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 Spring Semester 2012


Discrete Mathematics


CS53 or at least Sophomore Standing


Course Objective and Outline:

Learn mathematical techniques used in Computer Science.

  1. Propositional and Predicate Logic
  2. Proof Techniques, Sequences, Mathematical Induction
  3. Set Theory, Relations, Functions
  4. Counting and Probability.                                                        



Required: (4th edition) Discrete mathematics with applications by Susanna Epp. The required edition is the 4th edition of the book ISBN-13: 978-0-495-39132-6, published by Brooks/Cole

Recommended: (4th edition) Student Solutions Manual and Study Guide for the 4th edition of Discrete mathematics with applications by Susanna Epp. ISBN-13: 978-0-495-82613-2, published by Brooks/Cole



MWF 08:00-08:50 A.M. CS203

Dr. Ricardo Morales

Computer Science Building

Phone: (573) 341-6353

Fax: (573) 341-4501



Office Hours:

TR 3:00-5:00 P.M. CS206 (Computer Lab)

Attendance Required:

Roll call will be taken. For absence beyond three classes without permission (emergency), it will be difficult to catch up with the missed work. In such cases, the student will be dropped from the course.

Assignment/Examination/Homework grades are posted as soon as they are graded. Any discrepancies must be reported and resolved within one week of assignment grade posting.

Grading Criteria:






20% Feb 15, 2012

20% March 19, 2012

20% April 25, 2012

10% As assigned

30% based on previous two lectures


Best two Exams:

Final Exam:



30% Dates as above

30% May 4th, 2012

10% As assigned

30% Based on previous two lectures

Grading on this Curve:


A: 86-100%, B: 75-85%, C: 64-74%, D: 50-63%, F:0-49%                

More on attendance:

Attendance – is required for class participation. Roll call will be taken.

For absent beyond three classes without permission. In such cases, the student may be subject to withdrawal from the course.

In order to grade homework uniformly and consistently for all students, late work will not accepted.


No Makeup quiz/homework/exams will be given unless the student contacts the instructor before the exam, and has MS&T-acceptable documented reason (i.e. illness, death in the family, etc)

Expect quizzes based on prior lecture on any day. Grades will be posted as soon as homework is graded. Any discrepancies must be reported and resolved

within one week of assignment grade posting.

Academic Alert System:

All faculty are encouraged to utilize the online Academic Alert System. The purpose of the Academic Alert System is to improve the overall academic success of students by improving communication among students, instructors and advisors; reducing the time required for students to be informed of their academic status; and informing students of actions necessary by them in order to meet the academic requirements in their courses.                                                

Academic Dishonesty:

Page 30 of the Student Academic Regulations handbook describes the student standard of conduct

relative to the System's Collected Rules and Regulations section 200.010, and offers descriptions of academic dishonesty including cheating, plagiarism or sabotage. Additional guidance for faculty, including the University’s Academic Dishonesty Procedures, is available on-line at .

Classroom Egress Maps:

Faculty should explain where the classroom emergency exits are located. Please include a statement in your course syllabus asking the students to familiarize themselves with the classroom egress maps posted on-line at:

Disability Support Services:

Any student inquiring about academic accommodations because of a disability should be referred to Disability Support Services so that appropriate and reasonable accommodative services can be determined and recommended. Disability Support Services is located in 204 Norwood Hall. Their phone number is 341-4211 and their email is Instructors may consider including the following statement on their course syllabus as a means of informing students about the services offered:


"If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing accommodations in this course, you are strongly encouraged to meet with me early in the semester. You will need to request that the Disability Services staff send a letter to me verifying your disability and specifying the accommodation you will need before I can arrange your accommodation."


If you have any questions about the information listed above, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Studies at 573-341-7276.