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BMT Quick Start Guide
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BMT Quick Start Guide

This document is intended for people that just need the bare minimum to get things up and runnings.  In this document, BMT is a abbreviation for Batch Metadata Tools

Upgrading from SageTV6

If you are upgrading from SageTV6, then run the BMT Upgrade Tool and then follow the New Installation instructions.

New Installation

Install the SageTV7 plugin, Batch Metadata Tools - Web Interface, from the SageTV7 Plugin Manager.  This will install Jetty and Phoenix Core Services as well.

Test that you can access the BMT web interface by going to http://YOUR_SERVER_IP:8080/bmt/, the default password is sage/frey.

If this is a new install, and you don’t already have metadata/fanart for your media files, then using the BMT web interface, click on Browse, then select a View and click Update Metadata.  Typically you’d want to do this for Recordings and Sage Video Imports.  BMT does not automatically fetch fanart for existing items (it will for newly added items), so you MUST do this step, if you want metadata/fanart to be added to your existing collection.

Install a STV Plugin that will show the metadata and fanart.  An up to date list is maintained here. BMT does not provide a STV UI component, so you must install another plugin to enable fanart in your TV experience.

Complete. From this point on BMT will listen for new media files and attempt to fetch fanart/metadata for new recordings and new media files.

BMT Upgrades

If you have the BMT Web Interface installed and a new update is available, then you can accept the update, and it will upgrade your existing version.  Typically SageTV will need to restart on new BMT upgrades.

If you cannot access bmt web interface after an upgrade, then try the following

Restart SageTV Server (not the computer, just the process)

Clear your browse cache

Restart your browser

Try the BMT url again

Further Readings

User Guide - Detailed guide on installing and using BMT

About Guide - Overview guide on BMT and Phoenix their relationship to each other