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Foxhole 150 CKLU 96.7 FM 150_2012_04_04
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Foxhole 150 CKLU 96.7 FM 150_2012_04_04

Foxhole 150 CKLU 96.7 FM 150_2012_04_04

Show #150 April 04, 2012

The Foxhole on CKLU 96.7 FM 

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Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

~ Albert Einstein

Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength

~ Eric Hoffer 

Join us for a focus on folk rock with a unique blend of Canadian, local, folk, and world music. Connect up with clubs on the Club Roundup, find out what books we have been reading on the On-Air Wireless Book Blog, and find out about small business on the Small Biz Net. On Science Rules find out what is new in the world of science and on the Trail Head learn about great outdoor places to visit. For today's music selection and topics see below...

re The Foxhole Radio 96.7 FM

The Foxhole Radio Program Wednesday Apr 04 2012 5 PM - 7 PM  (22-00 hrs UT Standard Time) (21 - 23 hrs UT During Daylight Saving Time) on

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Ray Dylan - Major Tom - Willy Chirino - Across The Universe - Barbara Gosza - Famous blue raincoat - The Rankins - An T-Each Ruadh (The Red Horse) - Dala - The Weight (with Oh Susanna and Good Lovelies) - Willie Nelson - Seven Spanish Angels - Watergate - Hey There Delilah - Watergate - Lincoln Durham - Last Red Dawn - Sinead O'Connor - Rivers Of Babylon - Steve Earle - Satellite Radio - Tanglefoot - C'est l'aviron/V'la L'bon Vent - Grievous Angels - Saskatchewan - Ox - Ojibway Diner - Emmylou Harris - Going Back to Harlan (Live) - Emmylou Harris - Jackson Browne and Bonnie Raitt - Kisses Sweeter Than Wine - Jackson Browne and Bonnie Raitt - Ladysmith Black Mambazo - Rain Rain Beautiful Rain - Steve Acho - Mandolin Rain (acoustic) - Kevin Closs - O Canada

Club Roundup - The Jane Goodall Institute of Canada - Small Biz Net - Proposed New Calendar Would Make Time Rational - On Air Book Blog - On Air Book Blog - Outliers: The Story of Success - Malcolm Gladwell - Science Rules - Insight Into a Shocking Science Rules - Therapy for Depression - Titan's Haze Is Dropping - Trail Head - About Roots and Shoots (Jane Goodall)


   1  Foxhole Morse Code Special C        morse_letter_c.mp3        Foxhole IDs        0:02

   2  Foxhole 15th Troop ID        scouts15th_foggyMountainBreakdown        stationId        5:20

   3  Ray Dylan        Major Tom        Breek Die Ys        4:03

   4  Willy Chirino        Across The Universe        My Beatles Heart        4:56

   5  Alex Koren        ak_StationId_foxhole_theDancing        foxhole        0:27

   6  Barbara Gosza        Famous blue raincoat        Purify        3:29

   7  The Rankins        An T-Each Ruadh (The Red Horse)        Fare Thee Well Love        2:12

   8  Dala        The Weight (with Oh Susanna and Good Lovelies)        Girls From The North Country - Dala Live in Concert        4:52

   9  Foxhole IDs AR        arno_cklu_foxhole_id_wildwoodflower1.mp3        Foxhole IDs        0:23

  10  Willie Nelson        Seven Spanish Angels        No. 1 Country Singles        2:45

  11  Watergate        Hey There Delilah - Watergate        Acoustic Now        3:52

  12  Sarah Koren (Murray Mclauchlin - Farmers Song)        Station ID The Foxhole        The Foxhole        0:10

  13  Lincoln Durham        Last Red Dawn        The Shovel vs. The Howling Bones        3:11

  14  Sinead O'Connor        Rivers Of Babylon        Theology        3:38

  15  Steve Earle        Satellite Radio        Washington Square Serenade        4:09

  16  Foxhole ID AK        ak_StationId_foxhole_righteousHeart        foxhole        0:15

  17  Tanglefoot        C'est l'aviron/V'la L'bon Vent        Canoesongs - Volume II        5:11

  18  Grievous Angels        Saskatchewan        Watershed        4:44

  19  Ox        Ojibway Diner        Burnout        3:49

  20  Alex Koren        ak_foxhole_id_payTheMan        foxhole        0:20

  21  Emmylou Harris        Going Back to Harlan (Live) - Emmylou Harris        Lilith Fair - A Celebration of Women in Music, Vol. 1 (Live)        5:03

  22  Jackson Browne and Bonnie Raitt        Kisses Sweeter Than Wine - Jackson Browne and Bonnie Raitt        Where Have All The Flowers Gone: The Songs Of Pete Seeger        4:43

  23  Ladysmith Black Mambazo        Rain Rain Beautiful Rain        The Very Best        2:20

  24  Sarah Koren (Murray Mclauchlin - Never Did Like that Train)        Station ID The Foxhole        The Foxhole        0:23

  25  Steve Acho        Mandolin Rain (acoustic)        Mandolin Rain (acoustic) - Single        3:49

  26  Foxhole ID JP        jp_cooCooBird_BeGoodTanyas_stationID_foxhole        stationId        1:00

  27  Sound Effects        Coyote        Sounds of Birds and Other Animals        0:14

  28  Foxhole Morse Code        cklu_morse_code.mp3 [Unknown]        Foxhole Morse Special CKLU        0:05

  29  Kevin Closs        O Canada        Homecoming        1:26

Reginald Aubrey Fessenden (October 6, 1866 – July 22, 1932) was a Canadian inventor who performed pioneering experiments in radio, including early—possibly the first— transmissions of voice and music. In his later career he received hundreds of patents for devices in fields such as high-powered transmitting, sonar, and television

Club Roundup:

The Jane Goodall Institute of Canada

Mission & History Mission

The Jane Goodall Institute of Canada supports wildlife research, education and conservation. The Institute promotes informed and compassionate action to improve the environment shared by all Earth's living creatures.

The objectives of the Institute are:


The Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Research, Education and Conservation was founded in 1977 in California by Jane Goodall in cooperation with Princess Genevieve di San Faustino. The Institute now has offices in 23 countries around the world.

The Jane Goodall Institute of Canada was established in Montreal, Quebec in 1994. In the fall of 1995, Dr. Goodall gave her first Canadian lecture tour. From there, the Jane Goodall Institute of Canada quickly expanded its initiatives.

The Roots & Shoots environmental and humanitarian education program was launched in Canada in 1993 to empower youth to engage in their community to learn about and solve problems affecting humans, animals and the environment.

Through the Chimp Guardian program, Canadians can do their part in saving critically endangered wild chimpanzees from extinction by sponsoring the care of an orphan chimpanzee at one of the Jane Goodall Institute's chimpanzee sanctuaries in Africa.

In 2006, the Jane Goodall Institute of Canada made it possible for Canadians to support a greater diversity of the Institute's Africa programs stemming from our community-centered conservation philosophy, including scholarships for girls, micro-credit for local sustainable business initiatives, and education and training programs in wildlife conservation.

Jane's Reasons for Hope

There are many signs of hope. Along the shores of Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania, for example, villagers are planting trees where all the trees had disappeared. Women are taking their lives into their own hands, crafting items that can be sold at the market, and obtaining scholarship funding to attend school. Children are also being taught about the dire effects of habitat destruction, about conservation and sustainable living.

My hope is based on four factors:

The Human Brain

My first reason for hope stems from our new-found understanding and knowledge of the problems that threaten us and the survival of life on earth as we know it. Surely, then, we can use our minds to find ways to live in harmony with nature. Indeed, millions of people worldwide are beginning to realise that each one of us has a responsibility to the environment and our descendants.

Our actions do matter. We make a difference.

The Determination of Young People

My second reason for hope lies in the tremendous energy, enthusiasm and commitment of a growing number of youth around the world. As they find out about the environmental and social problems that are now part of their heritage, they want to right those wrongs. They have a vested interest in this fight; it will be their world tomorrow. When young people are informed and empowered, when they realise that what they do truly makes a difference, they can change the world.

They are changing it already.

The Indomitable Human Spirit

My third reason for hope comes from the power to envision. So many people have set out on seemingly unattainable dreams - and, because of their resolve they have achieved their goals or blazed a path that others could follow. As I travel around the world I meet so many incredible and amazing human beings. They inspire me.

We inspire those around us.

The Resilience of Nature

My fourth reason for hope is nature's ability to regenerate itself. Having visited Nagasaki, site of the second atomic bomb that ended World War II, I was able to witness the power of nature. Scientists had predicted that nothing could grow there for at least 30 years. But, amazingly, greenery grew quite quickly. One sapling managed to survive the bombing and today it is a large tree; despite cracks, fissures and a black inside, the tree still sprouts leaves! I have seen such renewals time and again, including animal species brought back from the brink of extinction. I carry a leaf from the surviving sapling with me wherever I go.

Let us have faith in our intellect, in ourselves, in our staunch spirit and our ability to progress. Let us develop respect for all living things. Let us replace impatience and intolerance with understanding and compassion. And love.

Let hope be our guide.

Small Biz Net:

Proposed New Calendar Would Make Time Rational

Time is eternal, but methods of tracking it are not — and so a Johns Hopkins University astronomer wants to replace the Gregorian calendar, with its leap years and floating dates and 15th-century effluvia, with a sleek and standardized system for the world.

According to Richard Conn Henry‘s calendar, eight months would each have 30 days. Every third month would have 31 days. Every so often, to account for the leftover time, a whole extra week would be added.

The upshot: Years would proceed with clockwork regularity, with no annual re-jiggering of schedules required. Each day would occupy the same position as it had the previous year and would in the next. Were this 364-day calendar, known officially as the Hanke-Henry Permanent Calendar, adopted on the first day of 2012, both Christmas and New Year’s Day would forever fall on Sunday.

'Every institution in the world has to change their calendar.... It's all totally unnecessary.'

“Change is possible,” said Henry, formerly a NASA astrophysicist, who late one December early this millennium spent a full day adjusting his upcoming year’s teaching schedule to reflect the remainder left when dividing a 365-day calendar by a 7-day week. “I’d been doing this for decades. I thought, is this really necessary? And it’s not necessary.”

Irritated with inconsistency and beguiled by the possibilities of a steady-schedule world — “Every institution in the world has to change their calendar. Sports schedules. Every company. The dates of holidays have to be reset. And it’s all totally unnecessary,” he said — Henry went to work.

His calendar is a refined version of one designed in 1996 and known eponymously as Bob McClenon’s Reformed Weekly Calendar. McClenon established the four-quarter, 30-30-31 pattern to the year; Henry added the extra week, which if inserted into years starting or ending on a Gregorian-calendar Thursday would almost perfectly account for Earth’s 365.2422 day-long orbit around the sun.

Back in 2004, when Henry’s calendar was first publicized, he called that extra week the Newton week in honor of Sir Isaac. It was a heady time. Whereas in 1582 Pope Gregory needed a decree to tweak the Julian calendarestablished 1,628 years earlier by one Julius Caesar, Henry had the internet. “I just have to put up a web page,” he thought, and soon he’d appeared on television in Moscow and morning radio in western Australia.

But history is littered with upstart challengers to the Gregorian crown, from the United Nations-denied World Calendar (ending on Worldsday, marked on the calendar as “W”) to the Raventos Symmetrical Calendar (13 months, including three with 28 days) to the Symmetry 454 Calendar (not a single Friday the 13th.) When year-end news cycles turned, Henry’s calendar was left behind.

This time around, Newton is out. The extra week is simply called the extra week, and Henry is joined by Johns Hopkins economist Steve Hanke. Their rhetoric is bottom-line as well as common-sense.The Hanke-Henry calendar would streamline financial operations, they write in an article republished by the libertarian Cato Institute, because Gregorian calendar anomalies make a muddle of interest-calculating conventions. Sunday-only Christmas and New Year’s holidays would also eliminate their mid-week appearances and “get rid of this zoo we’re in right now, when the whole economy collapses for two weeks,” Henry said.

Not satisfied with conquering calendrical irrationality, Henry and Hanke take on timekeeping, too. “The time in Australia is the same as it is for us, but their clocks are set different,” Henry said. “We’re just saying, ‘Set your clocks to the same time, because it is the same time.’” All the world’s clocks would be set to Universal Time, or Greenwich Mean Time as it’s generally known. Time zones would be abolished, as would Daylight Saving Time, of which Henry is especially not fond.

“Suppose the government decided that in summer we should drink more water, and so in the summer had the size of the quart increase, so that you got more water with a quart,” he said. “It’s as stupid as that.”

It might be a little strange at first — people living in the western U.S., for example, would mostly go to sleep by 7 a.m. — but people are nothing if not adaptable. Henry observed that the National Maximum Speed Law once seemed unthinkable, as did an end to indoor smoking. And while dates in the western Pacific would change awkwardly in mid-day, at least International Date Line weirdness would be history.

According to Henry, the Gregorian calendar wouldn’t disappear altogether, as it’s still needed for agriculture. People could use both it and Henry-Hanke, much as Jews use both the Hebrew and Western calendars, or as airline pilots use Universal Time in flight and local time in their private lives.

“I gave a presentation at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Atlanta. Two young ladies came up to me, and one said she liked it. The other said she didn’t,” recalled Henry. “And I said, ‘Why?’ She said, ‘My birthday is always going to be on a Thursday.’ I said, ‘You’re free to celebrate when you want! What the devil difference does it make what it says on the calendar?’”

Images: 1) Olga Pavlovsky/Flickr 2) Richard Conn Henry/Johns Hopkins University

On Air Book Blog: 

Outliers: The Story of Success

Malcolm Gladwell (Author)

Now that he's gotten us talking about the viral life of ideas and the power of gut reactions, Malcolm Gladwell poses a more provocative question in Outliers: why do some people succeed, living remarkably productive and impactful lives, while so many more never reach their potential? Challenging our cherished belief of the "self-made man," he makes the democratic assertion that superstars don't arise out of nowhere, propelled by genius and talent: "they are invariably the beneficiaries of hidden advantages and extraordinary opportunities and cultural legacies that allow them to learn and work hard and make sense of the world in ways others cannot." Examining the lives of outliers from Mozart to Bill Gates, he builds a convincing case for how successful people rise on a tide of advantages, "some deserved, some not, some earned, some just plain lucky."

Outliers can be enjoyed for its bits of trivia, like why most pro hockey players were born in January, how many hours of practice it takes to master a skill, why the descendents of Jewish immigrant garment workers became the most powerful lawyers in New York, how a pilots' culture impacts their crash record, how a centuries-old culture of rice farming helps Asian kids master math. But there's more to it than that. Throughout all of these examples--and in more that delve into the social benefits of lighter skin color, and the reasons for school achievement gaps--Gladwell invites conversations about the complex ways privilege manifests in our culture. He leaves us pondering the gifts of our own history, and how the world could benefit if more of our kids were granted the opportunities to fulfill their remarkable potential. --Mari Malcolm

Quill & Quire

Outliers seems, initially, to be an inadvisable pairing of author and subject. Malcolm Gladwell, staff writer for that august cultural magazine, The New Yorker, and author of two exemplary pop-science bestsellers, The Tipping Point and Blink, goes and writes a book on success – thus entering a subgenre whose foul-smelling precincts are overrun with charlatans, profiteers, and New Age fakirs. But, happily for him and us, he’s skirted ignominy by having written not some exhortative how-to guide, but a sober and far-ranging investigation of human achievement that rebuts some received wisdom on the subject. Gladwell begins by arguing that those “self-made” individuals we romanticize, who come from nothing and rise to the pinnacle of their chosen vocations on merit alone, simply don’t exist. Instead, he insists, high achievers “are invariably the beneficiaries of hidden advantages and extraordinary opportunities and cultural legacies” that ultimately determine their status. Moreover, these same people who capitalize on their early good luck work much harder than their rivals; mastery in any calling, apparently, only arrives after 10,000 hours of training and study (a rather less appealing prospect than the wish-yourself-wealthy-and-fabulous strategy promulgated by The Secret). While it’s hardly a revelation that toil and connections and serendipity beget professional reward, Gladwell provides a surfeit of curious, even alarming, examples to prop up his thesis. In the course of his discussion, we learn that 40% of elite hockey players are born between January and March; that off-the-chart geniuses, collectively, accomplish no more in life than their randomly sampled peers; that contentious and irreverent flight crews are less likely to crash planes than deferential ones; that Asian students’ excellence in mathematics owes much to rice-based agriculture. Gladwell’s writing is clear and colloquial throughout, and his chapters are deftly structured, each one introducing new material while simultaneously reiterating and amplifying what came before. But after plowing through the dramatic anecdotes and gee-whiz factoids, adult readers are left to contend with the desolating assertion that the quality of their lives was determined decades ago by ancestral migration patterns or a summertime birthday or skipped piano lessons. In the end, I was yearning for some consoling piffle about, say, dream analysis or Mayan numerology, to convince me, however briefly, that the world could still be mine for the taking.

Science Rules:

Insight Into a Shocking Therapy for Depression

from ScienceNOW Daily News

Since the 1930s, doctors have been jolting the brains of depressed patients with electricity to relieve their symptoms. The treatment, known as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), works, but it can cause memory loss and confusion and lead to difficulty forming new memories.

Today, physicians generally limit it to patients who are severely ill, including those at risk for suicide. Now, a brain-imaging study highlights the part of the brain most affected, perhaps pointing to safer, less-invasive ways to achieve the same results.

Depression may be caused by an overactive brain, says physicist and neuroscientist Christian Schwarzbauer of the University of Aberdeen in the United Kingdom. "There may be so much internal communication that the brain becomes preoccupied with itself, less able to process information coming in from the outside world," he says, noting that studies have found that people with depression have heightened connectivity among brain networks involved in paying attention, monitoring internal and external cues, remembering the past, and controlling emotions.

Titan's Haze Is Dropping

from Science News

THE WOODLANDS, Texas -- The sky is falling on Titan. An upper layer of the Saturnian moon's hazy shroud has plunged more than 100 kilometers since the Cassini spacecraft whizzed by in 2004, suggesting that shifting seasons can do more than dump rain.

Early Cassini images revealed a smoggy world circled by a detached, hazy layer that hovered 500 kilometers above the moon's surface. Now, new images reveal, that layer has sunk to an altitude of around 360 kilometers, said Robert West of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., on March 19 at the 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.

The layer's current altitude almost precisely matches the haze's position in 1981, when the Voyager spacecraft recorded images of Titan hiding beneath the clouds. "To me, that's just astonishing," said West.

Trail Head:

About Roots & Shoots (Jane Goodall)

"Roots spread underground and make a firm foundation. Shoots seem small and weak, but to reach the light they can break through brick walls. Imagine the brick walls are all the problems humans have inflicted on our planet. Hundreds of thousands of roots and shoots, hundreds of thousands of young people around the world, can break through these walls. YOU can make the world a better place."

- Dr. Jane Goodall


Roots & Shoots is the Jane Goodall Institute's global network of youth taking action to make the world a better place.

Roots & Shoots is guided by the founding principles and extraordinary vision of Dr. Jane Goodall, renowned primatologist, environmentalist and humanitarian.

Roots & Shoots is dedicated to inspiring, training and supporting tomorrow's leaders today. Roots & Shoots goes beyond motivating youth to learn about the issues facing our local and global communities—it helps them design, lead and implement their own projects to address the issues.

Take Action!

If you're ready to take action, Roots & Shoots can help you organise your thoughts, develop a plan and make it happen! Check out our Resources.

Anyone can start or join a group in any setting: friends, classrooms, nature centres, zoos, scout troops, existing club or a mix of family and neighbours, etc... Groups can range in size from 2 to 200 people!

With Roots & Shoots, the possibilities are as varied as young people's imaginations! Our flexible model lets members customize projects to meet their individual and group needs.


Join Today!

Learn more about the benefits (en français) of Roots & Shoots membership

and check out our Frequently Asked Questions

Our Mission

Our mission is to foster respect and compassion for all living things, to promote understanding of all cultures and beliefs and to inspire each individual to take action to make the world a better place for people, animals and the environment.

Our Goals are Global:

To implement positive change through active learning about, caring for and interacting with the environment

To demonstrate care and concern for all animals

To enhance understanding among individuals of different cultures, ethnic groups, religions, socio-economic levels and nations through our global communications network

To help young people develop self-respect, confidence in themselves and hope for the future

Our Philosophy:

Our philosophy is based on the belief that every individual matters, every individual has a role to play and every individual makes a difference. This core idea is at the root of Dr. Jane Goodall's philosophy.