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7th Science - 6/11/12
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                                                                         WEEKLY LESSON PLAN                                 


Teacher’s Name:  Mrs. Ramsey                                                                                    Week of:  June 11th, 2012         


Subject:  Science                                     Unit: V                                            Grade/ Class: 7





What will the students know or be able to do at the end of the lesson?


How will the students demonstrate that they have accomplished the desired outcome?


In what activities will the students be engaged to accomplish the desired outcome?


e.g. one should be on knowledge, one on application, and one on synthesis or evaluation.






 Explore what life is like for an older person

Imagine how the world around us will change as we grow older and consider the effect that these changes will have on our lives

Discuss the range of activities that older people are involved in.

1.  What picture of old age does the poem create?

2.  What kind of things does the lady in the poem plan to do that you would not expect older people to do?

3.  Do people get old "suddenly", as mentioned in the last line of the poem?






 Explore what will be different about being old in 70 years

How can we realize that we can prepare for an active, healthy old age

Ask the children what they think they will do when they are older. Will they be active, healthy and busy, or will they be lonely, inactive or suffering from poor health?  

1.  Do people change dramatically when they are older?

2.  Do older people always resemble each other?

3.  Do older people have as many choices as younger people?






Understand the link between life now and life as an older person  

Discuss why we should realize that getting older is a natural and normal process

Ask the children how new technologies will help to improve the quality of life of older people.


1.  What can we do now to prepare for when we are 64?

2.  What do you think the world will be like when you are 64?

3.  Discussion on whether we would really want never to grow old.






How do elderly change society? 

How will more old people change your country?

Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with the elderly. Share your words with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together, put the words into different categories. 

1.  What questions would you like to ask a 100-year-old?

2.  What do you think 100-year-olds think about being 100?

3.  If we all live to be over 100, when does middle age and old age begin?










Bloom’s Taxonomy

 (HOTS Questions)







School Grade Weighting Scale:

Tests and Quizzes (50%):

Classwork/ Participation (20%):

Homework (15%):

Projects/ Portfolios (15%):


Multiple Intelligences/ Differentiated Instruction:

Use of Technology:

   ____ Smartboard

   ____ Student Response System