The Open Letter is now closed. The number of signatories is 1568.

Dear Mohit, Hugh and Eleanor,

We are devastated by the news of the BBC’s cancellation of Short Cuts.

In a time where audio imaginations are being squashed by commercial realities, Short Cuts has been a stronghold for creativity. While the podcasting gmarket exploded, and imploded, Short Cuts has been a life raft for audio-makers and artists from all over the world to hold onto. Rather than fostering one particular style of storytelling, Short Cuts continues to inspire a generation of makers around the world to try new things, be ambitious, and tell stories they can’t tell elsewhere. In this way, the influence of Short Cuts goes far beyond its series. It is more than just a podcast, it is a call to action, a cultural hub, an informal mentorship programme, an ode to audio that takes time. We agree with The Guardian’s Miranda Sawyer “that this is one of the most important programmes on UK radio”.

For 12 years, Short Cuts has engaged with so many people in such different ways. From the global audiences that listened to its thought-provoking pieces, to emerging producers who broadcast work for the first time, to the countless artists whose craft has been inspired by Short Cuts’s dedication to the art of audio and the spirit of adventure.

Short Cuts has exposed audiences across the UK and around the world to award-winning short-form audio journalism and art that consistently surprises and delights listeners. It’s work expands people’s palates beyond typical radio and podcasting formats. Short Cuts has broadened its audience’s imaginations.

Not every story can exist as a sprawling 12-part series or even a 30-minute one-off documentary. Not everything needs to. Short Cuts provides a space for small yet important stories. Artistic work, especially short work, is often dismissed as small-scale or low impact, but Short Cuts manages to expertly balance the personal and intimate alongside high-stakes topical subjects, like the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the war in Ukraine, institutional racism, the climate crisis and countless other pressing issues.

Short Cuts is an essential part of the audio ecosystem, providing many emerging creators with their first radio broadcast, as well as creating a space where veterans can experiment, innovate and develop their form. New producers get to share the airwaves with these experienced producers — often their heroes — rather than be siloed in a slot specifically for new makers, where they would be branded by their inexperience and therefore infantilised. Instead, Short Cuts is non-hierarchical. It’s a space for cross-pollination: a place for writers, poets and other disciplines to experiment with audio.

Contributors have gone on to get jobs and win awards from Short Cuts entries, such as Third Coast, The British Podcast Awards, The Audio Production Awards, Prix Marulić, Grand Prix Nova and more. In 2023 a Short Cuts piece was chosen as BBC Radio 4’s Pick of the Year. The show is a cost-efficient, low-risk way of training new talent. While we appreciate recent BBC schemes such as Audio Lab, these serve different purposes and both should exist. Each year Short Cuts has been able to impact many entry-level producers in smaller but still life-changing ways, providing them with a supportive environment in which to make work on a show that is recognised and respected within the industry.

Falling Tree’s selection process is also unique and labour intensive. Their pitching form is purposefully accessible — asking for only two short paragraphs and not requiring time-consuming pre-interviews or tape gathering. They respond to everyone who applies with a line of specific feedback as well as a broad report of the round, and transparency surrounding the process. They even offer half-hour calls to anyone who wants to understand more about the decision-making. Nowadays, a producer feels lucky to even receive a rejection email, so it is abundantly clear Falling Tree goes well out of its way to make the process supportive.

We would like to know about the details of your decision and we ask that you provide a statement outlining your reasoning. We understand that budgets are tight and it cannot be easy to be in your shoes, but we feel that a decision that impacts the entire industry in such a momentous way requires transparency. If it is purely around numbers that feels disappointing as the BBC often boasts about its ability to take risks that other networks can’t because it doesn’t face the same commercial pressures. So one would hope that the commissioning team could see the benefits of Short Cuts beyond a spreadsheet — a show that has been taught in classrooms around the world, played at international festivals and received cabinets worth of awards, all while taking the brand of the BBC with it. Additionally, from an economic perspective, Short Cuts allows the BBC to serve as a sampling, a kind of audio test drive. In fact, many pieces go on to be developed into one-off or long-form work for the broadcaster.

We view Short Cuts as an important continuation of the BBC’s history of audio innovation, following in the footsteps of The Radiophonic Workshop and pioneering producers like Charles Parker. Without Short Cuts, the BBC will be losing an essential pipeline of future audio talent and innovation. It will also be losing a show that has been a major contributor to BBC 4’s internationally recognised status as an industry leader in audio features and documentary.

To that end, we would like to ask that you reconsider your decision to cancel Short Cuts. It is an irreplaceable show, with a dedicated audience, an unmatched cultural impact and a team that nurtures talent and stories with a rare sensibility and care.

We look forward to hearing from you.


The Open Letter is now closed. The number of signatories is 1569.

A.F. Harrold                        Poet, Performer, Children's author

Aakshi Sinha

Aaron A. Dalton                Takes All Kinds, LLC

Aaron Stevens

Aaron Rackley                        Dartington Arts School        

Aasiya Lodhi                        University of Westminster (formerly BBC Radio Arts)

Abi Palmer                         Artist, Writer (Freelance)

Abigail Higgleton                St Joseph’s Hospice, Hackney

Abigail Wendle                Reporter/Producer, NPR's Embedded

Abigail Wincott                Falmouth University, RadioDoc Review

Adair Sheppard                ABC

Adam Brooks

Adam Welch                        Writer

Adam Zmith                        Aunt Nell Ltd

Adelaide Conaghan        

Adomas Zubė        Freelance         NARA

Adrian Ricca Lucci        

Adriana Kramaric                Croatian Radio

Adriene Lilly

Agathe Dijoud        

Ahmed Ashour                New York University

Áine Mangaoang        

Aisling Gallagher                Freelance

Al Crow         

Alan Goffinski                        New York Public Radio

Alan Meaney                        Freelance

Alan Weedon                        Self-employed

Alana Brum Pereira         

Alana Evans        

Alannah Chance                Somerset House  

Alasdair Kay                        University of York

Alec Cowan                        Freelance

Alesandra Tejeda                Freelance

Alex Chambers                WFIU Bloomington

Alex Fraser

Alex Goldman                        Reply all/Hyperfixed

Alex Hanesworth                Smithsonian

Alex Lewis                        Rowhome Productions

Alex Lynch                         Freelance

Alex Marcou                        Freelance Dubbing Mixer/Podcast Editor, Adaptive Audio Post


Alex McAlpine                        Just an Australian Fan of Short Cuts

Alex von der Heyde

Alex Wegman                        Bournemouth University

Alexander Borzenko                Freelance Producer

Alexander Cox

Alexander Merriott

Alexandra Genzini

Alexandra Salmon

Alexandra Valahu                Freelance

Al Crow

Ali Lemer                        Freelance

Alfred Koch                        Long-time Feature Producer and Author of ORF Ö1

Ali Gardiner

Ali Parsa                        Listener

Ali Sirois                        editaudio

Alia Cassam                        Freelance

Alice Boyd                        Freelance

Alice Garner                        Freelancer/University of Melbourne

Alice Lloyd                        Freelance

Alice Pigott

Alice Powell                        Freelance

Alison Flashman

Mark Garland

Alistair Hall

Alix Schocher

Aliya Pabani                        York University

Allyson McCabe                Freelance Reporter and Producer

Alyce Biddle        

Alyssa Edes                        Freelance Audio Maker

Alyssa Jeong Perry                Audio Producer

Amalie Sortland                Novel

Amanda Brown                Self Employed

Amanda Hargreaves                Freelance Producer

Amanda Priestley

Amara Eno        

Amber Devereux                Tin Can Audio/Freelance

Amber Miller                         Content is Queen

Amelia Schonbek                Editor, Hazlitt Magazine

Amelie Isabel Garcia Valenzuela

Amy Jane                         CEI

Amy Lawes                        Avid Fan

Amy Moloney

Amy Pedulla                        Radio Producer and Writer

Ana Adlerstein                        Love + Radio

Ana Cecilia Calle                Wake Forest University

Ana Roman                        Freelance Sound Design

Anabel Bacon                        The New York Times

Anakana Schofield                 Novelist, Author, Occasional Radio Contributor

Anamaria Pravicencu                SEMI SILENT

Anand Jagatia                        Freelance

André Røsberg         

Andrea Gutierrez                Independent Journalist & Audio Producer

Andrea Kristinsdóttir

Andrea Laurion

Andrew Parsons                Prologue Projects

Andrew Pattman

Andrew Thomas         

Andrey Borzenko                Libo Libo Studio        

Andy Cartwright                Soundscape Productions / Sunderland University

Angel Carreras                NPR

Angel Perez Grandi                Sound Ark / Self-employed        

Angela Shackel                 Freelance

Angeliki Androutsopoulos         Artist

Angie Hobbs                        University of Sheffield

Angus Dunican                Independent

Ani Ritchie                        Former Senior Lecturer in Media Culture

Anine Bösenberg

Anisa Vietze                        WNYC's Radiolab

Anishka Sharma                Reduced Listening/Multitrack

Anja Nilsson        

Ann Heppermann                Sarah Lawrence College

Anna Bogutskaya                The Final Girls

Anna Braithwaite                Composer/Sound Artist

Anna Carr                        Freelancer

Anna Cassell                         WUNC

Anna de Wolff Evans                Freelance

Anna Van Dine

Anna Wilson

Annabek Boyer

Annabel Dixo -Dewfall        Fan

Anne Jeppesen

Anne Laura Hedegaard        Freelancer & Æteren

Anne Sofie Kluge                Københavns Radiobiograf and Listener

Anne Weinhold

Annie Keates Thorpe                Reduced Listening

Annina Lehmann

Ant Adeane                        Freelance

Anthony Ing                        Loop

Anton Spice        

Antonia Le                        TED

Aoife Allen

Ari Mejia                

Ariana Martinez                Rutgers University, Mason Gross School of the Arts (U.S.)

Ariana Nedelman                Not Sorry Productions

Arianna Scarnecchia                Freelance

Ariel Plotnick        

Arlie Adlington                        Freelance

Aron Keller                        Freelance

Artis Curiskis

Arvid Johnson

Arya Adyuta                        UGM - MA Student

Åsa Secher                        Swedish Public Radio

Asher Griffith                        Cicada Radio/KUAF/University of Arkansas

Ashley Rahimi Syed                The New York Times

Ashley Richardson                Freelance

Ashleyanne Krigbaum                Campside Media

Ashraya Gupta

Ashrita Achar

Ashwin Caffery

Astrid Hald        

Aubrey Calaway

Audrey Gillan                        Freelance Journalist and Broadcaster        

Audrey Quinn                        NYU

Ava Ahmadbeigi                Freelance

Ava Johnson Parsadoust

Avery Trufelman                Articles of Interest

Axel Kacoutié        

Ayesha Begum Hussain

Ayse Koklu                        University of the Arts London

Azin Parsa

Barbara Renel         

Barny Smith                        CBS News

Barry Donovan

Bart Warshaw                        Cocoon Audio Inc

Bartosz Panek                 Polish Radio

Bea Duncan                        The Entry Level Audio Network

Beatrice Harbour

Becky Duncan                        Open Aye

Becky Fox

Belinda Lopez                        Freelance

Ben Pagac

Ben Shapiro                        Radio Diaries, Filmmaker, Columbia University

Ben Tulloh                        Global

Ben Hewitt

Benedikte Granvig                DR - Danish Public Radio

Bengt Bok                        Freelance and Former Professor Radio, Stockholm

Benjamin Cannon                The A.V. Club

Benjamin Hall                        Leeds Beckett University / Open College of the Arts

Benjamin Riskin                Room Tone

Benoit Bories                        Sound Artist

Beth Aydon

Beth Clayton                        Ex-Director, Boom Shalaka Productions

Bethany Atkinson-Quinton        Broadwave

Beverley Boyd                        Independent Producer

Bilge Nur Yilmaz                University of Oxford

Bill Healy                        Independent

Billie Gavurin                        Researcher, University of Birmingham

Blue Firth                        Nottingham Trent University

Bob Cryer                        Freelance

Bongani Kona                        University of the Western Cape

Bonnie Anderson                Moxie Productions

Brandon Gates                Freelance Journalist and Audio Maker

Breen Turner                        Sr. Audio Engineer, Financial Times

Brian Taylor

Briana Breen

Brianna-Jane Hodgetts

Bridget Prince                        Listener

Brid Addison-Child                Freelance

Brit Jensen                        Freelance

Bronwen Livingstone                 Freelance

Bruce Guthrie                         Freelance Radio Producer

Bryony Brooks

Bukky Fadipe                         Freelance

Caddie Brain

Caitlin Kennedy

Caitlin Magnall-Kearns        Freelance Writer

Caitlin Mary Carley Clough        Freelance Writer/Theatre Maker

Caitlin Pierce

Callan McGill

Callum Baird

Calum Perrin                        Freelance Audio Artist

Calvin Williams                Radio Free Brooklyn        

Cameron Chertavian                ABC News (Specifically ABC Audio)

Cameron Naylor                PhD Sound Art / University of Manchester

Camila Mastrascusa

Camilla Hannan                Independent Producer

Camilo Garzón                Cuentero Productions

Carl Nellis                        Gilded Audio

Carly Peruccio        

Caro C

Carol Carey                        Somerset Art Works

Carola Haupt                        Radio Papesse

Caroline Cheek        

Caroline Fitton                 Freelance Writer

Caroline Losneck                Independent Producer

Caroline Mitchell                University of Sunderland

Caroline Paul

Carrie Welsh                        University of Wisconsin—Madison

Cary Morrison                        Freelance

Carys Wall                        Bespoken Media/Soniquetes

Caspar Salmon                Freelance Journalist

Cass Denton                         Freelance Radio and Podcast Producer

Cat Gough

Catherine Boulle                Freelance

Catherine Bray                British Council

Catherine Carr                Pocket Productions

Catherine Girardeau                Earprint LLC

Catherine Jarry        

Catherine Nouhan        

Cathy FitzGerald                White Stiletto Ltd

Cecilia Fernandes

Cecilia Lovera                 Independent

Cecilia        McDowall                 Freelance Composer

Celia Morton                        Sámiradio / Swedish Public Radio

Celia Robbins                        University of Exeter

Cerian Black        

Cesar Adrian Montufar        PhD Researcher

Charles Watson

Charlie Duffield                Freelance

Charlie Shackleton                Freelance

Charlie Stamenova

Charlotte Lubbock                 University of Birmingham

Charlotte Lydia Riley                University of Southampton

Charlotte Morlie

Charlotte Petts                Freelance

Charlotte West                Multitrack / Bite Your Tongue

Charo Calvo        Freelance

Chenjerai Kumanyika                NYU Journalism

Chhavi Sachdev                 Sonologue

Chioke I'Anson                RESONATE Podcast Festival

Chloé Despax                        Sound Director

Chloe Irving                         NYU

Chloe Kraemer                Self Employed

Chloe Prasinos

Chloe Thomas        

Chloe Turpin

Chris Attaway                        Freelance

Chris Berube                        Senior Producer, 99% Invisible

Chris Bowman

Chris Davies

Chris Paul

Chris Rainier                        Personal

Chris Wood

Christian Lerch                SWR

Christina Cala                 NPR

Christina Hardinge                Freelance

Christopher Stacey                University of East London

Christopher Tenzis

Christy Callaway-Gale        Mags Creative

Chvad SB                        Good Morning Audio

Ciarán Dwyer        Nialler 9

Cicely Fell

Cinnamon Nippard                Freelance

Clair Crawford                        HotGem

Clair McCowlen

Claire Cansick                        

Claire Copperman

Claire Crofton

Claire Davenport        

Claire Harvey         

Claire Tighe        

Clare Currie                        Freelance

Clare Lynch                        Freelance

Clare Melhuish                UCL Urban Laboratory

Clare Wiley                        Freelance Audio Producer

Claudia Lee                        Filmmaker

Colette Kinsella                Red Hare Media

Colin Anderson        

Colleen Erin Moore

Colm Coyne                        Listener

Conor Gillies                        Jacobin

Conor O'Toole                        Big Big Spider Productions

Cordelia Milward

Courttia Newland

Craig Cunningham                Freelance

Craig Eley                        Freelance / Song Exploder

Cristal Duhaime                CBC

Cristina Nasser                 Rental Sales Agent

Cristy Y.        

Cynthia Herman                 Longtime Listener

Daisy Quevedo                Freelancer

Daljeet Kaur Jutla                Culture Studio

Damian Drohan

Damian FitzPatrick                 Avid Listener

Damian Le Bas                Freelance

Damon Smith                        Independent Producer

Dan Collison                        Long Haul Productions

Dan Hudson                        A Gay And A Nongay podcast

Dana Gerber-Margie                Formerly Bello Collective and Preserve This Podcast

Daniel Clancy        

Daniel Hamilton                 Fugitives & Futurists

Daniel Lewis

Daniel Norman                Planet B Productions

Daniel Semo                        Freelance

Danielle Manning                Freelance

Danni Stewart         

Danny Antrobus                 Individual

Danny Greenwald        

Daphne Chen        Pushkin

Daria Corrias

Darien Ridenour

Darragh Amelia                Freelance

Darren Andrews                BBC Listener

Darren Kent                        Architect

Dave James                        Save 6 Music

Dave Pickering                Independent Podcast Producer

David Bloy

David Butler                        University of Manchester

David Champion                HH Global

David Crawford                Radio Times

David Goren                        Independent Radio Producer

David Herman                        Freelance

David Johnstone                Experimental

David Lance

David Parkinson                 Ivendi

David Paul

David Spencer                The Media Mentor/Reuters

David Waters                        WTSS

David Williams

Davide Erbogasto        

Davy Gardner                        Tribeca Audio

Dean Burns

Dean Smith

Debbie Kilbride                 Debbie Productions

Deborah Coughlin                 Formerly Producer BBC Womans Hour

Deborah Shorindé                Tiny Lungs

Declan Dineen

DeMarkay Williams                Freelance (Previously Global)

Deirdre Canavan

Dennis Funk                         Written In Air

Dennis Gaens

Derek John                        Slate Podcasts

Derick Armah                        Multitrack Fellowship

Dermot Daly                        Freelance Producer/Director and Academic

Des Brown

Diana Siegel

Diane Hodson                        Hofstra University

Dianne Ballon                         Sound Artist and Independent Radio Producer

Diarmuid McIntyre                 HearSay Audio Festival

Dinesh Babu        

Diva Harris                        Editor, Caught by the River

Dominic Black                 Freelance Producer  

Dominic Black                 Freelance Producer  

Dominique Hopgood

Donelle Wedderburn

Duncan Cowles                Relative Films Ltd

Duncan Speakman                University of Bristol

Ed Baxter                        Screen School, London College of Communication

Ed Coulson                        Freelance audio producer

Eduard Krakhmalnikov

Edwin Brys

Edwina Pitman                Freelance, BBC

Elaine Maslin

Eleanor Capstick                University of Glasgow/Diwo Collective

Eleanor Howland

Eleanor Kagan        

Eleanor Qull        

Elena Angelides                 Freelance

Elena Dikomitis                Studio De Nok

Elena Lieven                        Retired Professor Emerita

Eliane Esther Bots                Independent Filmmaker, Teacher The Netherlands Film Academy

Elinor Lower

Elinor Svoboda                ElleFire Media

Elisabeth Fertig                Freelance


Elizabeth Donovan                Independent Audio Storyteller

Elizabeth Draper                 Educator, English Specialist

Elizabeth Friend                Freelance

Elizabeth Meister                Long Haul Productions

Elizabeth Michelle Hernández Herrera

Elizabeth Sankey                Filmmaker

Elizabeth Shelley

Elize Manoukian                 KQED-FM San Francisco

Ella Watts                        Six to Start Ltd

Ellen Champion

Ellen Horne                        New York University, Podcasting and Audio Reportage

Ellen Wiles                        University of Exeter

Ellie Chalmers                 Thomson Reuters Foundation

Elliott Aykroyd                        Self Employed

Elodie Reed                        Vermont Public

Eloïse Bertil                        Freelance

Eloise Sherrid                        Eloise Sherrid Productions

Eloise Stevens

Elyse Blennerhassett                 Freelance Producer

Emer McAllister                Freelance Listener

Emerald O'Brien        Pineapple Street Studios

Emile B Klein

Emilia Jansson

Emilie Birket-Smith

Emily Berry                        Freelance        

Emily Candela                        Royal College of Art

Emily Chua                        BBC Listener

Emily Dening

Emily Malterre                        NYU

Emily Naylor                        BBC

Emily Rizzo                        Kensington Voice

Emily Shaw                        Emily Shaw Creates LLC

Emily Graves

Emily Kennedy

Emma Alabaster        

Emma Barnaby                Freelance

Emma Brooks                        The Cultural Institute/Freelance Producer

Emma Corsham                Podcast Producer

Emma Crowe                        BBC

Emma Eaton                        Brown University

Emma Higham                 Google

Emma Lehman                Lemon Garlic Studios

Emma Pham

Emma Reichenbach                 Bath Spa University

Emma Roberts         

Emma Short                        Durham University

Emma-Lee Moss

Emmi Luisa Beck                Audible

Eric Hynes                        Museum of the Moving Image, NYC

Eric Molinsky

Erica Heilman                        Rumble Strip

Erica Huang        

Erin Anderson        

Erin Dick        

Erin Louise Kinley

Erisa Apantaku                 Invisible Institute         

Esme Burris

Ess Suwalsky                        Independent Audio Producer

Étienne Noiseau                Beau Bruit

Euan McAleece                 Freelance

Eunice Kim        

Evan Roberts                        Freelance

Eve-Marie Bouché

Evi Karathanasopoulou        Bournemouth University

Ewan Cameron                Freelance

Fanny Lannoy                 Phonurgia Nova

Fatuma Khaireh                 Freelance

Federica Manzitti                Journalist and Audio Producer

Felicia Barker                        Freelance Audio Dramatist

Felicity Finch

Fergus Brazier                Self Employed (previously BBC R1, R2, 6M)

Fil Corbitt                        The Wind

Fiona Clampin                        Freelance

Fiona Polly McDonald

Fiona Stewart                        Green Man Festival

Fiona Sturges                         Audio Critic, The Financial Times

Flora Thomas

Flora Zajicek                        Freelance

Florence Kennard                Freelance Documentary Filmmaker

Florian Bohr                        BBC

Fran Morales

Frances Morley

Francesca Terberg                 

Frank Lopez                        F+K Media

Freddy McConnell        

Frederik De Clercq                Studio Ree, Belgium

Freya Hardy                        Writer, Editor

Freya Hellier                        Independent Producer

Ga-Ling Hardstaff        

Gabriel Agranoff

Gabriel Francis                Freelance / Reduced Listening

Gabriel Grabin                        Independent Producer

Gabriela Jones                Freelance

Gabriele Heller                Freelance AudioPlayArt

Gaetan Harris                        Syrup Sound

Galen Beebe-West        

Galen Koch                        College of the Atlantic & Freelance Audio Producer

Gareth Evans                        Independent

Gary Treacy                

Gary Winters                        Lone Twin Performance

Gayle Evans                        Listener

Gaylene Gould                Studio Gaylene Gould

Ge Styles                        Freelance

Geert Vlieger                        Self Employed

Gemma Riggs                        University of the Arts London

Geoff Bird                        Freelance

Geoffrey McQueen                

George Drake, Jr.                Self Employed

George McDonagh                Freelance

George Mocharko                The Podcast Editor

George Shy        

Georgia John-Charles        

Georgia Moodie                Novel

Georgia Sparling        

Georgia Walker                Independent Audio Maker

Georgia Wright

Gerard Freixes-Ribera        Freelance

Gerard Hodge                

Giacomo Bagni                Orecchiabile

Gill Davies                        Freelance

Giulia Crisci                        Radio Commons

Grace Reeve                        Freelance Audio Producer

Graeme Woodcock         

Grant Baldwin                

Grazyna Adrian        

Greg McNamara                Freelance

Guy Gardener                        Finimize

Gwendolyn Carrie        

Hadewijch Vanhaverbeke         RITCS School of Arts (Radio Department)

Hailey Choi

Håkan Engström                Documentary Department Swedish Radio

Han O’Gorman

Hana Vecek                        Director, Writer

Hana Walker-Brown                Freelance

Hannah Aliza Goldman

Hannah Bagshaw

Hannah Dean                         Freelance / BBC

Hannah Earl                        Self employed

Hannah Fisher                Freelance

Hannah Kemp-Welch                Freelance

Hannah Loy                        Read The Room Productions

Hannah lyssens         

Hannah Marsland

Hannah Moore                The Guardian

Hannah Southern

Hannah Williams

Hannah-Lily Lanyon                Listener        

Hannis Brown

Harriet Wells                         Freelance

Harry Fielder                        Listener

Harry Forte

Heather Rogers                Spotify

Heba El-Sherif                

Hattie Moir                        Freelance (The Guardian)

Hayley Clarke                        Freelance

Heather Hickman

Heather Jarvis                        RMIT University

Heather Kitching                Freelance

Heather Rogers                Spotify

Heidi Pett                        Independent

Helen Mcgovern

Helen Ottaway                Artmusic

Helen Wolfenden                Lecturer in Radio, Macquarie University, Australia

Helen Zaltzman

Helena de Groot                Independent Creator

Heloiza Barbosa                Faxina Media LLC

Heleen Struyven

Helen Anahita Wilson                SOAS University of London

Helen Fitzhenry                BBC

Helen Hewitt

Henry Bell                        Author

Henry Walker                        ALIAS

Hester Cant                        Freelance Producer

Hilary Judge        

HJ Radia                        Freelance

Holly Aquilina                        Freelance

Holly Fisher                        Freelance

Holly Harman

Holly Sismore-Whalley        Tbone Productions

Hugh Clegg                         Freelance

Hugh Huddy                        Radio Lento

Hunter Charlton                Ember

Hussain Khan                        Berkeley Journalism

I-Yun Chan

Ian Fox

Ian Greavez                        Freelance

Ibby Caputo                         Independent Producer

Imogen Jacobs                Reform Radio

Indi Harris

India Lewis

Indira Force                        Aridni Orca

Inge Oosterhoff                Freelance Journalist

Inne Eysermans

Ioannis Valasakis                Freelance

Ilaria Gadenz                        PhD Researcher and Independent Producer

Irene Dani                        Independent audio maker

Iru Ekpunobi                        Salt Institute for Documentary Studies

Isabel Cadenas Cañón        De Eso No Se Habla Podcast

Isabel Vazquez

Isabela de Melo        

Isabella Adams

Isis Thompson                 Freelance

Isla Waring        

Isobel Seacombe

Iv Marks                        Independent Producer

Iva Lovrec Štefanović                Croatian Radio

Ivan d'Avoine                        Freelance Audio Producer

Ivor Glavas                        Multimedia Institute Zagreb

J vd kolk        

Jac Phillimore                        Freelance

Jack Elliott McIntosh        

Jack Howson                        Peanut & Crumb

Jackie Toothill                         EA

Jacklyn Kim                        Independent Producer

Jackson Roach        

Jacob Ahmed

Jacob Bailey                        Apprenticeship Educator

Jacquelyn Arnold         

Jacy Meyer        

Jaja Muhammad                 Tenderfoot TV

Jake Common                        Freelancer

Jake Lee-Savage                Self Employed

Jake Otajovic                        Novel

Jake Wittlin                        Freelance

Jakob Dybro Johansen        Danish School of Media and Journalism

James Barrs        

James Barton        

James Bonney                Freelance

James Edwards

James Folta

James Parkinson                Freelance

James Spinney                Few Fie Foe

James Thomas

James Trew

James Trice                        Freelance

Jamie Adam

Jamie Payne                         Freelance

Jamie Rose

Janan Graham                Independent Producer, Canada

Jane Anderson                Freelance (Former Radio Editor of Radio Times)

Jane Curtis                         UTS Impact Studios

Jane Hill                        Listener

Jane Ryan        

Jane Stables         

Janet Lee                        Retired

Janine Bradbury        

Jasmin Bauomy                THE ECCO

Jasna Dragovic-Soso

Jason Gessner                Third Coast (Emeritus Board Member and Chair)

Jason Regan                        Royal Academy of Dance

Jasper Maberly                Freelance

Jay Allison              , The Moth Radio Hour, WCAI, Atlantic Public Media

Jay Venables                        Goat Rodeo

Jaye Kranz                        Indie Producer

Jazmine (JT) Green                Molten Heart

Jeanie Finlay                         Glimmer Films

Jeanne-Claire Morley        

Jeff Emtman                        Here Be Monsters & Freelance

Jem Finer                        Longplayer

Jennie Swain

Jennifer Hawkin                

Jennifer Hodgson                Writer

Jennifer Jerrett                Transom

Jennifer Robertson

Jenny Asarnow        

Jenny Bowden        

Jenny Catherall        

Jenny Davies                        Freelance

Jenny Miller

Jeremy Aspinall                Freelance Writer, Film and Radio

Jeremy Neumark Jones        Somethin' Else/Sony Music

Jeremy Warmsley        

Jess Hamilton                 Independent Producer

Jess Lloyd                        Freelance

Jess O’Callaghan

Jess Shane        

Jesse Dukes                        Diamond Shoals Productions

Jesse Lawson                        Freelance

Jessica Bineth                 Audiocraft

Jessica Bishopp                University College London (UCL) / Filmmaker

Jessica Glazer                Independent Producer

Jessica J. Lee                        Audio Maker and Author

Jessica Miller        

Jessica Overton         

Jessica Sammut                Independent Sound Artist and Producer

Jessie cotter                

Jessie Rodger                        Âme Productions

Jill Achineku

Jim Carey                        Inventive Audio

Jim Railton                        A Listener

Jiri Slavicinsky                        Independent Audio Documentary Maker

JJ Lovegrove

JN Benjamin                        Freelance

Jo Barratt        

Jo Hauge                        Artist

Joanna Humphreys                Freelance (BBC/Tortoise)

Joanne Matthews                Freelance

Joby Waldman                Reduced Listening / Multitrack

Jocelyn Gonzales                PRX

Jocelyn Robinson                 WYSO

Jodie Martire                        The University of Queensland

Jodie Taylor                         Freelancer

Jody Avirgan                        Roulette Productions

Joe Bond        

Joe Dunthorne                Freelance

Joe Savage                        Novel

Joe Trickey                        Freelancer

Joel Werner                        ABC Audio Studios

Johana Vrbková         

Johann Flett                        International School of Andalusia

Johanna Bell                        StoryProjects

Johanna Zorn                        Independent Editor, ED Emeritus Third Coast Festival

John Beauchamp                 Free Range Productions

John Biewen                        Scene on Radio, Duke University

John DeLore                        Starlight Diner

John Fecile                        Snap Judgment

John Luke Roberts

John Michael Bremner

John Myers                        Rowhome Productions

John Scott        

John Seal                        Oceanium Ltd

John Troughton                fbi radio

John Wakefield                Wakefield Audio

Johnny Lynch                        Lost Map Records

Jon Black                        Independent Producer

Jon Earle                        Independent

Jon Tjhia                        Independent

Jonah Buchanan        

Jonathan Mitchell                The Truth Podcast

Jonathan Wakeham

Jonathan Zenti                MIRP - Meeting of Independent Radio Producers

Jonny Hall        

Jonny Matfin                        Freelance

Jonquil Lawrence

Joost Wilgenhof                Independent

Jordana Silverstein                University of Melbourne

Joseff Harris                        Freelance Composer & Sound Designer

Joseph Martin        

Joseph Pascall

Josephine Anderson                Documentary Filmmaker (Canada)

Josh Lee

Josh Mattison                        Low Orbit

Josie Bevan                        Six Minutes Casting

Josie Cole                        Writer

Joyce de Badts                Freelance

Jude Rogers                        Freelance Journalist, Broadcaster and Programme Maker

Jude Shapiro        

Judith Geffert                        Freelance

Jules Bradley                        Vox Media

Jules Jackson        

Julia Barton                        RadioWright LLC

Julia Hayball                        Julia Hayball Media Ltd

Julia Jackman                        Writer/Director

Julia Lowrie Henderson        Wondery

Julia Raeside                        Journalist and author

Julian Abraham                91.3 WLVR

Julian May                        Freelance Radio Maker

Julian Weller                        Longlight Media

Julie Bang              

Julie Censullo                        Freelance

Julie Rose Bower                Sound Artist, Scholar

Julie Shapiro                        Audio Flux

Julien Manuguerra-Patten        Novel

Juliet Hinely                        Independent

Juliette Jackson        

Justine Paradis        

Kagiso Mnisi                        LOBE MEDIA

Kai Sieverding

Kaiden Chandler

Kaija Siirala                        Freelance

Kaitlin Armstrong

Kaitlin Goldin                        Glass Entertainment

Kalila Holt                        Heavyweight

Kalli Anderson                        CUNY

Kara Oehler                        IT University Copenhagen

Karam Yahya                         Humboldt Unveiled

Karen Werner                        Faculty of Art Music and Design, University of Bergen, Norway

Kasia Michalak                Radio Lublin, Audionomia

Kaspar Visser                        Freelance

Kat Woolley

Katarina Pejovic                Freelance Dramaturg

Katarzyna Hempel

Kate Cheka

Kate Feld                        Poet and Journalism lecturer

Kate Hunter Simmonds

Kate Macdonald                Teacher

Kate Montague                 Audiocraft

Kate O'Leary

Kate White                        Freelance Audio Producer

Katerina Barton                Freelance Producer/Editor

Kath Bushnell                         Professional Gardener

Kath lowe

Katharina Smets                Royal Conservatoire Antwerp

Katherina Lindekens                Freelance

Katherine MacLeod                 Ceitidh Mac

Katherine Moncure        

Kathleen Mills

Kathryn Price        

Kathy Hunt                        Khcommnications

Kathy Tu                        99% Invisible, SiriusXM

Katie Acuña

Katie Baggs

Katie Baxter                        Freelance

Katie Bilboa                        Freelance/Chalk & Blade/Bird Lime Media

Katie Brown        

Katie Hudson

Katie McCutcheon                Freelance

Katie McCutcheon                Freelance

Katie McHugh (nee Burningham)        Ambition Institute

Katie Revell

Katie Sollohub                        Artist

Katie Stokes                        Freelance

Katoo De Langhe        

Katrina Goldsaito

Katy Scott        

Katz Laszlo                        The Europeans Podcast

Kavita Pillay

Kay Minchington

Kayley Loo                        Transmission Roundhouse

Kelly Kate Warren                 Mule Packers of the Eastern Sierra Mountain Range of California

Kelvin Shewry

Kendra Hanna        

Kerosene Jones

Kerry Donahie                        Stony Brook University

Kevin Brew                        Radio Producer, RTÉ, Ireland

Keyari Page                        Freelancer

Keziah Philipps                Black Mountains College

Kia Miakka Natisse

Kieron Chissik                 The Enchanted Cinema

Kieron Yates                        Two Jacks Communications

Kim Buikema                        Freelance

Kim Carroll

Kim Fox                        AIR

Kim Lam        

Kirby Wells                        Suffolk University, Boston

Kirsteen McNish                Writer/Arts Curator

Kirsten Foster

Kirsten Luckins                 Tees Women Poets

Kirsti Melville                        ABC Radio National

Kirstine Lindemann                Composer

Kit Callin

Kitya Mark

Knar Khudoyan       

Kristen Torres        

Kristin Vermilya                Freelance

Kristina Loring

Ks. Christopher Robson        Opera/Concert singer        

Kristen Hayford                The Other West Coast Productions

Kristen Nelson                        Centre for Contemporary Art Glasgow

Kristen Rattray

Kunal Patel                        The Economist

Kwame Slusher

Kylie Miller

La'Tonia Mertica                 Communication Specialist

Lærke Sødring Nielsen        Listener

Laerke Soedring Nielsen        Freelance Producer

Lara Bullens

Lara Wilson

Lasha Madan                        99% Invisible

Lasse Laurentius Nolsøe Lund        Æteren & Sonic College

Laura Bachmann                NYU & Tages-Anzeiger

Laura Barton

Laura Boach

Laura Brierley Newton

Laura Carty                        NYU

Laura Hale

Laura Khan Mitchison                On the Record

Laura Spini        Filmmaker

Laura Romero Valldecabres        Freelance Audio Author

Laura Williams                Mags Creative

Lauren Armstrong-Carter        Independent

Lauren Arora Hutchinson         iDeas Lab, Johns Hopkins University

Lauren Colella

Lauren Eisen                        Freelance

Lauren Passell                Tink Media

Lauren Pout

Lea Redfern                        The University of Sydney (Radio and Podcasting)

Lea Thau                        Strangers/Story Central

Leah Davis

Leah Marks                        Freelance

Leila Diaz

Leital Molad                        WaitWhat

Leland Buck                        Indigitis Digital Media

Lena Löhr                        Geräuschkulisse e.V. (Germany)

Lenore Bajare-Dukes

Leo Hornak

Leonie Brialey                        University of Melbourne

Leroy Brown        

Letty McHugh                        Freelance Writer

Levi John-Charles

Lewie Reed

Lewis Harrower                Time Capsule Productions

Lewis Howell

Liam Geraghty                Independent Audio Producer

Liam Tait                        Podmasters

Libby Liburd                        Freelance

Libby Lussenhop

Lily Ames                        Chalk and Blade

Lily Austin                        Monocle Radio

Lily Sloane

Lina Chang                        Freelance

Lina Prestwood                Scenery Studios

Linda Mortansdóttir

Linda Pollard

Linda Rehill

Line Alsaker                        Fenomen

Line Langebek                Freelance Writer

Lisa Ferguson        Freelance         Podcast Manager

Lisa Hack                        Goldsmiths, University of London/Multitrack

Lisa Pollak                        Independent Journalist

Lisanne de Berg                Ministry of Social Affairs, Netherlands

Liza Yeager                        Independent

Lizzy Dening                        Magazine Editor, Bauer Media

Llinos Turner

Lou Baron        

Lou Mensah                        Shade Media

Louis Bhose                        Director, Agile Films

Louis Blatherwick                 Freelance

Louisa Dymond

Louise Hill                        Rethink Audio

Louise Latimer                 East City Management

Louise Morris

Louise Owen                        Independent Podcast Producer

Louise Taylor

Lorna Flutter

Lorna McCarthy

Lorna Rose Treen

Lotta Erikson                         Stockholm University of the Arts

Lottie Steele

Lori Mortimer                        Mementos Podcast, Hub & Spoke Audio Collective

Lorna Clarkson                Audiocraft

Lu Olkowski

Luca Evans

Luci Jones

Lucia Di Lisio

Lucia Scazzocchio                 Social Broadcasts

Lucinda Chua

Lucinda Rouse                Haymarket Media Group

Lucy Biddle

Lucy Bourton                        It's Nice That

Lucy Bunnell

Lucy Carr                        Freelance

Lucy Cathcart Frödén                University of Oslo

Lucy Dabbs                        College of the Atlantic

Lucy Dearlove                 Freelance

Lucy Heard                         Freelance

Lucy Johnson

Lucy McDonald

Lucy Orr

Lucy Wallis                        University of Oxford

Lucy Wilsher

Luke De Courcey

Luke Quinton                        Electric Ocean

Lulu Miller                        WNYC

Lygia Navarro                        Independent Journalist/Producer

Lynn Casper                        Association of Independents in Radio

Lynn Ermann                        Freelance

Lynnea Domienik                WBEZ

Lulu Jemimah                         Freelance

M Cristina Marras                

Maartje Duin                        Independent / VPRO (Dutch Public Radio)

Madeleine Macquine        

Madeleine Parr                Novel

Madeleine Searle                Snazzy Tapir Productions

Madhuraa Prakash                All The Best Radio

Madhuri Karak                        Independent Researcher and Storyteller

Mads Bjørn Lundsgaard        DR

Madz Joy        

Mae Nagusky                        NYU Audio Student and Short Cuts Lover

Mae-li Evans        

Maeve Andrews        

Magz Hall                        CCCU

Mairead O'Connor

Mairi Johnson                         Freelance Producer

Maisy Mansell-Warren

Majla Zeneli                        Visual Artist in Berlin, Germany

Malcolm Corbett         

Maleek Dapaah                Independent Creator

Mandy Freewoman                Avid Short Cuts Listener

Manja Visschedijk                 Writer, Narrative Therapist

Manuela Lazic                        Filmmaker and writer

Mara Lazer        

Marc Jacquin                         Phonurgia Nova

Marc Kalani        

Marc Sanchez                        American Public Media

Marco Kesseler                 Photographer

Marcus Vichert

Margaret Canion

Margot Wohl                        Johns Hopkins University

Maria Christodoulou                Freelance

Maria Conterno

Maria Dønvang                Vallekilde Højskole

Maria Leonard

Maria Longwright

Maria Margaronis                Freelance Writer and Audio Maker

Maria Melititskaya

Maria Osuchowska

Maria Passingham                Freelance

Marian Cleary                        Listener

Marian Mayer                        Bournemouth University

Mariana Thomas        

Marianna Koch

Marie Bashiru        

Marie Dippel Kristensen        

Marie Horner                        Independent Audio Maker

Marieke van der Perk

Mariella Reina                        Freelance BSL Interpreter

Marike Bredenhoff Björn

Marina Henke

Marion Crooke

Marion Kraus                        Stiftland-Gymnasium Tirschenreuth, Germany

Marion Nicvert                        Student at the university of Pennsylvania and Université Paris Cité

Marisa Keely Brown

Marisel Rodríguez Martínez        

Marita Murphy                        Freelance

Mark Bell                        Independent

Mark Bramhill                        BirdNote

Mark Brown

Mark Cunliffe

Mark Cunningham                Wheezy Whispers

Mark Flashman         

Mark King

Mark Leach

Mark Pagan                        Independent Producer

Mark Read                        Person with Actual Human Feelings

Marleen Kruithof                University of Amsterdam

Marnie Woodmeade        

Marta L’Abbate         

Marta Medvešek                Freelance

Martha Millar                Freelance

Martha Rose        

Martin Austwick                Freelance

Martin Johnson

Martin Williams         

Martina Pouchlá                Czech Radio

Martina Weber                        Geräuschkulisse e.V. & Bounce Audio Kollektiv

Maryam Maruf                 BBC

Masako Fukui                        Independent Producer

Matea Antunović                RadioTeatar

Mathias Guilbaud

Matt Frassica

Matt Parker                        University of Pennsylvania

Matt Part                        Matt Part Sound

Matthew Abud                        Independent Producer

Matthew Alvarez                 MPR News

Matthew Faulkner                Freelance Audio Engineer

Matthew Gronholm        

Matthew Watts

Max Dovey                         University Arts London        

Max Jungreis                         Journalist

Max Rostron

Max Rowley

Max Wasserman                Virginia Public Media

Maxwell Howard                Freelance

May Robson                        Reduced Listening

May Santot                        Poet/Performer

Maya Goldberg-Safir                Third Coast international Audio Festival

Maya Kroth                        Emory University

Meara Sharma                Independent producer

Meera Kumar                        Freelance

Megan Brady                

Megan Brooks                        Freelance

Megan Hattie Stahl                Freelance

Megan Hayward                Freelance

Megan Henshall

Meghan Mast                        Freelance

Melanie Bakewell                All The Best Radio

Melanie Sevcenko                Freelance

Melinda Beck

Melissa Suarez del Real        

Melissa Viney                        Freelance

Meral Agish

Merryn Evans                        Personal        

Mia Irvine                

Mia Lobel                        Freelance Cafe

Michael Culme-Seymour

Michael Everitt

Michael Fenwick

Michael Filgate        

Michael L. J. Greer                CUNY The Graduate Center

Michael Ostromooukhov

Michael Sanders                Freelance Artist

Michael Umney                Freelance

Michaela Vieser                Michaela Vieser

Michela Mancini                 Rai Radio1

Michèle Noach                 Artist

Michelle Doran

Michelle Liu        

Michelle Macklem        

Michelle Ransom-Hughes        Freelance

Micka Aranha                        Freelance

Miia Laine        

Mika Golubovsky                Independent Audio Producer

Mika Sam                        Assistant Video Editor

Mike Hally                        Square Dog Radio LLP

Mike Rahfaldt        

Mike Rucinski                         Boutique Recording

Mike Williams                         LiSTNR

Mike Woolley                        Freelance

Mikeyas Tekle

Milly Salisbury

MiMi Aye                        Freelance

Mina Etemad                        Freelance

Mira Burt-Wintonick                Freelancer, Canada

Miranda Diboll                 Audio Producer

Miranda Hinkley                Nightjar Media Ltd

Mitra Kaboli        

Miyuki Jokiranta

Mo Isu

Molly Levy

Monica Brown                        Freelance

Morgan Childs                        Freelance

Morgan Springer                Freelance

MR Daniel

Mudar Salimeh

Muireann Levis

Muskan Nagpal

Myat                                 NYU student        

Mybell Smith        

Myrriah Gossett                Good Get

Nada Smiljanic

Nadia Mehdi                        Freelance

Nadia Molinari

Nadine Tabberer                Listener

Najib Aminy                        Reveal

Nana Fani-Kayode                GoodFoot Productions Ltd

Nancy Rosenbaum                Independent Producer

Nanna Hauge Kristensen        Independent Producer        

Naomi Bloomstein                 UCL - MA Student / Freelance

Naomi Lovell

Nat Hardy                        Freelance

Natalie Kestecher

Natalie Silverman                Natchat Productions

Natasha Ferreira

Nathan Gibson

Neena Pathak

Neil Sandell                        Independent Producer

Neroli Price                        Independent

Neil Verma                        Northwestern University

Nele Eeckhout                        AudioCollectief SCHIK (Belgium/the Netherlands)

Nicholas Alexander                Novel

Nicholas Holloway

Nicholas Makins        

Nichole Hill                        Independent

Nick Craft                        

Nick Douglas                        Podcaster

Nick Taylor                        BBC

Nick White                        Artist and Educator

Nicki Stein                        Gilded Audio

Nico Gonzalez Wisler                American Public Media

Nicola Branch

Nicola Mecca

Nicolas Machado Neves        NYU/Freelance

Nicole Chang                        Freelance Journalist

Nicole Jachmann                Filmmaker

Nicole Kelly (NK)                 Independent

Nicole Steinke                 Freelance/University of Sydney

Nicoleta Vlad

Niels Skovmand

Nik Paget-Tomlinson                Freelance Sound Designer

Nikica Klobučar                Croatian Radio, Producer and Author

Nikita Gill                        Writer        

Nikolas Harter                        iHeart Media

Nina Perry                        Freelance

Nina Porzucki                        Freelance

Ninna Gaensler-Debs                KALW

Niroshini Thambar                Freelance Composer/Sound Designer

Nives Madunić Barišić        Croatia

Noah Burris        

Noah Morley

Noam Osband                        Lester W Productions

Nora Hoel

Nora Ritchie                        SiriusXM

Nora Saks                        Independent Journalist / Producer

Nouria Bah                        Freelance

Nyokabi Kariũki                Composer (Freelance)

Octavia Bright                        Freelance

Oihana Dachary

Ole Fugl Hørkilde                Æteren, MIRP, DR

Olive Samuel Greenspan        99% Invisible, Bellwether, Vice News, NPR, USA Today

Oliver Clarke

Oliver Denman                Freelance

Oliver Levy

Nina Garthwaite                In The Dark

Nell DelRoss                        Wending Circles

Nellie Gilles                        Radio Diaries, Inc.

Oliver-Ash Kleine                TransLash Media

Olivia Bradley-Skill

Oliver Morris                        Skadi's Symphony

Oliver Sanders

Olivia Briley

Olivia Green

Olivia Hingley        Editor                 It's Nice That

Olivia Humphreys                Freelance

Olivia Milloway                Freelance

Olivia Rosenman                Independent Producer

Olugbenga Adelekan                Metronomy / Freelance Musician and Writer

Oluwafemi Oriogun-Williams        Goldsmiths Radio Department

Omara Poppe

Orla O’Neill                        Freelance

Óscar Moisès Díaz                Tierra Narrative

Pablo Argüelles                 Radio Ambulante

Patrick Power                        Freelance Promo Producer

Paul Nataraj

Paul Orme

Paul Railton                         Artist

Paul Smith        

Paula Smithard                University of the Arts London

Paulina Pikiewicz                Freelance Audio Maker

Pauline Augustyn

Peggy Sutton

Pejk Malinovski

Penny Bell                        Freelance

Paige Miranda                        The Transmitter

Paolo Pietropaolo                CBC Radio

Patrick Bernard                Freelance/Resonance FM

Perry Gregory        

Pete Burgess

Pete Hazell                        Limbo Tapes

Peter Albrechtsen                Sound Designer, Denmark

Peter Daatland                Aftenposten

Peter Meanwell                Reduced Listening

Phia Saban                

Phil Smith        

Philip Lowden                         Listener since Series 1

Phoebe Adler-Ryan                Fbi Radio

Phoebe Dumortier

Phoebe McIndoe                Freelance (BBC)

Phoebe Wang                        Serial / New York Times        

Phoebe Whiley

Pia Pelliciari

Pierre d'Avoine                Studio d'A

Pip Stafford                        Sisters Akousmatica

Poppy Falk

Poppy Goodheart

Professor Tim Crook PhD        Goldsmiths, University of London

Pulama Kaufman                Freelance

Qing Hu                        New York University

Rachael Clerke

Rachel Byrne

Rachel Gorlin        

Rachel Hamburg                Audible

Rachel Hooper                Walk on Air

Rachel Hopkin                        KGOU        

Rachel Humphreys                Spotify

Rachel James                 Freelance Producer

Rachel Kahn                        Freelance

Rachel Parris

Rachel Shelley                Mookville

Raeann Laubscher                 Freelance / Actor

Rania Omar        

Rasmus Bitsch                Sound Africa

Raymond Pang                Freelance

Rebecca Lloyd-Evans                Filmmaker and Audio producer

Rebecca Maxted                Blanchard House

Rebecca Nolan                Windswept Radio

Rebecca Tamás                City St Georges, University of London

Redzi Bernard                        Freelance

Remi Graves                        Freelance

Renu Arora                        Freelance Artist

Reynard d'Avoine

Rhae Royal

Rhys Bamford

Riccardo Giacconi                Tufts University, Boston

Richard Berry

Richard Readey                Readey Design

Richard Ward                        Freelance

Rick Agran                        WGDR's Bon Mot

Rick Foot                        Musician

Rider Alsop

Robert Funderburk                Artist, Chicago

Robert Lacey                        Brite Recruitment

Robert McGowan                Riffle & Pool Press

Robert S. Boynton                NYU

Roberta D’Angelo

Robin Ince

Robin Leeburn

Robyn Edgar                        Independent

Robyn Ravlich                        Independent Writer/Radio producer (former EP The Listening

Room and RN Music Unit, ABC Radio

Rosa Eaton                        Freelance

Rosa Schling                        On the Record

Rosa Tobin        

Rosa Torr                        Freelance

Rosalind Jana                 Freelance

Rose Dagul

Rose de Larrabeiti                Independent Audio Producer

Rose Eveleth                        Freelance (Flash Forward/Tested /etc)

Rosemary Scoular                United Agents

Rosie Brown                         Newham Community Learning Trust

Rosie McCrum                Freelance

Rosie Parsons                        Independent

Rosie Waters

Ross Sutherland                Independent

Rowan Rheingans                Freelance Artist

Ruby Colley                        Sound Artist/Composer

Ruby Illing                        Freelance

Russell Stapleton                Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Riham Moussa                Freelance

Rik De Bruycker                 VRT

Rikke Houd                        Editor & Radiomaker

Rimika Solloway

Rob Heppell                        RHVO

Rob Rosenthal                Freelancer

Rob Simmons

Robbie Armstrong                Freelance Audio Producer (BBC R4)

Robbin Gheesling                Spuntino Studios

Russell-John Barker                Listener

Ruth Abrahams                Freelance

Ruxandra Guidi                Fonografia Collective

Safwat Saleem                Independent

Sally Herships                        Columbia Journalism School

Sallyanne Rock

Salman Ahad Khan                Freelance

Sam Hanna                        Freelance Actor

Sam Hansen

Sam Hardiman

Sam J. Leeds                        Freelancer

Sam Loy                        Freelance

Sam Peers Nitzberg                Puddle Creative

Sam Stone                        NTS Radio

Sam Tyler                        Sonic Fields Podcast

Samantha Downes                Pod Bible/Freelance

Samantha Hodder                Independent

Samarth Singh                IIT Guwahati

Sami El-Enany

Samia Bouzid                        Independent

Samuel Clements

Samuel M Clevenger                Towson University (USA)

Samuel Robinson

Samyuktha Varma                Vaaka Media

Sandie Donnelly

Sandra Ferrari        

Sandra Lopez-Monsalve

Sara  Parker                        Freelance Producer

Sara Brooke Curtis                The New York Times

Sara Burningham

Sara McCrea                        Founder of the Entry Level Audio Collective/Freelance

Sara Olsson                        Banda Production

Sara Rahman                        Freelance Musician/Composer/Researcher

Sara Troense

Sara Wood                        Oral History Program Manager, Minnesota Historical Society

Sara Zarreh Hoshyari Khah         Freelancer

Sarah Bennetto                Stand-up Comedian

Sarah Bird

Sarah Craig                         Freelance

Sarah Cuddon                         Freelance

Sarah Esocoff

Sarah Geis                         Independent, Former Artistic Director of the Third Coast

Sarah Gillibrand                 Listener

Sarah Golding                        Quirky Voices / Wireless Theatre

Sarah Hall                        Trinity Laban

Sarah Kilcullen        

Sarah Kramer                        Freelance Editor and Producer

Sarah Lippett

Sarah M Lee                        Freelance

Sarah Mashman                Freelancer

Sarah Melton

Sarah Shin                        Silver Press

Sarah Ticho                        Hatsumi

Sarah Vitak                        Freelancer

Sarah Warren

Sarah Wyman

Sasha Baker                        Freelance

Sasha Edye-Lindner                Freelance

Saška Rakef                        Radio Slovenia

Saskia Black                        Almost Tangible

Saskia Cookson                City, University of London

Sathya Honey Victoria

Sayre Quevedo                NYU

Scott Balmain Hutchison        


Sea Stachura                        Independent Audio Journalist

Sean Allsop

Sean Biggerstaff

Seán Ó Cuireáin                 Producer Dreamland on RTÉ

Seán Street                        Emeritus Professor of Radio, Bournemouth University

Sean Towgood

Seb Masters                        Freelance

Sebastian Baczkiewicz         Writer

Servaas Lateur

Seyi Bolarin                        PhD Researcher/Freelance

Shaan Merchant         

Shannon Geis

Shareeka Helaluddin       

Sharif Youssef                        Reefsoundz

Sharon Davis                        Shadasound Productions

Sharron Lovell                        Bolton University, Visual Journalism

Siân Baxter                        Freelance

Siân Docksey

Siddharth Khajuria

Silvia Malnati                        Reduced Listening

Simon Bray

Simon Mulholland

Simon O'Hagan                Freelance Writer on Radio

Simon Partridge                 Listener

Simon Renshaw                Casarotto Ramsay & Associates

Simon Ward                        Freelance Audio Producer

Simone Eleveld                Freelance Audio Maker

Simran Hans

Siobhan McHugh                Associate Professor (Hon), University of Wollongong, Founding

Editor, RadioDoc Review and Podcast/Radio producer, Australia

Siri Colom                        Sociologist/Producer

Siska Vandecasteele                Freelancer

Skye Pillsbury                        The Squeeze newsletter

So Mayer

Sofia Kaliarnta-Aalbers

Sonali Gupta                        Freelance

Sonya Gurwitt

Sophia Paliza-Carre

Sophie Abrahams                 University of York

Sophie Austin                         CHANGE Festival

Sophie Freeman                Film and TV Charity

Sophie Smith                        Freelance

Sophie Townsend                Freelance

Soraya Naseem                Chef

Søren Brunsgaard                Center for Podcasting

Špela Kravogel                Radio Slovenia

Stacia Brown                        North Carolina Public Radio

Stan Alcorn                        Independent Journalist

Stan Ferguson

Stefanie Ritoper

Stella Sims

Stepfanie Aguilar                Freelance

Sophie Crane                        Transom

Shira Golden                        CUNY

Shreya Sharma                Independent

Shrikant Joshi                        Independent Audio Producer

Stephanie Barton

Stephanie George                Freelance Producer / Editor

Stephanie Jones                Listener

Stephanie Rowden                University of Michigan, Stamps School of Art & Design

Stephanie Stafford                BBC

Stephen Byrne                Retired

Stephen Pate                        Supraphonic Studios

Stephen Sherburn

Steve Urquhart                Freelance

Steven Jackson                 Foghorn Audio Collective

Steven Rajam                

Suchandrika Chakrabarti         Freelance

Sue Hong                        FBi Radio

Suhaar Ali

Summer Brooks                 Freelance

Suncica Sodar                        Dramaturgian, Writer, Center for Audio Description

Susan Smith                        NHS

Susanna Sommer                Independent Audio Producer/Journalistic Lecturer at University of

Southern Denmark

Susannah Wood

Steph Scott                        University of Greenwich

Suzie McCarthy                Freelance

Sydney Lewis                        Atlantic Public Media, Inc.

Sylvie Douglis                        NPR

T Klein                                Artist

Talia Augustidis                In The Dark

Talia Randall                        Freelance

Tamsin Howard                Freelance

Tamsin Pearce

Tania Mohammad                Freelance Producer

Taqwa Sadiq                        Freelance

Tatum Swithenbank                Freelance

Taylor Cook                        Independent

Taylor Hill                        Speculationhill.eth

Tayo Popoola                        Freelance Audio Producer

Ted Walters        

Tej Adeleye                        

Teresa Kristoffersson

Terry Halbert                        Temple University (Philadelphia, USA)

Tash Walker                        Aunt Nell

Tess Davidson                        Freelance

Tessa Cancio Pastor        

Tessa Flannery                Borough of Manhattan Community College

Thalia Gigerenzer

This Wachter                        Audio Story Lab, Switzerland

Thomas Curry

Thomas Henley                Produktionsbolaget Banda

Thomas Ibbotson

Thomas Joel Ryder        

Thomas Lu                        Audio Producer

Thomas Ogden                Spotify

Thomas Phillips                 The Centre for Advancing Journalism

Thorgerdur E. Sigurdardóttir                RÚV (The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service)

Thuy Dong                        City St George's, University of London

Tiina Luoma                        YLE / The Finnish Broadcasting Company

Tim Hinman                        Third Ear

Tim LeRoy                         University of Southampton

Timmy Broderick                STAT

Timothy Neate        

Tina Antolini

Tjitske Mussche                Oorzaken Festival (The Netherlands)

Toby Bull                        Freelancer

Tobias Withers                Freelance

Todd Wemmer                        Endicott College

Tom Bett                        Roundhouse

Tom Bonnett                        BBC

Tom Fisher / Action Pyramid                 Freelance

Tom Folley                        Radio Times

Tom Glasser                        Freelance

Tom Mawby        

Tom Rosenthal

Tom Sayers                        NYU

Tom Wentworth         

Tom Whalley                        TBone Productions

Tom Williams        

Tom Woolfenden                 Freelance

Tony Rich

Tonya Peshel                        Stanford University

Tuck Woodstock                Gender Reveal podcast

Valeria Rocca                        Freelance

Vanessa Partida        

Vanessa Soto        

Vasu Neppalli                        Neppallv YouTube

Vatroslav Miloš                Independent Editor

Veerle Duflou                        Independent Audio Maker

Vera Hays        

Veronica Lugaro                 Freelance

Veronica Quaedvlieg

Veronica Simmonds

Vicki Carter                        SwimOut Podcast

Vicky Chalmers

Vicky Long                        Studio Long

Victor Hall                        Independent Producer

Victoria Estrada                SONAR Festival Mexico

Victoria Ferran        

Victoria Timperley                Cardiff university

Violet Hull

Violet Ks

Dr Virginia Madsen                Convenor/Director of Radio Audio Strand, Faculty of Arts,

Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

Vittoria Soddu                        Studiolanda

Vivien Schütz                        Freelance

Wade Roush                        Hub & Spoke

Wanjugu Karaba-Mbuthia        PSU

Wederik de Backer                 Klankverbond

Weidong Lin                        The Economist

Whitney Henry-Lester

Will Coley                        Aquifer Media

Will Houghton

Will M Hall                        Dig That Treasure!

Will Marler

Will René

Will Wilson

William Fitzpatrick        

Xander Adams                Translash Media

Yannic Hannebohn                Pola.Berlin

Yasaman Mansoori                That Intimate Feeling

Yasmine Dankwah                Freelance

Yebu Ji                                NYU Journalism

Yessenia Moreno        

Yi Yang                        Becoming Diaspora

Ymke Kelders

Yooree Losordo                Radiotopia from PRX

Yowei Shaw                        Proxy

Yusuf Javed                        Freelance

Zach Hirsch

Zachary Finkelstein                Filmmaker

Zak Rosen                        Freelance

Zakiya Gibbons                Freelance

Zakia Sewell

Zara Karschay

Zara Zimbardo                Partners for Collaborative Change

Zoe Comyns                        New Normal Culture

Zoe Ferguson

Zoe Gelber                        BBC

Zoe Laing        

Zoe Grueskin

Zoe Sullivan

Zoha Zokaei                        University of Sussex

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