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DBreeze. Benchmarking.
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

DBreeze Database Benchmarking.

(dbreeze version 01.041.20121023; doc. version 01.004.20121023)

Professional, open-source, NoSql (embedded Key/Value storage), transactional, ACID-compliant, multi-threaded object database management system for .NET 3.5> MONO.

Written in C#.

Copyright ©  2012

Oleksiy Solovyov <>

Ivars Sudmalis <>

It's free software for those who believe it should be free.

Please, notify us about our software usage, so we can evaluate and visualize its efficiency.

Testing Hardware


Name: Intel Core I7 CPU 860 @ 2.8GHz

Max Clock Speed: 2794 MHz

Fron-Side Bus: 133 MHz

L2 Cache: 8192 kB

L3 Cach: 0 kB

Number of Cores: 4

Number of Logocal Processors: 8


Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit


WDC WD10EARS-00Y5B1 ATA Device

Total size: 931.5 GB

Total Cylinders: 121601

Total Sectors: 1953520065

Total Tracks: 31008255

Bytes per Sector: 512

Sectors per Track: 63

Tracks per Cylinder: 255


All tests source code you can find in the Solution, project VisualTester, class Benchmark.cs

- Basic version measurements were made on 23 may 2012

- Next update from 23 october 2012 (Only some test were re-checked, concerning bulk inserts)

- Next update from 05 october 2021 (Only some test were re-checked, concerning random inserts and selects)

Data Inserting. One Thread

Test 1 (private void TEST_1())

Bulk Insert

Inserting of 1MLN data with identity key where identity seed = 1. Commit after all inserts.

for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)


                            tran.Insert<int, byte[]>("t1", i, null);



Quantity: 1 MLN

Insert took: 9.2 sec

Table file size: 18 MB



Insert took: 1.65 sec = 606K records/second


Insert took: 1.1 sec = 909K records/second

Test 2 (private void TEST_2())

Bulk Insert

Inserting of 1MLN / 100K / 10MLN data with the growing key. Commit after all inserts.

DateTime dt = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);

for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)


                            tran.Insert<DateTime, byte[]>("t2", dt, null);

                            dt = dt.AddSeconds(7);



Quantity: 1 MLN

Insert took: 9.9 sec

Table file size: 22 MB

Updated [23.10.2012]

Insert took: 1.9 sec

Updated [05.10.2021]

Insert took: 1.6 sec

Quantity: 100 000 (100K)

Insert took: 997 ms

Table file size: 2.2 MB

Updated [23.10.2012]

Insert took: 215 ms

Quantity: 10 MLN

Insert took: 98 sec

Table file size: 220 MB

Updated [23.10.2012]

Insert took: 19.7 sec

Test 3  (private void TEST_3())

Inserting of 1MLN / 100K data with the growing key. Commit after every inserts.

This type of test is not about the speed, but about the final table file size. Repeats standard accumulating data behaviour of the program.

DateTime dt = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);

for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)


                            tran.Insert<DateTime, byte[]>("t2", dt, null);

                            dt = dt.AddSeconds(7);



Quantity: 1 MLN

Insert took: 212 sec

Table file size: 29 MB

Quantity: 100 000 (100K)

Insert took: 19 sec

Table file size: 2.9 MB

Test 3_2.1  (private void TEST_3_2())

Updating of 1MLN / 100K data with the growing key. Commit after every update.

(Initial data from TEST 3)

for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)


                            tran.Insert<DateTime, byte[]>("t2", dt, null);

                            dt = dt.AddSeconds(7);



Quantity: 1 MLN

Update took: 356 sec

Table file size: 29 MB

Quantity: 100 000 (100K)

Update took: 34 sec

Table file size: 2.9 MB

Test 3_2.2  (private void TEST_3_2())

Bulk update of 1MLN / 100K.

Updating of 1MLN / 100K data with the growing key. Commit after all updates.

(Initial data from TEST 3)

for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)


                            tran.Insert<DateTime, byte[]>("t2", dt, null);

                            dt = dt.AddSeconds(7);



Quantity: 1 MLN

Update took: 28 sec

Table file size: 29 MB

Quantity: 100 000 (100K)

Update took: 2.8 sec

Table file size: 2.9 MB

Test 7  (private void TEST_7())

Bulk insert of Random Keys of 1MLN / 100K.

Insert of 1MLN / 100K data with the random key. Commit after all inserts.

Note, this test is not only for speed calculation, but for checking Table File size.

Here we emulating filling the table with random 4 bytes keys.

For bulk inserts better to use preliminary sorted (in memory) data in ascending order, to make application more performant.

int vl = 0;

Random rnd = new Random();

for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)


vl = rnd.Next(1000000);

tran.Insert<int, byte[]>("t5", vl, null);



Quantity: 1MLN

Insert took: 330 sec

Table file size: 21 MB

Quantity: 100 000 (100K)

Insert took: 25 sec

Table file size: 2.9 MB

Updated [23.10.2012]

Insert took: 20 sec

Updated [05.10.2021]

Insert took: 12 sec

Test 7.1  (based private void TEST_7())

Insert of 200K data with the random key. Commit after every insert.

Quantity: 200 000 (200K)

Insert took: 67 sec

Table file size: 5.5 MB

Updated [23.10.2012]

Insert took: 59 sec

Updated [05.10.2021]

Insert took: 45 sec

Data Fetching

Fetch tests will be based on such insert:

DateTime dt = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);

                        for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)


                            tran.Insert<DateTime, byte[]>("t2", dt, null);

                            dt = dt.AddSeconds(7);



We got 10 MLN  of 8 bytes keys with a “good jump”

Test 8.1 (based private void TEST_8())

Iterating forward from 1 key, taking 1MLN / 100K / 10K / 1K

int cnt = 0;

foreach (var row in tran.SelectForward<DateTime, byte[]>("t2").Take(1000000))




Select 1MLN took: 6 sec (6055 ms)

Select 100K took: 638 ms

Select 10K took: 81 ms

Select 1K took: 22 ms

Updated [05.10.2021]

Select 1MLN took: 3.7 sec (3709 ms)

Test 8.2 (based private void TEST_8())

Iterating forward from 1 key, taking 1MLN / 100K / 10K / 1K, also taking value

int cnt = 0;

byte[] val=null;

foreach (var row in tran.SelectForward<DateTime, byte[]>("t2").Take(1000000))


                val = row.Value;



Select 1 MLN took: 10 sec (10581 ms)

Select 100K took: 1165 ms

Select 10K took: 130 ms

Select 1K took: 29 ms

Test 8.3 (based private void TEST_8())

Iterating backward from 1 key, taking 1MLN / 100K / 10K / 1K

int cnt = 0;

foreach (var row in tran.SelectForward<DateTime, byte[]>("t2").Take(1000000))




Select 1MLN took: 6200 ms

Select 100K took: 630 ms

Select 10K took: 81 ms

Select 1K took: 23 ms

Test 8.4 (based private void TEST_8())

Iterating backward from 1 key, taking 1MLN / 100K / 10K / 1K, also taking value

int cnt = 0;

byte[] val=null;

foreach (var row in tran.SelectForward<DateTime, byte[]>("t2").Take(1000000))


                val = row.Value;



Select 1 MLN took: 10501 ms

Select 100K took: 1070 ms

Select 10K took: 130 ms

Select 1K took: 29 ms

Test 8.5 (based private void TEST_8_5())

Iterating forward from the key N, taking 100K

Iterating backward from the key N, taking 100K - takes the same time as forward

10 MLN keys contain DateTime from  01.01.1970 - 21.03.1972.

We will make 3 test, key is starting from

~25%  -  01.07.1970

~50%  -  01.06.1971

~75%  -  01.01.1972

int cnt = 0;

byte[] val = null;

//dtSearch we will change for every test

DateTime dtSearch = new DateTime(1970,7,1);

//dtSearch = new DateTime(1971, 6, 1);

//dtSearch = new DateTime(1972, 1, 1);

foreach (var row in tran.SelectForwardStartFrom<DateTime, byte[]>("t2", dtSearch,true).Take(100000))


val = row.Value;



Select 100K ~25% took: 1152 ms

Select 100K ~50% took: 1102 ms

Select 100K ~75% took: 1098 ms

Test 8.6 (based private void TEST_8_6())

Iterating forward from the key N to key M, with value acquiring 

In here every found key must be compared with To Key before returning

10 MLN keys contain DateTime from  01.01.1970 - 21.03.1972.

We will make 3 test, key is starting from

~25%  -  01.07.1970

~50%  -  01.06.1971

~75%  -  01.01.1972

int cnt = 0;

byte[] val = null;

DateTime dtSearch = new DateTime(1970, 7, 1);

//dtSearch = new DateTime(1971, 6, 1);

//dtSearch = new DateTime(1972, 1, 1);

DateTime dtSearchStop = dtSearch.AddMonths(1);

foreach (var row in tran.SelectForwardFromTo<DateTime, byte[]>("t2", dtSearch, true, dtSearchStop,true))


                            val = row.Value;



Select 100K ~25% took: 8542 ms   Returned count:  382628

Select 100K ~50% took: 6092 ms   Returned count: 370286

Select 100K ~75% took: 4430 ms   Returned count: 382629

Select 100K ~25% took: 1116 ms  .Take(100000)

Select 100K ~50% took: 1116 ms   .Take(100000)

Select 100K ~75% took: 1096 ms   .Take(100000)

Test 8.7 (based private void TEST_8_7())

Iterating backward from the key N to key M, with value acquiring

In here every found key must be compared with To Key before returning

10 MLN keys contain DateTime from  01.01.1970 - 21.03.1972.

We will make 3 test, key is starting from

~25%  -  01.07.1970

~50%  -  01.06.1971

~75%  -  01.01.1972

int cnt = 0;

byte[] val = null;

DateTime dtSearch = new DateTime(1970, 7, 1);

//dtSearch = new DateTime(1971, 6, 1);

//dtSearch = new DateTime(1972, 1, 1);

DateTime dtSearchStop = dtSearch.AddMonths(-1);

foreach (var row in tran.SelectBackwardFromTo<DateTime, byte[]>("t2", dtSearch, true, dtSearchStop,true))


                            val = row.Value;



Select 100K ~25% took: 5060 ms   Returned count:  370286

Select 100K ~50% took: 7500 ms   Returned count: 382629

Select 100K ~75% took: 9081 ms   Returned count: 382628

Select 100K ~25% took: 1111 ms  .Take(100000)

Select 100K ~50% took: 1131 ms   .Take(100000)

Select 100K ~75% took: 1125 ms   .Take(100000)

Test 8.8 (based private void TEST_8_8())

SkipForward from start 3MLN, then take 100000, with values acquiring (skipped keys don’t acquire values)

foreach (var row in tran.SelectForwardSkip<DateTime, byte[]>("t2", 3000000).Take(100000))


                            val = row.Value;



SkipSelect 3MLN / 100K took: 3202 ms

SkipForward from start 6MLN, then take 100000, with values acquiring

SkipSelect 6MLN / 100K took: 5605 ms

SkipForward from start 6MLN, then take 100000, with values acquiring

SkipSelect 9MLN / 100K took: 7828 ms

SkipBackward from start 3MLN, then take 100000, with values acquiring

SkipSelect 3MLN / 100K took: 3283 ms

SkipBackward from start 6MLN, then take 100000, with values acquiring

SkipSelect 6MLN / 100K took: 5545 ms

SkipBackward from start 3MLN, then take 100000, with values acquiring

SkipSelect 9MLN / 100K took: 7876 ms

SkipBackward from start 3MLN, then take 100000, without value acquiring

SkipSelect 9MLN / 100K took: 7451 ms

Test 8.9 (based private void TEST_8_9())

SkipForwardFromKey, skip 100K / 1MLN, then take 100000, with values acquiring (skipped keys don’t acquire values)

 int cnt = 0;

                        byte[] val = null;

                        DateTime dtSearch = new DateTime(1970, 7, 1);

                        //dtSearch = new DateTime(1971, 6, 1);

                        //dtSearch = new DateTime(1972, 1, 1);                        

                        foreach (var row in

                            tran.SelectForwardSkipFrom<DateTime, byte[]>("t2", dtSearch, 100000).Take(100000))


                                    val = row.Value;



SkipForwardFromKey ~25% key skip 100K the take 100 K with values acquiring

took: 1199 ms

SkipForwardFromKey ~25% key skip 1MLN the take 100 K with values acquiring

took: 1825 ms

SkipForwardFromKey ~50% key skip 100K the take 100 K with values acquiring

took: 1155 ms

SkipForwardFromKey ~50% key skip 1MLN the take 100 K with values acquiring

took: 1809 ms

SkipForwardFromKey ~75% key skip 100K the take 100 K with values acquiring

took: 1149 ms

SkipForwardFromKey ~75% key skip 1MLN the take 100 K with values acquiring

took: 733 ms

SkipBackwardFromKey, skip 100K / 1MLN, then take 100000, with values acquiring (skipped keys don’t acquire values)

SkipBackwardFromKey ~25% key skip 100K the take 100 K with values acquiring

took: 1171 ms

SkipBackwardFromKey ~25% key skip 1MLN the take 100 K with values acquiring

took: 1805 ms

SkipBackwardFromKey ~50% key skip 100K the take 100 K with values acquiring

took: 1155 ms

SkipBackwardFromKey ~50% key skip 1MLN the take 100 K with values acquiring

took: 1786 ms

SkipBackwardFromKey ~75% key skip 100K the take 100 K with values acquiring

took: 1206 ms

SkipBackwardFromKey ~75% key skip 1MLN the take 100 K with values acquiring

took: 1786 ms

Test 9 (based private void TEST_1_9())

Selecting random keys 10K/ 100K / 1MLN, with and without values acquiring

This test is built based on Test 1 (where we have ints from 1 to 1000000) all random search keys exist in this example

Random rnd = new Random();

int key = 0;

byte[] val = null;

for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)


            key = rnd.Next(999999);

            var row = tran.Select<int, byte[]>("t1", key);

        if (row.Exists)

                                val = row.Value;  //or remarked if without values (just keys)


Random Select 10K took: 634 ms   with value acquiring

Random Select 10K took: 620 ms   without value acquiring

Random Select 100K took: 6200 ms   with value acquiring

Random Select 100K took: 6000  ms   without value acquiring

Random Select 1MLN took: 62577 ms   with value acquiring

Random Select 1MLN took: 61120 ms   without value acquiring

Updated [05.10.2021]

Random Select 100K took: 3200 ms   with value acquiring

Data Inserting. Multi-Threading

In this test we will write data from many threads in different way.

Test 10.1 (based private void TEST_3_1_STARTER_2())

 DateTime dt = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);

 for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)


            tran.Insert<DateTime, byte[]>(tableName, dt, null);

            dt = dt.AddSeconds(7);




* We have empty db and then start 100 threads, which have to write into their own table 1K (1000) records and Commit of every table after every insert

The whole operation was finished in 7229 ms, we got 100 tables and 1000 records in every of it

(13.8K records/second)

* We have empty db and then start 100 threads, which have to write into their own table 10K (10000) records and Commit of every table after every insert

The whole operation was finished in 87229 ms (87 sec), we got 100 tables and 10000 records in every of it (12K records/second)

* We have empty db and then start 100 threads, which have to write into their own table 1K (1000) records and Commit of every table after all records are inserted in this table

The whole operation was finished in 506 ms, we got 100 tables and 1000 records in every of it (200K records/second)

* We have empty db and then start 100 threads, which have to write into their own table 10K (10000) records and Commit of every table after all records are inserted in this table

The whole operation was finished in 4043 ms, we got 100 tables and 10000 records in every of it (247K records/second)

* We have empty db and then start 1 threads, which have to write into their own table 1MLN (1000000) records and Commit of every table after all records are inserted in this table

The whole operation was finished in 9887 ms, we got 1 tables and 100000 records in it

(102K records/second)

* We have empty db and then start 3 threads, which have to write into their own table 1MLN (1000000) records and Commit of every table after all records are inserted in this table

The whole operation was finished in 10702 ms, we got 3 tables and 100000 records in every of it

(300K records/second)

* We have empty db and then start 6 threads, which have to write into their own table 1MLN (1000000) records and Commit of every table after all records are inserted in this table

The whole operation was finished in 18290 ms, we got 6 tables and 1000000 records in every of it

(333K records/second)  

After this test we have 6 files 22MB each, in total 132 MB. Writing speed was 7.3 MB/s.

Updated [23.10.2012]


Running 6 threads and in parallel, write into different 6 tables bulk data.

Insert took: 3.4 sec

Writing speed was 40 MB/s. (1.7 MLN records/sec )

int tc = 0;

            object lock_tc = new object();

            DateTime startTc = new DateTime();

            private void TEST_10_1()


                startTc = DateTime.Now;

                for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++)


                    var tr = new System.Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart((a) =>



                        using (var tran = engine.GetTransaction())



                            string tn = "t" + a.ToString();


                            for (int j = 0; j < 1000000; j++)


                                tran.Insert<int, int>(tn, j, j);



                            Console.WriteLine("Count in table {0}: {1}", tn, tran.Count(tn));


                            lock (lock_tc)



                                if (tc == 6)


                                    Console.WriteLine("FIN: " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTc).TotalMilliseconds.ToString());





                    new System.Threading.Thread(tr).Start(i);




Multiple tables.

This test is dedicated to the efficiency of working with multiple tables. For now every table is located in 3 OS files. One for pure data, second for rollback data and third for efficient rollback usage. And this test was done under NTFS (which uses b+tree for locating files and files fragments).

We will try in the following tests to create, to write and to read data from 34K/ 200K/1 MLN tables.

Multiple tables.  Write/Read.

Test 11  (based private void TEST_9() - write  and TEST_9_3() - read)

Database is empty to the beginning of the test. We will use such script to create and to write a small piece of data into 34K/ 200K/1 MLN tables:

//This value will change from test to test

int totalTablesToCreate = 1000000;

 for (int i = 1; i <= totalTablesToCreate; i++)


                    using (var tran = engine.GetTransaction())




                                            tran.Insert<byte[], byte[]>("t" + i, new byte[] { 0 }, new byte[] { 0 });



                        catch (Exception ex)






and then we used such script to read data from all these tables:

//This value will change from test to test

int totalTablesToCreate = 1000000;

byte[] v = null;

for (int i = 1; i <= totalTablesToCreate; i++)


using (var tran = engine.GetTransaction())




                                    var row = tran.Select<byte[], byte[]>("t" + i, new byte[] { 0 });

                            v = row.Value;


                        catch (Exception ex)







Write + access time:

34K tables -  33 sec ~ 1030 tables per second

200K tables - 263 sec ~ 760 tables per second

1MLN tables - 1360 sec ~ 735 tables per second  

Filesystem information for 1MLN tables:

Quantity of files in DBreeze instance folder - 3.000.006  (together with scheme and transaction journal)

Total folder size: 140 MB

Total size which folder resides on the physical disk (depends upon cluster size): 7,67 GB

Read + access time:

34K tables - 15 sec ~ 2266 tables per second

200K tables - 121 sec ~ 1652 tables per second

1MLN tables - 736 sec ~ 1358 tables per second


Write test, project started from 28 MB and finished with 33 MB in RAM.

Read test, project started from 28 MB and finished with 28 MB in RAM.

Copyright ©  2012 / Oleksiy Solovyov / Ivars Sudmalis