My name is Kim, however you may all know me under the alias of @koolaid4211 on Twitter. I was the one who realized the gravity of Sassy’s actions on her page online, and decided to compile everything in a document due to everything I’ve seen and realized about her. For the rest of this document I will be referring to her real name Jude. I will also be including personal experiences with those affected by Jude. But this isn’t the first time she has been confirmed to be a pedophile. I found an old callout post from 2016 regarding her being a pedophile.

Below is the full statement, copy and pasted in its original format:

Thesassylorax Callout post

OK So I made one before but I decided to delete it due to surgery but here we go.

Thesassylorax aka 0deaths0accidents is disgusting and well, they shouldn’t be popular like they are. They not only seem to fetishize and erase trans peoples identities for 0 reason, they have also drawn and written underage porn.

First of all, the big stuff. The underage porn. I have a bunch of them saved, from Furaffinity. They did not write the descriptions, but they did draw the things which are quite obviously with the KID DESIGNS of the Homestuck characters.

Here’s just a few(Please don’t look if you are triggered by rape or underage porn, because that’s what they fucking are.):

In their about, they state they are in the general area of 30+. They are specifically 33, as seen here.

They were 32 when they drew the Homestuck underage porn, which is unacceptable at ANY age besides people of that age(Even so, they shouldn’t post it), but they were 32 as seen by the date stamp here.

1 year ago. The excuse “It was a commission!” does not excuse drawing UNDERAGE VORE PORN.

In their about, the explicitly lie and say they don’t draw it.

Which is obviously lies.

Onto the next thing: Fetishizing and erasing trans people.

First off, they ship Honkan and Katsumi/Kaoru together. The thing is, they go by both the manga and the anime canons, not just the anime. Honkan was a trans woman in the manga. And guess what? Katsumi is canonically a gay man. You know, a man that likes other men. So basically, they’re reducing a trans woman character into being a man for their weird fetish stuff.


Also, they headcanon Katsumi as being a trans man at this point(I can’t find the post but I know they do. They said it a few times.) and fucking made him PREGNANT. This did happen in the manga, yes, but what was OK then is not OK now. You don’t do that.

 Thesassylorax is a girl. I don’t know if they’re cis, BUT THEY’RE A GIRL as seen in their about.

This is the pregnancy stuff. You know how fucked up it is that they made a trans woman get a trans man pregnant, while being NOT A TRANS MAN? Pretty god damn fucked up.

Just to clarify, the “trans man getting pregnant” thing is disgusting. How do I know? Im literally a trans man. This hurt me REALLY badly. Of course they wouldn’t care. This is basically fetish porn of trans people.

Another fetish thing: Cow AU. Anyone following me has seen me joke about this. But in all seriousness, it was created on Twitter by Matsucest people to do some weird incest bullshit. Thesassylorax liked this idea and went with it, basically promoting something created by and for Matsucest supporters. They tried to change the name to “Barnyard AU” but it’s still the same damn AU. And it’s basically more trans fetish bullshit.

OK I picked that one because Katsumi’s face is fucking hilarious in it, but you get my point.

Also, I’ve sent a few anons to them and a direct tweet on twitter asking them to explain the Homestuck pics. They ignored me. That shows they know they’re wrong.

TL;DR: This person has drawn underage noncon vore porn, and erases and fetishizes trans people. You can add onto this post if you know anything else they’ve done. Spread this around, they most likely interact with minors sometimes which is gross, considering what they’ve drawn.

Now @thesassylorax can you please explain NOW?

Original Link: 

Tumblr post of them acknowledging the allegations in 2017:


Here is a victim’s statement during the homestuck era:

Jude is a 41 year old woman as confirmed by these messages with @Robowhoremangle - this was not found out until later.

This all first started when she had gotten upset around 5am EST, where nobody had said a comment on her art. She had stated something along the lines of “Does nobody care about my art?” I got a bit angry at this, I admit. I decided to look into her account as at the time she had 1k followers so clearly there was an audience for her. I realized she had a minor audience following her, and she was reposting pornagraphic material.

It just kept piling on with me realizing that she had wrote intensely gross fanfiction about two minor characters from the webcomic Homestuck doing sexual acts. This was the final straw. She was also a mod on a Discord server I was in, and I realized the power dynamic was absolutely and utterly terrifying. I messaged one of the mods immediately.

She got demodded and banned. And yes, she complained after the accusations came out:

Hello! My name is Mega. Mega Mommy Milker Muncher on discord. (I know, bare with me). And @im_commit on Twitter. This is now the Second statement i am making on Jude. (AussiSassyGob, SassyWomble, ect.). I am one of the many minors (15 years), directly affected by Judes recklessness.

(Mega’s statement:

Comic below of Jude on a public whiteboard writing about abuse in front of abuse victims:

(She has also written Pim getting sexually abused in fanfiction)

Pim/Tommy’s account of Jude’s grooming: 

Angelino’s account: 

Other accounts: 

To Jude. I have your information including your full name and general location and will be forwarding it to the police, you will not get away with harming minors again. I know how you lure your victims in. You roleplay. You make yourself into Charlie or whatever other character who your victim has to rely on. You make whatever character, in this case Pim, into a childish character, that you manipulate and twist them into believing that they NEED you. You sexualize innocence and you make your victims so drained. You, by all accounts, are a goddamn monster.