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OSM US Chapter Call July 22nd, 2010
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OSM US Chapter Call July 22nd, 2010


Serge Wroclawski, Richard Welty, Steven Johnson, Thea Clay

Approval of Minutes

July 14th, 2010

Steven moves to approve, Thea seconds. No objections, minutes approved.

Consent Agenda

Nothing scheduled.

Officer Reports

Kate Chapman (President)

Not present.

Serge Wroclawski (VP)

Nothing OSM-US related to report.

Richard Welty (Secretary)

1) Membership report as of 7PM ET 7/22/2010. 19 have filled out membership forms: 16 paid members, 2 have submitted forms but not paid via Paypal. 1 has paid via paypal but the payment was reversed. One student discount so far.

2) Election report: nominations open, no nominations yet. Just added section on nominations to chapter wiki page this evening.

Thea Clay (Treasurer)

Reversed membership charge due to credit card issue, individual will resubmit.

$980 in bank account from SOTM, membership dues so far.

Steven Johnson (at Large)

1) Working on getting Census bureau involved in the SOTM-US/Government panel.

2) Working on organizing a mapping party in Raleigh-Durham area. Target date mid-late September.

Old Business


Potential independent election observers from OSGeo and Apache foundation potential fell through.

Serge moves that the OSM-US secretary and an OSMF rep, Michael Collinson or the current Secretary, serve as election monitors. Richard seconds. Thea disagrees, feels we need a second independent observer. Steven agrees with Thea.

Thea proposed amendment: the OSM-US secretary, an OSMF rep (Michael Collinson or the current secretary), and a third observer to be determined, to serve as election monitors. The third observer will be presented to the board and voted on. Amendment seconded by Serge. No objections, motion carries amended.

Motion by Serge to close meeting, seconded by Steven, carries.