Hello everyone!! Hope you all are having a nice day

Recapping the previous devlog, the team has been making the final push towards completely finishing development for this update. To kick off this devlog which at this point is really nothing but good news, I’m proud to announce that we are entirely finished except for a couple of spritesheets, some dialogue portraits/ custom shots, and a couple of cutscene tracks!! There isn’t all that much left to do, and while we do our best to finish off these last few remaining assets, please bear with us for a little while longer!! Still no promises on when we’ll exactly release, however, if you ever see a tweet shortly saying that we’ve entered playtesting, it means that the update is coming out that Friday

Anyway, the main purpose of this devlog is to talk about the soundtrack. First of all, I’ll be addressing something a lot of you are probably wondering - WHEN DID WE GET DIALOGUE TRACKS?? Shortly after the previous devlog, I asked the musicians if they would be down to do music for the dialogue. With a good amount being willing, plus myself being personally willing to make several, we went through with the idea!! During April when the idea was first brought up, we finished 15 OF THEM. Luckily, our musicians have always been pretty motivated, and music is typically less time-consuming than art-related assets, so I’m certain we’ll be able to finish the last couple we need pretty soon. With the playable tracks being comprised of mostly fast-paced rhythm game music, slower-paced songs help us add variety to the soundtrack and help express the characters in a way the playable tracks don’t as much. Additionally, on top of already having the script be entirely voice acted, adding on custom music too will make reading the script feel like less of a slog and instead hopefully something much more fun and enjoyable!! I’m surprised we never entertained the idea sooner, but I’m very glad now that we decided to go through with it. Maybe we’ll show off some snippets of various music tomorrow

The last bit of news, for now, is that StarriBlu has officially given us permission to use the It’s Complicated V2 instrumental in the update!! As some of you may know, originally it wasn’t meant to be used due to conflicts within the team, but time has passed and he’s very kind to let us be able to use it now. He also wanted to touch up the mixing, so there will likely be a V2.5 released on his channel when the update drops

Song remakes have been a consistent factor throughout development, only having one song from V1 stay the same shows how much effort we spent trying to make the soundtrack the best we can. I’m aware when it comes to changes, there will always be a few people who don’t prefer them, although the musicians are proud of the revamps, and I’m certain the majority of you will love them too!! After release, we’ll also have a drive link to all the previous versions of the playable songs throughout development, so you can see how much the soundtrack has changed

That’s all for this devlog. As there’s a big chance this might be the last one ever, thank you so much for reading this, even if this is your first time, or if you’ve been keeping track of us ever since a couple of years ago!! I’m really sorry that we haven’t released anything for a long time, but as we get so close to release, the rest of the team and I are very very excited to show you all how much we’ve revamped the original and added much more. Hopefully, we’ll have even better news soon, but for now, take care, everyone!!