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Desertopia Sightseeing
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Buildings of Desertopia

1. The first structure ever made in Desertopia. A house, which was expanded several times. Initially constructed out of cobblestone, contained a crafting table, a bed, and two chests. Expanded to accomodate another bed and more chests. Expanded a third time for indoor fishing, a fourth time for underground mining activities, and a fifth time where a little lookout was installed on the roof.



2. Desertopia Cactus Farm. Initially a sand and sandstone quarry which i leveled. Made from a conglomerate of different materials; cobblestone, dirt, and sandstone.


3. Desertopia Public Storage. Rarely used and nearly completely empty. Constructed out of boredom. Covered with a sheet of water so cobble doesn’t look ugly.



4. 1st Quarry. Quarry made primarily for aesthetics (they look impressive), and for cobblestone. Strip-mines were installed at bottom but later discontinued for slime spawning and space issues. Was also the site of an attempted mob-factory build that never got much farther than a single layer of cobble.



5. Sugar Cane farm, created for fuel my obsession with sugar (until i realized you couldn’t eat pure sugar). Later the source of many books and bookcases. One stack of bookcases donated to Yukitown Library. Dirt had to be imported



6. Entrance to 2nd Quarry. Quarry located under Desertopia Cactus Farm. Tnt was used to create this quarry and small living quarters built in. Abandoned for mobspawning reasons. Planned to become mob factory but idea abandoned.



7. Desertopia automatic sugar cane farm. Made with pistons for the automatic farming of sugarcane. Pistons later stripped for other uses and then partially restored. Farm is out of order.


8. Desertopia Mob Factory. Mob factory based off of fall damage design. Maximum output of 2 items per minute. Considered a failure. Later partially destroyed to remove dark areas and make future attempts at mob factories more feasible. Entrance to collection point still intact. Walls were made of sand while platforms made of cobblestone.



9. Spleef Arena. Several matches were played between Bla and Mudkipz before Mudkipz blew it up halfway through a match. Was never fixed.


10. Mini-pool. Wanted to be able to hide without nametag showing. Later put Bla in tiny, tiny, green, woolen box at bottom of it. All blocks are source blocks.


11. Netherrack on fire boundary to keep mobs out. Most mobs that come in are badly hurt. Frequently, cooked pork can be found near this border. Defines the boundary of ‘Inner Desertopia’


12. Tree farm. Created because lack of trees in Desertopia. Mostly abandoned after Mudkipz mined about 4000 wood from pine hill and never needs to punch a tree *ever*.


13. Desertopia Wheat Farm. Is surrounded by cobblestone wall with overhangs to keep out mobs. At the time it was built, this was the largest farm on Blacraft and was also converted to be automatic.


14. Desertopia station. The place where minerail enters Desertopia and you can reach the surface.



15. Tnt cannon launcher. Max height is something like 140 blocks.


16. Originally the bottom of a design for a mob factory device, but abandoned the plan.


17. Redstone experiments including my inescapable box which is well, inescapable. It uses pistons to push around so you can’t mine anything.


18. My current house. Initially made because i was building stuff too far from my old house. Made of wood, stone, glass and sandstone. Bottom floor contains tables and books, top floor contains 2 large chests, a crafting table, and an enchanting table.


19. Desertopia Mushroom Farm. Red mushroom farm completed. Brown uncompleted due to more efficient ways of mushroom farming (giant mushrooms). Mushroom farm harvest room at top. Drop point at bottom. Expected drop is around 10 stacks.


20. Desertopia Zoo. Made of sand. Spawns skelatons, spiders, endermen, and creepers. Sand placed to minimize spider spawns



21. Quarry #3. 11x8x50 quarry. Converted to chicken and egg farm, but failed. Glass top.



22. Small Chicken Farm. Built out of cobble. Low capacity chicken farm that produces a decent amount of eggs.


23. Cobblegenerator. Obsolete now because stone generators can be constructed.


24. Desertopia Vertical Cactus Farm. 75% output of larger farm. Built to increase cactus output as it was nerfed in a update. Multilevel. Entrance to drop point is in tree farm


25. Bridges two sections of Inner Desertopia that would otherwise require a long walk. Shortens distance by around 8 times, saving time. Made of cobble and utilizes both ladders and half-slabs.


26. Desertopia Cone. Large cone building build out of stone slabs and glass. Stone slab floors never completed. Over 30,000 blocks were quarried out of the base so the building would fit. However, the maximum height limit has since been raised. Currently has no purpose and suggestions are welcome.



27. Cone Forge. Forge consisting of 96 furnaces to smelt cobblestone and sand into stone and glass.


28. Lava Pool. Lava storage center dug in the ground with railings to store lava. Lava was supposed to be used as a light source within the building but this was never completed and lava was transported elsewhere for other use. Pool is currently empty.


29. Desertopia Chicken Pen. Desertopia’s largest egg farming device with an active output of up to 5 eggs/second. When left alone, chickens naturally decrease in number. Currently empty although several chests of eggs are available should anyone with to start up the farm again. Maximum capacity of around 1000 chickens.


30. Desertopia Bunker. Built into the mountain with walls of at least 3 meters thick. Includes a safe-room made of obsidian to protect against all blasts. Only entrance is through a nether-portal which was deleted in an update and not yet repaired. Located both underwater and within the mountain behind it. Includes many supplies needed for long term survival.


31. Multi-Purpose Building. Includes multiple bedrooms, a large melon farm, an indoor archery range, a redstone research area, a spleef arena, a fencing arena, a large pool, and a multi-level maze. Building made primarily of stone, stone bricks, and glass panes. Never completed, although it is functional as is.


32. Enclosed walkway. Made of cobblestone and glass, designed to provide a safe walkway at all times, both underwater, above water, and in caves. Was never completed, but is still useful and functional.


33. Desertopia Forge. Constructed to smelt the approximately 60,000 blocks needed for the Desertopia Multi-purpose building. Consists of around 70 furnaces. Is most used furnace all around for all purposes, although only rarely is half of this forge used at a time.


34. Desertopia Sand and Sandstone Quarry. Mine was started to strip large amounts of sand and sandstone from the ground. Work was stopped when cave was discovered. However, there is still much sandstone that can be mined from it.


35. Desertopia Dirt Quarry. Was started to provide over 9000 blocks of dirt for the Forssa Farm #2. Work stopped when save was discovered. 8000/9000 blocks needed were successfully mined out. Floor contains some ore that maybe later mined out.


36. Desertopia Spleef. Object is currently not on the map and represented with a red box because world map has not been updated. This multi-level spleef arena contains around 800 dirt blocks in a spiral of floors. The pit is not fatal although it can be easily modified. Shovels and food provided.


37. Desertopia Scenic Rail Station. Launches minecarts with large amounts of momentum and speed. Made primarily of Cobblestone. Rail runs at y=82
