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Graham Davis



District v. Doe (2000)

"LANDMARK SUPREME COURT CASES ABOUT STUDENTS ." United States Courts . N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan 2011. <>.


This is a court case is about not allowing student initiated prayer in schools. There was something said over the loud speaker on day that sever students thought went against the 1st Amendment. In some cases their argument was denied, because the students were the ones to initiate it. They say that it did not violate any part of the First amendment. This affects me in a negative way because of certain things that are said. What if there was a certain situation that happened and things that were prayed upon and talked bout offended one or more of the amendments. They were dismissed partially because they were in the school, and that should not mean anything. That effects what I say or a case I may try to make about religious views in school, and specifics that are said.


New Jersey v. T.L.O.

"New Jersey v. T.L.O (1985)." New Jersey v. T.L.O (1985). N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan 2011. <>.

A teacher at a high school in New Jersey, found a student, and another girl smoking in a one of the schools restrooms, which is a place that is a non smoking area. They were taken to the Principal's office where the girl’s companion admitted that she had been smoking in the restroom. The girl denied smoking, and denied that she smoked at all. The vice-principal wanted to see the girls purse. Searching through it he found a pack of cigarettes. He also found rolling papers, a pipe, marijuana, a large wad of dollar bills. This relates to me negatively because there is an illegal search on someone who might not have been smoking. There are many cases in which this can happen to me and has where our things were searched because something was stolen and that was not okay that is invasion of privacy without evidence.


"Brown v. Board of Education." nationalcenter. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Jan 2011. <>.

This case is a consolidation of several different cases from Kansas, South Carolina, Virginia, and Delaware. Several black children sought admission to public schools that required or permitted segregation based on race. The plaintiffs alleged that segregation was unconstitutional under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. This is a really good thing for me i would not have ½ the friends that i do now if this wouldn't have been a success. There are a lot of thing in life but this has effected me for a life time. My future and the planets future is based upon the unity  of blacks and whites. If this didn't go though then I would not be where I am today.


Tinker v. Des Moines

"U.S Supreme Court Media." Tinker v. Des Moines Ind. Comm. School Dist. . N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Jan 2011. <>.

Three public school students  in Des Moines, Iowa, were suspended from school for wearing black armbands to protest the Government's policy in Vietnam. They sought nominal damages and an injunction against a regulation that the respondents had promulgated banning the wearing of armbands. Today I can wear any messages that I want to make known, as long as it doesn’t interfere with the requirements of appropriate discipline in the operation of the school.  I can make known my viewpoint on things without having to feel an obligation to feel wrongly about what im wearing.



"FAFSA on the Web-Federal Student Aid." Start here Go further : Federal Student Aid. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan 2011. <>.


The FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Anyone who wants financial aid for college will need to fill out the FAFSA. The application is used to choose the dollar amount you or your family will be expected to go towards college. All federal grant and loan awards are picked by the FAFSA, and almost all colleges use the FAFSA as the basis for their own financial aid awards. This effects me in a major positive effects on that in which my fellow students and I are going to get a better education out of it. It will help me as a person get through college if there are places that I need help financially. FAFSA is a program that will help me get an education that I need and provide what I need to get that education.



"Frequently Asked Questions." FBI- Frequently Asked Questions. Web. 17 Jan 2011. <>.


 The Federal Bureau of Investigation, other wise known as the FBI, has a job in this country and that job is to shelter and fortify the United Stated from any harm from any kind of outside force. The outside forces that are mentioned here refer to that of terrorists and threats from outside countries, that would have a major impact on the United States. There are things in my life that this has helped majorly. When we were going through 9/11 and figuring out who had done such a thing to our country, it was the FBI that really helped out figuring out that it was an act of terrorism and going to find out who did it. I have family in New York, so it was positive for me because it gave them a secure feeling after the FBI figured out who had done it.


"US Government Info." N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Jan 2011. <>.

Draft Registration

Registration for the draft or the selective service system is the process that all men in the United States have to do at the age of 18. The federal law requires all men to register with the Selective Service System within 30 days of turning 18 years of age. This has a negative effect on me because I do not want to risk my life at all. I will provide other services for my country but not this. There is a chance I might be drafted if we were in war and needed more support out in the middle east. War is something that we should choose to be in it is a major commitment.



   Pro-Food Safety Modernization Act: Putting the Focus on Prevention

Hamburg, Margaret. "The White House Blog." Food Safety Modernization Act: Putting the Focus on Prevention . 03 jan 2010. Web. 19 Jan 2011. <>.

Under the provisions of FSMA, companies will be required to develop and implement written food safety plans, FDA will have the authority to better respond and require recalls when food safety problems occur, and FDA will be able to better ensure that imported foods are as safe for consumers as foods produced in the U.S. This is good because it is providing us the consumers with a healthier and more active life style. We do not have to complain about anything being unhealthy any more and now more people will be able to live longer. Because of this healthier new thing there will be a lot more to enjoy. Less people will get sick and I am one of those who have fallen ill because of food.