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Personal Identity Record Album Project

The purpose of this record album is to express you musically.  This musical representation of your life should reflect the diversity of background, gender, culture, beliefs, morality, and personal expression that makes each of us unique.  Try to choose different songs that express or represent different parts of the diversity mentioned above.  DO NOT PICK YOUR SIX FAVORITE SONGS, but instead pick the 6 best songs which represent you.  You may not even like a song, but if it reflects something about your identity, please use it.

Creative Presentation

*Album Cover – You should find or create an artistic expression which reflects you.  This could be a painting, drawing, or some form of mixed media design.  You should name your album and the name should be integrated into the cover.  You will receive points for the creativity and quality of the cover.

*Track List – You should present the songs on the back of the album in a specific order.  Each song title should be accompanied by the performer.  This should be on the back cover of the album.

*Order Response – You will need to write a short response (about ½ page) explaining why you ordered the songs as you did.  You do not have to be specific since specifics will be in the song response section.


*Lyrics – You will need the title of each song, the performer’s name, and the lyrics for each song.  This should be creatively displayed in your album.  You may choose to edit these lyrics or leave them unedited.

*Song Response – You need to respond critically to each song explaining how that song represents the different facets of your identity using specific lyrical or musical references.  The more critical your response is, the more points you will receive.  You want to address the emotional connotations of your personality rather than the physical aspects, although often physical aspects of our lives have emotional and psychological connotations.  Each response should be about 1-page.

Written Aspects

All your writing should be typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font and edited for both spelling and grammatical conventions.  Points will be deducted for inaccuracies in grammar and spelling although my focus, as it always is, is on what you are communicating.  If I can’t understand it, I will grade it accordingly.

Grade (100 pts.)

Album Cover ~ 25 pts.                        Song Responses ~ 60 pts. (10 points for each song)

Tracks & Order ~ 5pts.                        Lyrics         ~ 10 pts.