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OSMF Management Team meeting - Mar 8th 2012
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

OpenStreetMap Foundation
Management Team meeting

Mar 8th, 2012 17:00 GMT 


Expecting: Andy Allan, Henk Hoff, Harry Wood, Oliver Kühn, Steve Coast, Mikel Maron, Matt Amos, Michael Collinson, Sam Larsen

Present: Henk, Matt, Dermot, Michael, Harry, Steve (1st part), Oliver (2nd part), Richard Fairhurst

Apologies: Andy,

Minutes previous meeting

February 18th, 2012

Proposed: Michael


Accepted ???

Agenda & Minutes

As decided via e-mail

The following items have been decided over e-mail since the previous meeting.


Ulf Moeller Memorial Award

For information purposes:

In memory of Ulf Moeller, the CWG has made a proposal to establish an “Ulf Moeller Memorial Award”. Highlights of the proposal:

Establish the Ulf Moeller Memorial Award, to be awarded annually in recognition of contributions to the OpenStreetMap community.  Award to be announced each May, the month of Ulf's birth. The plan to have the award active for a minimum period of ten years.  The plan is to be administered by the Communication Working Group, or those assigned by CWG.

Allow donors to earmark funds to the memory of Ulf Moeller.  Provide an annual summary of these donations as the Ulf Moeller Memorial Fund.

Earmark €1999 of OSMF funds as seed money for an associated prize for the award winner.

The board has given it’s go-ahead via e-mail.

iPhoto app

Discussed the lack of attribution by Apple on their latest iPhoto app

Upcoming license change April 1st - Db rebuilt

Rebuild mailinglist:

Current status

LWG reports:

Hack weekend

Still need for a hack-weekend?

After lengthy discussion it was concluded a hack-weekend would not really speed up the migration process.

Meeting ended 19:05 GMT

Next meeting

Next regular scheduled meeting:

Thursday April 12th, 5pm GMT, dial-in (mind: it’s summertime)