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Dialectical Notes of Breast Cancer
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Name: Michelle Figueroa

Question:What are the causes of Breast Cancer?

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1. Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cance (2012). Breast cancer and breastfeeding. The Lancet, Volume 360, Issue 9328 (20 July 2002), Pages 187 - 195.

2.Meschino, J. (2011) What Causes Breast Cancer?. [video online] Available at: [Accessed: 1st March 2013].

3.Harness, J. (2012) Does Caffeine Cause Breast Cancer?. [video online] Available at: [Accessed: March 5,2013].

4.Harness, J. (2012) Breast Feeding And Breast Cancer Relationship?. [video online] Available at: [Accessed: March 5,2013].

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  • Transcribe important details, sentences, and phrases.


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My Questions and Comments

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  • What questions do you have about what you are reading? You can ask questions to clear up confusion, or as a tool to get more deeply into your inquiry about a text.
  • You chose important ideas and information from the text. Why are they especially important. Give your thoughts.
  • Why are specific quotations and details significant?  What is their significance?

1. (pg1)

Women with breast cancer had, on average, fewer births than did controls.         

“Women with less children are more likely to have breast cancer than women with multiple children, and women with less children also Breast fed for a shorter time period which may in fact have had an effect on whether or not they get breast cancer.”



For every 12 months of breastfeeding in addition to a decrease of 7·0% for each birth.


“I did not know that for every 12 months of breast feeding you decrease your chances of having breast cancer by 7.0% for each birth, reading this article helped me understand that breast feeding is known for helping people to NOT get breast cancer, studies shown in this article says that “Breast Feeding can account for almost two-thirds of this estimated reduction in the breast cancer incidence, but they do not know why Breastfeeding decreases your                                                            


1. (pg1)

The longer women breastfeed the more they are protected against breast cancer.         

“I was unaware of this and while i was reading more on this topic i gained information and realized that the more women breastfeed the more they decrease their chances of getting breast cancer and i did not know this was true until i read my second article “The Lancet” scientist still do not know why Breast feeding decreases your chances of getting Breast Cancer but it does. ”



Although childbearing is known to protect against breast cancer what contribution Breast Feeding has on this protective effect , if any, has been difficult to determine

“I didn't know having a child can protect you against Breast Cancer reading this article helped me gain more information on the causes of Breast Cancer and what protects you from it, studies show that doctors really do not know what or how come Breast feeding protects women from Breast Cancer but it does, Doctors haven't found out 100% why or what breast feeding produces or does in  order to protect against cancer but they found out that it does and i will do further research and keep up with how breast feeding has to do with Breast Cancer.”



Estimates of the relative risk for breast cancer associated with breastfeeding in parous women were obtained after stratification by fine divisions of age, parity, and womens ages when their first child was born, and your menopausal status.

“ I did not know that women who gave birth to one or more parous children and the woman's age, when their first child was born, and their menopausal status please a key role in the association between breastfeeding and breast cancer.”

Meschino, 00:59

The cause of Breast Cancer is related to faulty dietary and lifestyle behaviors. Not having a full term pregnancy by age 30 is 20% of the cause of Breast cancer.

Not having a full term pregnancy and not Breast Feeding does play a key role in having Breast Cancer, in an article I read on Wikipedia about Breast Cancer also stated that if you do not Breast Feed that can increase your chances of having Breast Cancer. I also read that for every 12 months of breast feeding you decrease your chances by 7.0%”


Not having a full term pregnancy by 30 and not breast feeding can strongly increase your chances of having Breast Cancer and 20% is strongly caused by genetics not 80 like the media says.

It is very true that if you do not have a full term pregnancy by age 30 you do increase your chances of having Breast Cancer because childbearing is known to protect against Breast Cancer because the more children a women has the longer their life duration of breast feeding occurs.

Meschino, 03:57

What are the dietary factors that play a key role on women getting Breast Cancer is not talked about. We have a lot of gallas and marches for Breast Cancer but not enough awareness, I'm not against that but if 50% is caused by dietary then why don't we help women understand what it looks like to be the most important thing to do.

 I agree with him saying that your diet plays a huge factor on women getting breast cancer because, my aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer and when she got diagnosed she began to eat differently and exercise and I believe this helped her overcome her disease and become a survivor so take note of that Ladies! Thats a really IMPORTANT FACTOR that women should know about.

Jay Harness 00:20

How much caffeine do you drink? Is caffeine even associated with Breast Cancer?

My doctor also stated that's probably why i feel certain changes in my breast and seeing this video is helping me come to a better understanding about what she was trying to tell me, it's not that drinking coffee or caffeine can cause breast cancer but you have to be safe and take precaution because the Breast are very sensitive

Jay Harness 00:39

How much caffeine do you drink? I’ve seen many patients consume, and is it associated with changes in the breast?

 I can relate to this video because when i last went to the doctor, my doctor asked me the same question "How much caffeine/coffee do you drink?" And when i told her I drink it almost everyday she gave me a surprised look if i was doing something wrong i guess she just wanted me

Jay Harness 01:50

Is caffeine associated with Breast Cancer ? It’s been studied poorly and is poorly understood. Maybe stress and other aspects may play a role in the cause of Breast Cancer changes in the Breast mainly stand out in women in their 40’s, there are internal mechanisms that the caffeine contributes stress too which causes changes to the breast. There’s no study that proves caffeine causes Breast Cancer.

My doctor also told me the same thing that it may not in fact cause breast cancer but its always good to be safe then sorry, and she also said that's probably why i have breast pain and little lumps around my breast.

Jay Harness 00:16

Questions are does Breast Feeding protect against Breast Cancer ?

In previous research I read that for every 12 months of breast feeding you decrease your chances of getting Breast Cancer by 7.0%.

Jay Harness 00:36

Some studies say that it may help and it may not and if we knew the cause of Breast Cancer then we could answer that.

 There's no legit study that that says Breast cancer can prevent or decrease your chances of getting Breast cancer.

Jay Harness 02:28

The questions about Breastfeeding and breast cancer has been around for a long time, and if you are around the age of 18 and you breastfeed it can potentially help protect against breast feeding but not 100%. Breast feeding is good for you and particularly for the baby.

 I also heard that breastfeeding is good for you because it brings down your stomach and its good for your baby because it give the baby all the nutrients and other important factors that baby milk cannot give them.

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