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Dinner For Dummies
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Dinner for Dummies.

By: Rainbow Dashing



Rainbow Dash stared at her kitchen. ‘Cook? How in all of Equestria do I do this?’ Dash sighed. What had she got herself into now?


                It all started when she was hanging out with her gal pals. They were all being crazy-because of Pinkie of course- and suddenly the topic of houses came up. Twilight just randomly stated, “Hmm, I just realized something. I have been to Pinkie Pies house, Rarity’s store, Applejack’s barn, and Fluttershy’s cottage… but I have NEVER been to your house Rainbow Dash!”

“My house? Why’d you want to go there?” Rainbow replied a bit shocked.

“Why not? It could be fun! We should have a dinner!” Twilight replied.

“Eh. Why not?”

“Great! We will be there tomorrow night! Do you want us to bring food?”

“You? Nah. I got this! I AM rainbow Dash after all.”

“Okaay...” And with that, everypony went home.


                So now Dash just stared at her kitchen- a place she hadn’t used since she moved in. She slumped in her chair. ‘It’s cooking for Celestia’s sake! How hard could it be??? I am THE Rainbow Dash. Best Young Flier in ALL of Equestria!’  And with that thought she set to work.


                ‘Let’s start with something simple. Let’s have some Oats and Fruit Casserole.’ Rainbow set of rummaging for her supply of oats and (with any luck) fresh fruit. She found them and placed them on her counter. ‘Okay how does it go again? Oats on bottom-fruit-oats? Fruit-Oats? Oats-Fruit? Ughhhh’


She decided to take a guess and take the first option. She tried to lay carefully the oats on the bottom of the pan. ‘There! That’s almost 2 HUNDRED percent cooler!’ With a seconds hesitation she added ‘almost…’ She quickly applied the other two layers.


                With that casserole cooking, Dash decided to have some Daisy Salad with the meal. So as quick as she could she flew out to the meadow. Dash quickly spotted Fluttershy and hid. ‘Fluttershy??? What is she doing here?’ Dash peeked out again. She was –of course- tending to some bunnies that lived in the meadow. Trying to creep around Dash picked some daisies. But then she made her mistake. *CRACK*

“EEEEEEEEPP!” Fluttershy squealed.

“Sorry Fluttershy! I was trying to not disturb you! I was just getting some daisies!”

“Oh…That’s all right Rainbow Dash….I shouldn’t be such a scaredy pants.”

“Oh you not a scaredy pants Fluttershy! You are PERFECT just the way you are!” Realizing she had said too much Rainbow zoomed away before Fluttershy could answer.


                With that disaster, Rainbow got home and quickly put the salad together. ‘STUPID RAINBOW DASH! WHY ARE YOU SUCH A RETARD????’ Rainbow sighed. She didn’t even bother to check if the salad looked remotely good.


*DING!* Rainbow jumped. ‘What was that???? Oh…right… the oven.’ Rainbow zoomed over to the oven and pulled the casserole out. She placed it on the counter with the salad and headed back to her fridge.


‘Hmmm. What next should I add? Oh!!! Some hay fries!!!’ Rainbow Glanced in her freezer. She still had some frozen hay fries….. With out a second thought she pulled them out and splashed them on a cooking pan. She swished them to the oven and set the timer. After 5 tries. ‘Now to get the table set.”


Rainbow dashed to her dinning room and clicked brushed off everything. She found 6 place mats and set them out on the table beside their chairs. Then she set the plates, and then the napkins. She almost set out the silver ware and then realized…SHE HAD NO IDEA HOW THE FREAKING WENT! Was it knife on the left for and spoon on the right? Fork on the left and knife and spoon on the right? She had no idea.


With a guess she laid the fork and spoon on the right and the knife on the left. Then the oven dinged. When Rainbow opened the door she saw some brown curled things… definitely not hay fries. Regardless Rainbow set it on the plate and brought all3 dishes to the dinning room. Then the door bell ringed.


It was her friends. Welcoming them in she lead them to the dinning room. All 5 paused in the hallway. Rarity squeaked, “Rainbow, Honey, you DO know that it is fork on the left and knife and spoon on the right. Not knife on the left and fork and spoon on the right?”

                With a blush, Rainbow quickly corrected everything. She sat them all down. “I’ve been SOOO excited for this dinner party, Dashie!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“He he. Yea me too, Pinkie.” Rainbow replied awkwardly.

“Hey Rainbow Dash, You do know that in a daisy salad the daisies are on top right? Not in the center all mashed up?” Twilight asked.

“Oops…yea sorry bout that I was in a hurry.” Rainbow replied.


                After that Rainbow cut everyone some casserole. Then put some daisy salad and then the hay fries on their plate. Applejack dug into the casserole and spit it out quicker then Rainbow could fly. “This is the worst Casserole Ah have EVER tasted!” Then blushed. “Ah’m sorry dearie. I don’t always think before I speak. Though you do know you are supposed to take out the apple stems right?”


Rainbow nodded. “Oops! Must’ve forgotten!” ‘GREAT! Another thing gone wrong….’



“Those? Those are hay fries!”

“Well they sure aren’t silly Dashie!”

“What did I do this time?” Rainbow sighed.

“You needed to turn the heat down!!!” Pinkie giggled once more.

“Yea sorry.” Rainbow slumped.


                “Rainbow Dash? Are you okay? I know your dinner went all wrong but it’s okay”

“No it’s not. The first time you come over here I CAN’T COOK ANYTHING!”

“It’s fine! You just need to learn…or ask for help.”

“Yea I guess I should’ve.” Everyone laughed and got up from the table and helped clean up.

“How about we order something?” Twilight suggested.

“Yea. Let’s do that!” Rainbow blushed and picked up her phone. Everypony laughed and went to the living room to go see the house and talk until the food got here.


                Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned a VERY valuable lesson. I learned that it isn’t shameful to ask for help. Rainbow Dash learned that most of all today. I have a feeling that Rainbow Dash will never try to do stuff she can’t do by herself again.


                Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle.