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Special Ep (1): Kiro and Togepi's Great Adventure!
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Special Episode (1)

Kiro and Togepi’s Great Adventure!



                Togepi gazed attentively in her mother’s arms as she soaked up her surroundings. The adjacent trees bristled loudly in the wind. She noticed that it was a lot colder than usual, but was so distracted by the nearby river to care.

                Togepi turned her attention to her best friend in the whole world, Kiro. She loved how his silver fur sparkled from time to time. She watched as he happily trotted along side his trainer, Robin. Now and again he would sniff at something on the ground or glance up at Togepi and smile. This made Togepi shriek with happiness.

                Suddenly, everyone made their way over towards the gushing river’s edge. Aly, Togepi’s mother leaned over a wall to get a better look at the messy water.

Togepi rested her feet on the wall and watched as a funny looking Golduck swam backwards down stream. It seemed to wink at them as it floated over the waterfall and disappeared.

Togepi waved goodbye and continued to watch the splashing river below.

Without warning, Aly nudged Togepi along the stone wall. Togepi was surprised, yet happy to walk wobbly along the barrage. She swayed to the left...and then to the right... She swayed and swayed until she could sway no more and toppled into the river.

                As she fell, she watched as her mother, Robin and that silly man with narrow eyes waved goodbye to her. She let out one last squeal as she landed in the water with a plop!

                When Togepi resurfaced, she cried out as the salt water stung her little eyes. She wished to be back in her mother’s caring, loving arms.

                All of Togepi’s sadness was quickly swept away as Kiro jumped bravely into the river after her and swam to her side. Kiro was like a big brother to Togepi. Nothing bad could happen to her while Kiro was at her side... at least not for another three seconds until they went plummeting down the waterfall!



                A flash of blue.

                A streak of gold.

                A fading ruby eye.


                Kiro felt a soft pat on his cheek. He coughed and spluttered out a lung full of salt water as he etched his eyes open. He felt a bit disorientated, but immediately sprung to his feet when he noticed a Pokémon shadowing over him. He was poised, ready to instigate a quick attack, but it was not necessary.

It was the wild Golduck he had previously seen floating down the river. Kiro eased his shoulders and raised a curious eye at the Golduck.


 The Golduck winked confidently and gave the silver Eevee a thumb up before diving backwards into the river. Kiro watched as the Golduck performed a few backstrokes on the lake’s surface before diving back into the dark depths, out of sight.

As the lake’s waters returned to their calm state, Kiro began to observe his surroundings. The Gaiva Forest spread intimidating behind him. It seemed quiet... too quiet, almost as if something was missing...


Kiro searched up and down the length of the reservoir, desperately looking for his friend. He poked his head through hollow logs and sniffed through tufts of thick grass, but Togepi was nowhere to be seen. He sighed resignedly and sniffed in sadness.

Suddenly, in a moment of solemn reflection, Kiro notice tiny footprints amongst his own paw prints. They were definitely Togepi’s. They had to be! And they trailed into the surrounding woods. Without further deliberation, Kiro made a dash into the gaping forest in hopes of finding his best friend.

Kiro trotted at a quick pace through the looming vegetation. His eyes and ears were at alert as he ventured through the seemingly endless maze of trees and plants. No matter how far he travelled, everywhere just looked the same.


Kiro’s face perked up at the faintest sound of Togepi’s voice. She sounded scared and lost. His right ear twitched as he scouted out the direction from where the cry came. Acting on instinct he leaped through an area of convoluted flora and onto a Pokémon-made path.

Kiro gazed down the path where Togepi swayed side to side in a trance. Towering over her was a menacing Drowzee, swirling its arms hypnotically. Its intentions were unclear, but Togepi was definitely in danger! Kiro concentrated, his thoughts flashing through battles that he had observed when his trainer had battled.

He remembered Robin and his friend battling against a Glaceon. He also thought back to the battle between his trainer and that women’s Leafeon. Both of those Pokémon were so strong! They also shared a similar attack!


Kiro bellowed out as a purple sphere began to form at his mouth. His cry startled the hypnotising Drowzee, who looked up in shock, breaking its spell over Togepi. Togepi shook her head and waddled around precariously.

The silver Eevee cried once more as it directed a shadow ball towards the surprised Drowzee. The hypnosis Pokémon was too stunned to react and took the full force of the shadow ball. The momentum of the attack knocked it backwards onto a rock, rendering it unconsciousness.

 Kiro scampered over to the disorientated Togepi and nuzzled her tender shell. The egg Pokémon blinked repeatedly before coming around to her senses. She smiled and hugged her friend adoringly. Kiro nuzzled her cheek and lowered his head under her body, propping her up onto his silver mane.

The two best friends were united once again, ready to take on Gaiva Forest.

Kiro sauntered through the woods with little sense of direction Togepi as chirped and waved at the local Pokémon. Some Paras and Oddish nodded cheerfully at the Togepi while a Hoothoot gazed inquisitively from its branch above.

Togepi was carefree and adored the attention. Kiro on the other hand was worried about Robin and his other friends. Would they ever see their trainers again? Most parts of this forest looked identical as they wandered through the trampled grass.

Suddenly, a Tangela popped out of a nearby cluster of trees. It looked panicked and frightened. It cried out as it ran right past Kiro and Togepi- the vines of its body dangling loosely behind it as it fled. Kiro stared confused as the Tangela scuttled by. Togepi just waved oblivious as it continued to run, eventually disappearing off the path, into the thick foliage of the forest.

Kiro began to wonder why the Tangela was in such a hurry. He also noticed the other Pokémon around them retreating into the grass and trees.

His ears perked up at the sound of heavy footsteps. They were definitely those of a Pokémon, and a heavy one at that! The ground began to rumble as the noise grew louder and louder- as the Pokémon grew closer and closer.

The shining Eevee trembled in fear as a ferocious Rhyhorn emerged from the woods, easily unearthing the trees on their sides. After a moment, it spotted Kiro gazing up at it- terrified. It lowered its head threateningly and grunted.


Togepi waved her arms rhythmically in the air, indifferent about the Rhyhorn’s presence. The rock Pokémon took offence to her silly gesture and began to grind his back hoof against the tuft of grass beneath it.


The enraged Rhyhorn roared to the heavens before stampeding in the direction of Kiro and Togepi. Kiro gritted his teeth and winced as he sat on the spot, immobilized by fear. Was this to be the end, after coming so far already?

-Togi- Priiiiiiiiii!!!-

Togepi squealed and pointed her tiny arms towards the Rhyhorn charging towards them. Without warning a sudden silver bean beam flashed from her arms. The amazing flash cannon attack blasted the Rhyhorn off its hooves and sent it crashing into the trees behind it.

The impact caused a deafening explosion which echoed throughout the vast forest. A flock of pidgey fled their nest, startled by the blast.

Kiro blinked at the scene in disbelief and then cocked his head around to look at his friend. Togepi cheered gleefully on his back.

Kiro smiled at her and then stared back at fainted Rhyhorn. Without a second thought he raced down the singed grass and scurried into the deep woods. He kept running, further and further into the forest.

Would he ever see Robin again!?



Togepi held on to Kiro’s silver fur. She rested her head against his soft mane and watched as a flourish of green flash by her.

She was really happy that her best friend was here, but she really missed her mother. She missed her warm embrace, her loving smile, her shiny thing on her lip. Togepi sighed deeply. She felt sad. She wanted to cry.

Suddenly, everything became a whole lot brighter. Kiro began to slow down as he stepped out onto a green field. Togepi poked her head up, distracted by curiosity. It was a big open space. Small daisies blossomed around the field and made Togepi smile. Kiro rested his body on the soft grass and let Togepi to wander around at her own leisure- under his protective eyes, of course!

Togepi toddled along to all the daisies in the field, sniffing each one as she screamed with joy. She felt the cool breeze blow through her spiky head and gazed at her surroundings. As she inspected the clearing she noticed a massive tree standing in the centre of the field. A giant hollow in its trunk gestured at her to enter. Maybe her mother was inside, waiting for her? Clueless of what danger lay within, she waddled inside, ignoring Kiro’s calls.

It was very dark inside. Togepi could not see a thing, but worst of all, Aly was not here. Being blinded darkness made her feel nervous and she began to whimper.

                Suddenly, two lights appeared in front of her. She sniffed loudly before taking a closer look. They were not lights at all, but big, gaping eyes, looking at her suspiciously. Maybe this Pokémon knew where her mother was. She innocently prodded between the Pokémon’s eyes, as if to get its attention. However, its skin felt a lot harder than Kiro’s soft fur, almost like rock. The strange Pokémon that lay before her rose up from its resting place and glared down at her.


                Togepi went tumbling out of the hollow tree and bundled backwards through the field, propelled by a forceful roar. Kiro immediately ran to her side and nuzzled her back onto his mane. They both stared in horror as Nidoking stomped out of the hollow tree- its home. It gawked around the glade before focusing in on Kiro and Togepi. It snarled and glared angrily at them. Togepi cowered behind her brave friend. Nidoking tensed its fist, preparing to attack-


                The drill Pokémon eased its arm as a Jigglypuff appeared between it and the trespassers. Togepi peered out from behind Kiro’s soft fur to examine the pink, plump Pokémon. She was immediately captivated by its warm, round eyes. The Jigglypuff cleared its throat and began to sing.


                Togepi smiled at the sound of the soft lullaby. It reminded her of the songs her mother would sing to her before she would go to sleep. The Nidoking collapsed lifelessly to the ground and began to snore loudly. Kiro lowered his body to the grass and fell into a deep sleep. Togepi continued to watch the Jigglypuff sing its soothing melody. Her eyes grew heavier the more she listened. She sighed wearily before closing her eyes and drifting off into a peaceful slumber...



                A Leafeon and Glaceon stared attentively at Kiro. At one side, a Leafeon lazed over a rock enshrouded with moss. To the other side, a Glaceon sat elegantly atop a mound of glistening snow. Another three Pokémon emerged from behind the moss rock and snow. They were a Jolteon, Flareon and a Vaporeon, each carrying a thunder stone, fire stone and water stone in their mouths respectively. All three of them beckoned, growling at Kiro to choose their stone. Suddenly, an Espeon leaped over the other Eeveelutions, landing right in front of the silver Eevee. It stared at Kiro and then glanced up at the beaming sun that shone above them. Kiro gaped curiously at the sun- everything went dark.

                Kiro stood silently in the darkness. Although he could see nothing he felt calm- natural. A gleaming white light appeared above him- the moon! He gazed at the alluring light as his fur glistened in its beauty. His attention was quickly drawn to a Pokémon which cried out to him. He watched in awe as a silhouette appeared before him in the pitch black. The blue loops that painted its body glowed mystically under the moonlight. Kiro took a cautious step forward, then another. It called out to him, begging him to embrace it-


                Kiro’s eyes shot open and he instinctively sprung on to all fours at the sound of Togepi’s cry. He glimpsed around the field. Luckily, the furious Nidoking was still fast asleep. The wild Jigglypuff had vanished too, but so had Togepi. Kiro kept his ears upright at alert, ready to intercept any further cries of help.


                Kiro took off in a blur, dashing in the direction from where Togepi had cried out. He rustled though the thick foliage, trying to keep pace with Togepi’s yells for help. He sprinted with determination as the calls of his friend grew louder. After a lengthily chase of an unknown kidnapper, his pursuit lead him into a more hill covered terrain.

 He glared angrily at several Ekans-waiting and poised to attack him. Kiro composed himself and lowered his hind legs, ready to pounce when needed.

They had Togepi.

He was going to save her... no matter what the cost!



Togepi floated nauseously in the air, entangled by Arbok’s constricting tail. She gazed hypnotically at the alluring patterns coating its violet scales. The Arbok hissed and cradled its new baby gently in its coils.

Arbok lifted its head attentively, drawn by all the commotion that was occurring on the other side of the grassy mound. It slithered carefully over the small hill as not to disturb the calm Togepi. As it snaked over the grass it examined the chaotic scene which lay in its wake.

All of the Ekans- its friends were spread unconscious across the ground. It eyed four young trainers and their Pokémon, staring back at it anxiously. They immediately spotted Togepi in its grasped. Arbok could read their facial expressions; they wanted Togepi back. They wanted to take her baby away from her!

Suddenly, one of the trainers threw a Pokémon vigorously at her. Without thinking, she flung her tail to reflect the pokeball, accidently letting Togepi slip from her grasp. She watched as the egg Pokémon soared threw the air. She then hissed violently at the trainer who had attempted to capture her. He was going to pay for that!


Togepi broke from her trance as she floated through the air. The world seemed to spin around her as she descended at great speed. She heard a scream, somewhat familiar. Who could it be, she wondered?

Suddenly, she landed softly in a pair of cupped hands. She gingerly opened her eyes. A loving face smiled joyfully at her. A warm smile and a shiny object poking out of her bottom lip...


Togepi embraced the hug of her mother, nuzzling her face as she squeezed her tightly. Aly gazed deep into her eyes and muttered some words before hugging her tightly again. Togepi took a moment and glanced over at her best friend, Kiro. He glanced back at her as he licked Robin’s cheek.

They winked understandingly at each other, secretly vowing to never leave their trainers again...

Until their next adventure...