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Email–To-Post Mail Conversion, The Problems With
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

               INT. SHOP

               CUSTOMER walks up to the counter.


                         May I help you?


                         Yes. I'd like to sign up my father

                         for your e-mail to postmail gateway



                             (handing customer a form

                              on a clipboard)

                         Sure, yeah. We're gonna need your

                         desired username and password, some

                         personal details - and of course,

                         the intended real-world



                             (filling out the form)

                         Sure, sure... what's the price on



                         There's no setup fee, but we charge

                         the cost of postage on each email

                         plus ten cents.


                             (still filling out the

                              form/not making eye


                         Oh, that's not that bad.

               The employee distracts himself to fill the time by glancing

               around and at the form.

                                   CUSTOMER (CONT'D)

                         Here you go.

               The employee takes the form and, without looking, puts it

               under the desk and brings back up a stack of filled



                         These are for you.



                             (opening an envelope)

                         Welcome to Gmail?

               Before the customer has a chance to pick out another

               envelope, the employee puts another, larger stack of

               envelopes on the counter.


                         More for you!


                             (taking the top envelope

                              and starting to open it)



                         Well I guess they're for your

                         father. Is he really that worried

                         about his penis size?


                             (opening the envelope to

                              see a nice healthy

                              picture of a miraculously

                              extended penis)

                         What? UGH!


                         Yeah sorry about that. You have a



                             (staring at the pile of



               The employee immediately reappears, carrying with two hands a

               laundry hamper-sized bag of envelopes. He snaps the customer

               out of his daze when he puts it on the counter.


                         Somebody's popular, ain't they!


                         Don't you guys use a spam filter?


                         No. That will be one hundred

                         dollars in postage, sir—

               A huge bag falls from the ceiling and knocks the customer to

               the ground.

                                   EMPLOYEE (CONT'D)

                         Make that two.
