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Role specific questions
Updated automatically every 5 minutes


- All investigative roles will return “No result” if roleblocked.

- No roles that do not return results will be informed if they are roleblocked.

- All kills will share the same flavor (“Killed”).  All flavor written by the moderator is for fun, and should not be used to determine any properties of the gamestate.

- Any player with a factional kill and a power role may not submit both in the same night unless they are the only remaining member of their team.

- In the event that the number of Mafia is equal to the number of town players and no other parties are living, the Mafia will have achieved their victory condition.

- In the event that there an equal number of players from two opposing scum factions and no players with other win conditions left alive the game will end in a draw for both scum factions.   Town will lose.  

Sane Cop

- Results may be effected by the Miller, Framer, or Godfather role

- Results will be “Town” or “Non-Town”


- Doctor protection shall prevent one kill on the target.


- Vigilante kills are not mandatory.  


- All blocks resolve simultaneously.  This means that Roleblockers are effectively immune to roleblock.

- In the event that a Mafia Roleblocker is blocked by a Town Roleblocker, the Mafia Roleblocker will be considered blocked for the purposes of submitting the factional kill.

- Roleblocking the town roleblocker does not prevent this.


- Masons may talk during the day.

- Masons are alignment confirmed.

Innocent Child

-This role may come in two forms:

1: The moderator reveals the alignment of the player at the beginnning of the game.

2: The player may PM the moderator at any time and the moderator will reveal the alignment of the player in their next vote count.

- If the innocent child role PM has been posted in the thread by the moderator, it may be quoted freely.


- The block will resolve simultaneously with the protect.  This effectively renders Jailkeepers immune to roleblock

- The protect functions as a doctor protect, and will prevent one night kill on the target.  Additional night kills will resolve.


- If a player tracks a player who targets multiple players, they will be told all targets (this applies mainly to Mafia power roles when they are the sole remaining member of the team).  


- Watcher will return all players who targeted the chosen player.  Watchers will not be told the type of action that occurred.


- Millers, Cops, Vigilantes, and Bodyguards have guns.  JoaTs who possess any of those roles have guns.

Role Cop

- Will return the name of the role that the player possesses if the name is nonstandard.  This will not indicate alignment (for instance a mafia Tracker and a Town Tracker would both return ‘Tracker’).  Will return ‘Vanilla’ for Vanilla Townies and Mafia Goons.  

Double Voter

- Must explicitly post “Double Vote: XXXXXX” In thread to use ability.


- Hiders will not be killed if their target is targeted by a kill but also protected.

- Hiders will be killed when they hide behind non-town players.  Miller, Godfather, and Framer do not effect this.

- If a player hides, they cannot be tracked, investigated, killed, framed, roleblocked, protected, or otherwise targeted.

- Watchers will still see the Hider visiting their target.


- Neighbors may talk during the day.


- JOAT will role-cop as possessing any abilities that they began the game possessing whether or not they have been consumed.  


- In the event that multiple protective roles target the same player, the bodyguard protection will be consumed after any doctor/Jailkeeper protections.


- Full Bulletproof prevents all kills.

- 1-shot bulletproof may function two ways:

1) The first kill that would resolve on the player consumes the bulletproof

2) One night the player may PM the moderator.  For that night all kills submitted on the player are prevented.

- In the event of multiple protections, “Limited Shot” bulletproofs are consumed Last.   This includes after bodyguard protects.  

Serial Killer

- Serial Killer may possess additional immunities.

- Serial Killers will win any endgame that includes them and a single mafia player as the only surviving players.  This is indicated in the mafia win condition.

- Serial Killers win if no players survive, including the serial killer.

Mafia Traitor

- The mafia will explicitly be told of the existence of the traitor

- The traitor may be recruited by submitting a kill on him.  If this is done, the player gains access to the Quicktopic, and learns the identity of the mafia.  

- The traitor possesses a mafia win condition, and counts for determining if the Mafia make up 50% or more of the town.

Mafia Godfather

- Godfather does not have to submit the kill.

- Godfather will return ‘Town’ to all sane cop investigations

- Godfather will return ‘Godfather’ for rolecops.

Mafia Framer

- Framer makes the targeted player return ‘guilty’ for cops and ‘gun’ for gunsmiths.  It does not effect role cops, trackers or watchers.