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Online E-Portfolio Course Designs

These courses are meant to answer three questions about Electronic Portfolios in K-12 Schools:

Table of Contents

Online E-Portfolio Course Designs

1. Overview of Student-Centered Electronic Portfolios in K-12 Education

Lesson 1 - Getting Started

Lesson 2 - Purpose

Lesson 3 - Collection

Lesson 4 - Reflection

Lesson 5 - Selection & Presentation & Self-Assessment

Lesson 6 - Assessment & Evaluation

2. Implement E-Portfolios with K-12 Students using Google Apps

Lesson 1. Developing an Implementation Plan

Lesson 1.1 Setting up Google Apps (only for site administrators)

Lesson 2. Setting up digital storage

2.1 GoogleDocs to develop & store documents

2.2 Setting up Picasa and YouTube to store images and video

2.3 "Capturing the moment" with mobile devices (audio, video, images, text)

Lesson 3. Managing classroom accounts (Teacher Dashboard or other strategies)

Lesson 4. Setting up blogs in Blogger OR Google Sites Announcements Page Type

Lesson 5. Providing feedback to students by teachers and peers

Lesson 6. Setting up Google Sites for showcase portfolios

Lesson 7. Adopting Digication for presentation portfolios (free version)

Lesson 8. Managing Summative Assessment and Evaluation

Lesson 9. Special Topics at request of participants

3. Add Voice to E-Portfolios with Digital Narratives

Lesson 1 - Write Script

Lesson 2 - Gather Digital Elements

Lesson 3 - Create Rough Edit with different tools

Lesson 4 - Fine-tune Video, Export to video format

Lesson 5 - Publish on Web, Embed in Portfolio

4. Create Your Professional Portfolio using GoogleApps (or WordPress)

Lesson 1 - Getting Started

Lesson 2 - Purpose & Goal Setting

Lesson 3  - Collection & Reflection (in Present Tense)

Lesson 4 - Selection & Presentation & Retrospective Reflection

Lesson 5 - Adding Voice to Your E-Portfolio with a Digital Narrative

Lesson 6 - Feedback

5. Assessment and Evaluation with Electronic Portfolios

Under development

6. Classroom-Based Research on Implementing Electronic Portfolios in K-12 Education

Under development

1. Overview of Student-Centered Electronic Portfolios in K-12 Education

Generic class outline: Portfolio Processes with Survey of Web 2.0 tools available

(Organized as one or two lessons a week for 3-6 weeks) (What? Why?)

Lesson 1 - Getting Started

1. Introductions - Needs Assessment, Set up accounts, Set up blog, establish grade-alike sub-groups, Overview of course tools: Gmail, Google Sites, Docs, Groups, Blogger under umbrella of Google Apps Education account (


Discussion #1: Introduce yourself, where you teach, what subject(s) you teach and/or what grade level? What is your prior experience with the portfolio process --paper or electronic? what would you like to get out of this course? What are your questions about electronic portfolios? Share your blog address.

1.1 Similarities & Differences between social networks and electronic portfolios 

Readings & Videos

Discussion #2: divide into two discussions-- those who use and those who don't use social networking web tools.
If YES: Which social networks do you use? What do you think are the similarities and differences between the social networking processes and electronic portfolio processes, as you currently understand them.
If NO: If you don't use social networks, why not? What is your understanding of social networking?

Discuss concerns about privacy and confidentiality, CIPA and COPPA.

Reflection: CREDIT participants, write a blog entry that documents your learning activities for this lesson. What did you learn from the reading, viewing and discussions. (Optional, but recommended for non-credit participants)

Lesson 2 - Purpose

2. Multiple Purposes for creating e-portfolios

2.1 Balancing the 2 Faces of e-portfolios + other readings/videos - 2 mentions of e-portfolios in NETP.

Discussion #1: What are the differences between the two faces of e-portfolios? Describe what Julie Hughes' statement means: “E-portfolios should be more a conversation (2-way) than a presentation (1-way)” What are the benefits of e-portfolios from process/product perspective? (Barnstable)

2.2 Intrinsic Motivation 

Helen Barrett’s TEDxASB talk: 
Dan Pink:

Discussion #2: Why are you having students develop e-portfolios? How are you going to address student motivation and ownership of their portfolios?

Reflection: CREDIT participants, write a blog entry that documents your learning activities for this lesson. What did you learn from the reading, viewing and discussions. (Optional, but recommended for non-credit participants)

Lesson 3 - Collection

3. Portfolio development processes

3.1 Collection/Digital Archive Development - Capturing the Moment - Integrating Technology into Instruction - Memory Box activity

Discussion #1 in a shared GoogleDoc: what are the elements of the Collection process? How does it fit into the portfolio development process? Why is it important? What is the teacher's role in this process?

- Digital Tools for Collection/Digital Archive Development & Classroom Management Tools (Storage Systems & using Mobile Devices) (my ISTE conference workshop)

Discussion #2: what tools can we use to meet the needs of the Collection process?

Reflection: CREDIT participants, write a blog entry that documents your learning activities for this lesson. What did you learn from the reading, viewing and discussions. (Optional, but recommended for non-credit participants)

Lesson 4 - Reflection

3.2 Reflection - Constructing Meaning from Experience - Metacognition & Learning - keeping a learning journal/blog - organizing work chronologically - setting goals/planning (reflection in future and present tense) - Value of reflection for lifelong learning - Feedback (assessment for learning)

Discussion #1: what are the elements of the reflection process? How does reflection fit into the portfolio development process? Why is it important? What is the teacher's role in this process? How do you inspire student reflection?

- Digital Tools for Reflection/Digital Narratives 

Discussion #2: what tools can we use to meet the needs of the reflection process?

Reflection: CREDIT participants, write a blog entry that documents your learning activities for this lesson. What did you learn from the reading, viewing and discussions. (Optional, but recommended for non-credit participants)

Lesson 5 - Selection & Presentation & Self-Assessment

3.3 Selection/Presentation - organizing work thematically - creating a rational for meeting a specific portfolio purpose - (retrospective reflection and setting new learning goals) - organize presentation thematically - student-led conferences, student self-assessment

Discussion #1 in a shared GoogleDoc: what are the elements of the selection, presentation, and self-assessment process? When is it appropriate for students to develop a thematically-organized presentation of their work? How is the organizing framework determined? What is the teacher's role in this process?

- Digital Tools for Selection/Presentation

Discussion #2: what tools can we use to meet the needs of this process?

Reflection: CREDIT participants, write a blog entry that documents your learning activities for this lesson. What did you learn from the reading, viewing and discussions. (Optional, but recommended for non-credit participants)

Lesson 6 - Assessment & Evaluation

3.4 Formative Assessment & Evaluation (summative assessment OF learning), parent conferences

Discussion #1: what are the elements of the assessment and evaluation process? What are the differences between different purposes for assessment? How does the teacher's role change?

- Digital Tools for Assessment/evaluation 

Discussion #2: what tools can we use to meet the needs of this process?

Reflection: CREDIT participants, write a blog entry that documents your learning activities for this lesson. What did you learn from the reading, viewing and discussions. What are your "next steps" in e-portfolio development? (Optional, but recommended for non-credit participants)

2. Implement E-Portfolios with K-12 Students using Google Apps

(3 months - self-paced modules) (How?)

Lesson 1. Developing an Implementation Plan

(see planning worksheet)

- Vision/Purpose

- Skill Development

- Incentives

- Resources

- Action Plan, including Communication Plan with various stakeholders, Timeline

Self-assess school with ISTE Essential Conditions Rubric

Communication Plan:

- How will you introduce e-portfolios to fellow teachers? students? parents?

Lesson 1.1 Setting up Google Apps (only for site administrators)

Lesson 2. Setting up digital storage

2.1 GoogleDocs to develop & store documents

- integrating technology across the curriculum - home/school connection

- Documents (including creating templates)

- Presentations

- Spreadsheets and Forms (including quizzes)

- Office documents (unconverted)

- PDFs

- Other types of files (video)

2.2 Setting up Picasa and YouTube to store images and video

2.3 "Capturing the moment" with mobile devices (audio, video, images, text)

Lesson 3. Managing classroom accounts (Teacher Dashboard or other strategies)

Lesson 4. Setting up blogs in Blogger OR Google Sites Announcements Page Type

- Scaffolding reflection in blogs - developmental/age differences in process

- Adding hyperlinks or embedding documents into blog

- Adding Labels (tags) in Blogger to be able to access blog entries in the future

- Capturing reflection in audio, video

- Capture student purpose & passion

Lesson 5. Providing feedback to students by teachers and peers

- in Google Docs

- in Blogger

- in Google Sites

- in audio or video

Lesson 6. Setting up Google Sites for showcase portfolios

- creating and sharing a template

- selecting evidence, creating hyperlinks

- embedding slideshows, videos

- Scaffolding students' self- assessment

- parent communication/ student-led conferences

Lesson 7. Adopting Digication for presentation portfolios (free version)

- creating and sharing a template

- selecting evidence, creating hyperlinks

- embedding slideshows, videos

- Scaffolding students' self- assessment

- parent communication/ student-led conferences

Lesson 8. Managing Summative Assessment and Evaluation

- rubrics vs. Grading

- collecting evaluation data

- Digication's Assessment Management System (fee add-on)

Lesson 9. Special Topics at request of participants

Individuality vs. Standardization

3. Add Voice to E-Portfolios with Digital Narratives

A short course on creating a 2-to-4 minute digital video clip to add voice to e-portfolios. (Why? How?)

Lesson 1 - Write Script

- write the narrative, get feedback

Lesson 2 - Gather Digital Elements

- record audio

- select/digitize/edit Images

- select/record music

- Copyright issues

Lesson 3 - Create Rough Edit with different tools

Combine audio & images in selected authoring tool

- Video editing tool (iMovie, MovieMaker2)

- PhotoStory (WindowsXP)

- VoiceThread


Lesson 4 - Fine-tune Video, Export to video format

- Transitions

- Titles

- Video Formats

Lesson 5 - Publish on Web, Embed in Portfolio

- Select the appropriate online video storage (YouTube, Vimeo)

4. Create Your Professional Portfolio using GoogleApps (or WordPress)

This class could be offered as a supplement to the Overview course, with each participant creating a Professional Portfolio. (How?)

Lesson 1 - Getting Started

1. Introductions - Needs Assessment, Set up accounts, Set up blog, Overview of course tools: Gmail, Google Sites, Docs, Groups, Blogger under umbrella of your own “branded” Google Apps account (or use WordPress)


Discussion #1: Introduce yourself, where you teach, what subject(s) you teach and/or what grade level? What is your prior experience with the portfolio process --paper or electronic? what would you like to get out of this course? What are your questions about electronic portfolios? Share your blog address.

1.1 Similarities & Differences between social networks and electronic portfolios 

Readings & Videos

Discussion #2: divide into two discussions-- those who use and those who don't use social networking web tools.
If YES: Which social networks do you use? What do you think are the similarities and differences between the social networking processes and electronic portfolio processes, as you currently understand them. How could you adapt the social networking process to the portfolio development process.
If NO: If you don't use social networks, why not? What is your understanding of social networking? Discuss concerns about privacy and confidentiality.

Task: Set up a blog, begin reflection (In WordPress: set up categories for entries, in Blogger, determine Labels)

Reflection: CREDIT participants, write a blog entry that documents your learning activities for this lesson. What did you learn from the reading, viewing and discussions. (Optional, but recommended for non-credit participants)

Lesson 2 - Purpose & Goal Setting

2. Multiple Purposes for creating e-portfolios

2.1 Balancing the 2 Faces of e-portfolios + other readings/videos - 2 mentions of e-portfolios in NETP.

Discussion #1: What are the differences between the two faces of e-portfolios? Describe what Julie Hughes' statement means: “E-portfolios should be more a conversation (2-way) than a presentation (1-way)” What are the benefits of e-portfolios from process/product perspective? (Barnstable) Discuss differences in content and structure of learning/process  vs. academic vs. marketing portfolios. Respond to at least two other students' posts.

Task: Your Purpose: Write your purpose for creating an electronic portfolio and your Professional Goals - a focus on Intrinsic Motivation (TEDxASB talk + Dan Pink)

Discussion #2: Describe your purposes for creating an e-portfolio. Why are you developing an e-portfolio? What is your motivation? Do a Google search to find professional portfolios. Share links to examples of online professional portfolios. Respond to two other students' posts.

Reflection: CREDIT participants, write a blog entry that documents your learning activities for this lesson. What did you learn from the reading, viewing and discussions. (Optional, but recommended for non-credit participants)

Lesson 3  - Collection & Reflection (in Present Tense)

3. Portfolio development processes

3.1 Collection/Digital Archive Development - Capturing the Moment - Integrating Technology into Instruction - Memory Box activity

Discussion #1: what are the Collection elements of the portfolio development process? How does Collection fit into the portfolio development process? Why is it important? Where are you storing your work now?

- Digital Tools for Collection/Digital Archive Development & Classroom Management Tools (Storage Systems & using Mobile Devices) (my ISTE conference workshop)

Discussion #2: what tools can we use to meet the needs of this process?

Task: Set up a cloud-based storage system in GoogleDocs, Picasa, YouTube (or DropBox, DivShare,

4. Reflection - Constructing Meaning from Experience - Metacognition & Learning - keeping a learning journal/blog - organizing work chronologically - setting goals/planning (reflection in future and present tense) - Feedback (assessment for learning)

Discussion #3: what are the elements of this Reflection process? How does reflection fit into the portfolio development process? Why is it important?

- Digital Tools for Reflection

Discussion #4: what tools can we use to meet the needs of this process? How can you use a blog to document learning over time?

Reflection: CREDIT participants, write a blog entry that documents your learning activities for this lesson. What did you learn from the reading, viewing and discussions. (Optional, but recommended for non-credit participants)

Lesson 4 - Selection & Presentation & Retrospective Reflection

5. Selection/Presentation - organizing work thematically - creating a rational for meeting a specific portfolio purpose - (retrospective reflection and setting new learning goals) -

Discussion #1: what are the elements of this Selection process? When is it appropriate to develop an organized presentation of your work?  How will you organize your work?

Discussion #2: what are the elements of this Retrospective Reflection process? How does this form of reflection fit into the portfolio development process? Why is it important?

- Digital Tools for Selection/Presentation

Task: Set up a Showcase Portfolio in Google Sites (or WordPress), organized thematically, and select specific evidence from your digital archive, and provide rationale for selection.

Reflection: CREDIT participants, write a blog entry that documents your learning activities for this lesson. What did you learn from the reading, viewing and discussions. (Optional, but recommended for non-credit participants)

Lesson 5 - Adding Voice to Your E-Portfolio with a Digital Narrative

(Optional but recommended)

5.1 Add voice to your portfolio through digital story/narrative - Examples and Readings

Discussion #1: What is the value to adding digital narratives to portfolio? What is the process?

Task: post narrative script; provide feedback to two other students’ scripts


- write the narrative, get feedback

- record audio (unless using screen recorder)

- select Images

- combine audio & images in selected authoring tool

- export to video format (depends on tool)

- publish on Web and embed into portfolio

Lesson 6 - Feedback

6. Formative Assessment & Evaluation (summative assessment OF learning)

Discussion #1: what are the elements of this Feedback process? What are the differences between different purposes for assessment?

Task: Provide feedback to two other participants

Reflection: CREDIT participants, write a blog entry that documents your learning activities for this lesson. What did you learn from the reading, viewing and discussions. What are your "next steps" in e-portfolio development? (Optional, but recommended for non-credit participants)

5. Assessment and Evaluation with Electronic Portfolios

Under development

This course is under development, and will look at data management systems to use electronic portfolios for institutional assessment and evaluation of K-12 student learning. (Why? How?)

6. Classroom-Based Research on Implementing Electronic Portfolios in K-12 Education

Under development

1-3 variable credit - 10 weeks (may be repeated twice?) (20-60 hours) Prerequisite: Implementation class - This class is meant to support teachers the rest of the school year, to create an opportunity for a collaborative network to support classroom-based research on the implementation of electronic portfolios. (How?)

Send email to request access to a Google Site to contribute to designing these courses