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Ms. McCartney •

Class Goals

Welcome to Yearbook! I am excited to help you create a unique and thoughtful yearbook that reflects your experience at Constitution High School. Creating an engaging and interesting yearbook will be our primary goal; however, I also hope to teach you more about the elements of design and photography, as well as journalistic skills.

It is my hope that Yearbook will be a fun and exciting class. You will have freedom to work at your own pace and to express your own creativity; yet, you must also realize that how hard you work and what you do will affect not just your grade, but the overall quality of your yearbook. Creating a yearbook is a collaborative process, not an individual one. You will be expected to work with others, meet deadlines and produce high-quality work. You will be responsible for learning the online design program, memorizing design and yearbook terms, working cooperatively and effectively with a group, documenting your time at CHS through photography and writing, and producing at least two pages of the yearbook. Remember, your fellow classmates will be paying for a copy of your work. Make sure you work to a standard to which you are proud to attach your name.


  1. Participation – 30%
  1. Assignments – 25%
  1. Tests and Quizzes – 20%
  1. Yearbook Pages – 25%

Class Policies

  1. In order for class to be productive and worthwhile for all students, we must always show consideration and respect for our teacher, our classmates and ourselves. It is important to remember that there is no such thing as a dumb question or a stupid answer. Insults and put-downs will not be permitted.
  2. Be on time everyday. If you are not in class, you are letting your group members and your classmates down.  3 points will be deducted from your participation grade for every unexcused lateness to class.

  1. Stay on task! It is easy to get distracted on websites, talking with friends or looking at photos. Focus on the yearbook!
  2. All IMC and Constitution High School rules apply.
  1. Treat CHS technology respectfully and carefully. We have a limited number of computers and cameras for you to use. If technology breaks, there is no guarantee that we can easily replace it. Please be conscientious and cautions with school technology.
  2. Stay up-to-date with assignments and class activities. I will do my best to diligently update the class blog and to promptly answer your email inquiries.

General Guidelines for Yearbook Production

  1. The higher the quality of the photo, the better it is. Jostens online program, Yearbook Ave., will not accept pictures of low quality.  
  1. Choosing pictures and people to feature in the yearbook is fun, but it can also be hurtful to some.
  1. Be appropriate. If you are worried that a photo or quote is not appropriate, please do not hesitate to ask. Remember, you are representing yourself and your classmates in this yearbook.

Please detach the bottom portion, sign it and return it to me by Wednesday, September 15.

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I have read the syllabus above and understand what is expected of me in Yearbook.

________________________________________      ________________________________________

Student Name                                                   Student Signature                                                                

___________________________________________                __________________

Parent/Guardian Signature                                                        Date


Parent/Guardian phone number and email