Monday, September 22, 2008 10AM to Noon at Park Rapids Chamber of Commerce
(Minutes Approved: 5/4/2009 Board Meeting)
Bill Cowman, Dick Jorgensen, Jerry Horsager, Jim Hansen, John McKinney, Larry Roberts, Lois Madsen, Lou Schultz, Sharon Natzel, Stu Hamilton
Call to Order:
Larry Roberts, President, called the meeting to order.
Larry Roberts said that the appointments were made for:
Neighborhood 1 Alternate: Bill Cowman for 2-year term
Neighborhood 6: Board Member, Jim Hansen; an election will be held 2009
Neighborhood 6 Alternate: Lois Madsen
A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the appointments.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the Secretary’s report as emailed.
Lou Schultz, Treasurer said there was $2400 above and beyond the walleye fund. The only upcoming expenses are the newsletter and website. Membership dues and ads sold can still provide more income. A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the Treasurer’s report.
Larry explained that there are discounts on advertising on the web site for the Chamber of Commerce or members of the lake association. Web site sponsorship for 4 months is an option. Stu Hamilton mentioned that he is working with a couple of businesses that are interested in ads for Spring 09. Bill Cowman will also follow up with 1 business regarding an ad. The web site gets 20 hits per day even in the winter.
Jerry Horsager reported we have 225 paid members. This increase from 133 is primarily because of the postcard reminder that dues need to be paid. July 1st to June 30th is the membership year. There was much discussion about how to reach the 314 potential members. We can indicate what the LLAA does on the membership form and sell the benefits. Sharon Natzel will go through the Secretary notes for the past years and list the accomplishments of LLAA. Look at other Lake Associations. Bill Cowman will check with individual on Potato Lake’s association. There is a 10-Mile Lake website too.
Larry and Barb Roberts providing the list of individuals to the neighborhood representatives. Let them know if the list is inaccurate due to real estate sales or deaths. Neighborhood representatives and alternates are to make contact to see if interested in membership if not already members, email addresses for members and determine their need to be on a calling tree for neighborhood gatherings since some individuals don’t have email and set up a calling tree for each neighborhood.
Lou Schultz discussed the opportunity to identify plans to achieve the strategies laid out in the Strategic Plan. Discussion on Star Lake opportunities and incentives of 2 signs.
There have been 6 boats with gasoline tank thefts in neighborhood 4. Larry will put this info on the website.
Flotilla: Lois Madsen and Sharon Natzel (Neighborhood #3 provided ideas) will work with Marlene Stock.
For those new to the board, submit what you are comfortable with for the bio / picture for web site to Kurt.
Jerry Horsager will discuss with TJ the possibility of contribution containers at the resorts for the Walleye Fund.
Larry Roberts would like to have the neighborhood representatives or alternates attend the COLA meetings in addition to the LLAA representative, Bill Anderson. The more we are involved, the more LLAA will benefit. Bill Cowman will attend the next meeting.
Larry will add to the Lake News in the Park Rapids Enterprise when the Zorba’s gatherings will be. The tentative schedule for Zorbas is 6pm on the 1st Sat night of the month for Oct, Nov, & Dec. After the first of the year, the schedule will be different.
Bill Cowman will put information on the web site regarding a potential community center feasibility study.
10AM Monday Meetings for next year were discussed.
June 27 is the date of the annual meeting at the Hubbard Community Center as it is $15 for rent and the only risk is if we really get a very very large crowd for the meeting. Will need to think about lunch. Donations have not been enough to cover in the past. Will need to work on the logistics of break-out sessions and acoustics.
Please send any input you have to Larry regarding what was accomplished this year for the Winter newsletter.
Submitted by Sharon Natzel, Secretary