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Kanto Quest: Part 1
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Kanto Quest

Part 1: A Johto for Starters!

‘Rrrrr-Ruff! Ruff!’

I jolted upright on my bed, abruptly awoken by our growlithe, Growly. Startled, I looked at the alarm clock.



        This was the day I was to get my very first pokemon and begin my journey to become a pokemon master... and I was already half an hour late... With speed that could match a Scyther I whipped off my pyjamas and threw on the nearest denim jeans and t-shirt I could find.

        I ran down the stairs and sprinted out the front door, leaving the barks of Growly behind. The streets of Viridian City were full of people and pokemon. I stormed through the crowds of shoppers and merchants. Even the smell of freshly baked dough from the bakery evaded my thoughts.

        ‘How could I sleep in today of all days’, I panted to myself, ‘And where the heck is Mom? I thought she was going to call me!’

I ran recklessly through the side paths and alleys of the city, almost tripping on the streets cobbles in my rush. I had to make my way to the main square, where Professor Oak would be waiting with my starter pokemon (that’s if there were any left!), as had become the recent tradition.

While pacing through Viridian, I kept thinking about which starter I would chose. Charmander could be cool? Yet bulbasaur always seem determined whenever I saw one battle on tv. Then again, I’ve always had a soft spot for water types so...

        After ten minutes of non-stop running, I finally turned the last corner, onto Viridian Square where a large crowd has assembled before me. I slowed down to a brisk walk and gulped in deep breaths of air. I couldn’t see the square with the vast amount of spectators and their pokemon. I hurriedly made my way through the crowd in desperation, screaming apologies at those I had elbowed. I even had to protect my face after nudging a frustrated pidgey. After catching a glimpse of and opening, I surged through excited citizens and burst through the crowd, onto the square and-


        ‘Uh! Hey, what’s the big deal!?’

        ‘Uh-um... sorry...’

        In a daze, I raised my throbbing head, supported by my hand. A girl, around my age, was glaring angrily at me, also tending to her head. She wore a blue denim skirt and jacket, with a yellow t-shirt. Her dark hair was mainly covered by a red designer cap, except for her long ponytail which curled around her shoulder. Her familiar hazel eyes softened slightly. It was Kiwi, my childhood friend and rival at almost everything!

        ‘Robin? Wait, why are you only arriving here now?’

        ‘Oh, wazzup Kiwi! I’m not entirely sure what happened but-’

        ‘Oh Robin, there you are.’

        I turned my head to the voice of my mom. She was on the steps of the square along with two professors, one of which I recognised as being Prof. Oak. The second professor was a lot younger but I only vaguely remembered his face, maybe from a documentary.

        ‘Mom, I thought you were suppose to call me this morning!?’, I said angrily.

        ‘I did’, she said, ‘but you must have went back to sleep. You were always a heavy sleeper, just like your brother.’

        With a sudden realisation of my stupidity I sunk my face into my hands.

        ‘Haha, you’re just like a trainer I used to know, Robin’, smirked Prof. Oak. ‘Now, how about we get back to business, then!’

        ‘But Professor, Sir? There are no more starter pokemon left’, said the second professor. I did not know who this guy was but his words gave me butterfree in my stomach.

        ‘Well it is true Elm, that there are no Kanto starters left...’

        Tears started to develop in the corner of my eyes. There has to be a pokemon. I had been waiting my whole life for this.

        ‘However...’, Prof. Oak continued, ‘remember the main reason why you came here, Elm? Through my examination of this pokemon of yours, it is clear to me that he is just a bit lonely after his friends were chosen to adventure with their new trainers.’

        Prof. Oak put his hand into his lab coat and withdrew a small pokeball.

        Prof. Elm gave a pondered look for a few seconds and then slowly nodded his head and began to smile. “ I see, Professor. So you think it would be a good idea for-”


        ‘Hey! What are you-’

        ‘No! My pokemon!’

        All our heads turned to see a scene of panic and madness. Countless metal claws shot through the air, grabbing the crowds’ pokemon. The pidgey that had pecked my face earlier, as well as a Nidoran(F) and a butterfree were ensnared by these claws and dragged through the air. Trainers attempted to hold onto their pokemon but it was to no avail.

 The metal claws took the captured pokemon to a pouch-like compartment that was attached to the bottom of a hot air balloon. The foreboding balloon was moulded into the shape of a giant raticate with an ‘R’ painted on its crest. Two figures stood in the balloon, along side a raticate. The sinister balloon hovered over the crowd and landed on the square. The two figures leaped out of their contraption, revealing a man and woman dressed in a matching black uniform, also bearing the letter ‘R’. Without warning they exaggerated an exotic motto:

Prepare for trouble....

And make it double....

To infect the world with devastation!

To blight all peoples within every nation!

To denounce the goodness of truth and love,

To extend our wrath to the stars above!



We're Team Rocket, circling Earth all day and night!

Surrender to us now or you'll surely lose the fight!

That's Right!

For a moment, everyone stood there, bewildered. Gradually people started demanding their pokemon back. But the two crooks just laughed and shrugged off the pleas.

‘If you want them back, you’re gonna have to take them.’, said Cassidy mockingly.

As I took in everything that was happening, I grew more and more angry. How dare they take these peoples’ pokemon. I turned to Kiwi.

‘Ki, we have to do something!’

She nodded nervously, ‘I know, but what can we do?’

‘This would be a very good time to try out your new pokemon’, interrupted Prof. Oak hastily and handed me a pokeball. I fought an urge to celebrate. Pokemon were in danger now and I know Prof. Oak was right. We had no other choice.

‘Squirtle! I chose you’. Kiwi threw her pokeball and a squirtle popped out!

‘Alright. Here it goes’. I took a deep breath and braced myself, unsure of what was about to come out. ‘Go! Pokemon!’

I threw the pokeball... It hopped off the ground and from it, appeared a small blue pokemon with a long jaw and big sparkly eyes.

It was a Totodile!

I stared at my new pokemon amazed. I had waited for this my entire life. However, on a closer inspection it seemed sad. Team Rocket burst out in laughter, obviously amused at how small and inexperienced our pokemon looked... and to some extent they had a point. But I wasn’t going to back down.

‘Totodile!’ Totodile looked up at me, confused, yet aware. ‘Hi Totodile, I’m Robin.’ The totodile still kept its head at a bow. ‘Totodile, please listen. I know you’re upset that your friends left you to go on journeys with their own trainers.’ Totodile shook his head and sighed. ‘But I really need your help! We all need your help!  I promise you that if you help us now, then both you and I will travel the world, together!’ Totodile raised his head once more and stared deeply into my eyes. I met his stare and everything fell silent.

‘Well, are you twerps gonna “battle” or not?’, said Cassidy with another mocking grin.

‘Lets make this a quick battle. Go! Primape!’ yelled Bi- Ba- Botch(?).

Botch sent out his primape which was easily three times taller than squirtle or totodile. Squirtle and totodile cowered back a step, obviously scared of primape’s malice glare.

‘Totodile’, I called, ‘please be brave. You must try to battle!’

‘You too, Squirtle!’, pleaded Kiwi.

Totodile looked at me and nodded with a wink. Then, to everyone’s surprise totodile jumped up and down, and started to run on the spot -Tototototot-diiiiiiiiillee!!!!-

A grin swept across my face and the crowd cheered us on. Kiwi and her squirtle looked determined too.

‘Enough talking, lets battle!’, barked Boff(?).

‘Raticate, get in there too!’ , screamed Cassidy, ‘Use hyper fang on that squirtle!’

‘Squirtle, dodge i-’ But raticate was upon squirtle before it had the chance to move, its teeth crushing hard on the shell.

‘Squirtle, withdraw!’ Squirtle popped its head, tail and limbs into its shell. Cassidy laughed tauntingly.

‘Primape, use karate chop on that totodile!’ Primape dashed towards totodile, who was still dancing on the one spot.

‘Toto, watch out!’

Primape lunged at totodile, but the little reptile was still joyously hopping on the one spot. As primape began to descend with its mighty fist I fought the urge to look away and yelled at totodile to move.

But he just kept dancing on the one spot.

Primape’s hand struck down fast, landing right on-


Everyones focused their attention on primape, whose open fist was now buried firmly in totodile’s massive jaw. Both pokemon stood there emotionless. Even raticate eased its fangs off squirtle to see what had just happened. Primape’s pupils dilated and it suddenly squealed. It thrashed around the place, frantically trying to break free from totodile’s grip, but to no success. I laughed in disbelief.

‘Alright! Toto, tighten your grip!’

Totodile obeyed me and and put further pressure on primape’s hand. Primape started shaking totodile violently but the little crocodile pokemon happily clenched his jaws harder. Bach(?) started screaming in frustration at his primape as the crowd behind us cheered. In this moment of madness, Kiwi ordered her squirtle to rapid spin raticate away. It hit with great power and knocked the rodent off its feet.

‘Kiwi, we gotta free those pokemon!’ We both glanced over at the compartment beneath the balloon where the stolen pokemon were being held captive. She nodded in agreement.

‘Toto, loosen your grip and use water gun!’ Totodile obeyed and released a strong water gun, sending both pokemon backwards.

‘Squirtle’, yelled Kiwi, ‘We need to free those pokemon. Rapid spin that compartm-’

‘Raticate, quick attack!’

Squirtle was struck a fearsome blow by raticate and was sent flying into the unaware totodile. Both of our pokemon slouched beside each other, dazed from the impact. The two thugs laughed and jeered at our pathetic attempt to stop them.

We yelled at our new partners but they took a pretty hard hit for their first battle.

‘Enough with the fun and games’, said Butt(?), ‘Primape, finish this off with-’

‘Dratini, use Twister!’

A blue figure moved swiftly in front of us and let loose a flaming blue twister at primape. The pig monkey pokemon tried to retreat but was briskly swept up in this phenomenal wind. The twister whirled primape and sucked in raticate with ease. The two pokemon were blown into their crooked trainers and smashed open the container full of pokemon.

Trainers in the crowd rushed to re unite themselves with their pokemon. Kiwi and I rushed over to squirtle and totodile and embraced them, praising them for their first fight.

But then something struck me, who was it that saved us?

‘How dare you, you brats!’ yelled Cassidy, ‘Ruining our plans!’

Just as she readied herself to order another attack, a red/pink haired girl jumped in front of us. She wore black skinny jeans and a bright pink polo t-shirt, with a small black neckerchief. She also wore a white woolly beanie hat and had a small piercing on her bottom lip. She turned her head to us and gave us a quick wink.

‘Don’t worry’, she said, ‘I can handle these guys from here’.

She then faced the villains and shook her head.

‘Do you guys ever learn? Stealing other trainers’ pokemon is just plain wrong!’

‘Look Cassidy’, said Baf(?) in frustration, ‘It’s that other twerp that we tried to steal her Dratini in Viridian forest.’

The anonymous girl stuck out her tongue. ‘So you remember me then, Batch!’


‘Ya, whatever! Dratini, let's remind our friends here not to mistreat and steal other peoples pokemon. Thunderbolt!’

Team Rocket shuck their arms frantically.

‘No, not this again!’, the screamed.

Dratini hovered in front of them and and with a flash of lightning released a strong thunderbolt. It was a direct hit, shocking Team Rocket back into their hot air balloon along with their pokemon. With a giant explosion, the pokemon thieves were sent flying into the sky, disappearing into the morning blue, their screams fading until they could no longer be seen.

The square erupted in cheers for our saviour. My mom and the two professors came over to congratulate us on our first ever battle but my first concern was for totodile. It had been badly injured in that battle. I picked up my new pokemon, as did Kiwi. Before we made a dash to the nearest pokemon centre, I wanted to say a quick thank you to that girl who saved us, but when I glanced around she had vanished.

* * *

It was three o’clock that evening by the time squirtle and totodile left the treatment room of the pokemon centre in good form. During our wait we had been quizzed by officer Jenny about this morning’s incident, but by her reaction, it was clear that she already knew about Team Rocket and their evil schemes. It was just as well because the only thing I could think about was totodile. I was relieved when it came out in its exertive humor and jumped into my arms.

After sitting down for a quick bite to eat, Prof. Oak gave both Kiwi and I a quick talk.

‘Now, as both of you already know’, the professor said, ‘ your journey has just started and as you can see, there is trouble around every corner so always be on your guard.’

We both nodded

‘However, don’t let this stop you from having fun whilst on your adventures. Also, I have a big favor to ask both of you, as I have asked all my previous trainers. Kiwi, I do believe I have given you your pokedex already.’

‘Yes Professor. I got it from you this morning when I got squirtle... because I was on time’, she said jokingly.

 I sighed.

‘Excellent. Well Robin, here’s your pokedex’

Prof. Oak handed me the small metallic dex. I accepted it with an honest thank you.

‘Now, the favor that I’m asking you is to record and gather as much info on pokemon as possible. We’ve collected quite a substantial amount of data from previous trainers so far, but I believe that there is still so much we have to learn. So, are you two up for the challenge?’

We both nodded without hesitation.


‘Of course!’

‘Ah, this brings me back’, he laughed, ‘Oh, I almost forgot. Here, take these Pokegear wrist watches as a personal gift. I have even taken the opportunity to add some numbers into both of them, including each others.’

‘Wow, thank you so much Professor!’

‘This is awesome, thanks! So Toto, what do you think?’ I slipped the Pokegear onto my wrist and turned to Totodile who was still nibbling happily on his pokemon food. He turned to me and gave me a nodding smile. ‘You don’t mind if I call you Toto, do you?’ Toto sprang up on the seat and started jumping on the spot.


I smiled and took that as a yes!

‘So Robin, I take it as you’ll be challenging the Pokemon League?’, Kiwi asked.

I nodded. ‘It’s all I have wanted to do since I was five! And me and my buddy Toto are going to go all the way!’

‘Um, I wouldn’t count on that...’

‘Huh?’, I sat there, confused.

‘Because Squirtle and I are planning on doing the same!’

‘Then I guess I’ll see you there!’

We stared at each other, determination planted firmly in our minds. Then, Kiwi suddenly stood up and threw her backpack around her shoulders.

‘C’mon Squirtle, we better get started. I heard the closest gym that is open is in Pewter City.’

Squirtle jumped off his seat. -Squirt, squirt... squirtle!-

‘Well, I still have to sort a few things back at home, but we have to keep in touch and maybe battle each other some time,’ I gave her a smile.

She nodded, ‘Just don’t be too upset when ya lose’, she laughed and waved goodbye as she left the pokemon centre.

‘Just like my grandson... always eager to be the first and best at everything’, said Prof. Oak with a smile. But his comment went right over my head. I was about to begin my journey to becoming a Pokemon Master!

‘We’re not gonna let Kiwi beat us, are we Toto!?’

Toto jumped up and and down, a bright glow of determination shone from his eyes.

I took that as a no.
