List of All War Crimes Perpetrated During the Centauran and Forman Wars

Alexander Blanchard, Leges Vitae Commission and Lesathias Trial Records, 1971

Notable figures to be addressed in detail:

Emperor Aran Tau (Antares)

Empress Anna Khorin/Anna Tau (Antares)

Chancellor Erik Kolti (Antares)
Field Marshall Randal Kellar (Antares)
General Galen Merran (Antares)
General Paul Erpan (Antares)

V. Admiral Leonard “Leo” Arden (Antares)

Admiral Edward Tachal (Antares)
Admiral Silas M. Grey (Antares)

Interim Minister Joaquin Naltora (Corvus)
General Samuel Azkroff (Corvus)
General Ian Biamenaim (Corvus)
General Steven Korstoff (Corvus)

Brigadier-General Frederik Skardae (Corvus)

Colonel Charles Vauhaan (Corvus)

Admiral Ivan Mallory (Ursa)

Generalissimo Ratovan Arozikh (Ursa)
Minister for War Hydom Othalye (Ursa)

Governor-General Jamison Zallaird (Skorpii Riaa puppet government, Centauri Departments)
Governor Lucian Farrbal (Skorpii Riaa puppet government, Tucanan Departments)
Governor Sullivan Rawn (Skorpii Riaa puppet government, Riaan Departments)
Interim Mayor Hans Pykeart (Skorpii Riaa puppet government, Hadina Department)

  1. On Corvun War Crimes

This primarily concerns Corvun war crimes committed during the Centauran War, primarily during the invasion of Southern Corvus and limited action against Centauran nations and Orionite/Hydrusite forces during the Forman War.


In 1908 Corvus invaded Southern Corvus, occupied by the Empire of Cetus, to reclaim their territory. It is important to note that the attitude of Corvus, while not blatantly xenophobic, was immensely hateful and resentful towards the Cetans for the suffering inflicted on Corvus by the “theft” of Southern Corvus.

War Crimes


Forin Massacre

190 Cetan civilians are brutally murdered in various ways after a skirmish for the railway hub of Forin.

Ordered by General Steven Korstoff (Corvus)

Battle of Blackton

Coal mining town won by the Corvuns in the opening weeks of the war.
Various civilians subjected to violent torture and execution. Cetan POWs killed and buried in mass graves.
Multiple civilian bodies found around and on the outskirts of the town, including but not limited to;

A middle-aged man, a young child, a sixteen or seventeen-year old girl, a woman in her seventies and dozens of other civilians.

At least one case perpetrated by General Ian Biamenaim (Corvus)

Karas Massacre

 736 Cetan civilians in the town of Karas are violently murdered after being caught behind Corvun lines.

Ordered by General Samuel Azkroff (Corvus)

Tank incidents. Cetan POWs run over with Corvun tanks and armored cars while still alive/restrained.

Perpetrated and partaken by Colonel Charles Vauhaan (Corvus). Threatened subordinates into driving vehicles over living POWs.

Beatings. POWs are brutally bludgeoned to death with rocks and clubs. (Refer to attached images, taken by Cetan civilians.)

Bombing of Civilian Centers:
Several civilian centers are wrongfully bombed by Corvun airships, killing ~900.

Ordered by Brigadier-General Frederik Skardae (Corvus), personally overseen.

Capri Field. Evacuating civilians are bombed by airships.

Ordered by Brigadier-General Frederik Skardae (Corvus), personally overseen.

Brantserry Massacre:
Modest town of 19,000 subject to various atrocities including rape, looting, murders, abductions, lynchings and destruction of property. Unknown amount killed; Corvun sources claim 90, Cetan sources claim 15,000

Ordered by Brigadier-General Frederik Skardae (Corvus) and Colonel Charles Vauhaan (Corvus). Both officers partook in said atrocities and spurred their subordinates to join in.

Ceti Bridge Massacre:
Evacuating civilians crossing the Ceti Bridge strafed by Corvun aircraft. Untold amounts killed.

Ordered by General Samuel Azkroff (Corvus) and partaken by General Steven Korstoff (Corvus)

Sack of Deneb

Major Cetan city of 54,000 overrun by Corvun forces as Antareans advance from the south. Widespread rape, looting, murder, public executions and arson.
Cetan sources claim ~17,000 victims

Ordered by Interim Minister Joaquin Naltora (Corvus). See documents, regarding conversation transcripts between Naltora and Corvun Army forces.

Sack of Menkar
Major Cetan city of 161,000 taken by Corvun forces. Same war crimes as those committed in Deneb. Rape, shootings, arson and looting.
Cetan sources claim over 58,000 victims.

Ordered by Interim Minister Joaquin Naltora (Corvus). Partaken by Brigadier-General Frederik Skardae (Corvus), General Samuel Azkroff (Corvus) and General Steven Korstoff (Corvus). General Ian Bilmenaim KIA before the incident.

Burning of agricultural fields

Widespread burning of wheat fields and farms committed by the Corvun Army’s 302nd Rifles Battalion. Untold millions in property damage and catalyst for a famine.

Ordered by Interim Minister Joaquin Naltora (Corvus).

Sack of Mira
Cetus’ capital city. 239,000 inhabitants. Similar atrocities committed by Corvun and Antarean forces. Over 207,000 casualties. Widespread civilian murder, bombing of schools and hospitals, prolific usage of chemical weapons on civilian residences, looting of shops, burning of buildings, bayonetting of over 30,000 Cetan POWs. Vandalism.
Ordered, and partaken in, by all of the aforementioned leaders.

Aquilan Campaign

All-Corvun volunteer force executes Aquilan POWs.

Note: Post-Centauran war most Corvun units were subsumed into the Antarean military.

  1. On Antarean War Crimes

Sinking of Civilian Vessels

Mainly perpetrated by Admiral Edward Tachal (See below.) Over 2,300 recorded instances. Sinking of civilian passenger ships, fishing vessels, neutral cargo ships, trade barges and leisure craft.
Largely carried out by Tachal’s heavy cruiser AIS Helvesti.

Notably also committed by Admiral Silas Grey (Antares)