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Rubber Band Project Rubric
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Rubber Band Project Rubric

Background Research


0 points

Only some of the Background research has been completed

12 Points

Most of the Background research has been completed

15 Points

The group has completed all the vocabulary words, gone onto ALL the websites and have taken detailed notes

20 points

Project Proposal


0 points

The proposal is incomplete, the design is poor and the variables are not correctly identified

5 Points

The proposal is complete, the design is good, but not all variables have been identified

7 Points

The proposal is entirely complete. Students have thoughtfully designed a GOOD experiment and have identified all the variables in the experiment

10 Points

Experiment Details


0 points

There are too many undefined and unidentified variables.  Human error is huge in this experiment.

24 Points

Students have only one independent variable, but has not identified the proper amounts of controlled variables to have an effective experiment

30 Points

Students have only ONE independent variable, human error is minimized as much as possible, and all precautions have been taken such as building a machine to ensure that the experiment is completely controlled

40 Points

Materials and Procedures


0 points

Only some of the materials used for the entire project are listed.The group uses a step by step procedure, but does not use pictures, drawings, and measurements

10 Points

Most, but not ALL materials used for the entire project are listed. The group uses a step by step procedure, but uses only some pictures, drawings, and measurements

15 Points

ALL the materials used for the entire project are listed. The group uses pictures/drawings, measurements, and a step by step process in the procedures

20 Points

Experiment Results


0 points

The data tables/graphs are qualitative or incomplete.  The titles and labels are all wrong or missing

10 Points

Uses quantitative data, Averages and Uncertainties are calculated but one or two of those may be wrong.  The titles and labels are wrong or not included

15 Points

All The data tables/graphs are quantitative. Average and Uncertainty are calculated correctly.  Tables, charts, and graphs include appropriate titles and labels.

20 Points




0 Points

Has only some of the pictures Ms D has taken and does not have captions

5 Points

All Pictures that Ms. D took are inserted  but does not have captions

7 Points

Your group has inserted all the pictures that Ms. D took of your launcher and of your group collecting data in the auditorium.  All images have captions

10 Points

Data Analysis and Discustion


0 Points

The student attempts to explain Why but does not connect their data with their explanation.  The student tries to connect their findings in this experiment to the real world, however it is unclear which group of people this project is relevant to.

15 Points

Student clearly interprets results through logical discussion of results. The student uses data to explain WHY!  The student tries to connect their findings in this experiment to the real world, however it is unclear which group of people this project is relevant to.

22 Points

Student clearly interprets results through logical discussion of results. The student uses data and background research to explain WHY!  The student connects their findings in the experiment to the real world.  After reading the experiment, it is clear that the student has identified a group of people this project is relevant to and expands how this helps.  Answers the "So what?".

30 Points



0 points

Attempts to answer the "experiment question", but lacks clarity and evidence

5 Points

Conclusion answers the "experiment question", but does not use ALL the evidence from the results

7 Points

Conclusion answers the "experiment question" using ALL evidence from the results

10 Points

Challenges and Technical Difficulties


0 points

Students show little reflection on the challenges they faced throughout the experiment.  Students have come up with only 1  challenge and how they fixed that problem

6 Points

Students have reflected on the challenges they faced but they did not state how they solved these challenges.  Students have come up with at least 2 different challenges and how they fixed these problems

8 Points

Students have thoughtfully reflected on the challenges they faced and how they solved these challenges.  Students have come up with at least 3 different challenges and how they fixed these problems

10 Points



0 points

Students have given very little thought to giving advice to other researchers on this topic

6 Points

Students have given some thoughtful advice for future researchers on this topic

8 Points

Students have given thoughtful advice to future researchers on this topic

10 Points


The group has some grammatical errors: punctuation, complete sentences, spelling and capitalization

0 Points

The group has some grammatical errors: punctuation, complete sentences, spelling and capitalization

10 Points

Only a few grammatical errors Some of Ms. D’s directions, which are in red, are not deleted from the class activities. Some formatting issues

15 Points

Groups document it is well edited little to no fromatting or editing issues.

20 Points

Overall Score ________/200 points