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Safety Test: General - Practice
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Safety Test: General - Practice

01. If injured control any blood loss first by using _______ and moving it over a trash can or sink area.

A. a band-aid

B. pressure

C. superglue

D. stitches

02. Stay out of the “line of fire” by not cutting _________ yourself

A. near

B. far

C. away

D. towards

03. Let ____ tools and materials cool before handling or storing.

A. flame

B. some

C. most

D. all

04. If you have not had training on a machine ___________.

A. turn or cycle the bit/blade/spindle to see if it is setup correctly before using it

B. turn it on to see what it does so you can know

C. have a friend show you how to use it first

D. don’t touch it

05.  Use tools whenever you want and for whatever application you want.

A. true

B. false

06. Let instructor know about all accidents and injuries _____!

A. before they happen

B. as they happen

C. as soon as possible

D. before the end of class

07. Metal being cut, drilled or shaped in anyway can become ________ enough to burn you.

A. sharp

B. hot

C. shinny

D. smooth

08. Wear ____________ in all lab situations where tools are being used.

A. safety glasses

B. dust mask

C. hearing protection

D. (all of the above)

09. During projects you should only use tools that you have _________ and the _______ to use.

A. permission, training

B. permission, desire

C. training, curiosity

D. none of the above

10. During fire drills...

A. txt a friend

B. call home

C. find a friend to hang with

D. stay together

11. Disconnect tools when not in ______, servicing or adjusting set-up.

A. use

B. storage

C. demonstration

D. safety mode

12. Using a clamp is ______ than using your hand and it frees both hands to operate tool.

A. faster

B. easier

C. safer

D. more convenient

13. If a tool starts to make an unusual noise turn it off _____________________ and inform the instructor.

A. at the end of class

B. after everyone is done with it

C. after you are done with it

D. immediately

14. _______________ the first time you use a tool.

A. Get instruction

B. Unplug it

C. Wear a face shield

D. Rush

15. Carry tools by the handle, sharp end _______.

A. up

B. down

C. left

D. right

16. Let tool do the work at its appropriate speed. It will do the job ________ at the rate for which it was designed.  

A. faster and better

B. better and safer

C. quiet

D. without ever breaking

17. __________ start work when an unprotected bystander is next to you.

A. Always

B. Sometimes

C. Occasionally

D. Never

18. Work should ________ if an unprotected individual enters the shop area while tools are in use..

A. start

B. continue

C. slow

D. stop

19. Keep guards in place and in working order.

A. true

B. false

20. The _________ is the only person to turn on a power tool and turn it off in non-emergency situations.

A. instructor

B. operator

C. supervisor

D. mentor

21. Never put ___________ inside the safety margin on a machine.

A. a push stick

B. your hands

C. feather board

D. push pad

22. Before starting a machine you should check that all adjusting keys and wrenches were removed

A. True

B. False

23. I will follow _________ instructions given by the instructor and mentors.

A. none

B. some

C. most

D. all

24. _________ points can crush fingers and toes.

A. scissor

B. sharp

C. tight

D. pinch

25. Don’t _________ and keep proper footing and balance at all times.

A. use tools

B. grip

C. overreach

D. force reach

26. Tie back ____, remove dangling ______, secure loosed ________, remove _____ and wear shoes with ______ toes in the shop.

A. short hair, jewelry, clothing, headphones, closed

B. long hair, sleeves, clothing, headphones, closed

C. long hair, jewelry, clothing, headphones, open

D. long hair, jewelry, clothing, headphones, closed

27. What style of shoe is approved when working with tools?

A. open toed

B. closed toed street or work

C. any closed toed

D. any type of foot gear

28. I must act __________ to ensure my own safety AND the safety of others in the work area.

A. responsibly

B. quickly

C. impulsively

D. dangerously

29.  Friction from grinding, drilling, sawing, etc. produces _________ that could _______.

A. sparks, blind

B. noise, cause deafness

C. smoke, kill

D. heat, burn

30. Cluttered areas ________ accidents so keep work area and floor clean.

A. avoid

B. invite

C. double

D. always make

31. Any _________ condition or activity will be immediately reported to the instructor or mentor.

A. safe

B. unsafe

32. I agree to ________ work in the shop without qualified adult supervision.

A. always

B. sometimes

C. usually

D. never

33. Know where all ________________ is/are located and what should be done in an emergency.

A. tools

B. safety equipment

C. water fountains or eyewash stations

D. safety glasses

34. Use caution when carrying materials and get ________.

A. safety training

B. tools

C. more

D. assistance

35. Wear eye protection at ____ times when working with tools or working anywhere near someone who is using tools.

A. none

B. some

C. most

D. all

36. Beware and avoid moisture when working with ____________.

A. tools

B. electricity

C. welding

D. equipment

37. Disposing of ____________ incorrectly could cause others to get cuts or punctures.

A. half used glue sticks

B. sharp objects

C. broken drill bits

D. saw blades

38.  Safety is ultimately the responsibility of who?

A. teacher

B. the person using the tool

C. class

D. everyone

39. Clean ___ work areas and put equipment away before being dismissed.

A. only your

B. all

40. It is ________ to remove safety glasses when working with equipment which requires them.

A. unsafe

B. illegal

C. careless

D. all of the above

41.  The likely hood of accident and injury ___________ if I do not follow all the safety guidelines.  

A. increases

B. decreases

C. stays the same

D. no correct answer

42. Machine guards, guides and other safety devices should not be ignored or disconnected.

A. true

B. false

43.  Rushing when working or being _________ can cause a person to lose respect for a tool and what it can do to you.

A. aware of what is going on

B. over trained
C. extra safe

D. over confident

44. I will act in a ______________ manner at _____ times in the shop.

A. responsible, all

B. irresponsible, all

C. responsible, some

D. irresponsible, some

45. To avoid back injury bend knees, flex stomach and lift with _____ muscles.

A. arm

B. leg

C. shoulder

D. lower back

46. Get help and plan your route when carrying something long though a shop.

A. true

B. false

47. You should inspect a tool ___________ time you use it.

A. the first

B. the second

C. every tenth

D. every

48.  Which of the following will not possibly get caught and pull you into a running machine.  

A. jewelry

B. safety glasses

C. loose clothing

D. long hair

49.  I have read and will practice ____ the safety regulations that have been distributed to me or are posted.

A. none

B. some

C. most

D. all

50. Before using electrical cords you should check for _______, cuts, cracks or burn marks.

A. labels

B. color

C. nicks

D. electricity