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hip hop dance 1
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Name:Chappelle Campbell

Question:Where did hip hop dance start?

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hip hop dance refers to street styles primarily performed to hip hop music or that have evolved as a part of hip hop culture

i feel like this is important because hip hop dance is the  source of hip hop music and culture the way people grow up and live there life  


hip hop dance is a hobby

i feel tho as if this is important because dance is a hobby it something that people do to exercise career and because they want to do and there are also competition and tournaments


breaking was created in the bronx new york incorporating dances that were popular in the 1960’s and early 1970’s in african american and latino communities

i feel this is significant because the details are informing me where the break dances started from and what communities started these break dances and also the years


hip hop dance is a board category that includes  a variety of urban styles

i feel this is important because this is true also because dances now a days in hip hop dances there are urban styles a lot of other dances from other countries in one dance routine


hip hop as a way of life originated long ago in various parts of north america

i feel this is important because i didn't know that long ago certain dances steps of hip hop came from north america this is great because i'm learning something new about something i love  


In the 90s there was a new form of hip hop which connects traffic from the old school styles popping locking and break dancing

this is something that i didn't know i didn’t know that hip hop even existed before the 90s and that the styles that is now called old school came from before hip hop itself


hip hop as a dance area is so popular that it has penetrated into our lives everywhere in the shows music videos dances schools centers fitness clubs cinema and theater

this is important because this is right dance is everywhere  and something that everyone does and enjoy even if it is not a career dancing is good for everyone why because even overweight people dance in fitness clubs to lose weight dance is also a good thing and is also great entertainment


In order to properly report the history of hip hop dance forms one must journey both inside and outside of new york city  

i feel this is important because hip hop dance culture does not just come from nyc  it comes from all over the countries and states people make different dance moves and show them off so people can see there talent and what type of dance they do where they from


the common pulse which gave life to all these elements is rhythm

this is important because without music there wouldn't be any dance and without dance moves there wouldn't be any dance moves so i feel like music is a big part of the hip hop dance culture or any culture


certain slang words also became title of the dance forms such as rocking and breaking

this cool and interesting because it is true certain slang words that we use we use them for dance because through dance they explain how the word is being used by doing dance steps  

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