The walk to whatever building they were headed to next was quiet, but luckily short. with flowers in hand ready to be prepared for the next stage in the development of ‘delicious’ ambrosia, or at least that is what the cherubuns made it out to be. Not that Magnus had any knowledge about the taste and flavor of these heavenly plants, their fruits and extracts deadly to those who didn’t descend from the heavenly meadows. Though on the other hand they couldn’t taste those hellish drinks succubuns were able to enjoy, not even the drugs, not that he desired to partake in those either way.

Primrose opened the door to a rather boring building, at least if you only looked at it from the outside. Inside it was a bit more interesting, it was filled with lab equipment and other tools that was probably used to extract whatever essence these flowers held within them. “Can you put the baskets over there and I will go grab some gloves and we can get started” Primrose said to Magnus, pointing to one of the tables in the corner. Magnus just went over and did what he was told for once, with no complaints.

As Primrose returned he handed Magnus a pair of gloves for him to protect his hands. “You know Primrose, there hasn’t been anything that we have done in these weeks of cooperation that has been something I haven’t seen or read about in burrowgatory” he says before pausing. “Everything here is the same as what we succubuns are used to, the only difference is the plants we are handling and the fact that we have to treat them like they are dangerous chemicals” He said looking at the bun as he took a few of the flowers in hand. “Any and all unique experience I could have had would have been from gaining any historical or societal insight in what it’s like in the heavenly meadows” this time he was focused completely on his task. “I think it would have saved us both a lot of time and a lot of frustration had the two of us had a conversation or rather an exchange of knowledge for a day instead of the two of us working together”

Primrose just sighed and blinked a few times before he got to work as well. “I am sure you are correct, and you are definitely not my favorite succubun, I can tell you that much, however I will admit, now that we are finally almost done, that finding any workers and anyone willing to do free labor is kinda difficult” he said smirking at Magnus as he revealed the biggest plot twist of the century. “Sadly beggars can’t be choosers, even if I would have wanted someone else to do this for me, it was not like I had many options, and we still don’t have that many funds to make things go around up here” Magnus just stared at Primrose flabbergasted as he spoke.

It took him a moment to recover, but once he had, he just looked at Primrose calmly. “I would be willing to make donations to the heavenly embassy so you can keep doing whatever this is, and I can do not that. In exchange I would like it if you were willing to at least occasionally allot some of your time to tell me about the world up there. I am not asking for gratitude, I don’t think either one of us feel grateful towards the other, but I can see it as being something that at least can benefit us both” Primrose looked surprised, but guessing by the wag of the tail that he was happy.

“I would be elated to make this deal with you, I am sure we can figure something out, though I am unsure if you are able to-“ Magnus just gave a serious look. “Nevermind, I guess you have more carats than I thought” They were both satisfied with their first good and friendly conversation, as they worked their way through separating stem, pod, root, stalk and leaves in different heaps.

Once done Primrose took a handful of each and showed Magnus how to prep each part to best utilize them for ambrosia, whether it be the liquid one or the teas. Prepping each ingredient for their intended purpose.

The most interesting part was making the liquid ambrosia through distillation, where they used roots, petals and seeds by mashing them up and then boiling them in demineralized water, to make sure the finished product was clear of any additional impurities. While Magnus was able to be a part of this process, it seemed like Primrose was quite meticulous about his work and barely let him touch much. At least he got a chance to observe the process. They had small talked a bit in between, the tense energy mostly dissipated, even though neither of them would consider the other a friend, not even an acquaintance.

However once they were done, Primrose followed up on his deal and gave Magnus a book, a book that should help him at least get some surface level insight on what the world of cherubuns was like. Just so he can prepare for when they meet next time and can ask whatever in depth questions that might follow. Though Primrose might not be aware what kinda gate of hell he has opened for himself by allowing Magnus out of everyone to use him as a beacon of knowledge. Hopefully the carats Magnus would be paying him would more than make up for the torture the pride bun was about to send him through.

They bid each other goodbye and Magnus went home. As he headed towards the elevator down to burrowgatory a cherubun seemed to poke it’s head out from around a corner, looking at him curiously. Making note of the pride bun. As the two of them locked eyes, they scurried away and out of sight. They both wondered if this would be the last time they saw each other.