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App Inventor Resources for CS4HS Organizers
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App Inventor Resources for CS4HS Organizers

Basic information on how App Inventor works

Advanced information on how App Inventor works

Video Tutorials

Sample Apps

App Inventor in the Classroom

Example Curriculum from the University of San Francisco

Computer Science for non CS majors

Professor Dave Wolber

Strategies for Teaching with App Inventor

Professor Dave Wolber, University of San Francisco


App Inventor: Create Your Own Android Apps

Dave Wolber, Hal Abelson, Ellen Spertus, Liz Looney

O’Rielly Publishing

App Inventor for Android: Build your own apps - no experience required!

Jason Tyler

Wiley Publishing

Programming Android Apps for Beginners (German)

Jörg H. Kloss

Pearson Publishing

Educators Instructor Forum

Over 400 educators ranging from 6th grade teachers to university level professors and everything inbetween have subscribed to this email forum. This is great place to explore your ideas for using App Inventor in the classroom with like minded educators.!forum/app-inventor-instructors

General User Forums

These user forums provide a place for all users of App Inventor to ask questions about how App Inventor works, troubleshoot problems, and share ideas for apps.