
Innovative Crypto Payments Platform


  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. Mission & Vision
  4. Problem & Solution
  5. Features
  1. Payments Gateway & Processor
  2. AdonPay Alias
  3. Atomic Swap
  4. Escrow Services
  5. Crypto Asset Purchase
  6. Multi Currency Crypto Wallers
  7. Developer API
  8. Multi Layered Security
  9. Fast Deposits and Withdraws
  10. Users Account Security
  11. Simple UX/UI and Mobile Friendly
  12. Adon Coin and AdonX

1. Abstract

AdonPay is an innovative crypto payments and escrow platform. Build for cross border secure crypto asset operations and escrow services for everyday use. AdonPay crypto asset platform enable simple, easy, fast, secured crypto payments and transfers between/among businesses and individuals.

"AdonPay is the Revolutionary Payment System for the New Free Economy"

2. Introduction

"AdonPay make new horizons, opportunities and gives you the best authentic experience you can have in the New Free Economy."  

Bitcoin and crypto assets were arise with the premise of decentralization, but to achieve a completely decentralized world, in the current days still seems a utopia and far from being realized. Many projects emerge with decentralization ideas but some end up being scams, others will fail their purpose because of centralized questions and some will take a long time to achieve their desired goals. A world as many envision, that it is interconnected and decentralized is still far from the today's world. In addition to this, most of these new projects focus on decentralization, when there is a lack for the bridges between centralization and decentralization, this results in a market with huge gaps.

AdonPay stands out by joining the best of both worlds, with several features that potentials the mainstream adoption by its great and innovative features like AdonPay Alias service, crypto assets wallet, crypto assets purchase, an exclusive escrow service to automate crypto exchange between parties anonymously with low fee, atomic swap, point of sale with payment gateway/processor are some features for mainstream adoption in crypto world. Besides this AdonPay include multi crypto assets as means of payment, entire platform has been build with ultimate multi layered security. AdonPay leverages the gap between existing markets/businesses/individuals to enable the bridge to a decentralized future.

AdonPay believes there is a large segment of market with a huge gap, a long tail of crypto assets that have no form to establish some bridges outside their ecosystems for now, besides crypto exchangers, most are still in their infancy. Consequently AdonPay becomes the right place for all this crypto assets, and creates the fair mechanism and the best ecosystem possible for all these valuable assets with their particulates, and allow these assets to interact with other crypto assets in simple way.

With AdonPay consumers and business can experience new solutions and opportunities for their deals, trades, and business with simple internet connection from anywhere in the world

with any electronic device that allows you to use AdonPay. It can be used by any individual or entity, does not require any kind of licenses or has service costs for end users, only transaction fees. This enables millions of merchant and individuals in under developed countries to most developed counties to accept and send crypto payments with ease. AdonPay believes Payment systems can make the difference in lives and trades of underdeveloped and countries with hyperinflation.

AdonPay's ecosystem combines a lot features in one place which are essential for individuals and business in everyday crypto related operations, makes it robust, unique and attractive ecosystem for multiple crypto assets that creates an essential bridge between the decentralised and semi centralised payment system in the world and with a solutions for global payments online and in real world. AdonPay establishes connections among a wide range of solutions for many types of crypto assets. So the crypto assets can coexist and benefit from a more favourable ecosystem with a more robust solution in several segments, especially as global payments solution.

3. Mission & Vision

"Making crypto commerce unconditional and better for everyone by providing an exceptional platform to consumers and businesses, Makes it universally, easy, accessible, and useful."

AdonPay Payment System mission is to innovate technology to make digital payments and value transfers with crypto assets in a way that is safe, fast, secure, smart, simple, with just a few simple clicks. AdonPay’s distinct qualities aims to become one of the most relevant technologies to crypto market space with a wide rage of the best crypto assets for global payments. AdonPay believes that solutions should bring value, growth, innovation, technology, challenge, and elevate the crypto ecosystem to a next level, challenge is the only constant to be taken into account in an ecosystem, only in this way the ecosystem can evolve.

The vision of AdonPay is to provide and enable the means for the new free economy to rise through the integration of different crypto world services to consumers and businesses to fulfil realtime daily crypto payments related requirements on global scale. AdonPay aims to enable the micro economy with new horizons, new opportunities and new possibilities, where all the free individuals and commerce have the ability to choose and decide on their own economic decisions taking into account a wide range of choices. AdonPay believes that the inclusion of AdonPay Payment Systems technology on business and people’s lives will create, improve and provide an alternative payment method to the conventional payment systems based on a new free economic model.

The composed AdonPay values are a passion for innovation, commitment to the community, an initiative, privacy, opportunity, create an economic alternative, build a better future, and the support for a world that needs healing, this support will be done through AdonCharity.

4. Problem & Solution

“Through innovation enable the change in the world, where people and business are at the center of free financial decisions”

The world today is in constant change, technologically, economically and socially in which the only certainty is to build an alternative, better and sustainable future for present and future generations. AdonPay is innovation and progress, and takes it all as a challenge and creates an ecosystem friendly crypto platform for Adon Coin and other crypto assets, enabling anyone to leverage the payment system. AdonPay as a revolutionary innovative payment system and exchange, has been developed in the last couple of months, with several features some of them exclusive and combined in one place to make AdonPay one of the world's better crypto payments platforms. AdonPay has a clear mission and vision and values for the decentralized future and clear objectives outlined to achieve all of its goals, one of them is to turn AdonPay one of the most relevant technologies in the crypto market.

Currently the world faces a lot of challenges, in some countries there is a lack of a financial system that can meet the needs of their populations, in others there are some disadvantage compared to other countries with less natural resources but with more effective systems. Another problem is national currencies in some countries most of under developing countries that have structural problems leading to hyperinflation. Even the most developed economies have not solved and have fail to solve the structural problems of the 2008 financial crisis. This problems described above are macroeconomic problems, due to the centralization of decision-making powers in a few people, who are unable to solve the macroeconomic problem and as a consequence microeconomics suffers and struggles for survival.  

Economies must be built from scratch focusing on microeconomics, which in this case are the communities, small and average and even big business. AdonPay is designed to respond to microeconomics model, enabling and providing the tools for this segment of the economy so that people, commerce and traders, can work with free will, and make their free financial decisions based on their structure and their needs. In economic terms AdonPay enable the micro economy with a long tail of crypto assets to be generally accepted globally by people,

e-commerce and real business cases. This allows these local economies, communities and business to have a wide range of assets as choice for their business, not just limiting their choice to one currency as national economies do, or in this particular case one or two crypto assets, AdonPay provides a range of crypto assets options allowing and enabling the individual financial freedom.

Another AdonPay's goals is to reach all world countries and regions as world wide solution with a variety of services and liquidity, reach countries that are currently thriving economically but also  reach and make a difference in a world that has long been neglected. And enables small businesses and small communities also to be activated in remote areas, or in these areas that are currently excluded from a financial system mechanism to thrive. This can be done because AdonPay doesn't require infrastructure to their use, a merchant with a wifi or 5G, 4G, 3G, or even 2G connection and a computer, a smartphone or a tablet is enough to allow the trade and payments. AdonPay is not betting on its own payment machine infrastructure, but leverages the resources that communities have to simplify AdonPay usage. This does not mean that in the future AdonPay will not develop its own payment machines, it means that AdonPay does not require users and merchant for now with unnecessary investments but they can use those tools within reach of anyone. For the commerce integration is easy, only it is necessary to install AdonPay application on their computers or mobiles and make use as a merchant or consumer. AdonPay adds extra features for merchant working as point of sale, AdonPay make the payments better, easy and simple. This makes AdonPay one of the best crypto payments solution on global scale, accepting only crypto assets as a means of payment, and enabling a new free economy to rise, and also enables the end user a wide range of crypto assets that can be enjoyed.

AdonPay comes to transform these isolated crypto ecosystems to a next level and allows them to interact with each other, and enables new horizons and new opportunities for their ecosystems. For this it was necessary to develop global wallet for payments because this is one of the problems in crypto world. Most of the crypto assets only have generic wallets for payments, and are isolated ecosystems with isolated solutions, this make the process for mainstream adoption more complex, most of the crypto asset wallet features are simple and basic options. This kind of wallets are not offering the best end user experiences to their consumers and businesses. AdonPay through innovation have developed a premium multi crypto assets wallet with options like crypto assets purchase and among other solutions. AdonPay Payment Systems stands out from many crypto assets, including wallets for

Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and IOS, i.e., desktop wallets and mobile wallets with and a wide range of features that makes all the difference for crypto assets mainstream adoption. The advantage of the AdonPay adoption regarding the adoption of crypto isolated assets, is the fact that with AdonPay both consumers and merchants, has all the resources available to make trade more advantageous to all parties, the simplicity of AdonPay makes the process very convenient. Instead if merchants adopt crypto assets and wallets on an isolated way, the trade process becomes less advantageous and with some consequences for wallets synchronization, wallets updates and other factors.

In addition to being a system for international payments with crypto assets, AdonPay has incorporated a trading platform which allows a mechanism of price discovery and speculation for crypto assets, traders can buy and sell as trade crypto assets. AdonPay offers a safely and free platform that make its use extremely convenient, simple and easy. The features are fast and secure deposits and withdraw, users account protection with several types of security including 2FA , pin and confirmation by email, trade can be done with simplicity, and features more advanced for demanding users are also included with a simple UX/UI, trade and withdraw fees are low, and includes a user-friendly mobile phone interface. Besides this AdonPay works as a custodian service for crypto assets.

AdonPay is not only focused on the real economies, communities, merchants and businesses, but also AdonPay has developed its own Payment Gateway/Processor service, this service targets e-Commerce. Nowadays e-commerce is a growing amazingly, in recent years some online retailers are experimenting the exponential growth like amazon, ebay and aliexpress, but there is also a vast trade besides these big ones, the e-Commerce has grown so much that endangers traditional commerce. This is largely due to the fact that it speeds up the trading process and often makes products cheaper and prevents many companies from wasting resources in physical stores that are often difficult to maintain due to the side costs of a physical store, licenses, taxes, store rental, and employee expenses.

Due to these factors, taking into account that e-commerce will continue to grow as some new types of online services will emerge as well, AdonPay develop an effective Payment Gateway/Processor that will be available for any e-commerce to adopt it. The integration process is simple and allows any e-commerce that wants to accept a wide range of crypto assets as payments for goods, services or even for donation process. This way AdonPay enter in this market segment, this market segment currently practically has a low competition with

the crypto assets use, so AdonPay will be an alternative to existing competition. The implementation can be done in a simply way, AdonPay provides the service that is free to use, and have in account the best interest for merchants and consumers as well.

AdonPay also offers developer API to integrate AdonPay platform services into their own application or website in order to offer seamless payment experience to their clients.

In conclusion, AdonPay is one of the most robust platforms state with many feature most commonly used by businesses and individuals in their day to day life. AdonPay can be adopted by any individual or business anywhere in the world in a simple manner, this includes online and physical store purchases, for goods and consumer services. AdonPay provides the tools and are free to use for any person or entity, platform makes the process for adopting decentralized, as it does not require a centralization for the disclosure of the point of sale, however Adonpay will leverage the process from the beginning so that adoption will be more effective, AdonPay will be using marketing plans and effective strategies, the first targets will be target countries with high inflation rates such as Venezuela. This is because adoption is more effective in countries with destructed systems and that urgently need solutions for the daily life for people's payments. In addition AdonPay Alias ​​makes the process more mainstream and must useful for stores to make their identity, the fee will be collected in Adon Coin in most cases. Therefore AdonPay becomes the essential tool for mainstream crypto assets use, it is the tool that makes the evolution to the new economic paradigm.

5. AdonPay Features

"AdonPay connects crypto ecosystems, the next level for businesses, individuals and consumers.”

5.1 Payments Gateway/Processor

“State-of-the-art business payments solution”

A Payment Gateway is a software service which allows payments to be exchanged between or among businesses, individuals or entities. Which is virtual equivalent of physical Point Of Sale Terminal at most of the business outlets.

Businesses and users can make use of the system in order make their entire crypto payments easy. Vendors can request payment from users by simply entering his payment alias or user can pay the amount to vendor with a simple scan or even by providing the actual wallet address.

User will be notified when vendor requests a payment then user may accept or reject payment. It further provides daily, weekly, monthly and yearly invoices to businesses and users with detailed usage statistics of their account.

5.2 AdonPay Alias

“Making payments better, easy and simple”

AdonPay is capable of accepting payments through rememberable aliases, a business or individual may setup his own alias for his wallet account and may exhibit the same in the form of QR for or text. Users

can use the alias to pay or accept crypto payments; Platform will automatically transfers this alias into actual crypto asset wallet address. The aliasing system works only within AdonPay eco system, but users can use it get their crypto asset wallet address instantly by accessing their alias; bellow is one example to demonstrate. 

this should automatically resolve provide an address associated with BTC wallet.

5.3 Atomic Swap

“Swap Cryptocurrencies”

Atomic Swap is a process of swapping two coins on their blockchains, Usually coin owners can request this feature if they want initiate a swap. AdonPay is fully capable of performing Atomic swap. In simple words, if a coin dev has decided to change his blockchain and wants to initiate swap of all old wallets with old coins with new wallets with new coins, he/she can do the same through platform without any addition complexity or calculations.

5.4 Escrow Services

“Exchange Protected with Third Party”

An Escrow is an arrangement where a third party holds and regulates the payment of the funds required for two or more parties involved in a given transaction. AdonPay provides an automated Escrow system where parties involved in the transaction can take participate with a small fee. At the point of time, these services are limited to Crypto to Crypto transactions only.

5.5 Crypto Asset Purchase

Revolutionary Crypto Assets Purchase”

AdonPay is capable of providing asset purchase services, users may buy crypto assets without much complication with low fee, AdonPay for now supports only crypto based asset purchases. AdonPay don’t support fiat transactions at least for now.

5.6 Multi Currency Crypto Wallets

“Premium wallet with all your Crypto Assets”

AdonPay is crypto wallet platform that supports multiple crypto assets, initial free hosted crypto assets are ADON, BTC, LTC, DOGE, XMR, MonetaVerde, BoolBerry. In future we may introduce support for ERC 20 tokens based on demand, capital and resources availability. All features of AdonPay available through Mobile ( Android & iOS ), Website and Desktop application (Windows/Linux/osX).

5.7 Developer API

“AdonPay API Connecting the Developers World”

Once platform is stable and easy to use RESTful API will be available for developers to integrate the payment gateway services in their e-commerce sites and custom applications for seamless payment processing.

5.8 Multi Layered Security

“AdonPay uses the Ultimate Security Tech”

AdonPay built on the multi-layered application architecture, every byte of the request traveled through

several secured layers of the application(s)/system(s) to fetch and provide a relevant response.

Multi-factored authentication is available on all client applications. Every client required to set up a second passcode to provide additional security to their account/crypto assets.

Every withdrawal processed only through email confirmation/MFA to minimize & mute the risk of fraudulent activities.

5.9 Fast Deposits and Withdrawals

“AdonPay Fast and Secure Transactions"

AdonPay is built to meet the demands of the most demanding users, both deposits and withdrawals are made to be super fast and convenient for users, allowing users quick access to their funds to deposits and withdrawal.

5.10 Users Accounts Security

“Your Security Matters"

Security is a top priority for AdonPay, it enables a second authentication factor to keep users' account secure, these factors include email verification, pin for verification and 2FA verification, all this resources should be activated by users, some of them are mandatory and default.

5.11 Simple UX/UI and Mobile Friendly

“AdonPay Everywhere"

AdonPay is built with a simple and user-friendly interface and accessible to any user, but also with features for the most demanding users, including a simple trade interface and an advanced trade interface. The platform is also optimized for use through smartphones, and with an upcoming applications releases for desktop and smartphones.

5.12 Adon Coin and AdonX

“AdonCoin and AdonX the AdonPay Kings"

Adon Coin are the main assets of AdonPay platform, developed by the same team, so it has unique features on the platform, among them Adon Coin is used to collect fees from various services including crypto assets listing, Escrow services. Another of the features is the development of AdonPay Alias ​​an exclusive service by AdonPay where users can attach an alias "nickname" to their crypto assets addresses. In addition  Adon Coin as AdonPay platforms main trade pair it can be traded against all other listed crypto assets.