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WrapUp Project Option 2 - MasterMind
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Option 2 -  MasterMind Game

Procedural Programming Wrap Up Project

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Your goal is to create a simplified version of the MasterMind Board game that has been around for decades. If you have not played MasterMind, take 5 minutes to try the online version before continuing:

In our version of the game, the computer thinks of a number consisting of three digits. The other player repeatedly guesses the number and receives the following evaluation of the guess from the opponent:

The  code words green, yellow and red will be used to evaluate a guess.

green - A guess is exactly correct (it is the right number in the right position).   However, it does NOT indicate which of the three numbers are correct

yellow - A number is guessed correctly but it is in the wrong position

        red - the number does not appear anywhere in the solution

Additional Rules:

For example, assume that the number is 123, here are some sample guesses and evaluations.

Guess                Evaluation                        Attempts

134                green, yellow                        1                         //notice no red

213                green, yellow, yellow        2                        //notice the green is first, always

312                yellow, yellow, yellow                3 

143                green, green                        4

300                yellow                                5

555                red                                6                        //red will only appear here

114                green                                7                        //notice that there is no

yellow for the second 1

123                 green,green,green                7

So as not to provide too many clues, the evaluator always displays the greens before the yellows in the output.  Write a program that plays this game with the user. The results should be displayed in the format shown above.

Your program must include at least 3 methods written by you. 

The following methods have been used by students in the past but you are certainly welcome to use different ones. 

Simpler vs Challenge Version

This assignment will be tricky regardless of what version you pick.  However there is a way to challenge yourself even further:

Marking Scheme

40% - Methods used but only solves for green or yellow with errors.

60% - Methods used but only solves for Green or for Yellow.  Does so with consistently with no logic errors.

80% - Can properly identify the colors of each guess using a variety of methods (including parameters and return values).

+ 10% - Always prints green first, then yellow. It only prints red when all three are wrong

+ 10% - Handles repeat numbers properly.   Each digit guessed should only result in 1 color.  See below:

Computer number is 242

                Guess is 213

                Correct evaluation: Green                Incorrect Evaluation: Green Yellow

                Computer number is 242

                Guess is 443

Correct evaluation: Green                Incorrect Evaluation: Green Yellow


Ignore this marking scheme, will be updated shortly for 2019




                Computer number is 242

                Guess is 213

                Correct evaluation: Green                Incorrect Evaluation: Green Yellow

                Computer number is 242

                Guess is 443

Correct evaluation: Green                Incorrect Evaluation: Green Yellow
