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Part 16: Eevee come, Eevee go!
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Part 16: Eevee come, Eevee go!

‘Umm.. Aly?’


‘What are you doing?’. I looked down curiously at the young dragon tamer who was kneeling on the ground, slowly prodding her head against a tree.

She looked up at me wearily and rubbed her forehead, ‘Well, I don’t think Togepi knows any moves yet, so I was trying to teach her how to do a head butt attack...’, Aly trailed off as she looked over at her Togepi. The baby Pokémon was sitting next to a bush; her attention was completely focused on a fully blossomed daisy. She sniffed the flower and sneezed before squealing for joy. ‘... But as you can see we haven’t made much progress’, she sighed deeply.

‘Well, she is only a couple weeks old’, I reminded her, ‘It’s gonna take some time, but you two will be great together!’, I reassured her.

‘I guess...’, Aly said resignedly and picked up Togepi, cradling her in her arms. Togepi hugged her trainer lovingly.

Salvadore walked over to us carrying a tray of different flavoured rice balls. ‘A Pokémon and trainer must also be well nourished if they want to become stronger, so dig in everybody!’, he said with a smile.

I instantly went for the cinnamon flavour- my favourite! It was still warm and the smell of it wafted up through my nostrils. I tucked in contently. Aly chose the lemon and jelly flavour. She broke off a small piece of the rice ball and fed it to Togepi. The spike ball Pokémon munched happily and let out an ecstatic scream for more.

‘Oh my God! These are so perf!’, she relished as she liked her fingers.

Salvadore was a great cook and knew just what to serve at the right times! We were certainly lucky to have him!

I was just about to reach for my second helping of rice balls when I saw it.

 A small Pokémon with cute eyes was staring at me. I stared back in awe as its silver fur seemed to sparkle and shine in the midday sun. I recognised the Pokémon immediately. It was an Eevee- but its fur coat looked a lot different from the one that Gary had.

I thought back to a few days ago; just before Sir Duke had joined my team. I had seen something glisten in a nearby bush. Could it have been this Pokémon?

Without any warning the mysterious Eevee turned and fled back into the forest.

‘Robin?’, Aly questioned my startled look.

‘That Eevee! It must be what I saw before!’, I muttered nonsensically. Captivated by curiosity, I hastily grabbed a vanilla rice ball from the tray and took off after the Pokémon.

‘Not this again!’, Aly scowled.

‘Every time!’, Salvadore sighed. They both shook their heads and followed the chase.

I followed the Eevee through the maze of plants and trees. I stumbled awkwardly over the thick grass and tree stumps that lay below in an attempt to keep sight of the speedy fox Pokémon. I scoffed half my rice ball as I ran and tossed the rest of it to a pack of nearby nidoran.

Angry spearow swooped down over my head in frustration- obviously upset that I disrupted there peaceful home. I covered my face from the onslaught and began to run on in blind instinct, hoping that I would somehow catch up to the Eevee. I continued until the trees became more dispersed and less dense. I heard Aly and Salvadore calling after me to slow down, but I kept running. I was confident- determined to catch this special coloured Eevee. My thoughts lingered on its alluring eyes and it’s glistening-


Something felt soft under my foot as I continued running after the Eevee. A loud shriek of pain came immediately after. What the heck had I just trampled over? I was just about to turn around and inspect the incident when beams of sunlight reached through the thick forest and partially blinded me for a moment.

As my eyes adjusted to the intense light I realised that I was standing at the edge of a giant field. A small cottage, protected by a wooden fence was perched at the base of a hill, across the well kept lawn. A winding river lapped calmly along side it. It was a pretty picturesque setting.

However, the thing the grabbed my attention most were the many eevee that populated the field. A group of young eevee were resting soundly under the shade of some nearby trees. Two eevee were chasing each other playfully around the grass. None of them seemed to notice my intrusion.

I then saw the silver coloured Eevee, the one that I had followed here, gazing up at me from the riverside.

‘Woah!’, exclaimed Aly from behind me. ‘Look at this place! And all of these eevee. They’re all just too cute!’.

‘Wow! A different coloured Eevee!’, Salvadore gasped in awe.

‘I know, right!?’, I said excitedly and grabbed a pokeball from my belt. ‘I’ve got to catch it!’

I was just about to summon Peeks when a female voice boomed from behind us, ‘Stop right there, poachers!’.

‘Poachers!? Wha-’

Before I got a chance to turn I felt a strange force overwhelming my body and without warning, all three of us were flung into the air!

We landed heavily on the ground. Not even the summer grass could soften our fall. I was completely winded after falling directly on my tail bone. It took me a few moments before I gradually steadied my breathing. We groaned as we slowly got to our feet and looked for our attacker.

A young woman with magenta coloured hair frowned down at us from across the field. A pink fox-like Pokémon stood battle ready in front of her. I checked my Dex:

Espeon, the sun Pokémon and the evolved form of Eevee. Espeon has fine hairs that allow it to predict the weather. When the orb on Espeon’s forehead glows it is a sign of an on coming psychic attack.

I looked at the Espeon whose eyes were glowing threateningly at us.

‘Trying to steal Eevee from the sanctuary, eh? Well not on my watch!’, the woman shouted angrily.

I noticed the Espeon’s orb beginning to glow, readying itself for another attack. I quickly waved my hands in innocence. ‘No! Wait! You’ve got this all wrong! We’re not poachers; we’re just trainers! We didn’t even know this was a sanctuary and we never meant to disturb you. Honest!’, I spoke fast and panicked, not wanting to suffer another psychic attack.

The woman’s frown eased and she sighed, ‘Hold it, Espeon! I think they’re telling the truth’.

The glow on Espeon’s orb instantly faded and the Pokémon sat at ease beside her trainer.

I let out a huge sigh of relief and walked over to the mysterious woman, offering a polite hand. ‘Hi, my name’s Robin and I’m from Viridian City. We were on our way to Celadon City when I saw that silver coloured Eevee. I thought it was a wild Pokémon and I just had to capture it. I’m sorry’, I bowed my in shame.

To my surprise, the woman took my hand and shook it firmly. ‘I’m sorry too’, she said, ‘It was very ignorant of me to jump to conclusions. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is-’

‘Sakura!’, Salvadore interrupted and seemed to drift over to the woman- love struck! He grasped her hands in his own and stared at her with eyes full of unrequited love. ‘ Hi! My name’s Salvadore’, he continued, ‘ My brother, Brock, told me so much about you and your sisters, but his words could not define your beauty and perfection! You also look so much batter in real life than on television- even though I didn’t think that could be possible! And you have nothing to apologise for! Aly and Robin, they’re just kids who don’t know any better. Please, let me make it up to you by taking you to dinner- or a picnic!? Your choice! Then, maybe afterwards we ca- annnnnyyyaaahhh.....’.

Salvadore’s chat up speech came to a swift close as Aly dragged him viciously away from the confused Sakura.

Sakura smiled, ‘I can see the resemblance’, she said jokingly. ‘Anyway, how about we go inside? I’ve just finished making scones! I think it’s the least I can do’.

We nodded happily.


* * *


I watched Togepi playfully chasing the silver Eevee around the table by which we sat. Every so often it would brush against my leg, before tickling the baby Pokémon’s nose. I smiled at their little game before turning my attention to Sakura. ‘So, you mind all these Eevee?’, I asked her as I munched on a hot buttered scone.

‘Well, I guess...’, she said, blushing.

‘Where did they all come from?’, Aly asked curiously.

‘Well’, Sakura began, ‘A long time ago, when I first came to Kanto to challenge the League, I came across a silver coated Eevee on Route Seven, just as you did! It seemed to be in some sort of distress to I decided to follow it. It lead me to this place, where I saw a poacher caging a few of its friends into the back of his truck with the intent of skinning them for their soft fur.’

‘That’s horrible!’, Aly said in disgust.

‘I know’, Sakura continued, ‘But Espeon and I took care of him, and believe me, his poaching days are now over’, she said with a wink and petted her Espeon who rested on her lap.

‘So then you decided to stay here and protect the Eevee?’, I guessed.

‘Well... eventually, yes’, she answered, ‘I made a promise to that Shiny Eevee that I would come back here and look after them once I had challenged the Kanto League. I kept true to my promise and returned just under a year later, but the Shiny Eevee, as well as some other eevee had left the area. However, some new eevee had arrived in their absence, making this secretive place their new home. And that’s how it has been for the past few years; Eevee come and Eevee go!’, she beamed happily.

‘Hmmm... I see... But then, how come this Shiny Eevee is still with you? Did it just come back?’, Salvadore quizzed in an awkwardly loud and trembling voice. He was doing his best, yet failing to control his emotions when talking to the beautiful Sakura.

Sakura giggled, ‘Oh no! This here is Kiro, my brave little guardian’.

Kiro paused for a moment to smile up at his carer before resuming his game with Togepi.

‘When I returned here after my journey around Kanto, I saw that the eevee who had stayed from the first time were guarding a Pokémon egg. I watched over the egg as I built and maintained this sanctuary- as well as dealing with my other job. Finally, after a long time of caring for the egg, it finally hatched and Kiro was born- our shining protector!’

‘Wow! What a great story!’, I said and took a careful sip of tea from the antique Japanese cup. I then gently placed the teacup on the linen covered table and raised a questioning eye. ‘Ummm... Sakura? I was wondering... since I’m training to become a Pokémon master and all... I hope you don’t mind me asking, but how did you get on in the Kanto League?’, I asked hesitantly, hoping I wasn’t resurrecting any bad experiences.

Salvadore smirked.

Sakura giggled and said, ‘Well, I guess you could say I got on pretty well considering-’

Ring! Ring! ... Ring! Ring!

Sakura stopped mid sentence at the sound of a phone ringing from a different room. Espeon jolted her head upright, now wide awake. ‘Please excuse me’, she apologised, ‘This should only take a minute’.

‘Take your time’, Salvadore drooled.

Espeon leaped off her lap and escorted her master out of the room.

I looked down at Kiro who was snuggling around Togepi- both of whom were sleeping peacefully.

‘Oh my God! That is totes adorable!’, commented Aly.

She was right. Even I had to succumb to the cuteness of the two Pokémon. The innocents of Togepi and Kiro’s sparkling fur gave off a harmonious aura. I could now see why Sakura referred to Kiro as a protector. It seemed as though he had become very close to Togepi.

Kiro suddenly woke up with his ears twitching, fully alert and vividly concerned about something.

-Vee!?- VEE!!!-

The fox Pokémon shouted at me before dashing out the door. Togepi wearily opened her little eyes and looked around the room in confusion.

‘What’s going on?’, Aly asked anxiously and picked up her dazed Togepi.

‘I dunno, but I think Kiro wants us to follow him? There could be trouble outside! Let’s go!’, I urged my friends.

‘You guys go on ahead’, said Salvadore in a goofy voice, ‘I’ll stay here and wait for Sakura’. His eyes wandered up towards the ceiling, lost in thought. Salvadore was definitely a blessing to have travelling with us... except on occasions involving pretty women.

‘Not now, lover boy!’, Aly growled angrily and yanked the breeder off his chair by the ear.

‘Or not!’, Salvadore screamed in conceit.

We ran outside the house and stopped in our tracks as we immediately saw the problem. We watched in disgust as long tubes sucked helpless Eevee into a pouch below a large Raticate air balloon. The balloon was supported by four metal stilts, acting as legs as they protruded from its base. As soon as all the eevee had seemingly been captured the gigantic hover stopped.

Suddenly, two familiar villains sprung up onto the edges of their balloon. We stood there, begrudgingly listening to their lame motto:


Prepare for trouble....

And make it double....

To infect the world with devastation!

To blight all peoples within every nation!

To denounce the goodness of truth and love,

To extend our wrath to the stars above!



We're Team Rocket, circling Earth all day and night!

Surrender to us now or you'll surely lose the fight!

That's Right!


‘Cassidy and Biffo!’, Aly yelled infuriated, ‘Give back those Eevee right now!’

‘The name’s BUTCH!!!’, Spoc(?) retorted.

‘Sorry, but the fur from these Eevee will bag us a nice profit’, Cassidy explained coolly.

I grabbed a pokeball and was just about to ignite a battle when Kiro leaped out from some nearby trees and let out a battle cry.

‘Oh my! Look at that, Cass!’, Ben(?) gasped in awe.

‘I know!’, Cassidy agreed, ‘A fur coat that rare could fetch thousands! Maybe even more!’, she exclaimed excitedly and took a remote control out of her pocket. The vacuum machine instantly started up again. Eevee hunched and tried to edge backwards as the menacing contraption began to suck him in.

Without a second thought I ran onto the shivering lawn and grabbed Kiro just as he was lifted into the air. ‘Don’t worry! I got ya, buddy!’, I said reassuringly staring into his frightened eyes.

Aly and Salvadore screamed at me to get back, but I couldn’t.

‘Suck it to ‘em!’, Boyle(?) jokingly egged on his partner in crime.

The noise from the machine grew louder and I could feel its power intensify as we slid gradually across the grass.

I could now hear or see nothing! My eyes were closed shut as I hugged Kiro even tighter. I could feel my grip loosen on the silver Eevee as we were pulled closer and closer towards the air balloon. I thought I heard a muffled scream amidst the chaos, but I was too focused on mine and Kiro’s safety to take any notice. I held Kiro even tighter as I braced myself to be lifted off the ground at any second.

To my greatest relief, the trapping machine came to a complete stop. I felt the muscles in my arms and stomach ease. I laid my head atop of Kiro’s soft fur and slowly caught my breath.

I was about to raise my head to see what miracle had saved us when a soft song enchanted my ears. It sounded like a lullaby. A calmness swept over my body and my eyes grew heavy. I yawned loudly and my body fell under the songs alluring spell. I rested my head once again on Kiro’s soft fur and fell into a deep sleep...


‘Rise and shine, sleepy head!’.

‘Huh?’, I muttered and slowly raise my head, rubbing my tired eyes. I instantly jolted upright, remembering Team Rocket’s attempt to capture all the eevee.

I exhaled a sigh of relief as I realised that I was surrounded by Sakura, Espeon, Aly, Salvadore, a group of sleepy eevee and Kiro. We were still in the middle of the field, but there was no sign of Cassidy or Bill(?). All that was left was an imprint of where their air balloon had once landed.

‘What happened to Team Rocket?’, I asked sluggishly, ‘And what was that song?’. I felt a bit dizzy and very confused.

‘Don’t worry, Espeon and I dealt with them! And I’m not a hundred percent sure why you were all fast asleep when I got out here, although I do have a hunch. But it’s best not to dwell on such things. The main thing is that you are all safe, and thank you for saving Kiro! In fact, this whole sanctuary might have been completely wiped of all these precious eevee if you had not intervened!’

I blushed and tried to shrug it off as if it were nothing.


Kiro was up on all fours and barking at me!

‘Woah! What’s up, Kiro?’, I asked the Pokémon, confused at his irrational behaviour.

‘Oh wow!’, Sakura exclaimed, ‘I think Kiro is challenging you!’.

‘Challenging me!?’

‘Yes. Not only did he approach you and lead you here, but you also saved his life! He’s challenging you to see if you’re the right trainer!’.

‘Wait, you want to battle me!?’, I looked down puzzled at the glistening Eevee. All tiredness had now left my body.

 He nodded determined.

 ‘Alright then! Go Peeks!’, I said excitedly and summoned the peak-eared Pikachu. ‘All right, Peeks! Let’s show Kiro what we’ve got!’

The Pikachu nodded readily.

Without warning, the shiny Eevee blurred across the grass and rammed into the unaware Peeks. The Pikachu bundled backwards from the force of the quick attack, but managed to get to his feet immediately.

‘This battle should be interesting’, Sakura commented, ‘Not even I have been able to capture Kiro in a pokeball. He hates being inside them! Then again, it is Kiro’s choice...’.

I shook my head and smiled, completely dismissing Sakura’s words. ‘Not bad, Kiro!’, I admitted, ‘But, you’re not going to get away with that again! Peeks, match it with quick attack!’

Both Pokémon dashed across the field and crashed into one another in a series of rapid quick attacks. I had a sudden flashback to my battle with Gary. The thought of that loss drove me on as I cheered for my Pikachu.

Both Pokémon were now facing each other, panting heavily as they braced themselves for the next onslaught of attacks.

Kiro was the first to make the next move. ‘Peeks, dodge it!’, I ordered as Kiro came surging towards him. Peeks seemed to freeze on the spot for a second.

It was then I noticed his tail seemed to sheathe a metallic glow. The Pikachu then side stepped the quick attack and swung in the air.


He screamed as he brought down his tail on Kiro’s head. Kiro’s face was planted into the soft grass from this bizarre attack.

‘No way! Pikachu learned iron tail!’, Salvadore exclaimed.

‘Nice job, Peeks’, I congratulated my buddy. Seizing my opportunity I grabbed a free pokeball from my belt, ‘Pokeball, go!’.

The pokeball spun through the air before opening and engulfing the dizzy Eevee with a red beam.

The pokeball landed on a tuft of grass and twitched once...


The red light faded from the pokeball.

I gasped as I went over to claim my capture.

Sakura smiled, ‘It is you! Kiro has chosen you as his worthy trainer. I can understand why’.

As I inspected my new catch, the pokeball suddenly opened in my hands and Kiro appeared in front of me, smiling up at me.

‘Don’t like pokeballs! Right!’, I nodded understandingly.

Kiro squealed happily and unexpectedly ran up my body, perching himself on my right shoulder. I laughed as he licked me on the cheek. I patted my new Pokémon gently on his sparkling, silver coated head.

‘Robin, you and your friends are in for a journey, far great than you could possibly imagine. Take good care of each other. Look out for one another and stronger yourselves. No doubt that I’ll see you at the Pokémon League. Farewell... for now’, she winked and turned to walk back towards the house.

I was confused by her words, but did not question her. I just stood there and watched as she and her Espeon walked into their house, leaving the other eevee to disperse across the field.

My thoughts lingered on her words. My adventure was already great as it is. How could it become greater?

‘Welcome to the team, Kiro’, Aly welcomed my new Pokémon. I snapped out of my thought.

Togepi squealed for joy in her arms.

Kiro smiled and his fur sparkled enchantingly.

 ‘Guys, I think we better get going. It’s probably best if we’re back on the main path before nightfall’, Salvadore wisely suggested.

We all nodded in agreement and began to walk towards the forest under the setting sun.

It took me a few minutes before breaking the tranquil silence. I just had to know!

‘Umm... Salvadore? Since you knew of Sakura before today, I was wondering do you know how she did in the Pokémon League?’

Salvadore just laughed to himself and walked ahead of us.


The breeder kept walking and chuckling to himself.

‘Salvadore!’, I growled.

He stopped and turned his head back to face me, a smile spreading across his face. ‘Sakura is the Kanto League Champion’...







Ring! Ring! ... Ring! Ring!

Sakura stopped mid sentence at the sound of a phone ringing from a different room. Espeon jolted her head upright, now wide awake. ‘Please excuse me’, she apologised, ‘This should only take a minute’.

                ‘Take your time’, Salvadore drooled.

Espeon leaped off her lap and escorted her master out of the room.

                Sakura walked down the short hallway and entered the last room on the left. She gently closed the door of the Study Room behind her and approached the desk, on which a phone vibrated loudly.

                Espeon jumped up onto the master chair and rested her head on its leather arms.

                Sakura gingerly picked up the phone and answered, ‘Hello?’.

                ‘Sakura! This is Agent Ann’, a female voice spoke through the phone with urgency.

                ‘Oh! Good afternoon, Ann! How’s the-‘. Sakura cleared her throat and lowered her voice to a whisper, ‘How’s the expedition going?’.

                ‘Good! We have made some interesting discoveries, but what’s really strange is that these findings may somehow be related to the Saffron Case!’

                Sakura gasped in shock, ‘I thought that case was suspended!’

                ‘Not any more’, the agent assured her, ‘Enquiries into the case have been re-opened after recent happenings in the city. Emmett openly admitted that he was defeated by a trainer named Robin- although witnesses of the battle could not confirm what actually happened due to a mysterious fog impairing their vision. But now, for the first time since the incident, people are starting to rebuild the city... including Emmett.’

                ‘Hmm... This is interesting. And you said this trainer’s name was Robin?’, Sakura asked.


                Sakura paused for a moment, distracted by the sound of commotion outside. She slightly opened the curtains and peeked through.

                She saw Aly hugging her Togepi tightly. She saw Team Rocket screaming at a small pink Pokémon within their air balloon. She saw Robin huddling protectively over Kiro on the blustering grass.

                ‘I apologise for cutting our conversation short, but I have to tend to something urgently! I’ll meet you in Pallet Town this day next week and fill you in!’, Sakura spoke with haste.

                ‘Do what you must! We’ll be waiting for you!’

                ‘Thank you, and see you then!’


                Sakura hung up the phone and turned to her Pokémon, ‘Come on, Espeon. Let’s see what this trainer is truly made of!’