Documentation of corruption, institutional bigotry, and high-control group (cult-like) behavior in the Party for Socialism and Liberation

This document compiles links to documentation of corrupt, harmful, and cult-like activity at the institutional level in the Party for Socialism and Liberation. The Party uses its centralized communication procedures to control the flow of information and systematically misinform its members of the facts surrounding external critiques and accusations. As a consequence, there is a custom among rank-and-file members of dismissing all such critiques as the activity of “online/ultra-leftists,” “traitors,” or potential federal agents. Among other purposes, this document allows PSL members full access to the evidence on which outside critiques of such things as rape and abuse apologism are based. Many of these documents were written by former members who had made significant sacrifices for the party and had a record of disciplined behavior—although such credentials or lack thereof do not themselves determine the validity of the critiques.

Firsthand accounts

Ruthless Criticism, But Keep It to Yourself: Concealment and Corruption in PSL Philadelphia : the initial internal criticism of the PSL’s public statement on the sexual assault in the Philadelphia branch

Addendum: The PSL response to the above document and our clarifications : a followup addressing the PSL’s internal response to the criticism, December 20th Zoom call, and aftermath

PSL Philly Twitter thread / mirror: Thread of one attendee’s reaction in the days immediately following his expulsion after the Dec 20th Zoom call with national

12/22/2020 Facebook thread : Facebook post where participants in the December 20th Zoom call recount and discuss the events in the comments

PSL Chicago: On Alienation / 2019-2020 : Account of an abortive split in the Chicago branch and the way both local and national leadership reacted

PSL Chicago Transphobia 1 : Account of transphobic behavior and discrimination by leadership in the Chicago branch

PSL Chicago Transphobia 2 : Account of transphobic behavior and discrimination by leadership in the Chicago branch

PSL Carbondale / Chicago / Atlanta: Statement on Experiences of Abuse and the Response of Party for Socialism and Liberation: Account of an abuser circumventing any accountability in the community with help with a cover-up from the Chicago Branch. The abuser has transferred to the Atlanta Branch as of August 2021.

PSL Philly: Regarding Steven Powers : screenshot disclosing that Steven Powers was not expelled from the Philadelphia branch

PSL Philly: Party for Socialism and Liberation Member's Resignation Letter : Article discussing and reposting a Philadelphia branch member’s resignation in August 2020 during the sexual assault investigation. Mirror of the above resignation letter with names censored.

PSL Philly: PSL Stalked, Doxxed, Harassed a #MeToo Survivor : Article reposting and discussing the online reaction to the public release of “Ruthless Criticism, But Keep It to Yourself: Concealment and Corruption in PSL Philadelphia”

PSL Philly: PSL Whistleblowers Refute Central Committee’s Defense Of Steven Powers : Article reposting and discussing the “Addendum: The PSL response to the above document and our clarifications” document

PSL Philly: Fashbusters Thread: Twitter thread rounding up various posts regarding the PSL Philadelphia branch sexual assault and its aftermath, including the “Ruthless Criticism” document and its aftermath

PSL Los Angeles: [Marxism] Fw: Dealing with PSL/ANSWER : Account of patterns of high-control, bigoted, and violent behavior being tolerated by PSL leadership

PSL Los Angeles: Boycott ANSWER Coalition! PSL is Corrupt! : Account of PSL leadership financially exploiting the working class

PSL Los Angeles: PSL Sectarianism: Snitchjacketing, Violence and Character Assassinations : Account of witnessing a pattern of high-control behavior and dishonesty from PSL leadership

PSL Sacramento: This is why I left the Party for Socialism and Liberation… : Account of someone resigning from PSL Sacramento branch over leadership’s bigoted behavior

Public criticisms

PSL Albuquerque: Anti-Indianism and Sexism Have No Place in The Movement: An Indigenous Feminist Perspective : Statement by the Red Nation regarding severing of relations with the PSL

A Brief Criticism of the Party for Socialism and Liberation : Statement by a candidate in the Atlanta branch of PSL regarding the sexual assault in Philadelphia branch and its aftermath

Women and the Vanguard Party (Why I’m Resigning from the PSL) : Public criticism of sexism and distorting democratic centralism in the PSL

PSL's own response to accusations of misogyny: "PSL, women leaders respond to deceptive open letter from former candidate-member Leah" : The PSL’s response to the above, showing their pattern of having a group of women sign on to a statement in response to criticism and the same pattern of denial. Multiple women who signed this statement have since resigned.

Against the Party for “Socialism” and Liberation: Proletarian Feminism is the Weapon to Smash Revisionism! : Criticism of the PSL touching on all of the above topics

On the Electoral Cretins Part 2: Deceptions of the Party for Socialism and Liberation : Criticism of PSL’s electoral strategy

Leaked recording reveals how Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) cut socialist candidates from the California ballot : Account of the tactics PSL employs in its electoral strategy

PSL’s Brian Becker, Loud & Clear Radio, and Right-Wing Entryism : Criticism of PSL’s propaganda efforts platforming right-wing speakers

Failing Upwards: The AmeriKKKan Marxist Parties & Their Problems : Long form theoretical criticism and account of the inner politics of the PSL

Where’s the Winter Palace? On the Marxist-Leninist Trend in the United States: Excellent piece describing recent experiences with Marxist-Leninism in the U.S.

Open Letter on Criticism-Self-Criticism (CPML)

Relevant reading

Why Misogynists Make Great Informants

Who’s Really “Doing Good Work” Here?

The Missing Stair


What I Have Learnt About High Control Groups

Role-Playing in High Control Groups

Characteristics Associated with Cultic Groups

Cults of our Hegemony: An Inventory of Left-Wing Cults

The Cadre ideal: Origins and development of a political cult. (DWP)


Out of the Red Closet: Gay and Lesbian Experiences in the Previous Communist Movement (RCP)

Nine Letters To Our Comrades - Getting Beyond Bob Avakian's New Synthesis (RCP)

Ex-International Socialist Organization Member Exposes Rape Cover-Up by 2013 Steering Committee (ISO)

Did a “rape coverup” destroy the ISO? (article from ISO leadership defending the investigation)

Taking Our Final Steps (ISO)

What Socialists Can Learn from #MeToo (ISO)

Open Letter to Some Ex-Leaders of ISO

The WWP is Splitting