Resources for Anti-Racist Action May-June 2020

This list was sourced from countless activists and information sharers. We thank you. It was created to support action and organizing for white-identified folks within the artEquity alumni network, so some resources speak specifically to white folks. However, EVERYONE is welcomed to utilize and share anything that is useful to your actions and organizing.

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Demand change for BIPOC theatermakers. #weseeyou Read the letter, sign the petition.


Defund the police - FROM MN: All officers were arrested. Minneapolis City Council votes to disband the police! Keep up the pressure there and in your own places!


  • To BIPOC-led movement organizations, BIPOC artists, BIPOC-led arts organizations, Trans and Queer BIPOC-led organizations in your area.
  • To justice-centered fundraising efforts in your area. Look for campaigns to support any Black-led businesses damaged during the protests. Mutual aid support. Support the long-time BIPOC-led organizing work present in your area - find out who they are if you don’t know.
  • To the ecosystem of organizations in the Movement for Black Lives

FOLLOW racial justice organizations for updates and actions:


There’s so much, right? We’re doing this all the time; it can never end. But it absolutely cannot be the only thing you do in this moment. Here are a few key recent articles and lists.


Reach out to white family members or friends and ask them where they are at in response to these murders. If they are looking to action, do some action together. If they feel indifferent or unsure, ask them why and begin a conversation. If they don't know about it, help them learn.

TALK to your kids.  Tell them about the murders that happened recently. Show them the Amy  Cooper video and talk to them about how what she did was wrong, racist, and dangerous.  Tell them that it’s important for white kids to know what’s going and for families to take anti-racist actions together. If people in your life are talking about the “violence” of protests, this resource from SURJ is a good guide.


  • Showing Up for Racial Justice: White People's Work to End Racism
    Tuesday, June 9th 8 ET / 7 CT / 6 MT / 5 PT
    This is a webinar for folks who are newer to racial justice work and folks doing the work of bringing new white folks in. White people have an important role and responsibility for being part of a multi-racial movement to end racism and win collective liberation.  Now is as good of a time as ever to join in this work or deepen your involvement in making the changes we so drastically need.


What Else?

Please know, we are NOT pretending to be experts here. In fact, we would love to learn about other actions to take right now (and beyond). Any thoughts on next steps you are doing that we could join in on would be greatly appreciated. Make additions, comments/changes, or email or or and we’ll add!