!! content warning for the following being mentioned (nothing explicit shown) !!

  • pedophilia/grooming
  • sex between minors and an adult

(IMP: images do not properly load on mobile for some reason. you must open this document on desktop for them to properly display, sadly I can’t do anything else to fix it.)

edit: I was unaware mike uses they/them when I initially posted this, it has been fixed. multiple other testimonies from victims/witnesses have also been added, proving this is not an isolated case: mike is a serial predator.

@fluffle_puff is a predator who has gotten away with grooming underaged girls for over a decade. they groomed their current girlfriend when she was 15 and then had sex with another 16 year old girl. they were in their late 20s to early 30s with both victims. both still talk to them and believe they’re innocent due to their manipulation.

since making this document, I have had MULTIPLE people come forward saying that mike was sexual with them as minors. mike is a serial predator.

comment link: https://web.archive.org/web/20240411161614/https://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/chatterbox/does-age-matter-in-relationships/t.81608263_5/

fluffle (will be referred to as mike) started grooming their current girlfriend- befishprod- when she was 15 years old and they were 27. befish had a typical teenaged crush on them, mike indulged this and ADMITS they liked her romantically at this time, and then became romantically involved with her despite her being underaged + themself being 11 ½ years older than her. this is textbook grooming behavior by pedophiles and a huge abuse of power.

mike themself admits in their server that they were interested in her when she was 15 (and very likely lying about dating her later). regardless, they started dating her when she was underaged and expressed interest in her as a partner years earlier. they try to brush it off as a “complicated situation” and “nothing happened before 18” when rightfully confronted.

(screenshot source; video below, also contains a recording where befish verbally confirms/talks about it, which is what lead to it becoming public. it’s not necessary to watch the video, it’s just here for context/evidence in terms of the audio recording being included: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IyJ7Ps5CkHQ)

the second victim, starsystarshine, met mike via befish and developed a crush on them; she was 16 and they were 29. since befish turned 18, she and mike took a “break” from dating, and mike used this opportunity to groom starsy. mike then met her in person to have sex with her.

some messages starsy exchanged with him from an anonymous source. these are FULL of emotional manipulation from mike. I physically felt ill reading the last two.

I spent years trying to help starsy recognize her abuse by mike, as she kept blaming herself, but she fled back to them awhile after I made my first tweet about their grooming. that’s why I’m not keeping her anonymous anymore; they are back to talking, thus she is in danger.

this was my last conversation with starsy about mike, at the end of the month she suddenly blocked me and I noticed that mike was suddenly following her on twitter again. the way she switches between blaming them and herself shows she still suffers trauma from mike’s actions.

neither of the girls are at fault; they were two teenagers who developed immature feelings for a grown adult who took advantage of their young, impressionable nature to satisfy mike’s sick attraction. I don’t doubt mike has taken advantage of even more teenaged girls behind the scenes.

and if any weirdo freaks try to argue: “um, actually!!! mike’s home state says age of consent is 16 so it’s actually perfectly fine!!!” - it is not, as mike is a figure of authority! mike has always had power over both befish and starsy, and abused it for sex.

you could argue that a youtube doesn’t apply as a figure of authority, which is fair. mike and befish were meeting in person when she was underaged, thus they did have physical power over her, so there is power imbalance there. my point here is that mike was big enough to have huge influence over the brony fandom back in the 2015 era with a lot of fans willing to do practically anything for them.

the law isn’t always right, either: it’s illegal to own more than 6 dildos in texas. you think that’s a logical law, lmao? federal law also states one must be 18 to purchase/view/engage in erotic/pornographic content, and that should apply to the age of consent as well. if you think it’s normal for a 16 year old to be having sex with someone 10+ years older than them, you are- frankly- a sick pervert.

mike’s platform/power over these girls is what’s prevented them from being rightfully called out as a pedophile for so long. both victims are still in his grasp & fully believe they’re at fault for having sex with mike. they were underaged. they could not consent. mike knew this.

this is unquestionably an abuse of power by a grown adult with large internet influence and recognizability. very few know about this and I’m tired of it being slept on. I can only imagine how many other teenagers mike groomed that no one else knows about.

don’t harass befish or starsy. they need help, not condemnation. they are victims and need help seeing that, not condemnation.

update 4/10: some more testimonies from other victims/witnesses:

instance of mike preying on a 12 year old.

(note: this is what they sent to someone else prior, screenshotted, then sent to me)

another victim who was 15 at the time of mike being sexual towards them.

instance of mike making sexual comments towards a 16 year old.

instance of mike flirting with a 15/16 year old.

a witness to mike’s predatory behavior.

another witness testimony.

another witness testimony, more sus behavior from mike.