

- Joji = almost all skills update

- Plib members = for some info

- xenesis5 = guardian beam data

- toriye, Kasuka_honmono = qadal data info

Phantom’s Library Discord 

Update Note:

- Expect some bug fix or so i guess… For your safety, it is advised to you save reset till the last day of the Free Reset Campaign…

- 23 Apr 2024 = just changing wording on ebarrier(qadal info+note) + new info added on Knife Combat Auto attack ampr (some1 pls call ambulance)

- 24 Apr 2024 = Aura Blade(passive has BaseDex multi bonus)

- 27 Apr 2024 = Ebarrier Mspd formula

- 30 Apr 2024 = Ebarrier Qadal another note fix, Lunar Misfortune Additional Hit bugfix phy cr now, BH ES Qi to MP bug discovered. Missing info added, Dual Bringer can affect Magic Skills activated from Espell(even non ohs)

Blade Skills

■Aura Blade

Added a passive effect that increases the power of "Buster Blade" when it is used with a one-handed sword.

*Not applicable when using dual swords.

= Passively grant extra skill multiplier to Buster Blade by +(0.2 * Skill Level) +baseDEX/200 mult

Shot Skills

■Twin Storm

We have fixed an issue where the number of times used was not consumed correctly under certain conditions, resulting in discrepancies with the server.

= just bugfix?

[FH: not sure what it could be, but iirc i saw the shots get consumed even when attacking invincible enemy, which wasn’t the case before. Idk tho i might be remembering it wrong so take it with a grain of salt.

And breh the last shot still doesn't’ get the boosted AMPR, they’re fixing the wrong bug smh.]

■Parabola Cannon

When triggered at the target marked by Retrograde Shot, it will now fire at the target's feet.

*Not applicable for arrow throwing.

= Now exclusively for bow & bowgun only, this skill has homing to the target with retrograde debuff, even if you cast it from 24m, this skill always will hit the target.

Arrow throwing = any weapother than bow/bg with sub arrow, cannot homing.

Magic Skills (REEEEE a lot of adjust)

■Magic: Storm

Increased skill power per hit.

= Yup, it is base skill constant become 400 regardless skill level

■Magic: Guardian Beam

Although not being targeted directly, additional attacks will now be activated in sync with casting as long as it is within range.

*The timing of the activation remains the same.

The number of activations greatly increases according to skill level.

= Still need aggro to activate this skill?!? Apparently, it is just beam from after cast end only activated without need of aggro.. meanwhile beam activated from cast time, still need aggro

Changed beam stack gain from (Slv) to (Slv * (Slv+1)/2)


Removed the added buff count for Magic: Burst and the increased charge effect for Magic: Magic Cannon.

Added an effect that increases the power of magic skills according to the battle duration when MaxHP is decreased because of this skill (overburdened state) only if there is no buff effect (MP Cost of the next skill activated is halved/ Guaranteed Critical) consumed.

The more overburdened you are, the higher the limit of the power increase will be.

The battle duration will be counted even though Qadal is not used, but it will be reset if you get knocked out or the overburdened state is resolved (buff time's up).

= No more 100% mcannon charge upon use and no more gain 5 mburst stack upon use.

Halves mp/Cr buff stay

Added pseudo Dauntless that passively increases damage of all Magic Tree Skills[Magic Knife included] over time according to battle duration and Qadal Charge. To get qadal passive damage dealt over time bonus, you must have qadal buff timer on and also must not have “Qadal Halves MP & CR Buff” or else you won’t receive this damage dealt bonus.

Battle Duration will start ticking as soon as you engage/fight the target (no need to activate qadal at the start). And its duration will reset IF “your party killed any target in the non-boss map only(even if there is another target alive.. Meanwhile in boss map, battle duration still continues to tick, even when you kill a minion, this one keeps ticking until the end of fight)” OR “no target” OR “leave the map” OR “you get knocked out”.

Increase Damage Dealt of Magic Tree skills = +1% every 3 battle seconds duration regardless of Skill Level.

This Damage Dealt bonus cannot exceed above Qadal Charge% regardless of Skill Level. (Applied multiplicatively at the end of damage calculation after added along with Brave Aura bonus and Mana Recharge reduction)

Hidden effect: Qadal has another passive that might be a bug or is it even a feature???…. Well until proven otherwise then :/

Apparently, Qadal can reduce your Final Revive Time by 1 seconds for every 1 Battle Seconds Duration has. But if Battle Duration got reset, then ofc Final Revive Time reduction will get reset too. Since it has this hidden effect, then ofc you will get drawback which is your Base Revive Time will be increased by 150 seconds. [Note: pair it with Play Dead lv10(that reduces Base Revive Time by 150s) and your Base Revive Time will be back to 300 seconds].

Note: If you do not dying in the normal way, for example you die because of qadal death(even dying due to sleep or stun) or regretless death… your Base Revive Time is set to 300 seconds and no Final Revive Time Reduction per Battle Duration.

■Magic: Burst

The count limit display of burst now changes according to CSPD.

If the count is always 0/0, the buff will not be shown.

The frontal invincibility when the skill is active is changed to normal invincibility and it continues to last for 1 second even after the skill ends if a staff is equipped or the main equipment is a magic device.

= only changes on visual stack count limit and its iframe?.

Visual Stack Count 0/8 if have 0 cspd, 0/4 if have 1k cspd, 0/3 if have 3250 cspd, 0/2 if have 5500 cspd, 0/1 if have 7750 cspd, lastly 0/0 if have 10k cspd. Tldr; basically it is just a visual stacks counter which helps you to show how many stacks you need to get insta cast burst. [There bug on burst visual stack counter based on cast time reduction, doesn’t work :/]

- New Iframe for staff & md main seem to last like 1.5-2 sec(it is like +1 sec compared to other weap)?

Also… last time before adjust, this skill uses its mburst iframe(unique) icon… but now it uses normal iframe icon(which might prone to iframe overlap other iframe in quick succession bug, example with sh or so etc.)

■Magic: Magic Cannon

Slightly added the charge increase due to skill activation if a staff is equipped or the main weapon is a magic device.

When charged over 100%, charge speed will be reduced by half, but it may pierce through Guard.

= Charge gain from Cast Time Reduction bonus with staff & main md 2x than other weapons, but its overall charge gain gets halved after reaching 100% charge.

Charge Gain = (40 * Cast Time Reduction * 2[if staff or main md] + Final Cast Time * Skill Level) / 2[if already reach +100% charge]

Note: This formula above is for all magic skills, except Impact, Insta cast Maximizer, Enchant Sword which is just (20 * Cast Time Reduction) * 2[staff/main md] / 2[if over +100% charge]

Charge over time after reaching 100% charge = 1% every 2 seconds now instead 3 seconds(this 3 sec might be mistaken before but idk sigh)

Also, this skill has chance to not get guarded = (MCannon Charge - 100)%

■Chronos Shift

Removed the ability to consume HP (with a KO risk) when there isn't enough MP. Now it can't be activated when there isn't enough MP.

Adjusted the cooldown. (Compared to the cooldown before adjustment, it is now even longer if the level is low, and shorter if the level is high)

= no more hp cost which is nerf, coz it will restrict you when you don’t have enough mp…

Cooldown now is (16 - Skill Level)seconds

■Enchanted Barriers

Reworked the skill. Now not usable if the subweapon is a magic device.

Changed to a barrier skill with a durability value depending on INT that is placed at your feet. (for the user only)

While inside the barrier, the barrier HP can be consumed to reduce or nullify the damage taken. (lower damage absorption rate for close-range attacks and certain attacks).

While inside the barrier, you will also not flinch while casting. Aggro from MP consumption will be reduced. Buff count of Magic: Burst increases. The cast time of Magic: Finale becomes shorter.

While inside the barrier, an effect to keep the overburdened state from Qadal at 99% before becoming 100% or more is applied 1 time only, the durability of the barrier will greatly decrease and buff effects cannot be obtained.

Reactivating Enchanted Barriers will only change the barrier position while the durability will remain the same.

Restoring MP inside the barrier will also restore the barrier's durability.

= [might as well make paragraph then]

Lv 5; Staff/Main Magic Device Only

MP Cost: 400

Skill Effect:

- When using this skill, it puts a barrier on your position with radius 2.5m. This barrier will last till Barrier HP becomes 0.

- Reusing this skill won't refresh Barrier HP(only change barrier position). And to recover Barrier HP, you need to recover mp inside the barrier. Formula = Floor(+1% Barrier HP * MP Bar).

Note: Reusing this skill when your Barrier HP value is already at 0 aka… barrier vanished before, then it still puts a barrier on your position, but your Barrier HP value is at 1% HP.

- This barrier can only protect you from any damage as long as it has a Barrier HP and you're inside this barrier.

Barrier HP = MAX[100 ; (Base Main Weap ATK * Base Main Weap Stability% * Total INT / 7.5)]

- This skill has Percentage Damage Reduction, which reduces damage received by (25 + Skill Level * 5)%, regardless of how much Barrier HP you had.

Then after that percentage, Flat Damage Reduction takes place and its absorption value according to enemy attack range. It will absorb either 50% dmg(srd/0-7m distance between player and enemy) or 100% dmg(lrd/+8m distance between player and enemy). {What are certain attacks tho… alrdy tried spike, bowling, meteor still same srd lrd mechanic.. or is it refer to “long-range attacks” ? Then we’re done if so}

And.. that part above is where 1 Barrier HP lost for every 1 Flat Damage Reduction Value used to absorb. However if you don't have enough Barrier HP, then convert all of the current Barrier HP into Flat reduction value to absorb and… your Barrier will vanish.

[tldr; this skill is similar to Chakra(Martial Skills)+Stone Barrier(Wizard Skills) in one, i mean it has reduce by percentage first… then reduce by flat(this is where the barrier HP lost)]

- This skill damage reduction is confirmed to take place after Cover(Pet Skills).. hence this skill must be at the end of dmg received calc, and it is before “Special things that saves you from death such as Guard Power Break, Saber Aura, Magic Skin etc.”

Buff Effect:

- While inside this Barrier, using any attacking magic tree skills when you have mburst learned, then you will gain +2 mburst stacks for every attacking magic tree skill used instead of +1 mburst stack.

- Magic: Finale Cast Time inside this Barrier will be shortened by 1 seconds.

- You're immune to “Magic Flinch” while inside this Barrier.

- While inside this Barrier, this barrier can reduce Aggro of All Skills by MIN[75% ; (1 - 1/Base MP Bar Cost)]. Provoke is unaffected by this skill aggro reduction, as provoke only generates fixed aggro not mp aggro.

NOTES: The aggro increase does not stack with the aggro% stats additively but they do stack multiplicatively. Even multiplicatively with Guardian Aggro% Increase Multiplier.


1mp skill = 1mp aggro(-0%)

2mp skill = 1mp aggro(-50%)

3mp skill = 1mp aggro(-66%)

4mp skill = 1mp aggro(-75%)

5mp skill = 1.25mp aggro(-75%)

7mp skill = 1.75mp aggro(-75%)

16mp skill = 4mp aggro(-75%)

- Your animation will be quicker while you're inside this Barrier. It is estimated that formula is +((2 + 0.5[if have 1k aspd]) * Skill Level)% Motion speed

- Your Maximizer while inside this Barrier, will become insta cast and recover MP, this one lasts until you use Maximizer. You can recast this skill and get this Maximizer insta cast again. [This is too broken… might be a bug tho? Even so.. you can insta cast maximizer outside this barrier, but no MP gain?!?]

- While inside this Barrier, if your qadal charge would reach over 100% charge as soon as you use qadal and not at 99% charge(aka. need to be less than 99%), then this Barrier will keep your Qadal at 99% charge (prevent your Qadal reach over 100% charge) and that qadal still gives halves mp/100% crit buff, but in exchange of that prevention, your current Barrier HP will be halved.

Note: While inside this barrier if you use qadal at 99% charge(or let's say this barrier already prevents qadal over 100% charge before), then you still receive one of 4 following effects(Full Recovery, Stun, Sleep, Ded) as soon as you use qadal(even if you wait qadal buff timer 3 min to end). Fortunately you just make sure ebarrier hasn't prevented your qadal over 99% and wait for qadal buff timer to end, then you can start qadal again from the scratch while keeping qadal battle duration intact.

Game Description: “Creates a barrier to protect yourself. If you are inside the barrier, damage will be absorbed. Besides, you won’t flinch while casting and aggro from MP consumption will be reduced. Restoring MP inside the barrier will restore the barrier’s HP too.”

Martial Skills

■Asura Aura

As the character will become completely invincible in all situations by just using this skill consecutively, the skill has been changed so that the invincibility gets removed when Asura Aura ends.

After Asura Aura ends, if the buff effect still remains, the presence of Asura will be felt and it will continue to increase power (less than when it is visible)/ increase skill power/ increase critical rate.

= Minor adjust on Iframe, you still get iframe when turn on asura, but iframe will end as soon as you turn off asura(this is noticeable if you have high motion speed and trying spam asura, tho good for avoid iframe overlap bug ig, just a bit hard to iframe timing then)

- If you have at least 1 asura stacks and you're not in asura mode, then you will persist 3 following buffs from asura mode below:

Increase your cr by +(7.5 * Skill Lvl). Sub knuck penalty divided by 3

Increase constant of all skills by (20 * Skill Lvl). Sub knuck penalty got halved

Main Knuckle only, Damage dealt of all attacks increased by 10% regardless skill level(additively with brave). [Only changes this part 30% to 10%, less effect compared to asura on]

■Flash Blink

It now applies to close range attacks.

■Energy Control

Can no longer coexist with the buffs from "Enchanted Burst". (obtaining the buffs from Energy Control will remove them)

Dual Sword Skills

■Storm Reaper

The powerful buff effect that was originally designed to prevent DPS drop because of jumping back for a long distance can apparently be boosted if there is a wall that obstructs the jump. As this behavior is different from the intended mechanism,

an adjustment has been made so that the amount of buff effect will change according the the distance traveled back.

= Now, its buff effect depends on distance travelled. Which is nerf to those who abuse wall tricks.

Storm Reaper can make you leap 9m backward… its srd% buff formula is (SRD% Buff * FLOOR(Distance Travelled / 9 * 10)/10)

■Lunar Misfortune

Removed the effect of always being a close-range attack.

Added an MP recovery effect per hit of the rain of blades that happens due to emergency withdrawal (intended by the player).

DEX will now boost power regardless of the activation distance.

Considering the fast attack, long range, emergency withdrawal (intended by the player) and shortened animation recovery (from skill) which make it powerful, the impact of DEX has been reduced to balance it.

The buff effect of Orbit Reaper has been halved and changed to increased long-range attack power.

= No more always srd. SRD% will affect if you use this skill at 0-7m, LRD% will affect if above 8m.

Now, it has MP Recovery for every Additional Hit of this skill land hit. Each hit recover mp by (10 + 7 * Skill Lvl), note: if one add hit multiple targets, it is still recover mp 1x.

DEX scale bonus is applied regardless of range. Instead of just 8m before.

But, DEX scale will receive a penalty to balance. Now it is TotalDEX/200 instead of TotalDex/100

Orbit Reaper buff = turn srd% buff into lrd% buff but halved

Lrd% buff = (5 * Skill Lv)%

Bugfix on lunar misfortune additional hits magic crit rate, supposedly to be physical crit rate. FIXED to physical crit rate

Halberd Skills

■Draconic Charge

Fixed the problem where the power would decline because the proration that changes from the first hit affects the second hit.

■Tornado Lance

Tornado power (buff stack) now will not be consumed if an attack is successfully evaded not with the help of this skill's effect.

Mononofu Skills

■Hasso Happa

Regardless of the distance of the effect, it now applies to close range attacks.

■Shadowless Slash

Regardless of the activation distance, it now applies to close range attacks.

Shield Skill


It now applies to close/long range attacks.

*The appropriate one will be applied according to activation distance.

Dagger Skills

■Knife Combat

Power will now increase based on dagger's ATK.

Greatly increased normal attack power and Attack MP Recovery during Knife Combat.

= More Skill Multiplier of this skill based on dagger’s ATK by +(Dagger’s ATK/100)

Also, its Increase auto attack multiplier now is (1.5 + 0.2 * Skill Level)

And increase AMPR now is (10 * Skill Level) [5x more ampr than before]

And the more additional hits you proc(Hidden Arm & Aggravate only, not Additional Melee/Magic), then the higher Knife Combat Auto Attack AMPR multiplier will have. It is 1x AMPR multiplier for every 2 additional hits (still 1x AMPR multiplier if no additional hit proc btw).

For example:

- Proc Hidden arm or Aggravate = both each have 6 hits so.. (6 hits / 2)x = 3x AMPR multiplier.

- However if you proc both(Hidden Arm + Aggravate at same time), then you will get 6+6 add hits count => 7x(for some reason, when it is supposedly 6x tho??) AMPR multiplier.

- Hold on, it is not over yet… we have Amazing Throw which doubles dagger total hits count, so that means you can pair it with Hidden Arm + Aggravate, and you will get 12+6 add hits count => 9x AMPR multiplier. AMPR OVERKILL lmao

- And… lastly without Aggravate proc, so just Hidden Arm + Amazing Throw proc = 12 add hits => 6x AMPR multiplier..

[Joji note: Some1 pls report this whether this is feature or not :”””), this is unlimited ampr works]

Info before Amazing Throw affect bruh:

Also, 1 Knife Combat Auto Attack AMPR = 1x or 3x or 7x Normal Auto Attack AMPR(depending on Hidden Arm & Aggravate proc). If one of two said skills above proc, then u will get 3x ampr. If you proc Hidden Arm + Aggravate proc at same time, then you will get 7x ampr. If none of them proc, then you only get 1x ampr.

Knife Combat has 6 hits in animation. For 3x ampr… 1st AMPR came from 1st hit/at start animation, 2nd AMPR came from after 3rd hit, 3rd AMPR came from at end of animation/last hit. Cancelling Evasion will affect ampr(e.g. Cancel before 3rd hit, only get 1x AMPR & Cancel before end of animation, only get 2x AMPR)

Meanwhile 7x ampr came from initial start + each hit(6 hits).

[This ampr tho… i think.. 100 ampr and only hidden arm proc 3x ampr is intended, but aggravate proc made it to 7x ampr… might be bug or even so… it is too much kekw but then again… until proven otherwise]

■Flincher Knife

Power will now increase based on dagger's ATK.

= More Skill Multiplier of this skill based on dagger’s ATK by +(Dagger’s ATK/200). Enhanced one is obv +(Dagger’s ATK/100) [since enhanced is 2x dmg]

Magic Warrior Skills

■Enchant Sword

Removed unsheathing attribute.

Reduced the power during Enchant Burst Sword.

= Not affected by Unsheathe anymore

Esword only still same multi but For ohs, Less dmg multiplier with EBSword. Ohs 200% into 180% multiplier. And Knuckle/BG 150% into 140% multiplier now…

■Enchanted Spell

We have fixed an issue where even the element of the skills with fixed element also changed because of the magic device.

= bugfix on impact being neutral, that can go ele lol. So impact now fixed neutral ele

■Enchanted Burst

The buffs from Enchant Burst Sword can no longer be obtained with the Enchanted Grip that can be activated when switching to physical properties due to Conversion.

The buffs from Enchant Burst Sword can no longer be obtained when the buffs of Energy Control or Annihilator have been obtained.

= No EBS Buff when using egrip.. So the only way is use Enchanted Burst(no conversion) to get EBS Buff(which requires you to cost 3 eburst stack).

Huge Nerf on KMD, cannot gain eburst stack & no EBS Buff while have Econtrol/Anni buff

■Dual Bringer

Extended the duration of buffs that depend on magic device. (at least 10 seconds guaranteed regardless of the magic device stats)

The buffs of magic skills will also be reflected now for one-handed sword only. The magic skills activated will be changed to the element of the magic device.

The buff count of Enchanted Burst will be accumulated while the buff of Magic: Finale, Magic: Burst, Magic: Magic Cannon or Magic: Crash is active.

The STR or INT (the higher one only) bonus which was previously granted if the target's element is your weak element and the target is inflicted with [Weaken], has been adjusted and now it will be granted even if it is not your weak element.

= Extended Buff Duration which is (SUB MD Base Watk/10 * 2). Double duration than before.

STR/INT magic crit buff bonus will work against weakened targets regardless of strong element..

As of now, entire Dual Bringer effect can affect Magic Skills activated from Espell(even as non-ohs)

Following below is OHS only:

- All Skill from Magic Tree can enjoy Dual Bringer’s buff (ATK/MATK Balance and Magic Crit Rate/Damage Buff)

- All Skill from Magic Tree’s element that is based on Main Weapon ele, will be changed to depend on Sub MD Element instead. [Not Dual Ele, and cannot change skill that has fixed ele already]

- Gain +1 Eburst stack every time you use finale, mburst, mcannon, mcrash. Note: these 4 skills above must land hit to gain 1 Eburst stack.

■Union Sword

The power has been reduced, but it has been changed back to an ATK/MATK combined attack.

Removed the effect that reduces damage taken while active.

Reduced the power of the derivative skill, but skill power will increase as MP is consumed.

Slightly narrowed the attack range when the derivative skill is used with something other than a one-handed sword.

= Reduced Skill Multiplier of Union, but back to have ATK+MATK as base dmg now

Union Multi now = 10 + 0.5 * Skill Level

No dmg reduction effect during Union Sword animation

Reduced Skill Multiplier of Reunion, and More Constant as MP is consumed…

Reunion Mult now = 20 + Skill Level

Reunion Const 0 into 500 now

AOE attack range of Reunion for knux/bg still 8m?? even Radius is still 1m? Define slightly narrow… might be similar to stadium shape or corner related then…

Crusher Skill


Can no longer coexist with the buffs from "Enchanted Burst". (obtaining the buffs from Annihilator will remove them)

Wizard Skills


Regardless of the activation distance, it now applies to long range attacks.

■Meteor Strike

Regardless of the distance of the effect, it now applies to close/long range attacks (whichever is higher).

■Crystal Laser

It now applies to close/long range attacks.

*The appropriate one will be applied according to activation distance.

Scroll Skills

■Demon Wind Shuriken

Regardless of the distance of the effect, it now applies to close/long range attacks (whichever is higher).


When the skill "Mortal Surrogate" is activated, you will now become invincible for 1 second.

Other Changes

・Changed the max effect of the equipment stat "Guard Break" from 50% to 100%. (*1)

・Changed the max effect of the equipment stat "Anticipate" from 50% to 100%. (*1)

(*1)"Guard Break" and "Anticipate" still won't affect special "Guard/Evasion" during game event cutscenes.

・Changed the way the equipment stat "ATK UP (●%)" is calculated.

・Changed the way the equipment stat "MATK UP (●%)" is calculated.

= it is not atk%/matk%, but changes on Stat[VIT/AGI/INT/STR/DEX] ATK/MATK UP (x%).

Now it gives base instead of flat, so that it will be affected by atk%/matk% which is previously not affected...

・Adjusted the Unsheathe Power of the crysta "Odelon Machina". (*2)

・Adjusted the Unsheathe Power of the crysta "Tappler". (*2)

・Adjusted the Unsheathe Power of the crysta "Lilicarolla". (*2)

・You can now see the details of the skill that has not been unlocked yet.

(*2)A free 100% crysta removal feature will be displayed on the Edit Crysta page during the reset period for the crystas that have been adjusted.

Other Missing Update:

- flaming_will said,

For BH Info, Ultima Raving Storm will grant you +(0.2 * Ultima Raving’s Skill Lvl) evasion counts permanently as soon as you start Raving Storm Mode. This Evasion count buff won’t disappear, and only stay until you left the map or knocked out.

- joji

A likely bug has been found on ES ON Qi to MP Gain.

As you know, when you consume qi during ES mode ON, then you will gain ES ON qi equal to the number of consumed qi. We know, it is via consume 1-10 qi with use bh aura & use non bh-skills. However, it seems that there bug… MP Gain Formula doesn’t reflect on consumed qi non bh-skills. Aka. right now mp gain just based on use bh aura solely….