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Donating to JBookTrader
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Contributing and donating to the JBookTrader project

There are various ways to participate in the JBookTrader project. You can join us as a code developer, participate in the multi-user tests of latest releases, report bugs, suggest new features, develop documentation, and help other people who are new to the project in the JBookTrader Discussion Group.

You can also support the JBookTrader Project by making a monetary donation. It's up to you how much to donate. However, If your contribution is $400 or more (or if you've already contributed that much to JBookTrader at any time in the past), you'll get access to the historical 10-level limit book from October 2010 to March 2013 for S&P 500 emini future (ticker ES). This file contains more than 16 million 1-second ES data snapshots and can be used for back testing and optimization with JBookTrader. The data in this archive is password-protected.

To make the donation, send payment using PayPal to Upon the receipt of the donation, I will send you the password.

Thank you very much for your contributions to the project!

Eugene Kononov.