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Striped and Checked Tarn Rug
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Striped and Checked Tarn Rug

Notes: This rug is made from Tarn, or T-shirt Yarn. Tarn is made by cutting the bottom part (below the arms) of a t-shirt into a super-long spiral. Then, you gently pull on the strip to cause the fabric to curl in upon itself, giving you basically a tube of fabric yarn.  In this case, the t-shirts were cut into ¾” strips.

I’m listing my materials and pattern, but keep in mind, your mileage may vary, depending on how tightly you knit, how big your shirt is, etc. Best to have some extra tarn. I was also not religious about changing colors. This was a recycle project, so I only changed colors when I got to the end of the ball. Thus, my stripes are not exact. But, I don’t think you can tell much. If you want perfect stripes, you should probably make sure you have extra tarn.


Cast on 58 Stitches in Grey. Begin Moss Stitch Pattern and carry the pattern throughout the rug, even if the color changes.

Moss Stitch Pattern

Rows 1 & 4: K2, *P2, K2 (Repeat from * across row)

Rows 2 & 3: P2, *K2, P2 (Repeat from * across row)

Knit approximately 6 rows in Grey, following Moss Stitch Pattern (or whenever you run out of the first ball of grey tarn).

Change to Royal Blue and continue Moss Stitch Pattern for approximately 6 rows.

Change to White and continue Moss Stitch Pattern for approximately 32 rows.

Change to Royal Blue and continue Moss Stitch Pattern for approximately 6 rows.

Change to Grey and continue Moss Stitch Pattern for approximately 6 rows.

Bind off. Weave in ends.