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Part 19: Call me Kay-Bee!
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Part 19: Call me Kay-Bee!

        We strolled along the meandering Gaiva River as we made our way towards Vermillion City. Light clouds smeared the blue sky above us as a strong wind whipped through our hair and rustled the forest of trees that stood either side of the river.

        Kiro walked briskly along side me, occasionally sniffing the gravelled surface before catching up to us.

Aly shivered and huddled Togepi closer in her arms. The little egg Pokémon stared curiously at the lapping river which flowed swiftly by us.

‘Wow, it sure has gotten chilly!’ I commented on the change in temperature and rubbed my arms in a shiver.

‘Yeah, summer is almost over. It’s going to be getting colder from here on. We should probably stock up on warmer clothes when we get to Vermillion’ Salvadore suggested.

We nodded in agreement.


Our attention was quickly drawn to the river. Curious, I walked over to the low brick wall which enclosed the water rapids below. Aly and Salvadore followed, also intrigued by the noise of a Pokémon which was drifting down stream.

We leaned over the stone barrier and watched as a beaked Pokémon with a red sphere on its forehead casually floating down the river- its webbed claws resting calmly behind its spiky head. It somehow managed to swerve around rocks and debris which lay in the river’s course. Togepi waved her little arms over joyously at the spectacle and reached out over the brimming water.

‘No Togepi that water’s too dangerous for you to swim in’ said Aly who hugged her Pokémon tightly to her chest.

I checked my Dex:

Golduck, the duck Pokémon and the evolved form of Psyduck. Golduck’s webbed limbs make it one of the fastest Pokémon in water. It is also renowned for its strange telekinetic powers.

It looked like a strong, sophisticated Pokémon, I thought to myself. I also remembered both Gary and Prof. Oak lecturing me on how I needed to capture more Pokémon. Before I could even reach for a pokeball, the Golduck winked at us and drifted coolly over a sharp dip in the river- out of sight.

I moaned in disappointment and buried my head in my hands.

‘Better luck next time, Rob’ Salvadore sympathised and rested a comforting hand on my shoulder.

‘Thanks...’ I muttered.

‘Hey, Kiro! Quit rubbing my-’ Aly spun around and looked down in annoyance. Her face turned an ill pale colour as she soon realised it was not Kiro who was groping her leg.

A purple fuzzy Pokémon with large fragmented eyes and a pair of antennas examined her inquisitively.


‘AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Get that thing away from me!!!’ Aly screamed as she backed herself against the stone wall.

The Venonat continued sniff and caress the dragon tamer’s leg.

In a moment of terror and panic, Aly lost her grip on Togepi and the egg Pokémon hopped carefree along the wall.

Aly immediately regained her senses and attempted to grab her baby Pokémon, but to everyone’s horror, Togepi swayed unstably along the wall before tipping on her side and falling helplessly into the river.

-Togi- priiii!!!-

She cried out in surprise as we watched her fall and land with a small splash into the river.

‘Togepi! NOOO!!!’ Aly screamed as she heisted herself onto the wall, willing to jump in after her Pokémon. I instantly grabbed her and pulled her back as she continued to scream ‘Get off of me! Let me go! TOGEPI!!!’

‘I’m not going to lose you both!’ I grunted as she continued to struggle in my arms.


Amidst the struggle, Kiro screamed out and sprinted up my back before leaping over us and diving into the river.

‘Kiro!’ I gasped in shock.

I loosened my grip on Aly as we watched the silver Eevee swim valiantly towards Togepi. Togepi smiled at her friend, completely unaware of the small waterfall which lay in their wake. Kiro soon started to splash recklessly in the water as the current dragged them down stream.

I took my eyes off our helpless Pokémon and looked at Aly. Without a word, we nodded understandingly at one another before lifting ourselves onto the barrier. As I faced the water below I felt a bit disorientated by the long drop beneath me. I exhaled and lunge forward.

We were both suddenly caught at our shoulders and hauled backwards. I just managed to get one last glimpse of our Pokémon as they disappeared over the sharp dip in the river. Aly and I landed roughly on the path behind us, groaning and swearing at Salvadore.

‘Sorry guys, but without you two this series wouldn’t last very long’ the breeder apologised.

In an incontrollable rage, Aly stormed up off the ground and squared up to the breeder, raising a threatening fist by her face. Salvadore calmly eased his hands on her shoulders.

‘You jerk! Why didn’t you just let me jump!? What right did you have to...? How could you...? Togepi...’ Aly burst into tears pushed her head against Salvadore’s chest.

I just sat on the ground, my back supported by the stone-made barrier behind me. I gave a disheartened sigh and dropped my head. Warm tears rolled off my cheek and pattered the stones beneath where I slouched.

‘Venonat! What have I told you about running off like that!?’ A voice called out from the facing trees.

I rubbed my tearing eyes with the sleeve of my shirt and lifted my head. A boy around my age, maybe even a little older approached the Venonat with a stern look on his face. He had short spiky hair and wore sporty wristbands. The Venonat bowed its head in shame.

Aly pulled away from Salvadore’s consoling hug. ‘That’s your Venonat!?’ she spat at the stranger.

The trainer instantly put up his hands in defence and took a cautious step backwards. ‘Umm... yes. What’s going on?’ he stuttered.

‘Oh, I’ll tell you what’s going on!’ Aly continued to growl with clenched fists ‘Your stupid Pokémon creped up on me and made me drop my Togepi into the frickin’ river!!!’ She breathed heavily as she glared at the Venonat, and then its trainer.

‘Listen, I’m sorry if Venonat startled you. He gets easily distracted and can be very... well... curious. But please don’t call him stupid. He didn’t mean it. Besides, I better he could help us find your Pokémon?’ the boy suggested.

‘Really? How!?’ I interrupted.

‘Sure! I’ve been travelling up this way from Fuchsia City. There’s a reservoir behind the Gaiva Damn, not too far from here. I bet you anything we can find them near there. We can even use Venonat’s radar to help us!’

‘Gee, that would be great! My Eevee, Kiro, also got dragged down the river. Any help we can get is really appreciated! My name’s Robin by the way, and these are my friends- Aly and Salvadore’ I extended a welcoming hand.

‘It’s the least we can do!’ the boy said, shaking my hand. ‘And please to meet you. My name’s Barry, but all my friends call me Kay-Bee!’

‘Well, thanks a lot, Kay-Bee!’ I said sincerely.

‘Yeah... thanks...’ Aly muttered sarcastically under her breath.

‘Ok Venonat, we have to help these people find Togepi and Eevee. Lead the way!’ Kay-Bee urged his Pokémon.


Venonat sprung happily on the spot and a blue light began to flash in his right eye. After a few moments the blue light moved slightly to the left. The fuzzy bug Pokémon danced on the spot before running down the road.

‘C’mon!’ ushered Kay-Bee ‘I think Venonat is on to something’

Without hesitation we followed Venonat and his trainer- our only hope of finding Kiro and Togepi. The insect Pokémon ran surprisingly fast, but we managed to keep up, driven by determination and hope of being reunited with out Pokémon.

After a while, Venonat came to a stop beside a rickety wooden bridge, harnessed by decaying rope. He nodded his antennas across the river and the small blue light in his eye began to flash once more.

‘I guess that Kiro and Togepi must be somewhere across the river’ Salvadore guessed.

‘Then lets go’ I said nervously.

Venonat ran recklessly across the bridge, seemingly unaware of its instability. We followed in single file, pacing ourselves step by step. We gripped the meek piece of string which held this bridge together, hoping it would not-


The cable to our left unhinged itself from its roots and the entire overpass toppled to one side. We all screamed and dangled off the only piece of rope that remained.


The insect Pokémon called out to us as it bounced on the spot across the river. I looked down at the gushing water below us and then wished I hadn’t. Aly let out a squeal, prompting that she probably did the same thing. I began to hyperventilate in fear and could feel my muscles beginning to tire.

‘Keep moving!’ Kay-Bee urged ‘Do it for your Pokémon!’

We instantly regained our composure at his words of encouragement and started to shimmy across what was left of the bridge. With a few shoves and swings we eventually clambered up onto the ledge where Venonat waited impatiently. Kay-Bee was the last person to be heisted up with our help. We stood on the opposite side of the river, taking a moment to catch our breaths and watch as the ramshackle bridge collapsed into the depths of the roaring river.


A loud explosion echoed in the distance as a flock of pidgey evacuated the disrupted area of the woods. We gave each other some concerned looks, but then focused on what mattered most- our Pokémon.

Venonat’s eyes began to flash once more and he continued to hop down along side the river.

We trailed the insect Pokémon for what felt like an eternity until we arrived at the reservoir. The water seemed to be calmer here, unlike the swift moving waters further upstream. A large stone dam enclosed the lake, only permitting a limited amount of water through the rest of the river’s course.

Our eyes’ quickly scanned the peaceful waters.


‘Hey guys, look over here’

Our attentions turned to Kay-Bee, who was kneeling on one knee, examining the muddy ground.

‘Oh my God! Footprints!’ exclaimed Aly as she observed the tiny imprints on the soil. ‘They’re Togepi’s. I’m sure of it!’ Her voice was filled with excitement and hope.

‘And those must be Kiro’s’ I pointed at a slightly larger set of impressions in the ground in the shape of paws.

Both sets of footprints ventured into the vast Gaiva Forest which sheathed the landscape for miles around. I felt relieved, knowing that both Kiro and Togepi were alive... at least for the moment.

‘I suppose that’s a good start. Venonat, can you pick up anything else?’ asked Kay-Bee.

The insect Pokémon twitched its antennas and fixed its eyes in concentration. It then cocked its head up and happily ran into the woods. We pursued close behind. The surrounding forest seemed a lot quieter than usual which made me reflect on the explosion we heard earlier. What could have caused such a great occurrence?

As we scurried through the thicket of plants and trees, we noticed a Drowzee keeling over a wood stump- fainted. It was an unusual sight, but we continued on, now desperate to find our lost friends.

Venonat lead us through a grassy path that had been trampled out by the local inhabitants of the forest before leaving the beaten track and entering an unearthed clearing. Plants had been left uprooted from their patches of soil and large tree trunks lay shattered, surrounding the area. Across from us rested what looked to be a large boulder, however, as we approached closer to the rock, we soon realised that we were actually facing a fainted Pokémon. Shocked by the spectacle I checked my Dex:

Rhyhorn, the spikes Pokémon. Rhyhorn’s solid body allows it to remove almost any obstacles in its path, however, it may only charge in one direction at a time.

‘I wonder what happened to it.’ I asked out loud.

‘I honestly don’t know, but this will be a great asset to my team. Go pokeball!’ Kay-Bee yelled as he threw his pokeball forcefully.

I smacked my face in light of my own stupidity; why didn’t I think of capturing it?

 The Rhyhorn was engulfed by a red beam before being sucked into the pokeball. It convulsed on the ground a couple of times before making a ping sound.

‘Alright! Welcome to the team, Rhyhorn!’ Kay-Bee said excitedly.

I looked at him in confusion before curiosity got the better of me. ‘Nice catch, Kay-Bee, but why is your pokeball still glowing red?’ This brought back memories of when I met Gary. The same thing had happened to his pokeball when he caught a Munchlax.

Kay-Bee stared at his capture and then smiled at me ‘I take it as you’re a new trainer?’

I nodded, a little embarrassed.

‘Not to worry. I was the same when I first started my journey back in Johto’ he said reassuringly ‘Pokeballs that continue to glow red, even after they have signalled the sound of a successful capture indicate that a pokeball is locked’


‘Yeah. You see, Pokémon trainers are only licensed to carry six usable Pokémon at any one time. Any Pokémon caught on their journey after they already have six Pokémon in their party are locked in their pokeballs until the trainer sends their Pokémon back to the regional professor at a Pokémon centre.’

‘Oh, I get it! So I take it as you have at least six Pokémon then?’ I asked.

‘I have quite a few more than six’ he winked at me ‘but anyways, I think we should get back to looking for your friends. It will be getting dark in the next couple of hours’

‘Good idea!’ agreed Aly impatiently ‘Lead the way, Venonat!’

 We persisted in our quest to find Kiro and Togepi as we advance even deeper into the woods. We began to converse more with Kay-Bee, telling each other about our different adventures through the Kanto region so far. I felt more comfortable when he mentioned that he also had five gym badges, however, most of the gyms he had faced were different from the ones I had conquered. Still, it was nice to learn of other’s experiences, in particular those who had more experience than me.

In the midst of our tales, Venonat lead us to another clearing- this one, however, a more natural space than the last. The insect Pokémon seemed adamant about a wide hollow tree which towered in the centre of the vicinity.

‘I think Venonat senses something inside’ Kay-Bee proposed.

We stared quietly at the large trunk and the tall, dark entrance which eerily beckoned us inside.

Without warning, Aly sprinted passed us, fearlessly towards the tree. ‘Hang on, Togepi! I’m coming for you!’ She ran into the opening in the tree and vanished. We waited anxiously.


Suddenly, a loud roar thundered from within the tree. Aly instantly appeared, dashing out the hole in the trunk, flailing her arms wildly as she ran. ‘It’s not Togepi! It’s not Togepi!’ she screamed frantically and darted passed us.

We stared at her in shock and then turned back to face the rumbling tree. We watched, horrified as a grumpy Nidoking emerged from the tree trunk, glaring at us ferociously.


It hollered to the heavens, roused its horned head and stomped the grass beneath its ready feet as it prepared to charge at us.

I raised my hands easily, pathetically trying to calm it down. I whispered quietly to my friends ‘Maybe if we stay still and show that we mean it no harm it will-’ I paused mid sentence and turned my head to see Venonat, Kay-Bee and Salvadore already fleeing for their lives into the forest.

‘Son of a-‘



Let the chase begin.

I spun around and began to sprint towards the trees. The enraged Nidoking trampled behind me, close on my heels. It grunted as it continued to charge horn first after us. I made it to the cover of the woods, but knew that this would merely slow down our pursuer. Rattata and Caterpie scattered in our wake, escaping the oncoming stampede. I stumbled through the thick grass, always keeping Kay-Bee in sights, occasionally glancing over my shoulder to see the Nidoking keeping pace with us. We weaved and side stepped clusters of trees, my feet working automatic and fast.

Suddenly, my foot tripped over a misplaced rock and I plunged to the ground. I had just enough time to turn and see Nidoking leaping high into the air, readying himself to beat me to a pulp. I stared in horror as it brought its fists together and lunged towards me. I flinched and closed my eyes, waiting for the incredible impact.

‘Venonat, use psychic!’


I waited... and waited...

Nothing happened.

I slowly etched open my eyes and gazed in shock as an astonished Nidoking floated above me. Its body was coated in a mysterious blue aura which seemed to immobilize it. Nidoking’s face hovered so close to mine that I could even feel its repulsive breath exhale on my face. It was obvious that it was suffering as a result of the psychic attack. Venonat let out another scream and the Nidoking went flying backwards, crashing and slumping against an aged tree.

I steadied my breathing and slowly rose to my feat. I looked at the dazed Nidoking and then to the beaming Venonat.

‘Thank you’ I nodded towards him.

‘Save your thanks for later. That Nidoking isn’t going to stay stunned forever. Let’s catch up with the others!’ said Kay-Bee.

I was quick to agree and we followed Venonat once again. After a couple of minutes walking briskly, we came across Aly and Salvadore who were perched up against a tree, trying to catch their breath.

‘Oh, you made it!’ Aly panted with a faint smile.

‘Yeah, way to leave me hanging!’ I glared at my “so called” friends.

‘Yeah... sorry about that’ Salvadore apologised ‘but let’s face it. When you see a Nidoking getting ready to charge at you, you need all the “head start” you can get’

‘I guess...’ I grumbled.

Our squabbles were quickly overcome by a faded sound in the distance. It sounded like a Pokémon cry, but it was hard to tell.


My head instantly perked up. The sound was more distinct and I registered it immediately. It was definitely a Pokémon; my Pokémon!

‘Hang on, Kiro! I’m coming!’ I yelled at the top of my voice and dashed in the direction from where the Eevee had called out.

‘Togepi!’ Aly gasped and tracked close behind me.

I ran and stumbled carelessly through the forest, spurred on by the intermittent cries of Kiro. His screams grew louder and louder. I ran faster and faster. I also noticed the cries of other Pokémon as I waded through the foliage. I soon spotted a clearing in the trees and advanced through it, out into a large open clearing of the forest where a battle was ensuing.

 My eyes instantly lit up when I saw Kiro, alive and well. He was facing off against a gang of Pokémon which I recognised straight away. I quickly checked my Dex:

Ekans, the snake Pokémon. Ekans slithers quietly through thick grass, waiting for the perfect moment to strike its prey. Its only develops poison as it grows older.

Kiro was facing off against several of these glaring Ekans by his lonesome. How on earth he had ended up in this situation, I thought to myself. And where the heck was Togepi?

Suddenly, an Ekans sprang towards Kiro with vigour, its fangs gaping open.

‘Quick attack!’ I ordered promptly.

Kiro was fast to react and rushed at the Ekans in a blur. He made a direct hit, managing to avoid its deathly incisors and send it flying backwards. The other Ekans hissed loudly and poised themselves, waiting to strike at the most opportune time.

Aly, Salvadore, Kay-Bee and Venonat joined me, observing the heated battle.

‘Five against one hardly seems fair. Go Geodude!’ Salvadore yelled as he threw his pokeball.

Geodude was summoned to the field along side Kiro, ready for battle.

‘Venonat, help ‘em out!’

Our three Pokémon stood fiercely against the wild Ekans. Aly scanned the field, desperately looking for Togepi.


All of the opposing snake Pokémon coiled and pounced forward in unison.

‘Kiro, use quick attack!’

‘Geodude, use magnitude!’

‘Venonat, use psychic!’

Kiro darted towards his attacker, baffling it with his speed and ramming it backwards as he had done with its comrade. Geodude sprang backwards using its muscular arms, narrowly avoiding two wrap attacks. He then slammed his arms on the ground with great force, causing the earth beneath the Ekans to tremble. The snake Pokémon were knocked violently around the grass before collapsing, fainted. Venonat hopped and danced around a flurry of acid attacks from the final two Ekans. They assailants then stared in shock as their scales became enshrouded with a blue psychic energy. They hovered in mid air and became helplessly tangled up in each others coils before being tossed effortlessly across the clearing.

We respectively congratulated our Pokémon on their outstanding battling skills. They did extremely well despite being out numbered. It was also great to get some battle experience in with Kiro, and of course, I was overjoyed to have my buddy back with me. I knelt down on one knee and widen my arms out welcomingly. Kiro smiled and leaped gleefully into my embrace. I hugged him tightly.

‘Glad to have ya back, buddy!’ I whispered into his ear and squeezed him tightly once more.

I then looked up, still wondering where Togepi had disappeared to. I noticed Aly’s disheartened look. We had been hoping that both our Pokémon would have stayed together.

Our question was soon answered as another Pokémon snaked up from behind a mound of grass. It looked threatening, yet at the same time, alluring. It resembled the Ekans in terms of its coat colour and movements, but it was larger and its fangs seemed far more developed. I checked my Dex:

Arbok, the Cobra Pokémon and the evolved form of Ekans. Arbok transfixes its prey with the charming patterns on its belly. It will never forfeit a chase once it has set its sights on its prey.

As the rest of its body meandered around the mound we all gasped in horror. There, in the grasp of its suffocating tail was a dazed Togepi. She looked to be conscious, but in some sort of trance, most likely from the Arbok’s hypnotising belly patterns. Arbok spat violent spurts of poison threateningly, almost daring us to attack it.

‘Togepi!’ Aly screamed out to her baby Pokémon.

This only served to aggravate the Arbok even more as it dangled the egg Pokémon recklessly in the air with its tail.

Kiro jumped out of my arms and positioned itself to launch an attack.

‘Wait!’ Aly warned ‘If you attack Arbok you might hurt Togepi!’

Kiro heeded Aly’s caution, but continued to glare at the cobra Pokémon.

‘I guess there’s only one thing to do’ I said determined as I clasped a free pokeball in my hand. ‘Arbok, you’re mine!’ I roared as I threw my pokeball.

Arbok hissed violently and swung its body in defence. Its tail parried the pokeball away, into the surrounding forest and in doing so, flung Togepi high into the evening sky.

‘Togepi! I’ve got you!’ Aly screamed as she made a running dive across the glade. She jumped with her arms stretched out and caught the egg Pokémon with the tips of her fingers. She looked tearfully at her Pokémon and squeezed her tightly, reunited at last. ‘I’ll never lose you again! I promise’ she sniffed and hugged the loving Togepi in her arms.


The Arbok screeched out in anger and fixed its eyes upon me. Furious that I even attempted to capture it, it fired a series of poison sting attacks towards me. I stepped back and covered my face with my arms, expecting the worse.


I peeked through my fingers and gradually relaxed my arms at the astounding sight. Kiro screamed as a dark purple ball began to form from his mouth. It grew larger and larger before he directed it at the oncoming poison needles. The tainted stingers were obliterated by his new attack.

‘Kiro, you learned shadow ball? That’s amazing!’ I exclaimed. I then shot a wicked smile towards the baffled Arbok.  ‘Alright. Let’s show this overgrown snake not to steal others’ Pokémon. Use shadow ball!’

‘Venonat, finish this up with psychic!’ Kay-Bee ordered.

‘Geodude, boost the strength of the shadow ball with your rock throw attack!’ Salvadore commanded.

Arbok winced in pain as it was levitated into the air with Venonat’s psychic attack. Kiro screamed as it bellowed out another shadow ball. Geodude grasped a nearby rock and hurled it at the shadow ball, fusing with it and greatly increasing its speed and strength. Arbok’s eyes bulged as it watched the devastating shadow rock approach. The attack made direct contact and Arbok was launched high into the air and out of the clearing.

We cheered and congratulated our Pokémon as the injured Ekans retreated back into the forest. Kay-Bee and Salvadore recalled their Venonat and Geodude back into their pokeballs, thanking them sincerely for all their help. Aly rubbed Togepi’s shell to clean off all the dirt.

‘How did you manage to get all the way out here? We were looking for you two everywhere!’ Aly quizzed our Pokémon. Togepi just smiled innocently before flailing her stubby arms in the air with joy.

Kiro ran up my body and fixed himself on my shoulder. I ruffled his silver fur as he nuzzled my cheek lovingly. I congratulated him once more for learning shadow ball and walked over to gather my pokeball in the forest.

I strolled over contently, despite my failed catch. I was really proud of my Pokémon. Not only had he and Togepi fended for themselves out here in the wilderness, but he had also learned a new move. I peered around a few nearby trees before spotting the pokeball lying on a tuft of grass.

As I bent down to pick it up, I noticed that the pokeball was still enlarged and glowing on ominous red.

‘Guys, check this out’ I said in disbelief as I turned to my friends, holding my pokeball up high for all of them to see.

‘Well, well’ Kay-Bee smirked ‘It seems that you caught yourself a Pokémon after all’

‘I wonder what it is.’ I asked out loud as I stared at my new capture ‘Guess I’ll just have to wait until I get to the next town’ I conceited and happily placed the pokeball in my rucksack.

‘As far as I’m aware, the closest town to here is HopHopHop Town’ said Kay-Bee as he stroked his chin in thought ‘Which means that I’ll unfortunately have to leave you once we get back to the main route’

‘Leave us? How come?’ Aly asked disappointedly.

‘Well, I am competing in the League too ya know. Ever since I got to the last sixteen in the Johto League last year I’ve wanted to better myself as a trainer. So I plan on getting my next badge in Celadon City’

‘Celadon? Man, you’re going to have a tough time battling Erika. She may not look like it, but she’s a really strong trainer.’ I warned him.

‘Really, well thanks for the heads up, but Typhlosion and I have got this!’ he reassured me.


‘Typhlosion is my starter Pokémon’ Kay-Bee explained ‘Together, we defeated some of the toughest gym leaders and trainers in Johto!’

A moment of sudden realisation dawned on me. Toto, my Croconaw was also a Johto starter, the only Pokémon not to be picked from the three Johto starters last year. The only reason I became Toto’s trainer was because he felt lonely and rejected after not being picked. Kay-Bee or the other trainer could have easily chosen the Totodile to partner with them and we would never have met. Heck, if that had happened I may have never received a Pokémon from Professor Oak that day. I might have never begun this amazing journey...

‘Robin, are you ok? By the way, what was your starter Pokémon? Charmander would definitely be my choice if I had to choose from the Kanto starters’ said Salvadore, noticing my dazed look as I reflected on my life.

I instantly snapped out of my convoluted thoughts and looked up at the Johto trainer with a confident smile.

‘How about I show you...’ I said as I unhinged a pokeball from my belt and flaunted it beside my face ‘... in a Pokémon battle!’