%%%%% M file corresponding to one of the numerical example of the
%%%%% IFAC-WorldCongress paper entitled "Nonlinear and locally optimal
%%%%% controllers design for input affine systems.
%%%%% In this M-file, we test the algorithm presented in Section 5. It
%%%%% requires the solver Sedumi and Yalmip to be installed.
%%%%% author : M. Sahnoun, V. Andrieu, M. Nadri
%%%%% DATE of creation : 11/8/2010 -- Updated 17/09/2010 (V. Andrieu)
clear all;
close all;
% The first order approximation of the nonlinear system describing the
% inverted pendulum is given by
% dot x = A x + B u with
A = [[0 1 0 0];[0 0 0 0];[0 0 0 1];[0 0 1 0]];
B = [0;1;0;-1];
% For this system a CLF can be designed threw Forwarding design (following
% Praly and Mazenc). Note that the quadratic approximation of this CLF is
% x^TPix wit
[0.5 5.5 6 21/2];
[5.5 141/2 76 271/2];
[6 76 85 147];
[21/2 271/2 147 525/2]
NbTry=1000; % Corresponds to the number of test for the local controller
NbTry2=40; % corresponds to the limit max of test we make given a random Pm
for i=1:NbTry
% We design a LQ controller
% Parameter of the LQ controller
q = rand(4,4);
Q = q'*q;
R = 1;
% We solve the riccatti equation
[P0, L, K0, rr] = care(A, B, Q, R, zeros(4,1), eye(4));
% The local controler phi0 is given as u = -B'*P0/R
% The problem is now to unite phii and phi0,
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LMI Condition %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Following the theory, we need to check if a LMI is satisfied
% settings of the solver
opt = sdpsettings('solver','sedumi','verbose',0);
K = sdpvar(1,4);
% Matrix that has to be negative for the local design
Mat0 = [P0*(A+B*K) + (A+B*K)'*P0];
Mati = [Pi*(A+B*K) + (A+B*K)'*Pi];
LMI = [Mat0<0, Mati<0];
solvesdp(LMI, [], opt);
% we check if the LMI was solved
if max([max(eig(double(Mat0))), max(eig(double(Mati)))])<0
% In that case the LMI was solved
% In that the LMI was not solved we will try to use the extension
% with a transitive CLF
while l<NbTry2
% Parameter of the LQ controller for the transitive CLF.
% Following the algorithm this one is selected randomly.
q2 = rand(4,4);
Q2 = q2'*q2;
R2 = 1;
[Pm, L, KK, rrr] = care(A, B, Q2, R2, zeros(4,1), eye(4));
Km1 = sdpvar(1,4);
Km2 = sdpvar(1,4);
Mat1 = [P0*(A+B*Km1) + (A+B*Km1)'*P0];
Mat2 = [Pm*(A+B*Km1) + (A+B*Km1)'*Pm];
Mat3 = [Pm*(A+B*Km2) + (A+B*Km2)'*Pm];
Mat4 = [Pi*(A+B*Km2) + (A+B*Km2)'*Pi];
LMI_ext1 = [Mat1<0, Mat2<0];
LMI_ext2 = [Mat3<0, Mat4<0];
solvesdp(LMI_ext1, [], opt);
solvesdp(LMI_ext2, [], opt);
% we check if the LMI was solved
if max([max(eig(double(Mat1))), max(eig(double(Mat2))), max(eig(double(Mat3))), max(eig(double(Mat4)))])<0
% In that case the LMI was solved
% We update the number of case in which our approach works
if l>maxl
%we evaluate the maximal number of test we had to make
%to solve the LMI
% Purcentage of succes without employing the extension
disp(['Pourcentage of success without extension : ',num2str(j/NbTry*100),'%'])
disp(['Pourcentage of success employing the extension : ',num2str((j+n)/NbTry*100),'%'])