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Issues Paper  Socials  11             Mr.  Stevens


1)          This project is designed to help you learn the problem solving skills necessary to perform jobs and life skills in this age of information. Research is the key to answer a difficult question and communicate your results in written form.

2)          You will have 4-5 library periods and 3.5 weeks in which to complete this project.

3)          You must make full and efficient use of the time given you, as this is a complex and organized argument.

4)          A satisfactory grade (50 %) on this project is necessary to pass this course!

5)          All notes, research, etc… must be handed in with the assignment. You will not get this paper back so make copies of any papers you need.











1         Pick a topic------Develop a question you want to answer about this topic                                                                                                         /5

2         Search for sources (ie interviews, web sites, books, journals. You should have at least 5 different sources) to help you answer your question. Keep track of all the information you use for your bibliography.                                                                              /10

3         Use the information in the sources------Create a series of notes from your sources and effective quotes that help you argue your viewpoint (index cards, loose leaf paper) Keep a list of other ideas related to this topic and other questions that present themselves)                                                                                           /10

4         Prepare an Outline ------Organize all of your notes into a logical order. Use the outline sheet provided.                                       /5

5         Prepare a rough copy-----Include the following: A) an introductory paragraph where you explain your question and introduce your opinion. B)  an outline of what you will include in the essay. C) a concluding paragraph where you sum up. (Proof read your rough draft and submit it to me before finishing it off for additional help)                                       /10

6         Prepare a word processed good copy-----Hand in all parts: brainstorming, notes etc…         


Intro                                                                                           /10

Body                                                                                           /30

Conc                                                                                           /10

Holistic                                                                              /10


Overall total                                                                 /100