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English I Course Syllabus10.docx
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English I Course Syllabus


Mrs. Anna Maschmeyer

Room 109

Phone: 742-3524 ext: 3109

Course Description:

English I is intended as a basic review of grammar, emphasizing improvement of oral and written communication, and a basic introduction to literature, exploring techniques of the short story, epic poetry, and Shakespearean drama. This course teaches students the life-long skill of effective communication.

Essential Questions:

Major Units of study:

1st Semester

Homer’s The Oydessy

The Pearl by John Stienbeck

Short Stories


2nd Semester

The Giver Lois Lowry

Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet

Classroom Rules/ Expectations

  1. Be respectful to teacher and classmate
  2. Be prepared for class
  3. Be positive and participate in class

Above all treat others as you want to be treated.

This classroom follows the Assertive Discipline Plan and the school rules as outlined in the student handbook.


Grades should be markers of student learning demonstrated by mastery of the objectives. Letter grades will be assigned according to the percentage of total points earned and will follow the grading scale outlined in the student handbook.

Absences, Make-up work, and Late work:

Make up work is the responsibility of the student. Daily assignments are posted on the assignment board, on the blog, and in the Absent/Missing Work binder in the classroom. When a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to check one of these places. All handouts will be in the binder or downloadable on the blog.  

Late work will not be accepted without first filling out a Late/missing work slip. The completed LATE work will then be assessed and will receive no higher than a C.

If a student is absent the work must be submitted the day he or she returns to class.


When the tardy bell rings, I will shut my door. If my door is shut when you arrive at the classroom, go to the office and get a tardy pass. You will only be admitted to class with a pass.

This class will follow the district’s tardy policies as outlined in the student handbook. If you are not inside the classroom when the tardy bell rings, you are tardy.

Take care of locker, bathroom, and drinking fountain trips before class, as I will not dismiss you from class to “run here or there.” In extreme cases of difficulty, I will allow restroom trips, but you are adults so understand that restroom trips are privileges and guard your privileges carefully.

Food and Drink Policy:

Food and drink are allowed in my classroom under the following conditions:

  1. Your food and drink meet the policy outlined in the handbook. Canned drinks are not allowed in my room at all.
  2. It is not a distraction to me or to others
  3. You clean up your mess.

If you do not guard this privilege it will be taken away.


Always bring your mind to class!

Students need:

  1. 1 Notebook dedicated to my English class.
  2. 1 Folder specifically for this class
  3. Silent reading book every Monday

Learn something this year. I promise it won’t hurt too much.

The lips of the wise spread knowledge

Not so the hearts of fools.

--Hebrew Proverb.