman C. Waetjen | San Anselmo, CA | First Presbyterian Church of San Anselmo |
John Wagner | Middletown, OH | Seven Mile United Methodist Church |
Sara Wagner | Bellevue, WA | Bellevue Presbyterian Church |
Dr. Helane Wahbeh | Lopez Island, WA |
Sherrill Walker-Futrell | Davis, CA |
V. Robert Wallace | Amelia Court House, VA | |
JW Sr | Los Ranchos. NM | Earth Temple |
Diana Warner | Minneapolis, MN |
William Waters | East Providence, RI | Pax Christi Rhode Island |
William Watkins | Vista, CA |
Harold Watson | Springfield, MO |
Robert Weaver | Atlanta, GA | |
Mary Weber | Puyallup, WA |
Gloria F Webster | Rochester, NY |
K Weeks | Kalamazoo, MI |
Alexia Weidler | New York, NY |
Ann Welch | Bellingham, WA |
Michael G. Werp | Kansas City, MO |
Tim Westberg | Falcon, CO | Evangelical |
Gordon P Whitaker | Chapel Hill, NC | Watts Street Baptist Church, Durham, NC |
Mary White | Durham, NC |
Linda Whitley | San Mateo, CA |
Gisela Wielki | New York, NY |
Delaney Wilder | Charleston, SC |
Eloise Williams | New York, NY |
Jett Wilson | Lakeland, FL |
Karen L. Wilson | Chicago, IL |
Teresa Wilson | Claremont, CA |
Madison Winn | Sacramento, CA | Roman Catholic |
Rosalynd Winslow | New York, NY | The Riverside Church of New York City |
Lisa Witham | Mentor on the Lake, OH |
Madonna Wojtaszek-Healy | Joliet, IL | Catholic |
Brad Wolf | Lancaster, PA |
Elikem Wood | Houston, TX |
Sally Woodard | Black Mountain, NC |
Anne G. Woodhead | Lexington, KY |
Felipe Woods | Spring, TX | St. James The Apostle Catholic Church |
Alfreda Wright | Oakland, CA |
Dr. Dana Wright | Seattle, WA | Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church |
Barbara Jo Wobleski-Mullis | Tucson, AZ | Aldea Spiritual Community |
Anita Wucinic-Turner | San Diego, CA |
Margo Wyse | Mimbres, NM |
Irene Yang | Atlanta, GA | The Upper Room Joongang |
Mary T. Yelenick | New York, NY |
Cristy York | Atlanta, GA | Park Baptist Church |
Bobby Young | Jersey City, NJ |
Holly Young | Minneapolis, MN |
B.Z. | Mary Esther, FL |
Vivian Zelaya | Berkeley, CA | Catholic |
Michael Zeller | Grosse Pointe Woods, MI | Lutheran |
Russ Ziegler | Downers' Grove, IL |
Federico Zierten | Oakland, CA | Catholic |
Paula Zimmerman | St. Louis, MO |
Australia | ||
Sally Asfour | New South Wales | Melekite |
Michel Beuchat | Balwyn North/Victoria |
Doug Hewitt | New South Wales |
Sucy Varughese | Perth, Western Australia |
Belgium | ||
Hilde Baccarne | Brussels |
Jac De Bruyn | Zolder | Christian |
Canada | ||
Danielle Allen | Ottawa |
Kathryn Anderson | Antigonish, Nova Scotia | St. James United Church |
Danial Asadolahi | Vancouver, BC |
Hank Binnema | Edmonton |
Nancy Bribaker | Kitchener, Onatario | First Mennonite Church |
Linda Ruth Ciglen | Toronto, Ontario |
Lawrence S. Cumming | Ottawa, Ontario | Southminster United Church, Ottawa |
Daniel Epp-Tiessen | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Home St. Mennonite Church |
William H. Friesen | Calgary | Calgary Inter-Mennonite |
Johann & Vera | Surrey, B.C. | Kelowna First Mennonite Church |
Gregory Gillis | Toronto | St. Ambrose Catholic Church |
Mary Groh | Kitchener, Ontario | First Mennonite Church |
Shahira | Mississauga Ontario |
Alan Herbert | Gracefield, QC | Trinity United Church. Kazabazua |
Michelle Lara | Toronto, Ontario |
Anna Leather | Gabriola, BC |
Annette Lengyel | Calgary Alberta |
Tina Liakopoulos | Suburb of Montreal |
Elias Madbak | Toronto, ON |
Dan Maitland | Guelph |
Barbara Martens | Ruthven Ontario | North Leamington United Mennonite Church |
Malek Meshki | Hamilton, ON |
Tania Natale | Toronto, Ontario | Church of the Redeemer |
Mark Olfert | Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Brenda Penner | Mitchell, MB |
Dr. James Prette | Victoria, BC | Hollydene Community Church |
Liz Prette | Victoria, BC | Hollydene Community Church |
Keith Reynolds | Vancouver |
Juergen Rose | Langley, BC | St Andrew's Anglican Church |
Louis Rousseau | Montréal, Québec | Paroisse Saint-Pierre-Apôtre, Montréal |
George Sawa | Ontario | |
Theresia Smith | Nanaimo, British Columbia |
Maryanne Stone-Jimenez | North York, Ontario | Roman Catholic |
Bob Stuart | Spiritwood, SK |
James Taylor | Fredericton, New Brunswick |
Pamela Thomson | Toronto, Ontario | Church of the Redeemer |
Ms. Carol Vignale | Vancouver |
M. Wardrop | Toronto, Ontario | Humanist |
Howard Wideman | Sudbury | Waters Mennonite Church |
John Woollard | Edmonton, Alberta | First Mennonite |
Croatia | ||
Jelena Buzet | Hrvatska | |
Jelica Roland | Hrvatska | |
Cypress | ||
J. E. Perrett | Paphos | |
France | ||
Mic Pey | Saint Etienne | |
Greece | ||
Dimitris Vogiannidis | Athens | |
Ireland | ||
Mel Deo | Mallow |
Italy | |
David Henderson | Caccamo Palermo |
Paola Scanabucci | Ancona |
Japan | |||
Kazuo Ohgushi | Tokyo | Roman Catholic | |
Malaysia | |||
Don Mervyn | Kuala Lumpur | ||
Mexico | |||
Bruno Coratella | Mexico City |
| |
Netherlands | |||
Anne Verzijl | Moordrecht | ||
New Zealand | |||
Heather | Nelson, South Island |
| |
Eileen Wright | Nelson, South Island |
| |
Mary Scarth | Canterbury | Universal | |
South Africa | |||
Essy Letsoalo | Polokwane Limpopo |
| |
Mark Povall | Durban, KwaZulu Natal | Quakers Durban |
Spain | ||
Ana Gimeno Cristobal |
| |
Sweden | ||
Kerstin Öhrner | Järna | |
Camilla Thornberg | Lund | |
Switzerland | ||
Alice G. | Rivaz, VD |
Gracie Guerrero-Bustini | Grandvaux Vaud |
Ziona Schulthess | Basel Basel-Stadt |
UK- England | ||
Margaret Collins | Sevenoaks, Kent | Vine Baptist Church |
Anne Glendining | Tiverton, Devon |
Nicola J Lairdon | Kent |
Clare Moorman | Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire |
Susan Murphy | Preston | St John the Baptist Church, Burscough, Lancashire |
Gillian Myall | Birmingham | Roman Catholic |
Sue Parfitt | Bristol |
Stuart A. Raymond | Trowbridge, Wiltshire |
Katerina V. | London |
UK- Scotland | |||
Christine Gall | Kincardine Fife |
| |
Hazel McCorrisken |
| |
Helen McLaughlin | Midlothian |
| |
Lorraine Escott Wilson | Vale of Glamorgan |
| |
Christine Gall | Kincardine Fife |
| |
UK- Wales | |||
Ellie Jones | Bangor Gwynedd | St John's Methodist Church | |
| |||