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OOP 0 - Credit Summary
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Note to Couprie: A new lesson is needed on using Packages to organize the project.

CSE3120: Object Oriented Programming Credit Timeline

Evaluation of the OOP Credit

Knowledge of Theory and Terminology                                        10%

Demonstration of Base level skills                                         50%

Demonstration of Advanced skills include                                20%

Java Final Project - including most of  OOP, Searching, Sorting and files        20%

Part 1: Introductory Concepts

Lesson - What is object oriented programming (aka OOP)?  It is all about creating blueprints for something and then creating copies based on those blueprints.  

Lesson - Complete OOP Activity 0.1   It is a reading activity.  Be sure to read carefully as it creates a fundamental base for all future activities.

Lesson - Types of Classes

Marked Activity: OOP 1 - Methods Only Class

Learning Activity:

Lesson: videos

Tutorial 16 - Many Methods and Instances

Tutorial 17 - Constructors

Marked Activity: OOP 2 -Coins

Marked Activity: OOP3 - Bank Account

Marked Activity:  OOP Activity 4 - Theory of OOP

Part 2: Encapsulation using Private and Public

Major Lesson: Private and public variables and methods and other concepts

Marked Activity:  OOP 5 Geometry

Part 3: UML for Planning Classes

Lesson: Using UML to plan your files

Class Name



+ or - variable name: variable type

+ name:String

+ age: int

 -matched: boolean


+ or -methodname(parameters if any): return type

+ goodMatch(int a,String )g: boolean

+ printInfo(): void

Marked Activity: OOP Activity 5 - Geometry

Marked NO HELP Activity: OOP 6 - Database

Part 5: Inheritance and Other Advanced Concepts

Lesson: Static and Final

Lesson - One of the key benefits of using OOP is the ability to create subclasses.  Subclasses inherit all the variables and  methods of the parent class.  However, they can include additional methods and override the methods of the parent class.  (They can also include new instance variables but the example below does not bother with this.)  For example:

Lesson - Read the following two webpages:

Optional Lesson (if you need more on Inheritance)

Marked Activity - OOP 8 Inheritance Assignment:

Part 6: Putting It All Together

Marked Activity - OOP 9 Using a Text File

Preparing for the exam - here are the terms and practice activities