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gested Outline: (You can use this to help you structure your paragraph, but it is not required.)          1. Topic Sentence: -When I woke up on the first day of my _____ year of school at San Pasqual Academy… 2. Supporting Details: -Then, I… -Later, I… -Toward the end of the day… 3. Closing Sentence: -At the end of the day, I…

When I woke up on the first day of my Freshman year of school at  Pasqual Academy I was not ready for the school year. I got myself together and walked down to my first class sat down and was wishing i was not here right now. later in the day it got a little bit easyer because i got use to walking to the different classes and getting into the new school year groove. Toward the end of the school day I began to get a little tired but I was still able to pay attention in class. At the end of the day I was glad the school day was finaly over, I was tired but i got through it.