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Part 3: Rockin' it out in Pewter Gym!
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Part 3: Rockin’ it out in Pewter Gym!

‘Rattata, use quick attack!’, yelled my young opponent, ordering another launch at Toto. The rattata approached Toto at rapid speed. The little crocodile pokemon sprang lively up and down on the spot.

        ‘Toto, dodge left and use bite!’, I commanded.

        Toto waited until the last second, then sprang left and lunged at the rodent with his huge jaws. It was a direct hit. The rattata squirmed around in Toto’s mouth but could not break free. My opponent screamed orders at his rattata but their was nothing it could do.

        ‘Toto, finish this. Water gun!’

        Toto inhaled and unleashed a surge of water, flushing the rattata out his mouth and compressing the rodent to the muddy forest path. When the attack finished it was clear that the dazed rattata had fainted.

        ‘Rattata is unable to battle. Robin and Toto win!’, declared Aly who had refereed all our battles in Viridian Forest so far.

        I ran over to Toto and picked up the little crocodile in celebration of our fourth victory this week.        ‘Toto, you’re awesome!’, I said to him staring proudly into his eyes. Toto kicked for joy in my hands.

        ‘Thanks for the battle’, said the young trainer, cradling his rattata, ‘You two are strong. And thank you, Rattata. Take a long rest.’ The boy took out a pokeball from his shorts and withdrew the fainted rodent.

        ‘Thanks for accepting our challenge’, I said appreciatively, ‘We have to train hard for our Pewter Gym match.’

        The trainer laughed, amused by my statement, ‘ You’re gonna have to train a lot more if you want to defeat Salvadore! I’ve battled him a tonne of times but I’ve never come close to winning.’

        I gently rested Toto on the path, slightly agitated by what I had just been told. Then I looked at Toto and regained faith in my pokemon. I stood up straight with confidence. No matter how tough this gym leader was I was gonna get that badge!

        ‘With Toto and Peeks at my side, that badge is as good as mine!’

        ‘Well, can’t say I didn’t warn ya! Anyways, I better get my pokemon to the pokecenter. Thanks again!’, said the trainer hastily and quickly ran off, down the main path of Viridian Forest and out of sight.

        Aly giggled, ‘Well lets hope you’re as ready as you think you are. That kid wasn’t joking.’

        I faced the young dragon trainer with the sleeping Dratini around her neck.

        ‘I’ve heard about Salvadore’, she continued, ‘He’s been a gym leader for two years and has been trained by his older brother, Forrest.’

        ‘Hmm...’, I pondered, ‘Do you know anything else about him?’, I asked, trying to gain as much information as possible.

        ‘Nothing much’, replied Aly, ‘Only that he is said to be a specialist of the rock type like his two brothers before him.’

        I smiled. ‘Well the, I guess I have nothing to worry about’, I said confidently looking at Toto, ‘ Since Toto’s a water type, our match should be a breeze!’

        ‘It’s true that Toto has an advantage, but what if something were to happen to Toto? You’re only other pokemon is Peeks and rock pokemon can sometimes be part ground type as well.’

I looked up at her, confused. ‘So? What’s the problem with that?’

        ‘Honestly!?’, said Aly impatiently at my arrogance. ‘Do you not know your type advantages? Peeks is an electric type-’

‘Which is good against water types!’, I interrupted.

‘Yes, but it’s weak against ground type attacks. Also, electric type moves have no effect whatsoever on ground type pokemon.’

        I stood there stumped. There was so much I still had to learn about pokemon.

        ‘Here’, said Aly rooting through her small rucksack, disturbing Dratini in her slumber, ‘Take this. I learned a lot from it when I was younger, including all about the different types of pokemon there are.’

        Aly took out a small book, “The Trainer’s Guidebook to Pokemon”. I took it with gratitude and gave a quick flick through the pages. It seemed like there was a lot in it but it would definitely be useful on my quest to becoming a pokemon master!

        ‘Thank you’, I said earnestly and put the book into my backpack, ‘I’ll start reading it once we get to Pewter City.’

        Aly smiled, ‘Hope it comes in handy. Anyways, we should probably get going. If we go now we should make it to Pewter City before sunset.’

        It was difficult to judge what time of day it was, given the lack of light that came through the above canopy of branches. But the young dragon tamer lived in this forest and she definitely knew what she was talking about. We continued on...

        After a couple of hours of walking, we turned the last corner of the forest path and onto the straight, the forest exit in sight. Relief washed over my face. I looked at Toto.

        ‘There it is buddy, the end of Viridian Forest.’

        Toto bounced on the spot.


        City lights and houses could be seen beyond the trees which began to decline the closer we got to the exit. In excitement I began to run, but then something caught the corner of my eye.

        Resting quietly by a tree was a green shell-like pokemon. I spun around and flicked my dex:

        Metapod, the cocoon pokemon. Metapod is the evolved form of Caterpie. Metapod uses its steel-hard shell to protect its body as it awaits for evolution.

        ‘I’m not gonna let this one get away’, I said determined as I reached for a pokeball.

        ‘Don’t forget to weaken it’, said Aly.

        ‘I know. I got this!’, I reassured myself, ‘Go, Peeks!’

The electric mouse pokemon sprung out of the pokeball at my command. ‘Use quick attack!’

The Pikachu dashed towards the bug who had been eyeing us the whole time. As Peeks approached Metapod, the cocoon pokemon seemed to tense itself and sheen its body. Peeks charged straight into the Metapod but went tumbling backwards. Metapod stood there, unphased by the attack. Peeks slowly got to his feet.

‘Peeks, try a thunderbolt!’

Peeks nodded and sparks crackled across his cheeks.


 With a yell the pikachu electrocuted Metapod who squinted in pain. It’s armor seemed to weaken and it’s eyes seemed stressed. I took out free pokeball and through it with force.

‘Metapod, you’re mine!’, I yelled as the pokeball opened and the pokemon went inside. The pokeball landed on the edge of the path and twitched with a red light. I held my breath in anticipation. It twitched once, twice, three times and...


The pokeball lay there, colourless and emotionless.

I ran over and picked up the pokeball. I stared at it briefly in disbelief and then sighed a moan of relief. Overcome with excitement I punched the air in celebration.

‘We did it!’, I screamed joyously, celebrating on the spot with Toto and Peeks,

I caught a Metapod!

Aly and Dratini laughed at my ridiculous reaction.

‘Well done, Robin!’, Aly congratulated me, ‘That wasn’t a bad catch... for a beginner...’

I ignored her joke and attached the newly caught Metapod in its pokeball to my belt.

‘Now’, I said looking at the beams of twilight breaking through the horizon of trees, ‘Time to get my first badge!’

I walked on in a quick stride with the rest following behind me, where Pewter City awaited our arrival.

* * *

Nurse Joy came through the electronic doors of the check-up room. She had an uncanny resemblance to the Nurse Joy of Viridian City. In fact, they looked the exact same. Her assistant, Chansey, pushed a cart carrying Dratini and my three pokeballs containing Toto, Peeks and Metapod. Aly and I stood up and greeted her.

‘Thank you for waiting so patiently. You’re pokemon are all doing just fine.’

We thanked her and took our pokemon. Dratini coiled around Aly’s neck.

‘Thank you very much, Nurse Joy’, we both said gratefully.

‘Nurse Joy’, a male voice called from behind us, ‘Sorry for interrupting, but I was just wondering if my pokemon were ready?’

Aly and I moved aside for the stranger who came in seeking his pokemon. I observed the older teenager’s mature smile and narrow, yet relaxed eyes. Aly stared at him in awe.

‘Oh, you’re just in time’, said Nurse Joy with a smile, ‘ Chansey, could you please get Salvadore’s pokemon.’

Salvadore? Why did that name seem so familiar?

‘Sorry again’, said Salvadore apologetically, ‘but being a gym leader is a time consuming position and-’

‘Wait!’, I rudely interjected, ‘You’re the Pewter City gym leader?’

‘Hehe, yeah.’, he said scratching the back of his head.

‘Ha! I knew it!’, said Aly petting Dratini, ‘I knew you seemed familiar. Nice to meet you. My name is Aly and this is my partner, Dratini.’

‘Hey Salvadore, I’m Robin from Viridian City and I aim to be a pokemon master.’ I shook his hand. ‘So, would it be ok if I challenged your gym?’

‘Wow, nice to meet you. You’re my fourth challenger who’s came from Viridian this week. In fact, that girl Kiwi challenged my gym yesterday and one my badge in a great battle.’

‘Kiwi was here?’, I asked astounded, ‘Now we have to battle! I can’t let her get ahead!’

Salvadore laughed, ‘Haha, well you sure seem eager, so sure thing! Drop by my gym tomorrow morning. I’ll be waiting.’

‘Thank you.’, I said trying to with hold my excitement.

‘Here are your pokemon.’, said Nurse Joy in her gentle voice. Chansey came over with six pokeballs and carefully handed them over to Salvadore.

‘Thank you, Chansey and Nurse Joy. Well, Aly and Robin, I’ll see both of you tomorrow morning. Sleep well, you’ll need your energy.’ Salvadore gave us a quick smile and then walked out of the pokemon centre.

‘Robin’, said Aly, ‘You should get an early night.’

Although I was buzzing with excitement I didn’t need to be told twice and made my way to one of the free beds in the pokemon centre. Pushing all of the thoughts and dreams out of my mind, I slowly fell asleep.

* * *

I stood outside Pewter Gym beside Aly and Dratini. Any grogginess that I had was now pressed out of my body and replace with a mixture of nervousness and excitement. I had to remind myself to thank Aly at a later stage for waking me up from my deep slumber.

With a steady breath I rapped hard on the giant iron doors of the gym. With an eerie creak, they began to open outwards by themselves. We had to jump backwards to avoid being knocked over by the heavy doors. We entered cautiously.

‘I was wondering when you’d show up’, called Salvador across from the other side of the gym. We entered the enormous room with lines of spectator seats either side of us. The floor in between was almost the size of a tennis court.

‘Salvadore!’, I called out trying to hide nerves, ‘I, Robin of Viridian City challenge you to a gym battle.’ I trade to make myself sound serious but that was a slight quibble in my voice.

‘Very well then. I accept your challenge.’

Salvadore snapped his fingers and without warning, the floor began to move. Rocks and boulders jutted up from the ground and a lining to mark out the battle field appeared. Aly hastily made her way to the viewing area. A man with a flag in either hand entered the mini podium at the side of the arena. I correctly guessed him to be the referee.

‘This will be a two on two gym battle’, said the referee, ‘ The challenger may switch pokemon at any time. The challenger will also have the first move.’

‘Good luck, Robin’, said Salvadore confidently, ‘Now, lets get this battle started! Go, Geodude!’ Salvadore threw a pokeball and summoned his Geodude. I checked my Dex:

Geodude, the rock pokemon. Geodude can easily be mistaken for an ordinary rock, given its rock-like body. It swings its fists recklessly if angered.

‘So, you do use rock types’, I said reassuring myself, ‘In that case, Toto, you’re up!’ I summoned Toto who hopped out of his pokeball in his usual joyous dance.

‘Hmm’, said the intrigued gym leader, ‘It’s not often you see a Totodile around these parts.’

‘Toto’s my starter pokemon and together, we’re gonna go all the way!’ I almost surprised myself with the confidence that was growing in me. I was now solely focused on getting my first gym badge.

‘Toto, ready?’, I asked the little crocodile pokemon. Toto stopped dancing, looked at me and nodded with a smile.

‘Awesome! Lets do this! Go, Toto! Use water gun!’

Toto inhaled a deep breath.

‘Geodude, dodge it!’

Toto launched a jet stream of water at Geodude but the sturdy rock pokemon ejected itself into the air using its muscular arms. Toto and I watched in awe.

‘Now use rollout!’, ordered Salvadore.

In mid-air, the Geodude wrapped its arms around itself. It lunged to the ground and began rolling rapidly towards Toto. It struck the surprised Totodile with its spinning body, sending Toto tumbling backwards.

‘Toto, please get up!’

The little water starter pokemon struggled off the ground to its feet.

‘Hmm, this one’s a fighter’, said Salvadore, seemingly impressed, ‘But this ends now! Geodude, use double-edge!’

Once again, the small boulder-like pokemon surged towards Toto, this time leading with its solid right arm to defend its face. I was just about to instruct Toto to avoid it, but then I remembered something from my first battle against Team Rocket. It was risky but I had to take the chance.

‘Toto’, I yelled, ‘Remember how you battled Team Rocket’s Primeape? Steady your position and brace yourself!’ Toto nodded and steadied himself.

Salvadore was struck with a shocked look. Aly and Dratini looked edgily from the stands, unsure of my decision.

Geodude came within striking distance of Toto.

‘Now, use bite!’, I commanded. Toto opened jaw and took the full force of Geodude with his mouth. The totodile’s feat skid backwards along the battlefield but he managed to keep his balance. I punched the air in success. The risk had paid off.

Salvadore was left speechless as his Geodude desperately tried to free itself from Toto’s grasp.

‘Toto, you know what to do!’, I yelled, fueled with excitement. Toto propelled himself and Geodude into the air with his tail. With a sharp flick of the next he shot the helpless rock type out of his jaws with a powerful water gun. The Geodude was blasted into a boulder on the battlefield. The dust cleared to reveal the rock pokemon imprinted into the battlefield, its eyes rolled back into its head.

‘Geodude is unable to battle!’, announced the somewhat astounded referee, ‘Totodile wins!’

I punched the air again in victory, ‘Yeah, great work Toto!’ The totodile danced on the spot, still full of energy.

Salvadore withdrew the unconscious Geodude, ‘Thank you Geodude. You served me well. Nice work Robin. You and Toto have bonded really well.’, said the gym leader, turning his attention to me, ‘Now, lets see how you handle this pokemon.’

Salvadore took out another pokeball from his belt and threw it with conviction, ‘Lets show this trainer why rock types are the best. Go! Sudowoodo!’ The pokeball opened and from it emerged a pokemon that could easily be mistaken for a tree. It sure didn’t look like a rock pokemon. With a puzzled look I checked my Dex:

Sudowoodo, the imitation pokemon and the evolved form of Bonsly. Although Sudowoodo resembles a tree, its body is composed of rock material. It is very weak to water and dislikes the rain.

I cleared my throat and regained my composure. ‘Ok, Toto, just keep focused. We have the advantage so this should be a sinch! Use water gun!’ A jet of water gushed from the totodile’s mouth but the Sudowoodo just swayed to the left, effortlessly avoiding it. I gasped in shock.

Salvadore smirked,’Sorry Robin, but you’ll need a lot more than type advantage if you want to be beat Sudowoodo!’


‘Toto, get closer to Sudowoodo and then use bite!’

The totodile nodded understandingly ran towards the tree-like pokemon with a quick pace.

Salvadore smiled, ‘Sudowoodo, use wood hammer!’

As Toto sprang at Sudowoodo with open jaws, Sudowoodo raised his arm and slammed Toto’s head with his branch-like hands. The crocodile pokemon went face first into the ground, causing him to faint.

‘Totodile is unable to battle. Sudowoodo wins!’

I stood there dumbfounded. It was like Salvadore wanted Toto to fight up close. ‘Toto, return’, I said bitterly at the loss, ‘Thanks for giving it your all.’ I stood there in contemplation of my next pokemon. I could use Peeks? But what if Sudowoodo had a ground move? Peeks might not be able handle that much damage.

‘Well, Robin? Do you still want to continue this battle or try again another time?’, asked Salvadore, writhing in confidence.

I snapped out of my trailing thoughts and met Salvadore’s gaze on the opposite side of the battlefield. ‘There’s no way we’re giving in! Not now! This may be a risky move but I know you can do it!’, I yelled as I withdrew a pokeball from my belt and stared at it with belief. ‘Give it your all, Metapod!’ I threw the pokeball and Metapod was summoned onto the rocky battle arena.

Salvadore and the referee gave facial expressions of shock and amazement.

‘Robin! What are you doing!?’, screamed a frustrated Aly, ‘Metapod is a bug type! Bugs are weak against rock types!’

I glanced at Aly and then at Metapod. My face was overcome with a look of dismay.


There was still so much I had to learn. Looking at the trainer guidebook that Aly gave me might have helped...

I turned my attention back to the battle and focused my thoughts. ‘Metapod!’, I called out to the motionless bug, ‘I believe in you! We can win this!’, I tried to sound reassuring, ‘Now, lets show em what you’re made of! Use Tackle!’



Metapod did not make a move.

Sudowoodo mimicked his master’s confused facial expression. Still in shock, I checked my Dex to identify the problem:

It is rare for Metapod to use any other move besides Harden.

All the colour drained from my face. This was not happening!

‘I’m sorry to do this Robin but I have a reputation to keep and something like a Metapod is not going to earn you this badge.’, said Salvadore with a cold stare, a sharp contrast to his usual friendly appearance, ‘Sudowoodo, use low kick!’

As Sudowoodo’s leg swept towards Metapod, the bug’s cocoon-like body sheened and hardened. Metapod took this hit from Sudowoodo but to my surprise it did not seem too phased. I locked eyes with Salvadore. We were not going down without a fight!

‘Sudowoodo, use low kick again!’, commanded Salvadore, determined to bring this battle to a close.

Realising that defense was my only option, ‘Metapod, use harden!’, I pleaded.

Another metallic sheen pasted over Metapod and Sudowoodo landed another kick to the solid cocoon. Metapod’s eye flinched, indicating it felt that blow, but it still stood strong.

‘Sudowoodo! Keep using low kicks!’

‘Metapod! Match it with harden’

Sudowoodo ensued in a flurry of low kicks while Metapod matched it with a series of harden.

Both of us roared orders and encouragement to our pokemon in battle. Aly and Dratini cheered for Metapod, giving both of us some belief.

Both pokemon seemed to be weakening; Metapod in health and Sudowoodo in stamina.

‘That’s enough!’, yelled Salvadore furiously, ‘Sudowoodo, finish this with rock throw!’ With all it’s might, the tree-like pokemon lifted a jagged rock the size of my head. Panting from all its effort, it hurled the rock at Metapod.

It was a direct hit!

The rock crushed and dented Metapods compact body. When the rock rolled off the bug, I gasped in horror as I noticed its cocoon had been punctured, leaving a small hole in its body. Metapods eyes were squinting in pain.

In the dead silence, the whole began to crack and spread up through the whole cocoon.


I stood there, expressionless in the wake of my decaying pokemon, losing all hope.

To Be Continued...