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Social Bookmarking Project
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

8.1.12.A.3        Collaborate in online courses, learning communities, social networks or virtual worlds to discuss a resolution to a problem or issue.

8.1.12.C.1        Develop an innovative solution to a real world problem or issue in collaboration with peers and experts, and present ideas for feedback through social media or in an online community.

8.1.12.E.1        Produce a position statement about a real world problem by developing a systematic plan of investigation with peers and experts synthesizing information from multiple sources.

Web 2.0: Social Bookmarking Project

Social Bookmarking

Organizing digital information is becoming a big challenge as people continue to use the World Wide Web  in news ways. The ability to recall the locations of favorite web sites, digital pictures, or important documents and email messages is crucial as the amount of data stored on both personal computers and the WWW increases.

Storing photographs or documents in folders on your personal computers is one way to categorize and locate information. Under this scheme, you might organize your digital pictures on your personal computer in folders according to the years that you took them, and then store related photos in folders beneath each year.

What's another way we can organize your computers? What about email? Your Favorite Websites? Your Blog Posts? RSS Feeds? Reply to this post with specific ways, websites that can help you, and anything else you would want to add.


  1. Set up an account on Diigo.
  2. Go to: and apply to be a group member (on right)  5 Points
  3. Save (Using Digolet, Chrome Extension, App, etc.) at least 30 total specific websites on Diigo using whichever tags appear to be the most useful if you had to do 6 current event reports or research (5 from each topic you choose) each of the following topics:
  1. 2016 Presidential Election
  2. School Bullying Laws
  3. Financial Company Home Pages
  4. Pro Sports Playoffs
  5. The War Against Terrorism (i.e ISIS)
  6. New Jersey High School Home Pages (Not Wood-Ridge)
    50 Points
  1. Be sure to enter a description: about the website and specific and appropriate tags AND add EACH site to the group Porfido
    10 Points
  2. From Digolet Applet, Tweet out 1 article with the Hashtag #DiigoPorfidoP_. 5 Points
  3. As a new Blog Post on your blog, answer the following:
  1. What's another way you can organize and store information on your computers?
  2. What have you learned from researching the above topics? What do you know now about those current events that you didn’t know before?
  3. What are other social bookmarking apps/websites?
  4. Will you continue to use social bookmarking?

25 Points

Requirements: 30 bookmarks (with tags & a description), added to the group Porfido, 1 Tweet & questions on your blog before class on 12/__/2015.